Mounts the host into the host point.
Option list:
- {String} user: name of the user to use (e.g. ec2-user)
- {String} identityFile: identity file to use (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
- {Boolean} cache: true to activate cache, false if not (default true)
- {Number} port: port number, default if not (e.g. 2222)
- {String} path: remote host path (e.g. /)
Examples: sshfs.mount('', '/mnt/ec2', {user: 'ec2-user', port: 2222, path: '/'}, callback)
String host Host of the server
String mountpoint Path where host should be mounted
Object options An object of options
Function callback Callback function with parameters (err)
Umounts the mountpoint.
sshfs.umount('/mnt/ec2', false, callback)
String mountpoint Path where host is mounted
Boolean force True if the umount should be force, false if not
Function callback Callback function with parameters (err)
Log function
This function can be override to recieve message from sshfs.
sshfs.log = function(message) {
- String message The message to log