CoTEC-2020 Virus tracking web app built with Angular, Ionic, .NET Core MVC API, Entity Framework Core & SQL Server Database.
CoTEC Map is a suite of virus case monitoring and hospital management applications. The web application provides a view for monitoring cases worldwide, presenting a specific breakdown of each country, it also provides the hospital administration system that allows managing patients and their recent contacts.
To run this program you must have the following dependencies installed
- Nodejs
- Angular 7
- Dotnet Core 3.1
- Entity Framework
- Android SDK +3.6
# Dev mode
> npm install
> npm fund
> ng serve -o
# Production
> ng build --prod
> ng deploy
- Create a SQL database on your local server or in some cloud service.
- Run the DDL file for the creation of the database tables.
- Create a user for the backend application and a password, such as access credentials to the server and the database.
First you must enter the access credentials to the server and database in the file appsetting.json
"CotecConnection": "Server=<YOUR_SERVER_IP>;Initial Catalog=COTEC_DB; User=<USERNAME>; Password=<PASSWORD>;"
Then, open a terminate in the CotecAPI directory and run:
# Dev mode
> dotnet run
# Production
> dotnet build
> dotnet publish -c Release
For the development of this project we use the following technologies
Andriod SDK
SQL Server
For the versions available, see the releases on this repository.
You can find much more about how to use this project in our documentation section
This project has an excellent development group formed by ITCR computer engineering students
- Esteban Alvarado - Backend & DBA - @estalvgs1999
- Bertha Brenes - Mobile Application - @BerthaBrenes
- Olman Castro - Frontend Development - @Kstro379
- Randall Mendez - Frontend Development - @Hack998
Project developed at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica | 2020 🄯
This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the file for details