- Download and deploy OVF
- Network settings:
- IP:
- Certificate
ssh-rsa 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 cgsamp@ubuntu-bastion 1. IMPORTANT: Be sure to check the Include Opsman CA Certs if you are going to let TAS generate the Gorouter and UAA rsa certs during the TAS install. Otherwise you will be plauged by "untrusted CA" errors and you will generate the TAS certs over and over until you remember this checkbox. Ask me how I know.
- Network settings:
Upload .pivotal file.
This is a bit circular because you need to have the DNS records created, but the IPs you need are for the routers, that are not yet created. Just plan for them and set them here. See ip space.
If using pihole, it does not support wildcard DNS entries. So you need to create it. https://www.reddit.com/r/pihole/comments/gpxvy2/how_to_add_a_wildcard_dns_record_on_pihole/
cat << EOF > 10-tas.conf
sudo cp 10-tas.conf /etc/dnsmasq.d/
Then restart the DNS service in PiHole under Settings -
There are several areas to generate RSA certificates. I should come back and make these with my own CA so I can add it to my trust stores.
Several are needed: --EXACTLY WHICH? .apps.tas.lab.sampsoftware.net,.system.tas.lab.sampsoftware.net,login.system.tas.lab.sampsoftware.net
Key: 012345678901234567890
- Try this sample app
- Or, follow this to begin with start.spring.io to a hello world:
export BOSH_CLIENT=ops_manager