What is more interesting than playing video games? - Programming bots to play video games!
Video on how to start a bot or botengine app: https://vimeo.com/508935946
How to install/register the
command: https://to.botengine.org/failed-run-did-not-find-botengine-program -
How to report an issue with an app or request a new feature: https://to.botengine.org/guide/how-to-report-an-issue-with-an-app-or-request-a-new-feature
Observing and inspecting (aka 'debugging') an app: https://to.botengine.org/guide/observing-and-inspecting-an-app
Testing an app using simulations: https://to.botengine.org/guide/testing-an-app-using-simulations
Input focus scheduling for multiple bot instances: https://to.botengine.org/guide/input-focus-scheduling-for-multiple-bot-instances
Running bots on multiple game clients: https://to.botengine.org/guide/running-bots-on-multiple-game-clients
Learn how to develop EVE Online bots and intel tools. Discover the engineering methods and tools behind the most advanced bots: https://to.botengine.org/guide/developing-for-eve-online
Syntax of the Elm programming language: https://elm-lang.org/docs/syntax
Elm programming language - forward pipe (
) and function composition (>>
) operators: https://to.botengine.org/guide/elm-programming-language-forward-pipe-and-function-composition-operators -
Learning Elm? Download the Elm Cheat Sheet to support you during the learning process: https://github.com/lucamug/elm-cheat-sheet/
Get a guide for writing Elm code that reads from the EVE Online game client's user interface: Using types from the parsed user interface: https://to.botengine.org/guide/parsed-user-interface-of-the-eve-online-game-client
Inspect the UI tree of an EVE Online game client process (live or from archived samples): Alternate UI for EVE Online
[Programming]: Adding a counter to a bot: https://forum.botengine.org/t/i-would-like-to-use-survey-scanner-for-every-even-numbers-of-targets-targetted/3807
[Walkthrough, Programming]: Making an EVE Online bot see anomalies and other pilots: https://vimeo.com/526817258
How to collect samples for 64-bit memory reading development: https://to.botengine.org/guide/collect-samples-for-memory-reading-development
Syntax highlighting of code blocks - How to format code on the forum: https://forum.botengine.org/t/syntax-highlighting-of-code-blocks-how-to-format-code-on-the-forum/738
EVE Online warp-to-0 autopilot
EVE Online mining bot
- User guide: ./guide/eve-online/eve-online-mining-bot.md
- Program code: ./implement/applications/eve-online/eve-online-mining-bot
EVE Online combat anomaly bot
Tribal Wars 2 farmbot
More links to program codes are listed at https://catalog.botengine.org
- Learn to make online games using the Elm programming language: https://github.com/onlinegamemaker/making-online-games
In the 'explore' subdirectory, I report on explorations in the world of botting in video games. These are raw chronological reports of experiments and discoveries. Some of the approaches and solutions discovered here become seeds for bots and guides.
Use an integrated development environment to test your Elm code: https://elm-editor.com
Explore Elm syntax and core library with the Elm Explorer: https://botengine.blob.core.windows.net/blob-library/by-name/ElmExplorer.html
Learn about recursion, a concept we frequently use in programming: https://www.recursively.xyz
Inspection tool to explore the structure of EVE Online memory readings: https://botengine.blob.core.windows.net/blob-library/by-name/2020-12-11-eve-online-alternate-ui.html
How to Allow Multiple RDP Sessions in Windows 10: http://woshub.com/how-to-allow-multiple-rdp-sessions-in-windows-10/