In the manifest.json
, you need to make sure the website you're theming has the sidenav scripts and styles. Roboto and Material Icons are recommened. For "matches"
make sure you have a match pattern matching the website. "run_at"
is optional, but we recommend "document_start"
and then poll for the elements you need defined to run properly. "/css/example.css"
and "/js/example.js"
are going to be the scripts you use to style and call functions, these should be at the end of the array.
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*://*"],
"css" : ["/css/component/sidenav.css", "/css/font/roboto.css", "/css/example.css"],
"js" : ["/js/component/sidenav.js", "/js/component/material-icons.js", "/js/example.js"],
"run_at": "document_start"
materialWeb.sideNav.add(config Object);
Config Object:
"type": string,
"header": {
"enable": boolean,
"text": {
"enable": boolean,
"title": string,
"subtitle": string
"navigation": {
"enable": boolean,
"items": array of navigation item objects or "divider"
Navigation Items:
"title": string,
"icon": string,
"href": string or false; optional,
"sub": array of navigation item objects or "divider"
"type": "temporary",
"header": {
"enable": true,
"text": {
"enable": true,
"title": "Evelyn Hathaway",
"subtitle": "evelynhathaway"
"navigation": {
"enable": true,
"items": [
"title": "Home",
"icon": "",
"href": "/"
"title": "Item With Sub Items",
"icon": "",
"href": "/item-with-sub-items",
"sub": [
"title": "External Link",
"href": ""
"title": "Not a Link"
"title": "Item",
"icon": "",
"href": "/Item"
materialWeb.sideNav.toggle(element Node optional);
materialWeb.sideNav.background(config Object);
"gradient": "light|normal|dark",
"img": "string URI to image"
#mw-sideNav-header {
background-image: textProtection Gradient optional, image;
#mw-sideNav-header {
background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0), rgba(0, 0, 0, .4) 70%), url("");