- Percentage and charge status is being displayed
- Text turns orange when battery drops below 10% and red when < 5%
- Removed the status text and replaced it with icons
- Backed by a different library
- Fixed compatibility issues
- Increased polling delay from 1 second to 1 minute
- Fixed a bug where the 'full' battery status wasn't recognized properly
- Fixed CSS rules for 'full' battery status
- Added option to only show the status item while Atom is run in full-screen mode
- Added option to show/hide the charge percentage
- Replaced the different svg icons with an icon font
- Slightly improved error handling on unrecognized charge percentages and status texts
- The battery icon should now display correctly after changing from charging to discharging and vice-versa
- Added an option to configure the interval for polling the battery status in seconds
- Added an option for displaying the estimated remaining time until the battery is (dis-)charged on macOS (enabled by default)
- Update node-power-info to 1.0.0 to support displaying the remaining time on linux systems
- Update node-power-info to 1.0.1 to fix some time calculation issues on uevent systems
- Update node-power-info to 1.0.1 to fix some time calculation issues on uevent systems
- Update node-power-info to 1.0.1 to fix handling the uevent edge case of currentPower being zero
- Update node-power-info to 1.0.5 to benefit from the addition to the Battery Status API provider, which should work on most Windows systems
- Update node-power-info to 1.0.6 to fix the remaining time not being displayed correctly when remaining hours or minutes were 0
- Remove console.dir statement from battery-status-view.coffee which somehow hid there from being removed after a debugging session
- Fix battery percentage sometimes having decimal places