- Make sure you have access to our Trac (note that OpenID authentification is available).
- Please search our Trac for your problem since there's a good chance that someone has already reported it.
- In case you found a match, please try to provide as much info as you can so we have better picture about what the real problem is and how to fix it ASAP.
- If you didn't find any tickets with a problem similar to yours then please open a
new ticket
- Be descriptive as much as you can
- Provide screenshots, samples, system/hardware information
If you want to help, here's what you need to do:
- Make sure you have a GitHub account.
- Fork the repository you wish to help on.
- Create a new topic branch to contain your feature, change, or fix.
- Set
to true:git config core.autocrlf true
. - Make sure you have enabled the pre-commit hook - pre-commit.sh.
- Make sure that your changes adhere to the current coding conventions used
throughout the project - indentation, accurate comments, etc.
For the style part we use AStyle,
so please run
before you push your changes. - Open a Pull Request with a clear title and description.