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How to update to a new Checkstyle core version

Michael Keppler edited this page Jan 30, 2018 · 11 revisions

This page describes how to update eclipse-cs to use a new Checkstyle core version.


  • eclipse-cs Git repo is cloned
  • eclipse-cs projects are imported into an Eclipse workspace (PDE recommended)
  • project can be built locally with Maven

Upgrade procedure

  1. Download latest checkstyle-X.X-all.jar from Checkstyle Sourceforge page:
  2. Download matching Checkstyle sources zip:
  3. Copy both files to <eclipse-cs-repo-dir>/net.sf.eclipsecs.checkstyle
  4. Update OSGI manifest (bundle classpath) <eclipse-cs-repo-dir>/net.sf.eclipsecs.checkstyle/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to reference the new checkstyle-X.X-all.jar
  5. Update the project classpath by adding the as source attachment to the checkstyle-X.X-all.jar
  6. Remove the old checkstyle-X.X-all.jar and
  7. Check projects net.sf.eclipsecs.core and net.sf.eclipsecs.ui for compile errors due to potential Checkstyle API changes. Make required changes if necessary.
  8. Open Checkstyle release notes ( in webbrowser check all listed changes between the previously used Checkstyle version and the new version for changes relevant to eclipse-cs metadata
  9. Update the eclipse-cs metadata in <eclipse-cs-repo-dir>/net.sf.eclipsecs.checkstyle/metadata. The metadata is used by the eclipse-cs configuration editor to configure all available checks and their potential options via UI.
  10. Requires PDE: Start a runtime workspace (a new eclipse workspace using the eclipse-cs plugin projects) and test the changes.
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