diff --git a/content/screenshare.md b/content/screenshare.md
index 364a6c4..b604b42 100644
--- a/content/screenshare.md
+++ b/content/screenshare.md
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-# Screenshare
+# How to prepare a quality screen-share
-- Be aware of the importance of a well planned screenshare
+- Discuss the importance of a well planned screen-share.
+- Learn how to prepare and how to test your screen-share setup.
+- Know about typical pitfalls and habits to avoid.
-- Teaching: ? min
-- Exercises: ? min
+- Discussion: 25 min
+- Exercises: 20 min
-Here the episode sections and text ...
+## Share portrait layout instead of sharing entire screen when teaching online
+- Many learners will have a smaller screen than you.
+- You should plan for learners with **only one small screen**.
+- A learner will **need to focus on both your screen share and their
+ work**.
+- Share a **portrait**/**vertical half of your screen** (840 × 1080 is our standard and your
+ maximum).
+- Zoom provides a "Share a part of screen" that is good for this.
+:::{figure} screenshare/landscape.png
+:width: 80%
+A FullHD 1920x1080 screen shared. Learners have to make this really small if
+they want to have something else open.
+:::{figure} screenshare/portrait.png
+:width: 45%
+Portrait layout. Allows learners to have something else open in the other half.
+Motivation for portrait layout:
+- This makes it easier for you to look at some other notes or to coordinate
+ with other instructors at the same time
+ without distracting with too much information.
+- This makes it possible for participants to have something else open in the
+ other screen half: terminal or browser or notebook.
+### Instructor perspective
+:::{figure} screenshare/instructor.png
+:width: 75%
+This is how it can look for the instructor. Zoom is sharing a portion of the left
+side, the right side is free for following notes, chat, etc.
+### Learner perspective
+Here are three examples of how it can look for the learner.
+:::{figure} screenshare/learner-large.png
+:width: 75%
+Learner with a large screen, Zoom in dual-monitor mode so that the instructor
+pictures are not shown. Screen-share is on the left side, collaborative notes
+at bottom left, terminal and web browser on the right.
+:::{figure} screenshare/learner-normal.png
+:width: 75%
+A learner with a single large screen (Zoom in "single monitor mode").
+Instructor screen share at right, learner stuff at left.
+:::{figure} screenshare/learner-small.png
+:width: 75%
+A learner with a particularly small screen. Instructor screen-share at left,
+your windows at right.
+## Share the history of your commands
+Even if you type slowly it is almost impossible to follow every command. We
+all get distracted or want to read up on something or while following a command
+fails on the learner laptop while instructor gets no error.
+**Add pauses** and **share the commands that you have typed** so that one can catch up.
+Below are some examples (some more successful than others) of sharing history
+of commands.
+:::{figure} screenshare/history-portrait.png
+:width: 50%
+A vertical screen layout shared. Note the extra shell history at the top. The
+web browser is at the bottom, because the Zoom toolbar can cover the bottom
+:::{figure} screenshare/history-rsh.png
+:width: 75%
+This isn't a screen-share from CodeRefinery, but may be instructive. Note the
+horizontal layout and shell history at the bottom right.
+:::{figure} screenshare/history-landscape-dark.png
+:width: 75%
+Similar to above, but dark. Includes contents on the right.
+:::{figure} screenshare/history-portrait-light.png
+:width: 50%
+Jupyter + terminal, including the ``fish`` shell and the terminal history.
+:::{figure} screenshare/history-portrait-dark.png
+:width: 50%
+Lesson + terminal, ``tmux`` plus terminal history and dark background.
+:::{figure} screenshare/portrait.png
+:width: 50%
+HPC Kickstart course. Note the colors contrast of the windows and colors of
+the prompt and text. The history is smaller and doesn't take up primary
+working space. The working directory is in the window title bar.
+:::{figure} https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bast/history-window/main/demo.gif
+:width: 50%
+Show command history "picture-in-picture", in the same terminal window.
+## How to configure history sharing
+You need to find a way to show the recent commands you have entered, so that
+learners can see the recent commands. Below are many solutions. Try them out
+and see what works for you.
+- [prompt-log]():
+ It adds a interesting idea that the command you enter is in color and also
+ provides terminal history before the command returns.
+- **Simple**: The simple way is `PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a"` and then
+ `tail -f -n0 ~/.bash_history`, but this doesn't capture ssh,
+ sub-shells, and only shows the command after it is completed.
+- **Better yet still simple**: Many Software Carpentry instructors use
+ [this script](https://github.com/rgaiacs/swc-shell-split-window),
+ which sets the prompt, splits the terminal window using tmux and displays command history
+ in the upper panel. Requirement: [tmux](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki)
+- **Better (bash)**: This prints the output before the command is run,
+ instead of after. Tail with `tail -f ~/demos.out`.
+ ```
+ BASH_LOG=~/demos.out
+ bash_log_commands () {
+ # https://superuser.com/questions/175799
+ [ -n "$COMP_LINE" ] && return # do nothing if completing
+ [[ "$PROMPT_COMMAND" =~ "$BASH_COMMAND" ]] && return # don't cause a preexec for $PROMPT_COMMAND
+ local this_command=`HISTTIMEFORMAT= history 1 | sed -e "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*//"`;
+ echo "$this_command" >> "$BASH_LOG"
+ }
+ trap 'bash_log_commands' DEBUG
+ ```
+- **Better (zsh)**: This works like above, with zsh. Tail with `tail -f
+ ~/demos.out`.
+ ```
+ preexec() { echo $1 >> ~/demos.out }
+ ```
+- **Better (fish)**: This works like above, but for fish. Tail with
+ `tail -f ~/demos.out`.
+ ```
+ function cmd_log --on-event fish_preexec ; echo "$argv" >> ~/demos.out ; end
+ ```
+- **Better (tmuxp)**: This will save some typing.
+ [TmuxP](https://tmuxp.git-pull.com/) is a Python program (`pip install
+ tmuxp`) that gives you programmable `tmux` sessions. One configuration that
+ works (in this case for `fish` shell):
+ ```yaml
+ session_name: demo
+ windows:
+ - window_name: demo
+ layout: main-horizontal
+ options:
+ main-pane-height: 7
+ panes:
+ - shell_command:
+ - touch /tmp/demo.history
+ - tail -f /tmp/demo.history
+ - shell_command:
+ - function cmd_log --on-event fish_preexec ; echo "$argv" >> /tmp/demo.history ; end
+ ```
+- **Windows PowerShell**: In [Windows Terminal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/),
+ a split can be made by pressing `CTRL+SHIFT+=`. Then, in one of the splits, the following
+ PowerShell command will start tracking the shell history:
+ ```
+ Get-Content (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath -Wait
+ ```
+ Unfortunately, this only shows commands after they have been executed.
+- [Shell exporter](https://github.com/Sabryr/Teaching-aids) can copy recent history to a remote server.
+- [history-window](https://github.com/bast/history-window): Show command
+ history "picture-in-picture" when teaching command line. Requires Bash.
+## Font, colors, and prompt
+### Terminal color schemes
+- Dark text on light background, *not* dark theme. Research and our
+ experience says that dark-text-on-light is better in some cases and
+ similar in others.
+- You might want to make the background light grey, to avoid
+ over-saturating people's eyes and provide some contrast to the pure
+ white web browser. (this was an accessibility recommendation when
+ looking for ideal color schemes)
+- Do you have any yellows or reds in your prompt or program outputs?
+ Adjust colors if possible.
+### Font size
+- Font should be large (a separate history terminal can have a smaller
+ font).
+- Be prepared to resize the terminal and font as needed. Find out
+ the keyboard shortcuts to do this since you will need it.
+### Prompt
+At the beginning of the workshop your goal is to have a shell
+**as easy to follow as possible** and **as close to what learners will
+see on their screens**:
+- Your prompt should be minimal: few distractions, and not take up many
+ columns of text.
+- [prompt-log]() does
+ this for you.
+- The minimum to do is is `export PS1='\$ '`.
+- Blank line between entries: `export PS1='\n\$ '`.
+- Have a space after the `$` or `%` or whatever prompt character you
+ use.
+- Strongly consider the Bash shell. This is what most new people will
+ use, and Bash will be less confusing to them.
+- Eliminate menu bars and any other decoration that uses valuable
+ screen space.
+- Add colors only if it simplifies the reading of the prompt.
+Later in the workshop or in more advanced lessons:
+- Using other shells and being more adventurous is OK - learners will
+ know what is essential to the terminal and what is extra for your
+ environment.
+Try to find a good balance between:
+- Showing a simple setup and showing a more realistic setup.
+- Showing a consistent setup among all instructors and showing a
+ variety of setups.
+## Habits we need to un-learn
+- **Do not clear the terminal**. Un-learn CTRL-L or `clear` if possible.
+ More people will wonder what
+ just got lost than are helped by seeing a blank screen. Push
+ ``ENTER`` a few times instead to add some white space.
+- **Do not rapidly switch between windows** or navigate quickly between multiple
+ terminals, browser tabs, etc. This is useful during your own work when nobody
+ is watching, but it is very hard to follow for learners.
+- Avoid using **aliases** or **shortcuts** that are not part of the
+ standard setup. Learners probably don't have them, and they will fail
+ if they try to follow your typing. Consider even to rename corresponding
+ files (`.bashrc`, `.gitconfig`, `.ssh/config`, `.ssh/authorized_keys`, `.conda/*`).
+- Be careful about using **tab completion** or **reverse history search** if these
+ haven't been introduced yet.
+## Desktop environment and browser
+- Try to remove window title bars if they take up lots of space
+ without adding value to the learner.
+- Can you easily resize your windows for adjusting during teaching?
+- Does your web browser have a way to reduce its menu bars and other
+ decoration size?
+ - Firefox-based browsers: go to `about:config` and set
+ `layout.css.devPixelsPerPx` to a value slightly smaller than one,
+ like `0.75`. Be careful you don't set it too small or large since
+ it might be hard to recover! When you set it to something smaller
+ than 1, all window decorations become smaller, and you compensate
+ by zooming in on the website more (you can set the default zoom to
+ be greater than 100% to compensate). Overall, you get more
+ information and less distraction.
+## How to switch between teaching setup and work setup?
+- Make a dedicated "demos" profile in your terminal emulator, if
+ relevant. Or use a different terminal emulator just for demos.
+- Same idea for the browser: Consider using a different browser profile for
+ teaching/demos.
+- Another idea is to containerize the setup for teaching.
+ We might demonstrate this during the {ref}`cool-gems` session later.
-- Here we summarize keypoints.
+- Share **portrait layout** instead of sharing entire screen
+- **Adjust your prompt** to make commands easy to read
+- **Readability** and beauty is important: adjust your setup for your audience
+- **Share the history** of your commands
+- Get set up a **few days in advance** and get feedback from someone else.
+ Feedback and time to improve is very important to make things clear and accessible.
+ 10 minutes before the session starts is typically too late.
+## Exercises
+:::{exercise} Evaluate screen captures (20 min)
+Evaluate screenshots on this page. Discuss the trade-offs of each one. Which
+one do you prefer? Which are useful in each situation?
+Please take notes in the collaborative document.
+:::{exercise} Set up your own environment (20 min)
+Set up your screen to teach something. Get some feedback from another learner
+or your exercise group.
+## Other resources
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1aef3c
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fc1fa6
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f4361c
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28e18b0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bbb1cc
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..718f2a8
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda9d42
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b6d2cd
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..590135e
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/screenshare/learner-normal.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5f421
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415799f
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/screenshare/portrait.png differ