This repo serves the purpose of collating questions from the TechGig Code Gladiators & TechGig Geek Goddess contests. It also contains solutions for most of these problems. On many an occassion a particular problem beats us to a pulp. The fight is enjoyable. However, the lack of finding a solution at the end of the struggle leaves us wondering what we could have done differently to solve it. This repo is the online watering hole where the victors who have cracked the nut can share their successful strokes with the broader community. Let's grow together!
Code sharing is to be done only AFTER TechGig has officially closed the round.
Win with honor OR
Lose with honor BUT
Do NOT lose your honor
Fork the repo, make your changes, raise a PR. What kind of changes are welcome?
- Missing Questions
- Missing Solutions (Mention Score in a comment within the solution. If you weren't able to get an official score, mention Untested or ??.)
- Explain the evolution of your solution (Optional)
- Alternate Solutions using a different technique or language
- Typo corrections