All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v8.1.0 - 2024-05-07
- Add a
fact with PuppetDB version #404 (rwaffen) - Restrict configuration file permissions #343 (smortex)
- Hide passwords from output #320 (gfa)
- set encoding when creating the DB #359 (elfranne)
- cron puppetdb-dlo-cleanup requires package #321 (glennaaldering)
v8.0.1 - 2024-05-02
v8.0.0 - 2024-04-30
7.14.0 - 2023-10-09
- Drop EoL Debian 8/9 #347 (bastelfreak)
- Drop EoL CentOS 6 #346 (bastelfreak)
- Relax dependency requirements #367 (smortex)
- Allow newer dependencies #364 (saz)
- Set owner of server config.ini to root #358 (ekohl)
7.13.0 - 2023-04-19
7.12.0 - 2022-12-13
7.11.0 - 2022-12-12
7.10.0 - 2021-12-16
- (maint) Allow stdlib 8.0.0 #335 (smortex)
- (maint) Add support for Debian 11 #334 (smortex)
- (PDB-5052) Install PostgreSQL 11 for PDB > 7.0.0 #333 (oanatmaria)
- Fix minimum version of puppetlabs/postgresql #332 (alexjfisher)
7.9.0 - 2021-06-24
- (maint) Add read-only user. #330 (Filipovici-Andrei)
- allow current versions of inifile, firewall, stdlib #327 (kenyon)
7.8.0 - 2021-03-25
- (SERVER-2500) Allow puppetlabs-postgresql 7.x #323 (Zak-Kent)
- (PDB-4764) Agent SSL certificates are used for communication with PostgreSQL #322 (Filipovici-Andrei)
7.7.1 - 2020-12-15
7.7.0 - 2020-11-05
- (PDB-4945) Default to json fact cache #312 (joshcooper)
- Add options to set the source of the ssl certs #258 (edestecd)
7.6.0 - 2020-09-02
- Database migrate option #311 (csmithATsquiz)
7.5.0 - 2020-06-10
- Allow custom JAVA_BIN path #307 (bastelfreak)
- (MODULES-10675) enable facts-blacklist parameter in database.ini #305 (maxadamo)
- Add node-purge-gc-batch-limit as configurable #303 (synical)
- (PDB-2578) Allow the database password to be unmanaged #301 (natemccurdy)
- Support CentOS 8, OracleLinux 8 and Debian 10 & support pl/inifile 4.x #300 (ekohl)
- Create enable_storeconfigs option for puppet::master::config #298 (gcoxmoz)
7.4.0 - 2019-08-06
7.3.0 - 2019-06-14
7.2.0 - 2019-05-17
7.1.0 - 2018-10-02
7.0.1 - 2018-07-30
7.0.0 - 2018-07-26
- Add support for DLO automatic cleanup #278 (bastelfreak)
6.0.2 - 2017-11-06
- (PDB-3654) bump version and ini file dep #274 (Zak-Kent)
- add explicit dependency db -> extension. #272 (pgassmann)
- (maint) bump inifile dependency #268 (eputnam)
6.0.1 - 2017-07-05
6.0.0 - 2017-07-05
- (PDB-3587) Add puppetlabs-postgresql 5.x support and integrate rspec-puppetfacts #260 (dhollinger)
- Add disable-update-checking parameter #257 (baurmatt)
- (PDB-3318) Better defaults for node-ttl, node-purge-ttl #254 (mullr)
- enable the master service when it is not defined #253 (tampakrap)
- add option to customize cipher suites in jetty #247 (selyx)
- Add support for Ruby 2.3.1 #246 (ghoneycutt)
- (PDB-3060) Add concurrent-writes parameter. #244 (aperiodic)
- set mode 0644 for routes.yaml #238 (tampakrap)
- (PDB-2660) Restart Puppet master after enabling reporting #234 (ajroetker)
- Manage the pool size configuration parameters in database.ini #232 (kpaulisse)
- (PDB-2571) Ensure puppetdb.ini file has correct permissions #228 (kbarber)
- Update postgresql.pp with postgresql contrib package #225 (PascalBourdier)
- Fix duplicate resource errors for puppet service due to parse order #250 (kpaulisse)
- FIX: Unbreak on OpenBSD #233 (buzzdeee)
- (PDB-2696) Remove the dependency cycle cause by typo #231 (ajroetker)
5.1.2 - 2016-03-14
5.1.1 - 2016-02-09
5.1.0 - 2016-02-09
- Restrict access to the Puppet master by default #215 (michaelweiser)
- Add option to disable cleartext HTTP port #214 (michaelweiser)
- (PDB-1430) overwritable java_args #210 (wkalt)
- (PDB-1913) manage vardir #209 (wkalt)
- (PDB-1415) Add jdbc_ssl_properties parameter #206 (mullr)
- MODULES-2488 Use dport instead of the now deprecated port parameter #205 (roman-mueller)
- Fix unmanaged postgresql database port #204 (earsdown)
5.0.0 - 2015-07-08
4.3.0 - 2015-06-26
- (PDB-1657) Manage Postgres repos by default #197 (ajroetker)
- (PDB-1035) Add default PuppetDB root context #181 (ajroetker)
- (PDB-1455) Provide mechanism for modifying default HSQLDB path #185 (kbarber)
- Enable the module to manage entries in $confdir/config.ini #176 (buzzdeee)
4.2.1 - 2015-04-08
4.2.0 - 2015-04-02
- (PDB-1353) Use settings::confdir for puppet_confdir #172 (johnduarte)
- add FreeBSD support #171 (mmoll)
- Allow puppetdb to be configure for masterless conf #163 (Spredzy)
- add ability to manage postgres repo #162 (bastelfreak)
- Restart the service if certificates change #158 (dalen)
- Make database validation optional #157 (robinbowes)
- Show scheme (http/https) in puppetdb connection errors #155 (sathieu)
- (bugfix) Use test_url in connection validator for puppetdb #169 (ajroetker)
- Fix separator in module name in metadata.json #164 (njm506)
- Remove unused parameters #161 (ekohl)
- add missing param manage_firewall #160 (bastelfreak)
4.1.0 - 2014-11-17
- Allow only TLS - Fixes POODLE CVE-2014-3566 #150 (ghoneycutt)
- Remove invisible unicode character to prevent "invalid byte sequence in ... #149 (stefanandres)
- Fix detection of a PE-based PuppetDB #146 (seanmil)
4.0.0 - 2014-09-16
- OpenBSD support #136 (buzzdeee)
- Add read-database support #132 (tdevelioglu)
- Allow set manage_server in init class #131 (baurmatt)
- implement max_threads option for jetty #130 (stefanandres)
- Allow more flexible routes configuration #127 (dalen)
- Add strict_variables support when puppetdb is not on puppetmaster #126 (mcanevet)
- Use $is_pe for PE determination #122 (reidmv)
- Parameter to not manage postgresql server #121 (jantman)
- Adding option to disable management of the firewall #119 (nibalizer)
- Fixed read-database parameters in class puppetdb #134 (tdevelioglu)
- Ensure db and db users created before validation #125 (rickerc)
- Fix is_pe declaration so it works without is_pe #123 (kbarber)
3.0.1 - 2014-02-11
- Define parameter in puppetdb class to define postgres listen address #112 (adrianlzt)
- Concat update #101 (jhoblitt)
- Fix puppetlabs#106 and one other bug when disable_ssl = true #107 (ebarrere)
- fix validation regular expressions #100 (ScottDuckworth)
3.0.0 - 2013-10-28
- (GH-93) Switch to using puppetlabs-postgresql 3.x #94 (kbarber)
- (GH-91) Update to use rspec-system-puppet 2.x #92 (kbarber)
- Add soft_write_failure to puppetdb.conf #89 (ghoneycutt)
- Add switch to configure database SSL connection #80 (stdietrich)
2.0.0 - 2013-10-18
- Enable service control for puppetdb #81 (ak0ska)
- add archlinux support #79 (aboe76)
- Make database_password an optional parameter #78 (nicklewis)
1.5.1 - 2013-08-12
1.6.0 - 2013-08-09
1.5.0 - 2013-07-18
- Minor tweaks to make the module support SUSE #71 (cprice404)
- Allow puppetdb conn validation when ssl is disabled #68 (bodepd)
- Add support for enabling puppetdb report processor #64 (cprice404)
1.4.0 - 2013-05-28
- Use fqdn for ssl listen address instead of clientcert #63 (cprice404)
- Increase default report-ttl to 14d #60 (cprice404)
- Add support for enabling puppetdb report processor #64 (cprice404)
- Separate DB instance and DB user creation #61 (dalen)
- Add option to disable SSL in Jetty #52 (christianberg)
- allows for 0 _ttl's without time signifier and enables tests #50 (ghoneycutt)
- Support for remote puppetdb #41 (fhrbek)
- Added support for Java VM options #37 (kbrezina)
1.2.1 - 2013-04-08
1.2.0 - 2013-04-07
1.1.5 - 2013-04-04
1.1.4 - 2013-01-17
1.1.3 - 2013-01-15
- 17594 - PuppetDB - Add ability to set standard host listen address and open firewall to standard port #22 (dblessing)
1.1.2 - 2012-10-26
1.1.1 - 2012-10-26
1.1.0 - 2012-10-24
- Fix embedded db setup in Puppet Enterprise #19 (reidmv)
- Make puppetdb startup timeout configurable #18 (cprice404)
- Add condition to detect PE installations and provide different parameters #15 (hunner)
- Add parameters to enable usage of enterprise versions of PuppetDB #11 (cprice404)
- Add a parameter for restarting puppet master #9 (cprice404)
1.0.3 - 2012-09-23
1.0.2 - 2012-09-21
1.0.1 - 2012-09-20
- Fix duplicate stanza in database_ini.pp #8 (cprice404)
- Bug/master/db ini wrong db name #6 (cprice404)