Computes the Gaussian blurred image of an image given two sigma values in X and Y. Thus, the filterkernel can have non-isotropic shape.
The Gaussian blur is applied slice by slice in 2D.
Ext.CLIJx_blur3DSliceBySlice(Image source, Image destination, Number sigmaX, Number sigmaY);
// init CLIJ and GPU
import net.haesleinhuepf.clijx.CLIJ;
import net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLBuffer;
CLIJx clijx = CLIJx.getInstance();
// get input parameters
ClearCLBuffer arg1 = clijx.push(arg1ImagePlus);
ClearCLBuffer arg2 = clijx.push(arg2ImagePlus);
float arg3 = 1.0;
float arg4 = 2.0;
// Execute operation on GPU
clijx.blur3DSliceBySlice(clij, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
//show result
// cleanup memory on GPU