All interaction from javascript to pjsip module is asynchromius. So for each action, promise will be returned.
let configuration = {
"name": "John",
"username": "sip_username",
"domain": "",
"password": "****",
"proxy": null,
"transport": null, // Default TCP
"regServer": null, // Default wildcard
"regTimeout": null // Default 3600
"regHeaders": {
"X-Custom-Header": "Value"
"regContactParams": ";unique-device-token-id=XXXXXXXXX",
"regOnAdd": false, // Default true, use false for manual REGISTRATION
let endpoint = new Endpoint();
let state = await endpoint.start();
let account = await endpoint.createAccont(configuration);
// Do smth with account. For example wait until registration complete and make a call.
- There is no change account method. But this functionality is easy to implement by calling delete and create account methods.
TODO: Description
let account = ...;
await endpoint.deleteAccont(account);
await endpoint.deleteAccont(account); // There should be exception, bcs account already removed.
TODO: Answer how much times it will be executed during lifetime, with examples.
Example: Forbidden
Example: Invalid host
.then((account) => { console.log("Account: ", account);
setTimeout(() => {
endpoint.registerAccount(account, true);
}, 10000);
setTimeout(() => {
endpoint.registerAccount(account, false);
}, 20000);