#Quasar Syntax
Quasar is a language whose idioms may be described completely by s-expressions. Here is a listing of the basic language specifications for now.
##Special forms
if (TODO) -
(if cond then else)
is true. Otherwise, it evaluteselse
is not null. -
while (TODO) -
(while cond then)
As usual, while is a loop that evaluatescond
and executes the body if it evaluates totrue
. -
set (TODO) -
(set symbol val)
Instead of explicitly requiring type declarations,set
can bind a symbol to a literal or an object. -
fn -
(fn args[as a list] sexp)
fn binds and makes available for execution a certain s-expression (list).
(set some-fn (fn ...))
then(some-fn args)
is a function declaration. -
returns a reference to a function, so anonymous functions can be declared as such:((fn ...) args)
Single-line (#) or multi-lined (###foo###) with match-rules in the parser to discard. (TODO)
Standard 0-9 (implemented). For alternative base systems, these can be generated by user-defined functions and strings.
##Floating point
[0-9]+ "." [0-9]+
TODO: different orders of precision.
true or false, case insensitive. TODO: implement logical operators. (probably functions too)
a-zA-Z symbols accepted. Like some other languages, symbols may have a "text representation".
Each of the elementary literals outlined above can be recasted with functions defined within the language (and not unique to the low-level specs of the language.)
#AST Parsing
The PEG.js parser-generator can explicitly generate a parser which will output a AST and perform intermediate tasks (preprocessing specific forms). With a JSON-like AST, we can crawl and execute the forms of our program.
The generated AST from PEG.js is in JSON, and can be crawled by any language that can parse JSON, including javascript itself.
##Example AST
<factorial 10>
Output: { "type": "program", "body": [ { "type": "list", "body": [ { "type": "symbol", "body": "factorial" }, { "type": "int", "body": 10 } ] } ] }