- State: discussing
- Start date: ?
- End date: ?
- Related proposals: proposals/instance-logs.md
Director should track various blobs in one way and potentially expose it via consolidated API.
[id, created_at, blobstore_id, sha1, type]
- blobstore_id is unique?
- compiled-release (older than 1 hour)
- dns (older than 1 hour, always keep last 10) [foreign key] [future]
- delete-log (per instance, keep last 10?)
- manual-log (per instance, keep last 10?)
- errand-log [fetch-log] (per instance, keep last 10?)
- tasks-log (when delete task, delete blob) [foreign key?]
- package (delete when it's not referenced) [foreign key?]
- compiled-package (delete when it's not referenced) [foreign key?]
- job (delete when it's not referenced) [foreign key?]
cleanup task - every 30 mins
- InstnaceLogsCleanup
do distinct on instnace? + join blobs table
order by blob.created_at?
kill all but 10
- ...
- TasksCleanup
remove tasks per type
delete blobs
- DnsCleanup
bosh download-blob blobstore-id [--sha1 ...]
- can find out digest from the DB?
- eventually move debug/... task output into the blobstore
- currently no way to delete all blobs from the blobstore