type |
slides |
Notes: Text at the end of a slide prefixed like this will be displayed as speaker notes on the side. Slides can be separated with a divider: ---.
# Print something
print("Hello world")
Hello world
- Slides can have code, bullet points, tables and pretty much all other Markdown elements.
- This is another bullet point.
Notes: Some more notes go here
Notes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tristique libero at est congue, sed vestibulum tortor laoreet. Aenean egestas massa non commodo consequat. Curabitur faucibus, sapien vitae euismod imperdiet, arcu erat semper urna, in accumsan sapien dui ac mi. Pellentesque felis lorem, semper nec velit nec, consectetur placerat enim.