All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
3.0.24 (2025-01-21)
- adjust CvFileUploader drop handler (20808d8)
- make ids consistent (905eb2c)
- remove xl for numer (b4bd1c3)
- standardize on cvId and suffixes (d6964cc)
- unit test - seems to be a change in vue 3 (c581059)
3.0.23 (2024-12-02)
- data table recursive issue with expanding rows (58eef27)
- data table recursive issue with expanding rows (e66b259)
- eslint not properly run by lint-staged (34b1a93)
- glob (1f88e76)
- add CvContent (c69aaa4)
3.0.22 (2024-10-15)
- fix batch action docs (0f58880)
- lint (66682bf)
- protect watcher against null calendar (ef66b51)
- set default story to Welcome (#1641) (46528a9)
- vmodel broken in 3.0.21 (72eb80a)
- cv-multi-select add title attribute to div "list-boxmenu-itemoption" to allow user to read all content from a label that exceeds the component width size (ea415a0)
3.0.21 (2024-09-23)
- do not show batch actions if no rows (fa32398)
- emit date change event to match React (ee173f4)
- lint attribute order (253aea8)
- make clear that checkbox value is required in checkboxes and in batch actions (7909f7e)
3.0.20 (2024-08-22)
3.0.19 (2024-07-26)
3.0.18 (2024-07-17)
- created index.js for cv-grid and related components (#1610) (ebe44ce)
- import with vue extension (#1606) (8c48aad)
3.0.17 (2024-06-18)
3.0.16 (2024-06-09)
- ibmtelemetry not run in prod (#1593) (3ae3f22)
- npm 20+ install (#1602) (de71c59)
- publish (21f108a)
- unfocus CvCheckbox (add missing 'value' access to ref) (#1595) (fb225c0)
- update @ibm/telemetry-js to latest (#1598) (17d861e)
3.0.15 (2024-04-19)
- add calOptions as reactive prop (0cd0485)
- cv-dropdown v-model does not clear caption when set to empty (b01cf04)
- cv-pagination make page, pageSizes, & numberOfItems properties reactive (b9c4c09)
- replicated missing
classes from Vue2 repo (ea305ad) - restore CvTag default color from Vue2 (#1589) (1d7a2df)
- storybook: brandUrl point to main root (#1586) (8217814)
- cv-data-table add property to force showing batch actions (64cbe0c)
3.0.14 (2024-03-18)
- cv-checkbox wrong wrapper class/jump scroll (8b032ab)
- cv-data-table expandable rows not reactive (c35afbb)
- cv-datepicker allow empty label (fb54660)
- cv-overflow-menu-item & several other components - resolve attribute coercion warning (ed0e34d)
- cv-progress-step complete & disable not reactive (52a8c5d)
3.0.13 (2024-02-19)
- cv-date-picker: + add a code example; + move props descriptions from the story to the component (e8c85bc)
- cv-date-picker: improve date picker story (a6bee73)
- cv-radio-group: basic a11y tests (3da0a02)
- date picker input backspace (3b8b59e)
- date picker test case (19908a7)
- resolve PR comments (0a43706)
3.0.12 (2024-01-23)
- add html option for inline notification (f0fe1de)
- fixes related to migration/compat build (525bc93)
- moving cvId and isLight per #1549 (56be4b7)
- sort in datatable story. #1560 (7c4d439)
3.0.11 (2023-11-14)
- aria-busy should be 'true' or 'false' string (834260d)
- aria-checked should be 'true' or 'false' string (01afbfb)
- aria-hidden should be 'true' or 'false' string (4d259ba)
- update test to match aria and v-model changes (ccba212)
- use null instead of false to remove aria-disabled (a071aae)
- v-model misunderstanding (5372cfd)
3.0.10 (2023-10-23)
- add label for cv-icon-button usages (ba32b16)
- cv:sort payload uses 'value', not 'val' (#1543) (15b0eb3)
- lint cv-button (4944ff7)
- resolve other console warning from storybook (6f53d83)
- review comment for CvGrid story (79a742a)
- review comment for CvIconButton story (00df52f)
- review comment for CvPagination story (315618b)
- suppres [Vue warn]: injection (c092974)
3.0.9 (2023-09-27)
- file-uploader: add 'button' to inputKind array @ test (22128da)
- file-uploader: define 'initialStateUploading' as props (07f4e58)
- file-uploader: setup 'disabled' as props (6298294)
- file-uploader: update emitted values at clear & onItemRemove (25ef2f4)
- file-uploader: update initial state of existing files (b986494)
- remove console errors from CvTag Storybook (bf0c5b3)
- slot name value (78fb362)
- stories text updated to align with changes (2839f66)
- add CvTagSkeleton component and it's Storybook (07fd62b)
- add slot to gain control over tabs switching buttons (ccdd8af)
- add small (sizing) option to CvTag component (125d054)
- add test for new cv-tabs slot (e30f275)
- tweak workflows, issue template, & README (e5c8eb9)
- updates docs and actions for switch to Vue 3 (f24a526)
3.0.9-alpha.0 (2023-09-11)
- adjust unit tests (d4586f4)
- overflow menu dropdown placement and position (7f37680)
- story template fix, import name fix (2ec0511)
- add slots stories (2750ab9)
- components finished (fe7c255)
- components unit tests (49b944b)
- cv-structured-list components in progress (c4e0959)
- cv-toast-notification add more slots (71ef1b6)
- structured list components in progress (706a2cd)
- structured-list wireframe (ee958cb)
3.0.8-alpha.0 (2023-08-21)
- add doc for rail expand event. side effect add ts file (341a260)
- add story args (d5e7e4e)
- correct ts file (d7d48e3)
- emit expanded for rail hover events (02e6bd2)
- fix checkbox disabled attriubute to solve CvMultiSelect story issue (bd455a7)
- lint: fix eslint err (c413b52)
- remove unused var (9a6d349)
- remove unused var (5532463)
- review comments (6f30dc0)
- scrub test console warnings (c97fb23)
- story params reactive (dbe5ee6)
- test cases (874c4e4)
- toggle tests related to eslint changes (744d127)
- vue2 toggle issue mentioned in #1485 (eccab18)
- add v-model (7e8e8ae)
- all working. needs tests (2e55955)
- compoent working. needs tests (3eb87a1)
- cv-slider component done, stories done (c55f447)
- cv-slider component in progress (657d9f2)
- cv-slider foundations, cv-slider-skeleton component & story ready (f6be77f)
- cv-slider tests in progress (0bb298e)
- cv-slider-skeleton tests (56d7b0d)
- cv-text-area-skeleton ported from React to Vue3 (7cae62b)
- cv-tooltip export static values (6cd072f)
- cvInteractiveTooltip ported to vue3 (7e639e3)
- cvTooltip and cvDefinitionTooltip ported to Vue3 (796363a)
- cvTooltip tests in progress (b659e87)
- file-uploader: add 'button' functionality flow for CvFileUploader (6bb566a)
- file-uploader: add 'drag&drop' template & update test (7621bf1)
- file-uploader: add buttonKind & buttonSize props (69a6e54)
- file-uploader: add CvFileUploader constants file (4124c8f)
- file-uploader: add CvFileUploader w/ label & helper text (8c832ac)
- file-uploader: add CvFileUploaderItem (ed9600c)
- file-uploader: add drag&drop functionality (2906891)
- file-uploader: add file item listing to CvFileUploader (6a69c6f)
- file-uploader: add skeleton component (2b3f1e3)
- file-uploader: expose file items manipulation methods (e59e499)
- implement time picker (57c3f60)
- merge vNext update package.json (8b8275d)
- port CvCheckboxSkeleton to Vue3 (f7b10cb)
- ported CvRadioButton to Vue3 (9ba9ce6)
- remove unnecessary props in story (6d2e5b3)
- test finished (996d0c6)
- tests (98a1a37)
- unit tests in progress (4abb219)
3.0.7-alpha.0 (2023-07-23)
- comments (33fc1d4)
- cv-button: fix CvButton stories, where buttons are blank (label is not shown) (1937f82)
- lint and failed tests (2fca1c3)
- remove unnecessary div (65082ff)
- remove v-html (d1fb551)
- span display (01f4ec9)
- unrelated test issues in CvSelect (dec1e52)
- unrelated to cv-dropdown ... fix modal oddness in storybook metioned by Felipe (d5da856)
- add button skeleton to exports [PR comment resolved] (93583c9)
- add cv-tab tests and update caniuse-lite (9ce3dda)
- add folder's index.js with exports (0f324d6)
- add story for dropdown skeleton (a76c8d4)
- add test scripts and bump Vue version to 3.3 to use inheritAttrs: false (e38e0f0)
- all stories and tests complete (b45955d)
- code and storybook complete (eafeb5b)
- component and stories working (c5f52a8)
- component reactivity fixes; stories updates (e62582b)
- cv toggle vue3 (017915d)
- cvNumberInput improved stories (55ab836)
- cvNumberInput tests (2b5b046)
- dropdown ported - used provide/inject pattern instead of Vue 2 this.$children pattern (2ffe689)
- implement CvButtonSkeleton (1e11666)
- improve import and spacings (09d4be6)
- index (f76edc2)
- number input fix emitted value type, add label slot, progress on stories (304a4b1)
- port CvNumberInput component to Vue3 (52ae758)
- port CvNumberInputSkeleton to Vue3 (4b0f1da)
- storybook working (19b82a9)
- tweak code to match Vue style guide (a72ce97)
3.0.6-alpha.0 (2023-06-07)
- add yarn cache to .gitignore and install @mdx-js/react (#1443) (ee2810f)
- datepicker: fix cv wrapper & label (b9ce4fc)
- datepicker: handle lifecicle hooks (d7d5b5c)
- prettier (c8f3092)
- resolve review comment - modal stiuck open after when switching storybook tabs (bb54ea0)
- update readme to include storybook instructions (4229407)
- update readme to include storybook instructions (974d727)
- update readme to include storybook instructions (65b40e1)
- add cv-modal (b732521)
- datepicker: add flatpickr plugins (4ea62b4)
- datepicker: add range support & flatpickr (b040f51)
- datepicker: add simple date field (5f0a26a)
- datepicker: add v-model support (12face8)
- implement CvForm, CvFormGroup and CvFormItem (#1452) (d93b825)
3.0.5-alpha.0 (2023-04-17)
- cv tile components & story working (926341e)
- text-area: add 'hide label' (84469f3)
- text-area: add native text-area & 'v-model' capabilities (daa5c6b)
- text-area: binds component attributes to native textarea (c504cdb)
- text-area: handle 'disabled' state (041ed28)
- text-area: initial setup & input label (bbb2d65)
- text-area: setup helper text props & slot (8abf3af)
- text-area: setup id & label association (a6567ed)
- text-area: setup invalid state (af12cb3)
- text-area: setup theme/light option (d32ab7f)
- text-input: add 'CvPasswordInput' capabilities (169b3a5)
- text-input: add 'hide label' (09fbcfc)
- text-input: add input & 'v-model' capabilities (60e7b5a)
- text-input: binds component attributes to native input (18b8dbf)
- text-input: handle 'disabled' state (f9f811d)
- text-input: initial setup & input label (ed2d603)
- text-input: setup helper text props & slot (4c86386)
- text-input: setup id & label association (94f0972)
- text-input: setup invalid state (0972a4f)
- text-input: setup theme/light option (e9d5da6)
- text-input: setup warn state (24ec986)
3.0.4-alpha.0 (2023-03-27)
- accordion tests (3ffcfd0)
- add note to older tests to switch over to new lib (6fa7cd4)
- added story and test requirements (17e6ea7)
- fix test-utils version (dd2d9f8)
- fixes to components basded on actual use in an example project (87eb72d)
- formatting (5488aa9)
- import UI shell in main (b118a3e)
- just started (d89391e)
- make storybook styles more like react (9a136fc)
- more fixes (f2a2518)
- remove '@' loading for global settins. Now uses '../..' instead (9ba2f77)
- remove '@' loading for imports. Now uses '../..' instead (a2a3aef)
- resolve yarn peer dependency warnings (05bff83)
- review comments & wrapper (da38e26)
- set immediate to true of expanded watch prop (faafa75)
- spacing (cb24512)
- spacing (5d8c09f)
- test of post (174967f)
- test of post (cf57e82)
- tests (6085884)
- tweak styling - will make this a template eventually (c7ee0f9)
- add 'icon' option to CvLink (1fbd5e6)
- add 'size options' to CvLink (e1a1781)
- add 'visited state' to CvLink (92de599)
- add cv-content-switcher (e289a6c)
- add CvLink component (2007b9b)
- add CvSelect to vNext (cd3cee9)
- add grid, row, & column with tests and story (f70835f)
- add UI shell and story (dab911a)
- add v-model story to checkbox (31efc19)
- added CvOverflowMenu & stories (e0d7181)
- basic table and story working (9f6b68b)
- code and story added. still needs tests (cfe277d)
- complete CvComboBox (00dd240)
- expandabe rows code and story is ready (6b89340)
0.5.0 (2022-04-20)
- update carbon dependencies (4dd96f0)
- storybook update to 622 (#1155) (0b7b850)
- storybook update to 62beta (#1132) (c4f2470)
- v3 tests (#1158) (8d64359)
- storybook update to 622 (#1155) (0b7b850)
- storybook update to 62beta (#1132) (c4f2470)
- v3 tests (#1158) (8d64359)