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Leetcode Solutions and Explanations

All are accepted solutions I have written to leetcode problems. Most of them beat over 90% of submissions in either runtime, memory, or both of them. I have attached a link to explanations about my intuition and my approach, along with the runtime and memory on Github. My best solution is posted on Github and my other solutions are in the explanation link.


1 Two Sum solution and explanation

4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays solution

7 Reverse Integer solution and explanation

9 Palindrome Number solution and explanation

13 Roman to Integer solution

17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number solution and explanation

20 Valid Parentheses solution and explanation

26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array solution and explanation

28 Find the Index of the First Occurence in a String solution and explanation

35 Search Insert Position solution and explanation

41 First Missing Positive solution and explanation

58 Length of Last Word solution and explanation

70 Climbing Stairs solution

141 Linked List Cycle solution

217 Contains Duplicate solution

231 Power of Two solution

2710 Remove Trailing Zeros From a String solution and explanation


9 Palindrome Number solution and explanation

26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array solution and explanation

69 Sqrt(x) solution

231 Power of Two solution

2619 Array Prototype Last solution and explanation

2620 Counter solution and explanation

2621 Sleep solution and explanation

2667 Create Hello World Function solution and explanation

2710 Remove Trailing Zeros From a String solution and explanation


1 Two Sum solution