This is the core module of the diagram converter, containing the BpmnConverter
plus its factory, the BpmnConverterFactory
Works in 2 phases:
- exploring the BPMN XML
- this is done in a visitor pattern, the interface to use is
- each element gets visited
- convertibles are created for each process element
- they can be decorated with aspects for the conversion
- this is done in a visitor pattern, the interface to use is
- the conversion is executed
- decorated convertibles are processed
- the registered aspects are adjusted in the BPMN XML
- this is done in another visitor pattern, the interface to use is
- the diagram becomes a Camunda 8 diagram
You can bootstrap the BpmnConverter
in an easy way:
BpmnConverter converter = BpmnConverterFactory.getInstance().get();
This will return a converter that is bootstrapped using SPI for DomElementVisitor
, Conversion
and NotificationService
If you want to build a custom converter, you can add to the SPI resources.
If this is not sufficient, you can bootstrap the converter in a custom way:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
List<DomElementVisitor> visitors = loadDomElementVisitors();
List<Conversion> conversions = loadConversions();
NotificationService notificationService = laodNotificationService();
BpmnConverter converter = new BpmnConverter(visitors, conversions, notificationService);
Next, you need ConverterProperties
. They control the way the converter will handle several aspects of the conversion.
You can bootstrap the properties in an easy way:
ConverterProperties properties = ConverterPropertiesFactory.getInstance().get();
You can also customize the used converter properties:
DefaultConverterProperties defaultConverterProperties = new DefaultConverterProperties();
// I want to migrate to an older platform version
ConverterProperties properties = ConverterPropertiesFactory
Now, you are able to convert process models or just receive a check result:
BpmnConverter converter = BpmnConverterFactory
// this comes from the camunda 7 bpmn model package
BpmnModelInstance modelInstance = loadModel();
ConverterProperties properties = ConverterPropertiesFactory.getInstance().get();
// the results will be in the provided modelInstance
converter.convert(modelInstance, properties);
// the results are returned, the model instance is also modified
BpmnDiagramCheckResult result = converter.check(modelInstance, properties);
Beside the way of using custom bootstrapping mechanisms, the easiest way to extend is by using the capabilities of the underlying SPI.
You can find an example in the /example
section of the root project.