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File metadata and controls

489 lines (374 loc) · 19.2 KB


Mindcode allows you to call existing functions or create new ones. Functions are called by specifying a function name and placing parameters in parentheses. The parenthesis must be used even if the function has no parameters.

foo(x);    // Calling function with a single argument
bar();     // Calling function with no arguments

Mindustry Logic functions

Interactions with the Mindustry world take place through functions mapped to Mindustry Logic instructions.

Mindcode currently supports targeting Mindustry versions 6 and 7. Web application always targets version 7 processors, while command-line version of the compiler allows to select version 6 for better backwards compatibility. The differences are minuscule, though, most of the code generated for version 7 will run on version 6 as well.

A specific 7A target was added to Mindcode, where the getBlock and ulocate functions return the building that was found at given coordinates or located using the criteria. This update makes the most occurring use case, where the located building is the only used output of the function, a natural way to use the function.

At this point, 7 is still the default target for both command line tool and web application. 7A will become the default in the future, or in higher Mindcode versions.

All supported functions and their respective Mindustry instruction counterparts can be found in the function reference. Please note that the reference serves just to document all existing functions and the way they are compiled to Mindustry Logic, but it does not aim to describe the behavior of the functions/instructions.

Instruction parameters

There are several types of parameters a function can have:

  • Input parameters: these parameters will accept any expression, including variables, as arguments.
  • Output parameters: one of output parameters of the instruction is always mapped to the return value of the function, e.g. block = getlink(linkNum) translates to instruction getlink block linkNum. If the instruction provides more than one output parameters, the remaining ones become parameters of the function. Output parameters are typically optional, if you aren't interested in a particular value returned by the instruction, you can omit the argument (only arguments at the end of the argument list can be omitted.) When not omitted, the argument passed in should be a variable.
  • Enumerated parameters: these parameters will only accept one of predefined constants as an argument. For example the uradar functions requires one of the following values for each of its first three arguments: any, enemy, ally, player, attacker, flying, boss, ground. The constants are passed as-is, without any escaping or double quotes. It is not possible to store the value in a variable and pass the variable instead. Passing a value different to one of the supported values results in compilation error.

Instruction mapping rules

Generally, functions are mapped to instructions using these rules:

  • If the instruction has just one form (such as getlink), the function name corresponds to the instruction name. All instruction names are lowercase.
  • If the instruction takes several forms depending on the exact operation the instruction performs (such as draw or ucontrol), the function name corresponds to the operation. In this case, the function name can be camelCase (such as itemTake).

The disparity between those two kinds of functions is a consequence of keeping Mindcode nomenclature as close to Mindustry Logic as possible.

There are a few issues with these rules:

  • Both ucontrol stop and stop would map to the stop() function. The stop instruction is instead mapped to the stopProcessor() function.
  • ucontrol getBlock is similar to the new getblock World Processor instruction. The resulting functions only differ in case.
  • The status World Processor instruction distinguishes clearing and applying the status by an enumerated parameter (true or false), which is not very readable. Mindcode instead creates separate functions, applyStatus() and clearStatus().


Some instructions perform an operation on an object (a linked block), which is passed as an argument to one of instruction parameters. In these cases, the instruction can be mapped to a method called on the given block, e.g. block.shoot(x, y, doShoot) translates to control shoot block x y doShoot 0.

In some cases, the instruction can be invoked as a function or as a method (printflush(message1) or message1.printflush()). All existing mappings are shown in the function reference above.

Alternative control syntax

There is a special case for control instruction setting a single value on a linked block, for whose Mindcode accepts the following syntax:

  • block.enabled = boolean, which is equivalent to block.enabled(boolean)
  • block.config = value, which is equivalent to block.config(value)

The block in the examples can be a variable or a linked block object.

Currently, the property access syntax cannot be used with the new setprop instruction. Looking for ways to support this syntax in the future.

Alternative sensor syntax

The sensor method accepts an expression, not just constant property name, as an argument:

amount = vault1.sensor(use_titanium ? @titanium : @copper);

If the property you're trying to obtain is hard-coded, you can again use an alternate syntax: amount = storage.thorium instead of the longer equivalent amount = storage.sensor(@thorium). You can use this for any property, not just item types, such as @unit.dead instead of @unit.sensor(@dead).

Again, the vault1 or storage in the examples can be a variable or a linked block object.


In the case of property access, the @ character at the beginning of the property name is omitted - storage.thorium is the right syntax, storage.@thorium is wrong.

The sync() function

A sync instruction (available in Mindustry Logic since version 7.0 build 146) is mapped to a sync() function. The function has one parameter - a variable to be synchronized across the network (namely, from the server to all clients). A global variable must be passed as an argument to this function, otherwise a compilation error occurs. The reason is that global variables are more restrained in optimizations and therefore their dataflow is less altered. If local variables were used, they might not contain the expected value, as some (or all) assignments to them can be eliminated by the Data Flow Optimization.

This constraint makes sense semantically as well: a scope of a global variable is the entire program. When a variable is synced, its scope becomes even broader and is shared between multiple processors; using a local variable in this place doesn't therefore make sense.


By using a variable in a sync function, the variable effectively becomes volatile - its value can change externally, and it needs to be read from that variable on every access. Mindustry at the moment doesn't have a mechanism for correctly handling volatile variables, although such mechanism is planned.

Currently, a value of a global variable might not be re-read on every access, for example:

before = A;
after = A;
print(after - before);

This snippet of code is meant to compute a difference in the value of A caused by external synchronization. However, due to the Data Flow Optimization, the resulting code is:

op rand A 10 0
sync A
wait 1000
op sub __tmp1 A A
print __tmp1

Storing the initial value of A into the before variable is eliminated, as the optimizer doesn't know the value of A might have changed in the meantime.

At this moment, a possible workaround is to encapsulate reading of A into a function declared noinline, to prevent its inlining:

noinline def readA()

A = rand(10);
before = readA();
after = readA();
print(after - before);

The resulting code now is

op rand A 10 0
sync A
set __fn0retaddr 4
jump 11 always 0 0
set first __fn0retval
wait 1000
set __fn0retaddr 8
jump 11 always 0 0
op sub __tmp3 __fn0retval first
print __tmp3
set __fn0retval A
set @counter __fn0retaddr

This is a viable workaround if you run into the described problem, until a better solution is implemented.

Library functions

Mindcode now defines a few library functions that enhance plain Mindustry Logic.


The printf function takes a formattable string literal, a string literal or a string constant as its first argument. It then looks for the $ characters and replaces them with values like this:

  • If the $ character is followed by a variable name, the variable is printed (external variables, e.g. $X, aren't supported).
  • If the $ is not followed by a variable name, next argument from the argument list is printed.
  • To separate the variable name from the rest of the text, enclose the name in curly braces: ${name}. This is not necessary if the next character cannot be part of a variable name. ${} can be used to place an argument from the argument list immediately followed by some text.
  • To print the $ character, use \$.
printf() call is the same as
printf("$@unit at position $x, $y\n") println(@unit, " at position ", x, ", ", y)
printf("Time: $ sec, increment: $\n", floor(@second), current - last) println("Time: ", floor(@second), " sec, increment: ", current - last)
printf("Coordinates: ${real}+${imag}i") print("Coordinates: ", real, "+", imag, "i")
printf("Price: \$$price") print("Price: $", price)
printf("Speed: ${}m/s", distance / time) print("Speed: ", distance / time, "m/s")
printf($"Speed: ${}m/s", distance / time) same as above, only using the formattable string literal.

The function was inspired by string interpolation in Ruby, but there are differences. Firstly, the first argument to printf must be a formattable string literal or a constant string expression, as the formatting takes place at compile time (Mindustry Logic doesn't provide means to do it at runtime). Secondly, only variables are allowed in curly braces, not expressions:

x = 5;
y = 10;
format = "Position: $, $\n";
printf(format, x, y);               // Not allowed - format must be a string constant
printf("Distance: ${len(x, y)}");   // No expressions allowed

const fmt = "Position: $, $\n";
printf(fmt, x, y);                  // Allowed - fmt is a string constant

The value returned by this function is always NULL.


The print function corresponds to the print instruction, but accepts more than one argument. All arguments passed to the function are printed using individual print instructions. The returned value is the value of the last argument.

If the first argument passed to the print function is a formattable string literal, the function uses it to format its subsequent arguments in the same way as the printf function described above. In this case, the value returned by print is also NULL:

x = 5;
y = 10;
print($"Position: $, $\n", x, y);


The println function prints all its arguments and adds a newline ("\n") at the end. The returned value is that of the last argument, or null if no argument was passed:

println("Position: ", x, ", ", y);
println("Elapsed time: ", elapsed, " sec");

If the first argument passed to the print function is a formattable string literal, the function uses it to format its subsequent arguments in the same way as the printf function described above, appending a newline after printing out the formatted string. In this case, the value returned by println is also NULL:

x = 5;
y = 10;
// All these function calls are equivalent
println($"Position: $, $", x, y);
print($"Position: $, $\n", x, y);
printf("Position: $, $\n", x, y);


The remark function has the same syntax as the printf function. It produces print instructions similarly to the printf function, but the way these instructions are generated into the code can be controlled using the remarks option.


remark("Configurable options:");
MIN = 10;
MAX = 100;

remark("Don't modify anything below this line.");
for i in MIN .. MAX
    print("Here is some actual code");


jump 2 always 0 0
print "Configurable options:"
set MIN 10
set MAX 100
jump 6 always 0 0
print "Don't modify anything below this line."
set i MIN
jump 0 greaterThan MIN MAX
print "Here is some actual code"
op add i i 1
jump 8 lessThanEq i MAX

Note that remarks are preceded by a jump that skips their execution - this is the default behavior. Remarks can also be made active, which removes the jumps, or not included in the compiled code at all, depending on the remarks compiler option.

Remarks may also allow for better orientation in compiled code, especially as expressions inside remarks will get fully evaluated when possible:

for i in 1 .. 3
    remark("Iteration $i:");
    remark("Setting cell1[$i] to $", i * i);
    cell1[i] = i * i;

compiles into

jump 3 always 0 0
print "Iteration 1:"
print "Setting cell1[1] to 1"
write 1 cell1 1
jump 7 always 0 0
print "Iteration 2:"
print "Setting cell1[2] to 4"
write 4 cell1 2
jump 11 always 0 0
print "Iteration 3:"
print "Setting cell1[3] to 9"
write 9 cell1 3

As you can see, remarks produced by two different remark() function calls are not merged together.

If a region of code is unreachable and is optimized away, the remarks are also stripped:

const DEBUG = false;

if DEBUG then
    remark("Compiled for DEBUG");
    remark("Compiled for RELEASE");



jump 2 always 0 0
print "Compiled for RELEASE"
print "Hello"

Enhanced comments

An alternative way to create a remark is the enhanced comment:

/// This is an enhanced comment

which produces the same result as remark("This is an enhanced comment"). The text of the remark is taken from the comment, with any leading and trailing whitespace trimmed. The enhanced comment supports string interpolation just as the remark function does (/// Iteration: $i is the same as remark("Iteration: $i"")), but there is no way to pass in additional parameters (remark("Iteration: $", i + 1)) cannot be expressed using an enhanced comment.

User-defined functions

You may declare your own functions using the def keyword:

def update(message, status)
    println("Status: ", status);
    printf("Game time: $ sec", floor(@time) / 1000);

This function will print the status and flush it to given message block. Calling your own functions is done in the same way as any other function:

update(message1, "The core is on fire!!!");

You can pass any variable or value assignable to a variable as an argument to the function. A function may call other functions.

Function parameters and local variables

Function parameters and variables used in functions are local to the function. See also local variables and global variables.

Return values

Function ends (returns to the caller) when the end of function definition is reached, or when a return statement is executed. In the first case, the return value of a function is given by the last expression evaluated by the function; in the second case, the return value is equal to the expression following the return keyword, or null if the return statement doesn't specify a return value:

def foo(n)
    case n
        when 1 then return;
        when 2 then return "Two";

printf("$:$:$", foo(1), foo(2), foo(3));

The output of this program is null:Two:3.

Inline functions

Normal function are compiled once and called from other places in the program. Inline functions are compiled into every place they're called from, so there can be several copies of them in the compiled code. This leads to shorter code per call and faster execution. To create an inline function, use inline keyword:

inline def printtext(name, value, min, max)
    if value < min then
        println(name, " too low");
    elsif value > max then
        println(name, " too high");

printtext("Health", health, minHealth, maxHealth);
printtext("Speed", speed, minSpeed, maxSpeed);

Large inline functions called multiple times can generate lots of instructions and make the compiled code too long. If this happens, remove the inline keyword from some function definitions to generate less code.

The compiler will automatically make a function inline when it is called just once in the entire program. This is safe, as in this case the program will always be both smaller and faster. if a function is called more than once, it can still be inlined by the Function Inlining optimization.

To prevent inlining of a particular function, either directly by the compiler or later on by the optimizer, use the noinline keyword:

noinline def foo()
    print("This function is not inlined.");


Recursive functions

Functions calling themselves, or two (or more) functions calling each other are recursive. Recursive functions require a stack to keep track of the calls in progress and for storing local variables from different invocations of the function.

allocate stack in bank1;

def fib(n)
    return n < 2 ? max(n, 0) : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

fib(0); // 0
fib(1); // 0
fib(2); // 1
fib(3); // 1
fib(4); // 2
fib(5); // 3
fib(6); // 5
fib(7); // 8
fib(8); // 13
// and so on...

Declaring a recursive function inline leads to compilation error.

Mindcode detects the presence of recursive functions and only requires the stack when at least one is found in the program. A significant limitation is imposed on recursive functions: parameters and local variables may end up being stored on the stack. As the stack itself is stored in a memory bank or memory cell, any non-numeric value of these variables will get lost. For more information, see discussion of stack in the Variables section.

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