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235 lines (204 loc) · 22.7 KB


This widget lets you import an SVG file and generate Gcode from it.

alt text

ChiliPeppr Widget / svg2gcode

All ChiliPeppr widgets/elements are defined using cpdefine() which is a method that mimics require.js. Each defined object must have a unique ID so it does not conflict with other ChiliPeppr widgets.

Item Value
ID com-zipwhip-widget-svg2gcode
Name Widget / svg2gcode
Description This widget lets you import an SVG file and generate Gcode from it.
chilipeppr.load() URL
Edit URL
Github URL
Test URL

Example Code for chilipeppr.load() Statement

You can use the code below as a starting point for instantiating this widget inside a workspace or from another widget. The key is that you need to load your widget inlined into a div so the DOM can parse your HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Then you use cprequire() to find your widget's Javascript and get back the instance of it.

// Inject new div to contain widget or use an existing div with an ID
$("body").append('<' + 'div id="myDivComZipwhipWidgetSvg2gcode"><' + '/div>');

  function() {
    // Callback after widget loaded into #myDivComZipwhipWidgetSvg2gcode
    // Now use require.js to get reference to instantiated widget
      ["inline:com-zipwhip-widget-svg2gcode"], // the id you gave your widget
      function(myObjComZipwhipWidgetSvg2gcode) {
        // Callback that is passed reference to the newly loaded widget
        console.log("Widget / svg2gcode just got loaded.", myObjComZipwhipWidgetSvg2gcode);


This widget/element publishes the following signals. These signals are owned by this widget/element and are published to all objects inside the ChiliPeppr environment that listen to them via the chilipeppr.subscribe(signal, callback) method. To better understand how ChiliPeppr's subscribe() method works see amplify.js's documentation at

Signal Description
/com-zipwhip-widget-svg2gcodedidDropWe will publish this if we get an onDropped event and it is for an SVG file. This signal would likely be listened to by the workspace so it can actively show the widget to the user if they drop an SVG file into the workspace. The payload contains the file info like {name: "myfile.svg", lastModified: "1/10/2017 12:12PM"}


This widget/element subscribes to the following signals. These signals are owned by this widget/element. Other objects inside the ChiliPeppr environment can publish to these signals via the chilipeppr.publish(signal, data) method. To better understand how ChiliPeppr's publish() method works see amplify.js's documentation at

Signal Description
(No signals defined in this widget/element)

Foreign Publish

This widget/element publishes to the following signals that are owned by other objects. To better understand how ChiliPeppr's subscribe() method works see amplify.js's documentation at

Signal Description
/com-zipwhip-widget-svg2gcode/com-chilipeppr-widget-3dviewer/request3dObjectThis gives us back the 3d object from the 3d viewer so we can add Three.js objects to it.

Foreign Subscribe

This widget/element publishes to the following signals that are owned by other objects. To better understand how ChiliPeppr's publish() method works see amplify.js's documentation at

Signal Description
/com-zipwhip-widget-svg2gcode/com-chilipeppr-widget-3dviewer/recv3dObjectBy subscribing to this we get the callback when we /request3dObject and thus we can grab the reference to the 3d object from the 3d viewer and do things like addScene() to it with our Three.js objects.
/com-zipwhip-widget-svg2gcode/com-chilipeppr-elem-dragdrop/ondroppedWe subscribe to this signal at a higher priority to intercept the signal, double check if it is an SVG file and if so, we do not let it propagate by returning false. That way the 3D Viewer, Gcode widget, or other widgets will not get the SVG file drag/drop events because they will not know how to interpret the SVG file.

Methods / Properties

The table below shows, in order, the methods and properties inside the widget/element.

Method / Property Type Description

The ID of the widget. You must define this and make it unique.
namestring"Widget / svg2gcode"
descstring"This widget lets you import an SVG file and generate Gcode from it."
publishobjectPlease see docs above.

Define the publish signals that this widget/element owns or defines so that other widgets know how to subscribe to them and what they do.
subscribeobjectPlease see docs above.

Define the subscribe signals that this widget/element owns or defines so that other widgets know how to subscribe to them and what they do.
foreignPublishobjectPlease see docs above.

Document the foreign publish signals, i.e. signals owned by other widgets or elements, that this widget/element publishes to.
foreignSubscribeobjectPlease see docs above.

Document the foreign subscribe signals, i.e. signals owned by other widgets or elements, that this widget/element subscribes to.
initfunctionfunction (callback)

All widgets should have an init method. It should be run by the instantiating code like a workspace or a different widget.
activatefunctionfunction ()

Called by the workspace to activate this widget.
unactivatefunctionfunction ()

Called by the workspace to deactivate this widget.
setCallbackForWorkspaceToShowUsfunctionfunction (callback)

The workspace should call this so we can ask it to show us. This is needed so if a file is dragged in that is SVG we can say to the workspace we'll handle it and that our widget should get shown.
askWorkspaceToShowUsfunctionfunction ()

This is called by any method in this widget if it wants the parent workspace to show us. This would typically be called from onDropped.
init3dfunctionfunction ()

Try to get a reference to the 3D viewer.
setupExampleSvgfunctionfunction ()
btnSetupfunctionfunction ()

Call this method from init to setup all the buttons when this widget is first loaded. This basically attaches click events to your buttons. It also turns on all the bootstrap popovers by scanning the entire DOM of the widget.
debugDrawTestObjectsfunctionfunction ()
onChangefunctionfunction ()
onModeTypeChangefunctionfunction ()
onRenderfunctionfunction (callback)
getSettingsfunctionfunction ()
onInflateChangefunctionfunction (evt)

Called when user changes inflate value.
simplifyPolygonsfunctionfunction (paths)
drawClipperPathsfunctionfunction (paths, color, opacity, z, zstep, isClosed, isAddDirHelper, name)
inflateThreeJsLineShapefunctionfunction (threeLine, delta)

Pass in a THREE.Line that is closed, meaning it was from a real shape and the end point equals the start point because Clipper requires that. Make sure the holes have a userData value of threeLine.userData.isHole = true so we know to deflate those instead of inflate. To inflate by 3mm have delta = 3. You can also set delta to a negative number to deflate. We will return a new THREE.Line object or if multiple paths end up getting created we will return a new THREE.Group() containing THREE.Line objects.
threeJsVectorArrayToClipperArrayfunctionfunction (threeJsVectorArray)

Pass in something like geometry.vertices which is an array of Vector3's and this method will pass back an array with Clipper formatting of [{X:nnn, Y:nnn}].
clipperArrayToThreeJsVectorArrayfunctionfunction (clipperArr)

Pass in an array with Clipper formatting of [{X:nnn, Y:nnn}]. We will pass back an array of Vector3's so you can set it to your geometry.vertices.
getInflatePathfunctionfunction (paths, delta, joinType)

Pass in an array of an array of paths or holes. For example, pass in paths = [[{X:0, Y:0}, {X:10:Y0}, {X:10, Y:10}, {X:0, Y:0}]. Your path must be closed so the end point must equal the start point. To inflate by 3mm have delta = 3. You can also set delta to a negative number to deflate. Make sure the winding order is correct as well.
generateGcodefunctionfunction ()

This method will trigger a process to generateGcode however, it allows this to be called a bunch of times and it will always wait to do the generate about 1 second later and de-dupe the multiple calls.
generateGcodeCallbackfunctionfunction ()

Iterate over the text3d that was generated and create Gcode to mill/cut the three.js object.
svgParentGroupobjectContains the SVG rendered Three.js group with everything in it including the textbox handles and the marquee. So this is not the Three.js object that only contains the SVG that was rendered. Use svgGroup for that which is a child.
svgGroupobjectContains the actual rendered SVG file. This is where the action is.
svgPathobjectContains the original path from SVG file. This is like layer 1 of the rendering.
svgInflatePathobjectContains the inflated/deflated path. This is like layer 2 of the rendering. If no inflate/deflate was asked for by user, this path is still generated but at 0 inflate.
svgSolidDashPathobjectContains the dashed/solid path which is generated from svgInflatePath. This is like layer 3 of the rendering. Solid is the default, so if no inflate or dash then this path is like a copy of the original svgPath.
svgToolPathobjectContains the toolpath path if user is doing milling and wants to move the path to a different Z layer. This is like layer 4 of the rendering.
widthParticleobjectContains the particle we map the width textbox 3d to 2d screen projection.
heightParticleobjectContains the particle we map the height textbox 3d to 2d screen projection.
alignBoxParticleobjectContains the particle we map the lower/left corner of marquee.
drawSvgfunctionfunction ()
extractSvgPathsFromSVGFilefunctionfunction (file)
originalBboxobjectContains the originally sized bounding box for the SVG right after it is imported. This is used to calculate scale as the user enters a new width/height value.
createFloatItemsfunctionfunction ()

Create a width and height size change textbox that floats over the bounding box of the SVG to let user adjust width and height of the imported vector image.
showFloatItemsfunctionfunction ()
hideFloatItemsfunctionfunction ()
onAlignButtonClickedfunctionfunction (evt)
onAspectLockedBtnClickfunctionfunction (evt)
onWidthChangefunctionfunction (evt)
onHeightChangefunctionfunction (evt)
onXYChangefunctionfunction (evt)
onCameraChangefunctionfunction ()

Call this method when the camera changes, or the user changed settings, or you want to re-generate the Gcode. This method is smart that where it allows you to call it very quickly over and over, like on mousedrag, but it only updates every 100ms and cancels further calls in between updates. The last call always executes though so you have a perfectly updated 3D view.
onCameraChangeCallbackfunctionfunction (evt)

The method that gets called 50ms later after onCameraChange() is called.
drawDebugArrowHelperFor3DToScreenPositionfunctionfunction ()
toScreenPositionfunctionfunction (object)
toScreenPositionMrDoobfunctionfunction (object)
createShapefunctionfunction ( shape, color, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, s )

Create a Three.js Mesh from a Three.js shape.
transformSVGPathfunctionfunction (pathStr)

Turn an SVG Path into Three.js paths
sendGcodeToWorkspacefunctionfunction ()
setupDragDropfunctionfunction ()

Setup the drap/drop pubsub subscriptions.
fileInfoobjectContains the file info for the dropped file.
onDroppedfunctionfunction (data, info)

File drag/drop method that gets triggered after user drops file onto browser.
onDragOverfunctionfunction ()
onDragLeavefunctionfunction ()
onInit3dSuccessfunctionfunction ()

After init3d is called, it attempts multiple times to get ahold of the 3D Viewer and when it does it calls this method.
get3dObjfunctionfunction (callback)
get3dObjCallbackfunctionfunction (data, meta)
wakeAnimatefunctionfunction ()
clear3dViewerfunctionfunction ()
sceneReAddMySceneGroupfunctionfunction ()
sceneRemoveMySceneGroupfunctionfunction ()
sceneDisposeMySceneGroupfunctionfunction ()
optionsobjectUser options are available in this property for reference by your methods. If any change is made on these options, please call saveOptionsLocalStorage()
setupUiFromLocalStoragefunctionfunction ()

Call this method on init to setup the UI by reading the user's stored settings from localStorage and then adjust the UI to reflect what the user wants.
saveOptionsLocalStoragefunctionfunction ()

When a user changes a value that is stored as an option setting, you should call this method immediately so that on next load the value is correctly set.
showBodyfunctionfunction (evt)

Show the body of the panel.

evt ({jquery_event}) - If you pass the event parameter in, we know it was clicked by the user and thus we store it for the next load so we can reset the user's preference. If you don't pass this value in we don't store the preference because it was likely code that sent in the param.
hideBodyfunctionfunction (evt)

Hide the body of the panel.

evt ({jquery_event}) - If you pass the event parameter in, we know it was clicked by the user and thus we store it for the next load so we can reset the user's preference. If you don't pass this value in we don't store the preference because it was likely code that sent in the param.
forkSetupfunctionfunction ()

This method loads the pubsubviewer widget which attaches to our upper right corner triangle menu and generates 3 menu items like Pubsub Viewer, View Standalone, and Fork Widget. It also enables the modal dialog that shows the documentation for this widget.

By using chilipeppr.load() we can ensure that the pubsubviewer widget is only loaded and inlined once into the final ChiliPeppr workspace. We are given back a reference to the instantiated singleton so its not instantiated more than once. Then we call it's attachTo method which creates the full pulldown menu for us and attaches the click events.

About ChiliPeppr

ChiliPeppr is a hardware fiddle, meaning it is a website that lets you easily create a workspace to fiddle with your hardware from software. ChiliPeppr provides a Serial Port JSON Server that you run locally on your computer, or remotely on another computer, to connect to the serial port of your hardware like an Arduino or other microcontroller.

You then create a workspace at that connects to your hardware by starting from scratch or forking somebody else's workspace that is close to what you are after. Then you write widgets in Javascript that interact with your hardware by forking the base template widget or forking another widget that is similar to what you are trying to build.

ChiliPeppr is massively capable such that the workspaces for TinyG and Grbl CNC controllers have become full-fledged CNC machine management software used by tens of thousands.

ChiliPeppr has inspired many people in the hardware/software world to use the browser and Javascript as the foundation for interacting with hardware. The Arduino team in Italy caught wind of ChiliPeppr and now ChiliPeppr's Serial Port JSON Server is the basis for the Arduino's new web IDE. If the Arduino team is excited about building on top of ChiliPeppr, what will you build on top of it?