is a work-in-progress language server for Tekton Pipelines.
It currently supports auto-completion
, go-to-definition
, find-references
, rename
, diagnostics
and hover
- Task and Pipeline parameters
- Task and Pipeline results
- Task and Pipeline Workpaces
- PipelineTasks
- Tasks
Install the language server
go install github.com/cezarguimaraes/tekton-ls
Download the packaged extension from ./client/vscode/tekton-ls-0.0.1.vsix
wget https://github.com/cezarguimaraes/tekton-ls/raw/main/client/vscode/tekton-ls-0.0.1.vsix
Open the command palette in VScode (Ctrl+Shift+P / Cmd+Shift+P)
Choose the option
Extensions: Install from VISIX
Navigate to the folder you downloaded the packaged extension in step 1 and select