This page records a log of the contributors work, thinking, discussions, meeting notes, .. anything really. It's supposed to be a [Stream of consciousness]( that can read, searched, or referenced if needed. It is _not_ a complete record of things happening and entirely _opt-in_. ## 2025-02-10 ### SN chat with Andre - Ledger specs in Agda - Formalisation started before Conway - Conway features got prioritized to get a conway spec - LaTeX as fallback as previous specs were done that way - Interface to ledger team? - Ledger reads and implements the spec - In parts 1:1, even anticipating problems with solutions, implementors simplify and only get into the insight after simplifying - Performance sometimes reason for divergence - eg. counting votes for governance actions - in principle: count all at once, but rollbacks across epoch boundaries would result int multiple counts - instead delay things to distribute work - Implementation (of STS rules) is tested against spec - Agda compiled into a Haskell lib - Constraint based generators to generate transitions of individual STS relations - Bi-simulation of Agda (spec) lib and Haskell implementation - Slight variant of the Agda spec that is actually used for the tests - which is checked through Agda equivalence - Provability of this variant is less good - State is better aligned with implementation in this variant - Deposit migration to conway was an example for this - What's the overall interface? - A pure function that transforms state through transations - Consensus interfaces: `applyTx` and `tick` (?) - In shelley spec though: CHAIN sts defines how a block is processed - New consensus spec: using same style as ledger spec (Javier?) - Should be fairly complete, quite small - Refining the interface of ledger to the consensus spec - `BBODY` and `TICK`? - Conformance tests using bi-simulation a good idea? - Hard to write good generators for tests -> with good "resolution" - Positive and negative testing - Quantity vs. Quality? (generators vs. labeled test data) - Similar approach to equivalent agda model thinkable for other implementation "style" - To peek "into the blackbox" which you would get from the bi-simulation approach (at a high level) - Using the Agda model directly (Haskell or WASM backends)? - Hopes are high on lambdabox - Unrealistic to use as implementation directly -> performance! - Obvious performance problems in Agda (e.g. set theory is good for provability, not performance) - Could improve, but never going to be at par (80/20 rule!?) - MAlonzo code is about 50% to hand-written Haskell - More flexible to get "oracles" in various target contexts, i.e. compile to a native library to compare with - Also interesting to test the model against real, historic data - How to get people to **accept** the ledger specs as ground truth? - Explained such that you "want to implement it" - Test driver included - Interactive model? A sandbox to play with? -> a playground - How does the Agda model deal with a transaction we "click together" - Could be used to collect transaction test data? - Also to understand the model (Agda repl?) - Simplified ledger: a subset formal spec that contains the core things and which would validate only parts and core functionality -> could be used as an easier entry and use Agda to ensure it is a proper subset - In summary: we rather be unhappy about some things (to make it useful for others), than dogmatic, obscure and unused.