--- layout: default --- ## Supported List off all supported hashes for all versions For all versions crc32 is supported For python2 is - md4 - md5 - mdc2 - sha - sha1 ('DSA-SHA', 'ecdsa-with-SHA1', 'dsaEncryption', 'DSA', 'dsaWithSHA') - sha224 - sha256 - sha384 - sha512 - ripemd160 - whirlpool For python3 is all from python2 and more: - blake2s - blake2b - sha3_224 - sha3_256 - sha3_384 - sha3_512 ## Experimental And for python3 a special syntax for the shake hash is used like this ```shake_(type)_(length)``` so ```bash $ touch file $ python3 -m hashit -H shake_2 file -sp 49b9 ./file ``` [back](index)