This draft explains the inner workings of ChubaoDB, as well as some key design decisions we made.
collection, document, field
recognize the presence of two primary forms of structured data: nested entities and independent entities
dockey = (hashkey:string, sortkey:string), sortkey is optional, dockey -> document
so chubaodb can support documents, sparse big tables, and even graphs.
field data types: integer, float, string, vector, etc; and fields can be indexed.
A ChubaoDB cluster is usually deployed to multiple (usually three) availability zones. Cross-zone replication provides higher availability, higher durability, and resilience in the face of zonal failures.
master, partition server, router
partitions work as the replication unit, and a PS hosts one or multiple partition replicas.
Partition -> Simba
we leverage Chubaofs as the storage infrastructure to seperate compute from storage for more flexible resource scheduling, and faster failover or partition transfer
directory structure on a CFS instance:
two options: 1, one CFS per zone - transparent DISC; 2, CFS replication across the three zones. here we prefer 2.
firstly we try no compute-layer replication but just rely on CFS storage layer for strong persistence, sync write of rocksdb wal with server-level group commit optimization. however, the performance metrics were not good.
multi-raft, one raft state machine per partition. still buffered write of rocksdb wal, and DB.SyncWAL() per say 1000 writes; only the leader serves read/write operations and the followers hold raft commands to catch up on the lost buffered writes in case of leader failure.
dynamic re-balancing of partition replica placement
unlimited partition size with CFS
scaling up: bigger containers for partitions with more traffic
GraphQL gRPC RESTful
get/search create/update/upsert/delete/overwrite
cluster management
replication topology graph
dynamic partition rebalancing
- CreateCollection
- CreatePartition
- AddServer
ZoneInfo -> ServerInfo -> map of PartitionInfo
CollectionInfo -> PartitionInfo -> ServerInfo
collectionName (string) -> collectionId (u32)
collection schema information (only the indexed fields) is recorded in the master and pushed into every partition.
offload, load
u64 (collectionId ## partitionId) --> Partition
the core index engine - Simba, currently doc store in rocksdb + secondary/fulltext index in tantivy
say insert/update/upsert/delete/cwrite a document X,
1, LatchManager.latch(
2, read x from rocksdb if it is needed
3, return error if not meet conditions
3, submit to raft replication
4, apply to rocksdb, and to tantivy
5, LatchManager.release(
6, return ok
- write performance optimization
raft log on tmpfs
Simba has several kinds of indexes:
primary key index, i.e. the document store, pk -> doc
secondary index
full-text index
vector, etc.
- two options:
a) synchronous secondary/full-text indexing
<pk,iid>, <iid,doc>, <term, array of iid> in rocksdb and sk encoded as ordered
b) async secondary/full-text indexing: covered by fulltext library like tantivy.
Right now we just implement option b for simplicity
- latch manager
each partition has its latch managmer, in memory, and on the leader only