{fmt_to_fragments(_("Clicking \"Launch remote viewer\" will download a .vv file and launch $0."), Remote Viewer)}
+ {needsTunnel(address, serverAddress) &&
+ {_("SSH tunnel needs to be set up on client:")}
{fmt_to_fragments(_("$0 is available for most operating systems. To install it, search for it in GNOME Software or run the following:"), Remote Viewer)}
diff --git a/test/check-machines-consoles b/test/check-machines-consoles index f85ddbc24..e7e157972 100755 --- a/test/check-machines-consoles +++ b/test/check-machines-consoles @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ class TestMachinesConsoles(VirtualMachinesCase): b.wait_in_text('.pf-c-expandable-section__content', 'Clicking "Launch remote viewer" will download') + b.wait_not_in_text('.pf-c-expandable-section__content', 'SSH tunnel needs to be set up on client') + b.assert_pixels("#vm-subVmTest1-consoles-page", "vm-details-console-external", skip_layouts=["rtl"]) def testInlineConsole(self, urlroot=""):