AtCoder's 2023/1 language update adopted boost 1.82.0, but the bootstrap included with that version does not work properly. Therefore, I recommend using 1.83.0 for local builds instead.
Fetch boost_1_83_0.7z
Extract into ~/Downloads/boost_1_83_0
Install MSVC (C++ Build Tools). Available via Visual Studio Installer or directly from microsoft website.
Install llvm. Available from Chocolatey or GitHub.
Open a Developer PowerShell of MSVC.
cd ~/Downloads/boost_1_83_0
./bootstrap vc143
$num_threads = 1 + (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor).NumberOfLogicalProcessors # OR SPECIFY WHAT YOU LIKE
./b2 stage toolset=clang-win link=static runtime-link=static threading=single variant=release address-model=64 -j"$num_threads"
Note: "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" must be OFF for ./b2 stage
to run properly (or otherwise it would throw an error of "No 'bootstrap.jam' was found by searching for: ...").