This section is not complete and outdated. A new Client API is developed as part of the Clixon controller.
Clixon's client API provides a way to communicate with the built-in XML datastore. This can be used to fetch or manipulate configurations handled by Clixon from any other application running on a host system. For example, a deamon running on a host system may need to read a configured value from the Clixon datastore.
Clixon integration normally uses dynamic plugins, but the client API shown here is an alternative.
Below is a minimal example application which connects to Clixon to get a value stored under "/table/parameter" in the XML store:
#include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <clixon/clixon_client.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { clixon_handle h = NULL; clixon_client_handle ch = NULL; uint32_t n = 0; if ((h = clixon_client_init("/usr/local/etc/clixon/example.xml")) == NULL) return -1; if ((ch = clixon_client_connect(h, CLIXON_CLIENT_NETCONF)) == NULL) return -1; if (clixon_client_get_uint32(ch, &n, "urn:example:clixon", "/table/parameter[name='a']/value") < 0) return -1; printf("Response: %n\n", u); clixon_client_disconnect(ch); clixon_client_terminate(h); return 0; }
Clixon data paths use full XPATHs:
One can make the same index access as well (eg [0]). This means that one can make direct indexed accesses as an alternative to looping.