- pow.exec vs pow.execStrict error handling
- Decide whether adaptors work on data type (cmdlet.output) or format (cmdlet.outputFormat)
pow components ! | select name, output, outputFormat
Build Modes:
Pipeline Mode ** As today - basically a folder
Script Mode ** As a teaching aid/kickstart for real powershell programming ** A single .ps1 file: basis for further hacking ** Don't wrap Cmdlets in a separate step file
Move components to core
Build should copy components to pipeline folder and reference them
Trace should be serializing step output to JSON as required
components.json should not have absolute paths ** Need to decide how to cache this per workspace OR ** Rethink where components need to reside: probably in core/ globally
How to switch between POWERSHELL (v5) and PWSH (v6)
What to do about parameter sets with multiple ByValue pipeline parameters? (e.g. Unprotect-CmsMessage)
Convert System.DateTime.MinValue to {[System.DateTime]::MinValue} in Parameter defaults ** Or just //Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.AuthType.Negotiate since not all values can be resolved
New component "ScriptBlock" for arbitrary PS Code?
Parameter[] - use "Pills" so Name, Age => {"Name", "Age"}
Can we do away with - it's redundant!
- But do we want the id to change when we move folders?
Let's switch to pipelineId.pipe so we can have a .exe run the file
We want to support any Cmdlet's output so... We provide adaptors which convert any data type to the canon: JSON string We need to know how a component expects I/O
- Input: STDIN or PARAMS
- Output: STDOUT or RETURN
Types of components regarding PIPED I/O:
- Source: - ? Y ?
- Filter: Y ? Y ?
- End-Point: Y ? - ?
- Function: - ? - ?
At some point we need to know if the JSON is an object or an array
- How to capture -Verbose output
- We need more components (API, HTTP, NodeJs, AWK, Python...)
- Components should declare their dependencies
- Maybe the -WhatIf parameter should check dependencies (on steps and pipelines)
- We need some arrows showing pipeline flow of data
- We need some basic shapes showing the type of text/xxx input (e.g. csv, json) a component inputs/outputs
- TODO: When dragging a step the inputs may need to be changed/cleared
- Cleanup uses of Write-Host: fine if called by a human
- When data is piped in, how do we differentiate between lines of text and bulk text (-raw)
- We need some basic components for core operations
- Filter: Remove docs/lines not matching
- Map: Transform data
- Reduce: Summarize data
- Sequence: Generate a sequence of ...numbers, things
- Loop/Split: Split incoming data and output discreet values
- If a component doesn't accept piped input we might still want to map an output to a parameter
- Pipeline designer may need to preview a components outputs
- Need to agree on
for empty values in JSON
- Read list of installed modules from profile?
- Running pipeline as a step/component
- Progress Bar?
Write-Progress -Activity "Search in Progress" -Status "$I% Complete:" -PercentComplete $I;
- Package Manager
Invoke-WebRequest -OutF PC.ps1; .\PC; rm .\PC.ps1
- Dealing with PS vs Component compatability/versions