This test will be used to evaluate your skills as a functional programmer, as well as code organization and cleanliness and test coverage.
Using functional programming techniques in Scala, please develop a backend application exposing the following GraphQL schema:
type News {
title: String!,
link: String!,
type Query {
news: [News!]!
Then, create a crawler that will scrape all news headlines from and expose them using the GraphQL API.
Also, add a persistence layer to store all headlines collected using the following schema:
CREATE TABLE headlines (
Use the following libraries:
- Sangria
- Http4s
- Sttp
- Cats/Cats-Effect
- Monix/Zio
- Scala-scrapper
- Quill
Nice to have:
Abstract the effect and instantiate the program using two IO/Task implementations (Cats-Effect, Monix, Zio); functional state management.
This test will be used to evaluate your skills as a functional programmer, as well as code organization and cleanliness and test coverage.
Send an email to [email protected]
The average time a programmer takes to complete this assignment is 6 hours.
We know you're probably busy for the most part of the day so you can take a week to deliver the final version.