<a name"2.1.1">
- return null for empty number and percent fields (510584e0)
- ui-number-mask: show "0" if model is 0 (1bae78c2)
<a name"2.1.0">
- ui-money-mask: accept negative values (50bf751c)
<a name"2.0.0">
This release migrates all directives to angular 1.3.x.
Angular 1.2.x is no longer supported by angular-input-masks@^2.0.0, however angular-input-masks@^1.0.0 will continue to receive bug fixes.
- The following deprecated directives were removed:
- uiCpfMask: replaced by uiBrCpfMask
- uiCnpjMask: replaced by uiBrCnpjMask
- uiCpfcnpjMask: replaced by uiBrCpfCnpjMask
- uiCpfMask: replaced by uiBrCpfMask
<a name"1.5.1">
- fix npm publish steps
<a name"1.5.0">
- mask-factory: implement a module to help write new masks (757e3204)
- ui-br-boleto-bancario: define a component to parse and format brazilian "boleto bancário" (b6582452)
- ui-br-phone-number: preserve the original model type (340ee6d7)
- ui-percentage-value: add attribute ui-percentage-value to use and as the same (df8f9418)
<a name"1.4.2">
- ui-nfe-access-key-mask: change validationErrorKey to camelCase (nfeAccessKey) (db768beb)
- ui-us-phone-number: change validationErrorKey to camelCase (usPhoneNumber) (71560d54)
<a name"1.4.1">
- throw an error if a directive is used without ng-model (31c7d518)
- number: fix the result for 0 and other edge cases (ba9bdf71)
- percentage: fix the result for 0 and other edge cases (5d0f456b)
- ui-br-phone-number: change validationErrorKey to camelCase (brPhoneNumber) (406136a5)
- ui-date-mask: validate empty dates (bfcb3c07)
- ui-money-mask: fix the result for 0 and other edge cases (9993ebc2)
- ui-us-phone-number
The build files are no longer available in the release folder. They are now at a separated repository
The instalation via bower remains the same. However all files are in root insted of the release folder.
Now we have 3 different build options:
- angular-input-masks.js that have all directives
- angular-input-masks.br.js that have only global and br directives
- angular-input-masks.us.js that have only global and us directives
- ui-nfe-access-key-mask
- ui-scientific-notation-mask
- ui-time-mask
- ui-date-mask
- bowerFiles support
- ui-br-ie-mask
- ui-br-cep-mask
- ui-br-cpf-mask (ui-cpf-mask)
- ui-br-cnpj-mask (ui-cnpj-mask)
- ui-br-cpfcnpj-mask (ui-cpfcnpj-mask)
- ui-br-phone-number
- ui-percentage-mask
- ui-percentage-mask
- ui-number-mask