- Model Info:
- Tied embeddings: False
- LM head uses bias: False
- Embeddings shape: [100352, 4096]
- Tokenizer Info:
- Vocab Size: 100278
- Tokenizer Class: GPT2Tokenizer
- Tokenizer Type: BPE
- Bytes handling: Byte Input
- Token for verification prompt building: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- Token id for verification prompt building: 68612
- Indicator summary:
- Indicator for under-trained tokens: E_{out} Cosine Distance
- Overall distribution: 0.350 +/- 0.079
- Detected Token Counts:
- Number of tested under-trained tokens: 1992, 1973 non-special, 179 below p = 0.01 threshold, 82 below soft indicator threshold
- Number of single byte tokens: 256, of which 13 below indicator threshold
- Number of special tokens: 0, of which 0 below indicator threshold
- Number of non-single-byte UTF-fragment tokens: 645, of which 3 below soft indicator threshold
82 entries below threshold of 0.010
token_id | token | indicator | max_prob | in_other_tokens |
89472 | useRalative |
-2.38419e-07 | 1.5e-09 | useRalativeImagePath |
89471 | useRal |
-1.19209e-07 | 1.4e-11 | useRalativeImagePath , useRalative |
100262 | |||EMAIL_ADDRESS||| |
-1.19209e-07 | 1.5e-10 | |
33786 | webElementProperties |
-1.19209e-07 | 7.3e-11 | |
57779 | \tRTLU |
0 | 2e-10 | |
85069 | PostalCodesNL |
0 | 8.4e-11 | $PostalCodesNL |
47072 | webElementX |
0 | 8.4e-11 | webElementXpaths |
85071 | $PostalCodesNL |
0 | 2.8e-11 | |
95812 | \tRTCK |
0 | 7.5e-11 | |
41550 | \tRTHOOK |
0 | 1.3e-10 | |
80370 | ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF |
0 | 8.8e-11 | ▁ForCanBeConvertedToForeach |
80369 | ▁ForCanBeConverted |
1.19209e-07 | 5.2e-11 | ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF , ▁ForCanBeConvertedToForeach |
47073 | webElementXpaths |
1.19209e-07 | 1.9e-09 | |
58508 | :-------------</ |
1.19209e-07 | 1.9e-09 | |
100261 | |||PHONE_NUMBER||| |
1.19209e-07 | 1.4e-10 | |
83315 | richTextPanel |
1.19209e-07 | 5.2e-11 | |
95073 | -vesm |
1.19209e-07 | 7.3e-11 | |
80154 | \tRTLI |
1.19209e-07 | 1.2e-10 | |
73018 | ▁StreamLazy |
1.19209e-07 | 4.1e-10 | |
79883 | \tTokenNameIdentifier |
1.19209e-07 | 1.7e-10 |
62 additional entries below threshold
token_id | token | indicator | max_prob | in_other_tokens |
70784 | Japgolly |
1.19209e-07 | 1e-10 | ▁typingsJapgolly |
89475 | elementGuidId |
1.19209e-07 | 1.8e-10 | |
98100 | (stypy |
1.19209e-07 | 1.9e-09 | |
89473 | useRalativeImagePath |
1.78814e-07 | 1.7e-11 | |
100263 | |||IP_ADDRESS||| |
1.78814e-07 | 1.9e-11 | |
50325 | adaptiveStyles |
1.78814e-07 | 1.2e-10 | |
67901 | \tRTDBG |
1.78814e-07 | 6.2e-11 | |
52362 | SpecWarn |
2.98023e-07 | 8.7e-11 | |
96656 | methodPointerType |
7.15256e-07 | 2.7e-09 | |
99202 | (statearr |
8.9407e-07 | 3.4e-09 | |
56930 | \tRTLR |
1.16229e-05 | 4.6e-11 | |
81259 | artisanlib |
1.18017e-05 | 4.9e-11 | |
91198 | externalActionCode |
1.9908e-05 | 8.9e-08 | |
82929 | CppMethodIntialized |
2.54512e-05 | 7.6e-05 | |
93905 | ▁QtAws |
2.65837e-05 | 1.1e-11 | |
84576 | ▁AppMethodBeat |
3.3319e-05 | 7.8e-11 | |
76371 | LANGADM |
5.98431e-05 | 5e-10 | |
72740 | ▁typingsJapgolly |
8.30889e-05 | 1.3e-10 | |
31960 | quotelev |
0.000137806 | 3e-06 | |
90050 | _ComCallableWrapper |
0.00014472 | 2.8e-09 | |
88023 | /ayushman |
0.000174642 | 8.3e-08 | |
80612 | MethodBeat |
0.000183165 | 7.6e-11 | ▁AppMethodBeat |
71337 | +lsi |
0.000186622 | 4.1e-10 | |
98668 | );\r\r\r\n |
0.000294089 | 6.8e-05 | |
57361 | _REALTYPE |
0.00043869 | 2.1e-05 | |
68896 | ;\r\r\r\n |
0.000684261 | 0.00014 | );\r\r\r\n |
97736 | \tRTCT |
0.000716388 | 7.8e-07 | |
90412 | selectorMethod |
0.000768423 | 1.4e-10 | |
56225 | .sulake |
0.000790775 | 2e-05 | |
91817 | (InitializedTypeInfo |
0.000829816 | 9.5e-06 | |
58944 | /Subthreshold |
0.000984609 | 7.3e-05 | |
89496 | _FieldOffsetTable |
0.00121212 | 0.00021 | |
73016 | ▁EnumerableStream |
0.00126624 | 0.00011 | |
96737 | departureday |
0.00172448 | 0.0002 | |
67750 | _typeDefinitionSize |
0.00231582 | 0.0023 | |
73228 | _InternalArray |
0.00237793 | 0.0008 | |
26009 | methodVisitor |
0.00238055 | 0.00031 | |
88039 | ♀♀♀♀ |
0.0024671 | 0.0002 | |
37370 | \tEIF |
0.00255948 | 0.00072 | |
87551 | CppGuid |
0.00259966 | 0.00055 | |
70316 | erusform |
0.00260186 | 0.00049 | numerusform |
67444 | CppTypeDefinitionSizes |
0.00339979 | 0.0026 | |
39866 | .xrLabel |
0.00416869 | 0.0045 | |
71390 | ▁PodsDummy |
0.00445569 | 2.5e-05 | |
59839 | ConstraintMaker |
0.00497901 | 0.0039 | MASConstraintMaker |
67705 | _typeDefinition |
0.00510728 | 0.0012 | _typeDefinitionSize |
34956 | ▁+#+#+#+ |
0.00535917 | 5e-05 | ▁+#+#+#+#+#+ |
87941 | $fdata |
0.00576878 | 6.7e-05 | |
67727 | |()\n |
0.00612545 | 0.00015 | |
66235 | CppTypeDefinition |
0.00619704 | 0.0023 | CppTypeDefinitionSizes |
84993 | rPid |
0.00621617 | 0.0016 | |
85154 | buttonShape |
0.00623816 | 0.0084 | |
24452 | <lemma |
0.00646198 | 0.0018 | |
45146 | %timeout |
0.00674826 | 0.00023 | |
75520 | ▁NUITKA |
0.00730926 | 0.0022 | |
75630 | 雅黑 |
0.00752032 | 0.0016 | 微软雅黑 , 软雅黑 |
76613 | extracomment |
0.00804365 | 0.022 | |
43944 | orThunk |
0.00812399 | 0.0019 | _AdjustorThunk |
71227 | ▁FINSEQ |
0.00825447 | 0.002 | |
81325 | .bindingNavigatorMove |
0.00914651 | 0.16 | |
62761 | .layoutControl |
0.00955373 | 0.031 | |
55557 | ((&___ |
0.00971556 | 0.0028 |
1891 additional entries above threshold
token_id | token | indicator | max_prob | in_other_tokens |
76709 | ▁InternalEnumerator |
0.00976199 | 0.13 | |
98715 | .XRLabel |
0.00976312 | 0.0034 | |
96334 | .bunifuFlatButton |
0.00977039 | 0.064 | |
63785 | ▁RTWF |
0.0100488 | 0.0076 | |
81998 | ablytyped |
0.010478 | 0.00061 | .scalablytyped |
54278 | CppGeneric |
0.0105006 | 0.0063 | CppGenericClass |
72745 | ▁XBOOLE |
0.0108022 | 0.0041 | |
43053 | .layoutControlItem |
0.0111176 | 0.14 | |
59066 | ▁hexatrigesimal |
0.0112236 | 0.0091 | |
58194 | InternalEnumerator |
0.0115726 | 0.36 | ▁InternalEnumerator |
69679 | /settingsdialog |
0.0118189 | 0.0054 | |
99072 | 。www |
0.0120504 | 0.00017 | |
71664 | \tNdrFc |
0.0121372 | 0.031 | \tNdrFcShort |
61963 | _RGCTX |
0.012674 | 0.03 | |
46705 | .bindingNavigator |
0.0127496 | 0.19 | .bindingNavigatorMove |
44001 | _AdjustorThunk |
0.0135791 | 0.037 | |
35338 | CppCodeGen |
0.0139041 | 0.0025 | CppCodeGenWriteBarrier |
84043 | .LayoutControlItem |
0.0139282 | 0.022 | |
96165 | ▁HinderedRotor |
0.0140461 | 0.017 | |
91296 | CppI |
0.0145304 | 0.04 | |
45794 | >tagger |
0.014611 | 0.0013 | |
71366 | drFc |
0.0146487 | 0.022 | \tNdrFcShort , \tNdrFc |
85731 | (RuntimeObject |
0.0151377 | 0.068 | |
14686 | spNet |
0.0153769 | 0.088 | _AspNet , AspNet , .AspNet , .AspNetCore |
57260 | CppGenericClass |
0.0157266 | 0.3 | |
37074 | _GenericClass |
0.0163619 | 0.48 | |
95664 | ETweet |
0.0170175 | 0.00026 | |
97100 | .barDockControl |
0.0170554 | 0.73 | |
84915 | sPid |
0.0174447 | 0.081 | |
31827 | {EIF |
0.0178259 | 0.038 | |
57722 | ▁;;= |
0.0179335 | 0.0011 | |
69215 | .XtraLayout |
0.0181733 | 0.04 | |
86062 | GameObjectWithTag |
0.0181997 | 0.0023 | .FindGameObjectWithTag |
80750 | .groupControl |
0.0182025 | 0.32 | |
83949 | .panelControl |
0.0187101 | 0.47 | |
25332 | \r\r\r\n |
0.0187513 | 0.59 | );\r\r\r\n , ;\r\r\r\n |
43382 | .labelControl |
0.018856 | 0.52 | |
35922 | CppMethodPointer |
0.019108 | 0.0014 | |
81761 | vinfos |
0.0195682 | 0.31 | |
24283 | SequentialGroup |
0.0196425 | 0.11 | .createSequentialGroup |
76271 | \tNdrFcShort |
0.0199631 | 0.72 | |
51717 | ▁prostituerte |
0.0199926 | 0.0022 | |
64676 | .AbsoluteConstraints |
0.0206354 | 0.0043 | |
68131 | _MetadataUsageId |
0.0207291 | 0.012 | |
47219 | HeadersHeightSizeMode |
0.0207321 | 0.001 | .DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode , .ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode |
89658 | uniacid |
0.0207466 | 0.44 | |
61013 | .StylePriority |
0.0215343 | 0.076 | |
40729 | \tTokenName |
0.0217412 | 0.11 | \tTokenNameIdentifier |
97913 | .simpleButton |
0.0217522 | 0.47 | |
94141 | .XRTableCell |
0.0218794 | 0.11 | |
82468 | ▁uLocal |
0.0219443 | 0.63 | |
48077 | .dataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
0.0224168 | 0.16 | |
98797 | APolynomial |
0.0226597 | 0.046 | |
90013 | _IEnumerator |
0.0228516 | 0.17 | |
48134 | .xrTableCell |
0.022941 | 0.41 | |
99944 | ▁davidjl |
0.0230888 | 6.1e-05 | |
95525 | ▁dataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
0.0233126 | 0.69 | |
95649 | _UFunction |
0.0233281 | 0.11 | |
94226 | /contentassist |
0.0239386 | 0.013 | |
47817 | :semicolon |
0.0243598 | 0.069 | |
84879 | mPid |
0.0244481 | 0.23 | |
74475 | (&___ |
0.0252445 | 0.017 | |
63216 | \tiVar |
0.0254379 | 0.083 | |
73303 | .DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode |
0.0255681 | 0.0002 | |
86849 | \tRuntimeObject |
0.0256841 | 0.009 | |
40036 | CppCodeGenWriteBarrier |
0.0258339 | 0.00057 | |
42968 | \tNullCheck |
0.0259447 | 0.24 | |
71927 | ▁guiActive |
0.0260911 | 0.046 | |
43587 | atrigesimal |
0.0261288 | 0.012 | ▁Hexatrigesimal , ▁hexatrigesimal |
80371 | ▁ForCanBeConvertedToForeach |
0.0261546 | 0.003 | |
79423 | ▁thuisontvangst |
0.0265095 | 0.0018 | |
85275 | .UseText |
0.0267788 | 0.048 | |
53974 | CppMethodInitialized |
0.0268136 | 0.006 | |
37176 | .bunifu |
0.0268461 | 0.71 | .bunifuFlatButton |
69790 | .metroLabel |
0.027317 | 0.35 | |
66174 | .didReceiveMemoryWarning |
0.0273278 | 0.0093 | |
92103 | NavigatorMove |
0.0274167 | 0.078 | |
79740 | ▁Hexatrigesimal |
0.0277994 | 0.00053 | |
54853 | ETwitter |
0.027969 | 0.0017 | |
62588 | rgctx |
0.0289229 | 0.22 | |
96611 | RGBO |
0.0297884 | 0.64 | .fromRGBO |
95656 | .DataGridViewContentAlignment |
0.029886 | 0.0057 | |
77260 | ▁RTAL |
0.030856 | 0.53 | |
34791 | PreferredGap |
0.0313112 | 0.031 | addPreferredGap |
83878 | .EditorButton |
0.0313321 | 0.041 | |
59590 | IntoConstraints |
0.0315663 | 0.003 | AutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints , latesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints , .translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints |
89476 | .labelX |
0.0315675 | 0.74 | |
70912 | .PictureBoxSizeMode |
0.0318417 | 0.023 | |
56622 | _equalTo |
0.0322853 | 0.18 | |
24488 | CppMethod |
0.0328372 | 0.75 | CppMethodPointer , CppMethodIntialized , CppMethodInitialized |
40270 | wcsstore |
0.0331469 | 0.0033 | |
88685 | .ComboBoxStyle |
0.0334244 | 0.084 | |
73530 | (egt |
0.033574 | 0.25 | |
34306 | ContainerGap |
0.0336229 | 0.019 | addContainerGap |
73408 | .ColumnStyle |
0.0337237 | 0.043 | |
57261 | ▁;;^ |
0.0337942 | 0.00091 | |
60837 | .Bunifu |
0.033806 | 0.28 | |
70528 | _MethodInfo |
0.0338669 | 0.88 | |
43823 | ▁prostituerade |
0.034041 | 0.014 | |
99071 | -cmpr |
0.0340428 | 0.044 | |
43408 | .DotNetBar |
0.0344776 | 0.082 | |
63979 | (iParam |
0.034521 | 0.41 | |
68189 | _UClass |
0.0347124 | 0.092 | |
89531 | _IList |
0.0347776 | 0.7 | |
91589 | ImageRelation |
0.0350564 | 0.056 | .TextImageRelation |
86415 | BundleOrNil |
0.0350888 | 0.021 | ibBundleOrNil |
25061 | :UIControl |
0.0356354 | 0.03 | :UIControlEventTouchUpInside , :UIControlState , :UIControlEvent , :UIControlStateNormal |
90490 | ibBundleOrNil |
0.0359451 | 0.0028 | |
96348 | ',\r\r\n |
0.0359667 | 0.017 | |
99168 | SmartyHeaderCode |
0.0361293 | 0.00035 | |
62850 | _jButton |
0.0364066 | 0.68 | |
66330 | 'LBL |
0.0364847 | 0.24 | |
80408 | =BitConverter |
0.0367173 | 0.0021 | |
75631 | 软雅黑 |
0.0373696 | 0.00079 | 微软雅黑 |
71819 | numerusform |
0.0375444 | 0.89 | |
60809 | .guna |
0.0377055 | 0.44 | |
96283 | ▁fChain |
0.0383958 | 0.21 | |
77666 | okableCall |
0.0384938 | 0.021 | |
60107 | .awtextra |
0.0387276 | 0.011 | |
96037 | .DataGridViewTriState |
0.0387535 | 0.011 | |
95610 | .btnExit |
0.0388092 | 0.68 | |
18927 | ParallelGroup |
0.0392914 | 0.8 | .createParallelGroup |
87496 | ▁yytype |
0.0394261 | 0.34 | |
82496 | \uB |
0.0397574 | 0.84 | |
53335 | BitFields |
0.0401876 | 0.95 | |
30003 | \tHX |
0.0401983 | 0.96 | |
94394 | .DataGridViewAutoSize |
0.0403175 | 0.054 | |
92783 | .VisibleIndex |
0.0406508 | 0.13 | |
51005 | .XtraPrinting |
0.0407389 | 0.087 | |
66195 | .FormStartPosition |
0.0411913 | 0.0055 | |
51840 | $IFn |
0.041455 | 0.018 | |
84799 | FilterWhere |
0.0417276 | 0.71 | andFilterWhere |
64371 | .LabelControl |
0.0417608 | 0.57 | |
98093 | [iVar |
0.0419767 | 0.16 | |
92261 | .BorderSide |
0.0420552 | 0.45 | |
98170 | .StretchImage |
0.0421268 | 0.15 | |
19083 | _gshared |
0.042464 | 0.46 | |
67672 | .toolStripButton |
0.0425235 | 0.48 | |
60074 | MASConstraintMaker |
0.0433517 | 0.49 | |
34957 | ▁+#+#+#+#+#+ |
0.0441226 | 0.0091 | |
50469 | StoryboardSegue |
0.0442551 | 0.43 | ▁UIStoryboardSegue , UIStoryboardSegue |
69058 | .UseFont |
0.0447277 | 0.4 | |
87361 | :UIButtonType |
0.044803 | 0.0083 | :UIButtonTypeCustom |
52963 | .DataGridViewColumn |
0.0449678 | 0.024 | .DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode |
88268 | ▁jMenuItem |
0.0459257 | 0.95 | |
14030 | VisualStyleBackColor |
0.045935 | 0.14 | .UseVisualStyleBackColor |
96444 | %%*/ |
0.0459391 | 0.67 | |
96913 | .UltraWin |
0.0460083 | 0.0092 | |
82465 | _marshaled |
0.0460891 | 0.22 | |
89996 | .trailingAnchor |
0.046091 | 0.76 | |
83517 | \tDuel |
0.0462842 | 0.62 | |
86984 | PropertyParams |
0.0462921 | 0.7 | |
99874 | ▁MessageLookup |
0.046487 | 0.97 | |
59901 | ▁principalColumn |
0.0474405 | 0.15 | |
76933 | _gchandle |
0.0476825 | 0.25 | |
92339 | <UFunction |
0.0476956 | 0.034 | |
99259 | :UIButtonTypeCustom |
0.0477772 | 0.02 | |
46241 | HeadersHeight |
0.0478146 | 0.15 | .DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode , .ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode , HeadersHeightSizeMode |
83203 | .SetKeyName |
0.0482247 | 0.057 | |
64424 | ">\r\r\n |
0.0482724 | 0.0093 | |
38835 | _StaticFields |
0.0485063 | 0.36 | |
65053 | 监听页面 |
0.0497136 | 0.54 | |
91845 | ▁pornôs |
0.0497217 | 0.21 | |
33694 | .ContentAlignment |
0.0497412 | 0.029 | |
77520 | _saida |
0.0498576 | 0.8 | |
97299 | _OscInitStruct |
0.0501249 | 0.3 | |
78105 | .dateTimePicker |
0.0503143 | 0.13 | |
97859 | (UIAlertAction |
0.0504697 | 0.055 | |
69269 | (ALOAD |
0.050515 | 0.59 | |
90426 | ibNameOrNil |
0.0506087 | 0.007 | |
35673 | .ComponentPlacement |
0.0508196 | 0.011 | |
39731 | yyvsp |
0.0509342 | 0.71 | |
57419 | _Statics |
0.0513262 | 0.74 | |
68421 | ▁Bunifu |
0.0514542 | 0.72 | |
94652 | BracketAccess |
0.0519153 | 0.0014 | ▁JSBracketAccess |
51486 | .DataGridViewCellStyle |
0.0521202 | 0.1 | |
77988 | /******/\n |
0.0522643 | 0.33 | |
97581 | ▁JSName |
0.0523374 | 1.1e-05 | |
96745 | ,cljs |
0.0526488 | 0.49 | |
68515 | \uC |
0.0530647 | 0.79 | |
93304 | VertexUvs |
0.0531324 | 0.42 | .faceVertexUvs |
80033 | _Parms |
0.0533234 | 0.91 | |
87829 | ▁}\r\r\n |
0.0533929 | 0.01 | |
66532 | ,UnityEngine |
0.0536074 | 0.41 | |
79639 | \tgbc |
0.0538691 | 0.6 | |
42288 | .gridColumn |
0.0539891 | 0.93 | |
50611 | VMLINUX |
0.0541653 | 0.97 | |
92913 | .TextImageRelation |
0.0544162 | 0.46 | |
43740 | .XtraBars |
0.0544834 | 0.23 | |
96725 | \tZEPHIR |
0.0545087 | 0.081 | |
90737 | HomeAs |
0.0547662 | 0.011 | HomeAsUp , HomeAsUpEnabled |
92687 | uParam |
0.0548248 | 0.75 | |
59870 | ▁ReferentialAction |
0.054853 | 0.91 | |
64237 | _makeConstraints |
0.0553453 | 0.17 | |
81936 | .UNRELATED |
0.0555831 | 0.08 | |
93179 | _emlrt |
0.0558841 | 0.2 | |
50174 | PlainOldData |
0.0559008 | 0.62 | ▁IsPlainOldData |
97719 | _pedido |
0.0560337 | 0.93 | |
95791 | ▁\r\r\n |
0.0563514 | 0.44 | |
94851 | .ImageTransparentColor |
0.0564616 | 0.034 | |
52896 | __(/*! |
0.0566831 | 0.0084 | |
92607 | :UIAlert |
0.057005 | 0.26 | |
86547 | ▁"""",\n |
0.0571845 | 0.38 | |
93249 | ();\r\r\n |
0.057345 | 0.017 | |
70715 | DockControl |
0.0577132 | 0.87 | .barDockControl |
97095 | .Fecha |
0.0584719 | 0.68 | |
74300 | ['<{ |
0.0585218 | 0.0062 | |
62420 | );\r\r\n |
0.058567 | 0.0018 | ();\r\r\n |
82836 | Intialized |
0.0589869 | 0.76 | CppMethodIntialized |
83654 | UpEdit |
0.0594365 | 0.56 | |
62322 | >xpath |
0.0595041 | 0.14 | |
79702 | (tolua |
0.0595043 | 0.71 | |
75572 | aincontri |
0.0595303 | 0.0092 | |
92617 | (grammarAccess |
0.0599087 | 0.3 | |
68940 | logradouro |
0.0604739 | 0.97 | |
30772 | .DockStyle |
0.0605474 | 0.077 | |
57473 | :initComponents |
0.0607688 | 0.00071 | |
54307 | localObject |
0.0608078 | 0.97 | ▁localObject , )localObject |
37616 | .XtraReports |
0.0612896 | 0.36 | |
64249 | .ToolStripSeparator |
0.0613256 | 0.33 | |
64902 | ,'']]],\n |
0.0615132 | 0.0009 | |
48141 | .SizeType |
0.0616124 | 0.96 | |
56424 | .setHorizontalGroup |
0.0618444 | 0.0092 | |
59751 | ▁principalTable |
0.0619258 | 0.012 | |
24106 | .DataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
0.0619448 | 0.34 | |
84904 | gMaps |
0.0619722 | 0.77 | |
97312 | ▁emlrt |
0.0620536 | 0.78 | |
91954 | ▁GETGLOBAL |
0.0622573 | 0.58 | |
89854 | {lng |
0.062353 | 0.85 | |
72488 | .ColumnStyles |
0.0630543 | 0.5 | |
88879 | ChildScrollView |
0.0631525 | 0.047 | ▁SingleChildScrollView |
81885 | ketøy |
0.0634968 | 0.015 | |
76631 | }\r\r\n |
0.0637349 | 0.026 | ▁}\r\r\n |
86004 | .toolStripMenuItem |
0.0637824 | 0.87 | |
51574 | ▁{\r\r\n |
0.0639649 | 0.63 | |
64366 | .RowStyles |
0.0639887 | 0.69 | |
99503 | ▁frække |
0.063996 | 0.14 | |
58775 | _DIPSETTING |
0.0640453 | 0.18 | |
83330 | ucursal |
0.064213 | 0.11 | |
97784 | ▁JSBracketAccess |
0.0642898 | 5.9e-07 | |
45684 | ▁sourceMapping |
0.0643824 | 0.96 | ▁sourceMappingURL |
93805 | _TRNS |
0.0645441 | 0.71 | |
60976 | (jButton |
0.0647095 | 0.96 | |
92488 | ▁GUIDATA |
0.0647662 | 0.16 | |
96927 | ▁AssemblyTrademark |
0.064937 | 0.086 | |
97346 | chartInstance |
0.0649392 | 0.83 | |
59528 | _producto |
0.0651319 | 0.96 | |
53355 | igrationBuilder |
0.0652573 | 0.026 | (MigrationBuilder |
66030 | DataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
0.0655135 | 0.99 | |
73229 | .ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode |
0.0656896 | 0.082 | |
48046 | _Tis |
0.0657458 | 0.51 | |
56265 | .visitVarInsn |
0.0658129 | 0.57 | |
87914 | ▁YYSTACK |
0.0660062 | 0.44 | |
40703 | .ComponentResourceManager |
0.0660996 | 0.074 | |
42964 | (EIF |
0.0661397 | 0.97 | |
52113 | .ToolStripButton |
0.0661721 | 0.47 | |
63621 | SetBranch |
0.0662346 | 0.95 | SetBranchAddress |
65289 | .RowStyle |
0.0663923 | 0.99 | |
88997 | ,LOCATION |
0.0664108 | 0.63 | |
87095 | .descripcion |
0.0664268 | 0.94 | |
53746 | yyval |
0.0665553 | 0.91 | |
41459 | rigesimal |
0.0667753 | 0.026 | ▁Hexatrigesimal , atrigesimal , ▁hexatrigesimal |
36461 | .XtraGrid |
0.0670023 | 0.47 | |
85797 | andFilterWhere |
0.0672994 | 0.41 | |
92963 | InTheDocument |
0.06735 | 0.15 | toBeInTheDocument |
83482 | (jScrollPane |
0.0674365 | 0.29 | |
60644 | )localObject |
0.0674656 | 0.064 | |
88721 | _venta |
0.0675963 | 0.94 | |
77961 | _Pods |
0.0676102 | 0.54 | |
27539 | ▁dataGridViewCellStyle |
0.0678637 | 0.82 | |
52437 | .DataPropertyName |
0.0679823 | 0.86 | |
69961 | CHKERRQ |
0.0683303 | 0.66 | |
63075 | 'gc |
0.06835 | 0.82 | |
49453 | EDIATEK |
0.0684184 | 0.05 | ▁MEDIATEK |
72502 | .AllowGet |
0.0684756 | 0.08 | |
83637 | ▁OutlineInputBorder |
0.0685673 | 0.74 | |
72692 | .numericUpDown |
0.0686312 | 0.21 | |
96761 | _transaksi |
0.0688167 | 0.87 | |
66234 | SetBranchAddress |
0.0688854 | 0.79 | |
58928 | :UIControlEventTouchUpInside |
0.0689123 | 0.048 | |
97558 | JSGlobalScope |
0.0690089 | 5.7e-05 | |
90444 | .SimpleButton |
0.0691644 | 0.66 | |
87714 | .flowLayoutPanel |
0.0691678 | 0.29 | |
81852 | _produk |
0.0692965 | 0.87 | |
57769 | LIBINT |
0.0695837 | 0.65 | |
62300 | .`|`\n |
0.0696064 | 3.3e-06 | |
55859 | VarInsn |
0.0698165 | 0.9 | .visitVarInsn |
56995 | \tpstmt |
0.069817 | 0.64 | |
85945 | .leadingAnchor |
0.0709266 | 0.31 | |
14613 | ▁/*<<< |
0.07094 | 0.067 | |
83839 | .visitInsn |
0.0711017 | 0.96 | |
35375 | addPreferredGap |
0.0711746 | 0.011 | |
38763 | |(\n |
0.0712131 | 0.54 | |
67223 | .ImageLayout |
0.0713149 | 0.56 | |
66757 | wingConstants |
0.071525 | 0.0074 | .SwingConstants |
88941 | ▁invokingState |
0.0716345 | 0.83 | |
90550 | UIStoryboardSegue |
0.0717412 | 0.91 | |
92934 | _registro |
0.071846 | 0.71 | |
44296 | >--}}\n |
0.0719059 | 0.22 | ">--}}\n |
24386 | .XtraEditors |
0.0719924 | 0.33 | |
79972 | CanBeConverted |
0.0721251 | 0.11 | ▁ForCanBeConverted , ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF , ▁ForCanBeConvertedToForeach |
54309 | ontvangst |
0.0721527 | 0.91 | ▁thuisontvangst |
77995 | (ofSize |
0.0724443 | 0.33 | |
14251 | .AnchorStyles |
0.0724491 | 0.5 | |
32059 | :UIControlState |
0.0726013 | 0.029 | :UIControlStateNormal |
89274 | GuidId |
0.0727736 | 0.99 | elementGuidId |
60894 | ичество |
0.0728322 | 0.0036 | оличество , ▁количество |
90852 | :NSLayout |
0.0728642 | 0.16 | |
34810 | addContainerGap |
0.0729003 | 0.011 | |
91337 | !*\\n |
0.0729835 | 0.0029 | |
86467 | _lahir |
0.0734919 | 0.67 | |
57539 | UIAlertAction |
0.0736949 | 0.98 | (UIAlertAction |
55287 | -offsetof |
0.0738264 | 0.15 | |
44389 | ▁CrossAxisAlignment |
0.0738474 | 0.7 | |
16640 | #+#+ |
0.0739362 | 0.76 | ▁+#+#+#+ , ▁+#+#+#+#+#+ |
50609 | styleType |
0.0740039 | 0.98 | |
74010 | .debugLine |
0.0741777 | 0.28 | |
90207 | actionDate |
0.0742579 | 0.93 | |
54421 | (MigrationBuilder |
0.074267 | 0.0068 | |
39659 | queueReusableCell |
0.0747992 | 0.015 | ▁dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier , ▁dequeueReusableCell , .dequeueReusableCell |
24644 | addGap |
0.0754341 | 0.059 | |
84924 | ▁buttonWithType |
0.075453 | 0.25 | |
90428 | \GeneratedValue |
0.0754658 | 0.039 | |
93983 | _pemb |
0.0754901 | 0.56 | |
68080 | UsageId |
0.0755168 | 0.98 | _MetadataUsageId |
98656 | )\r\r\n |
0.075551 | 0.0022 | |
52568 | :UIControlEvent |
0.0755721 | 0.059 | :UIControlEventTouchUpInside |
38285 | queueReusable |
0.0757685 | 0.018 | ▁dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier , queueReusableCell , ▁dequeueReusableCell , .dequeueReusableCell |
79693 | _:* |
0.0757883 | 0.82 | |
99411 | navbarDropdown |
0.0758535 | 0.72 | |
76684 | SupportedContent |
0.075868 | 0.44 | navbarSupportedContent |
55359 | ▁gridBagConstraints |
0.0759158 | 0.97 | |
64537 | ▁preferredStyle |
0.0760582 | 0.87 | |
85147 | Ubergraph |
0.0760762 | 0.087 | |
98358 | HeaderCode |
0.0763294 | 0.97 | SmartyHeaderCode |
95533 | .RowHeaders |
0.076373 | 0.84 | |
61207 | latesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints |
0.0764602 | 0.013 | .translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints |
67718 | .columnHeader |
0.0768735 | 0.85 | |
84676 | ▁wannonce |
0.0769413 | 0.0099 | |
97210 | _grupo |
0.0769862 | 0.92 | |
73881 | .BorderSize |
0.077062 | 0.87 | |
72031 | ▁?>">\r\n |
0.0771035 | 0.0068 | |
61458 | NICALL |
0.0771461 | 0.23 | ▁JNICALL |
94484 | olleyError |
0.0773898 | 0.15 | |
59591 | AutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints |
0.0775095 | 0.0013 | latesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints , .translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints |
89541 | .Guna |
0.0775709 | 0.67 | |
95998 | *angstrom |
0.0776254 | 0.42 | |
78600 | objPHPExcel |
0.0780537 | 0.86 | $objPHPExcel |
83674 | .linkLabel |
0.0782525 | 0.98 | |
35129 | :UIControlStateNormal |
0.078287 | 0.02 | |
82124 | NewUrlParser |
0.078358 | 0.019 | ▁useNewUrlParser |
27958 | <LM |
0.078535 | 0.99 | |
80946 | ">--}}\n |
0.0785629 | 0.051 | |
60675 | \',\'".$ |
0.0785955 | 0.24 | ."\',\'".$ |
10302 | oolStrip |
0.0788574 | 0.17 | .toolStripSeparator , .ToolStrip , ToolStripMenuItem , .toolStrip , .toolStripButton , ... |
58593 | <Scalars |
0.0790642 | 0.97 | |
96943 | (resultado |
0.079228 | 0.93 | |
85591 | ."\',\'".$ |
0.0793957 | 0.05 | |
9844 | utowired |
0.0794564 | 0.1 | Autowired , .Autowired , @Autowired |
13027 | .ISupportInitialize |
0.0794585 | 0.024 | |
91743 | (jTextField |
0.0798062 | 0.96 | |
23057 | .ToolStripMenuItem |
0.0799586 | 0.85 | |
46118 | CppObject |
0.0799785 | 0.9 | |
31995 | _TypeInfo |
0.0800149 | 0.85 | |
82774 | .btnDelete |
0.0800662 | 0.97 | |
82370 | _kategori |
0.0803993 | 0.92 | |
83456 | .visitMethodInsn |
0.0804227 | 0.64 | |
55574 | localctx |
0.0805172 | 0.77 | |
93695 | .faceVertexUvs |
0.0805591 | 0.52 | |
45222 | ;\r\r\n |
0.0807005 | 0.048 | );\r\r\n , ();\r\r\n |
56428 | .setVerticalGroup |
0.0807932 | 0.0029 | |
22286 | (jPanel |
0.0810573 | 0.98 | |
62176 | ERRQ |
0.0811443 | 0.9 | CHKERRQ |
98855 | ▁tableLayoutPanel |
0.0813991 | 0.99 | |
54759 | ▁RuntimeObject |
0.0814083 | 0.79 | |
96571 | _detalle |
0.0815894 | 0.82 | |
25436 | .tabPage |
0.0816969 | 0.84 | |
65548 | .toolStripSeparator |
0.0817921 | 0.32 | |
84860 | .MenuStrip |
0.0818007 | 0.94 | |
83503 | exampleModalLabel |
0.0818356 | 0.082 | |
25308 | (jLabel |
0.0821807 | 0.98 | |
66482 | ▁dequeueReusableCell |
0.0821847 | 0.66 | ▁dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier |
49943 | _flashdata |
0.0822825 | 0.54 | |
97014 | _kelas |
0.0824514 | 0.91 | |
41373 | NetBar |
0.0824751 | 0.018 | .DotNetBar |
78263 | .richTextBox |
0.0826431 | 0.65 | |
58373 | .ApplyResources |
0.0826687 | 0.39 | |
73622 | ▁forCell |
0.0827469 | 0.69 | ▁forCellReuseIdentifier |
95115 | \',\'"+ |
0.0831964 | 0.15 | |
96156 | Nhap |
0.0832987 | 0.68 | |
73617 | _fecha |
0.0834063 | 0.98 | |
86537 | .CustomButton |
0.0838333 | 0.99 | |
73907 | .bottomAnchor |
0.0840617 | 0.14 | |
35273 | ▁########. |
0.0844105 | 0.07 | |
94956 | ▁forCellReuseIdentifier |
0.0845472 | 0.24 | |
96560 | ColumnsMode |
0.0847772 | 0.58 | |
84206 | InInspector |
0.0849457 | 0.55 | HideInInspector |
46715 | .ToolStripItem |
0.0850017 | 0.018 | |
98755 | ▁borderSide |
0.085048 | 0.94 | |
99564 | $objPHPExcel |
0.0851327 | 0.92 | |
79836 | _categoria |
0.085327 | 0.95 | |
80279 | _pago |
0.0854863 | 0.99 | |
77717 | ValueGenerationStrategy |
0.0854939 | 0.54 | |
71037 | (usuario |
0.0858663 | 0.99 | |
92482 | .AddInParameter |
0.0862834 | 0.13 | |
95556 | (INVOKE |
0.0863186 | 0.96 | |
71285 | ▁!!}</ |
0.0865541 | 0.024 | |
83556 | .WinControls |
0.0865909 | 0.51 | |
48102 | CALLTYPE |
0.0868692 | 0.83 | ▁STDMETHODCALLTYPE |
73799 | InputBorder |
0.0869056 | 0.94 | ▁OutlineInputBorder |
88123 | \ActiveForm |
0.0870351 | 0.18 | |
72420 | .Nombre |
0.087206 | 0.59 | |
94225 | ▁BlueprintReadOnly |
0.0875798 | 0.33 | |
78974 | \tcontentPane |
0.087703 | 0.28 | |
92699 | "urls |
0.0877243 | 0.31 | |
72887 | _empresa |
0.0879164 | 0.94 | |
87827 | .QRect |
0.0880705 | 0.65 | |
93498 | .SplitContainer |
0.088377 | 0.99 | |
62758 | .gridView |
0.0884369 | 1 | |
69927 | (cljs |
0.0886828 | 0.92 | |
74570 | ~":" |
0.0886839 | 0.53 | |
83088 | .statusStrip |
0.0887516 | 0.063 | |
24308 | .createSequentialGroup |
0.0888587 | 0.0093 | |
54723 | ▁IsPlainOldData |
0.0890523 | 0.31 | |
73356 | \tWebElement |
0.089061 | 0.41 | |
83093 | .masksToBounds |
0.0894705 | 0.18 | |
86393 | ▁PropelException |
0.0894778 | 0.19 | |
88031 | "indices |
0.0896367 | 0.61 | |
93651 | ▁TextInputType |
0.0897363 | 0.86 | |
70033 | .topAnchor |
0.0898424 | 0.92 | |
91098 | (Initialized |
0.0899128 | 1 | (InitializedTypeInfo |
86780 | conexao |
0.0899588 | 0.98 | ▁conexao |
89443 | ▁kutje |
0.0900788 | 0.51 | |
45310 | $arity |
0.090421 | 0.66 | |
42842 | enderror |
0.0905378 | 0.89 | |
95347 | \txtype |
0.0906836 | 0.41 | |
42325 | ▁DevComponents |
0.0906989 | 0.95 | |
26562 | ▁&___ |
0.0908294 | 0.39 | |
93882 | )prepareForSegue |
0.0908653 | 0.037 | |
98127 | .setViewportView |
0.0911631 | 0.14 | |
70260 | ▁UIStoryboardSegue |
0.0917199 | 0.57 | |
23345 | ableOpacity |
0.0917599 | 0.25 | TouchableOpacity , ▁TouchableOpacity |
55701 | _barang |
0.0917715 | 0.99 | |
99342 | .FirebaseAuth |
0.091863 | 0.78 | |
94017 | .rightBarButtonItem |
0.0918664 | 0.13 | |
93634 | _HERSHEY |
0.0919296 | 0.03 | |
32211 | .viewDidLoad |
0.0919732 | 0.65 | |
54701 | HasMaxLength |
0.0919942 | 0.92 | |
53371 | .fecha |
0.092149 | 1 | |
34314 | ▁MainAxisAlignment |
0.0924239 | 0.91 | |
93997 | (withDuration |
0.092466 | 0.6 | |
46911 | \')}}"></ |
0.0925514 | 0.039 | |
75632 | _codigo |
0.0926324 | 0.64 | |
98518 | .DefaultCellStyle |
0.0926452 | 0.66 | |
83846 | ▁GCBO |
0.0926889 | 0.44 | |
48640 | brakk |
0.0929823 | 0.41 | rbrakk , lbrakk |
52916 | ▁systemFontOfSize |
0.0932788 | 0.9 | |
70962 | .CenterScreen |
0.0936394 | 0.41 | |
87983 | .checkSelfPermission |
0.0937331 | 0.14 | |
64960 | ▁生命周期函数 |
0.0938596 | 0.19 | |
30166 | ',['../ |
0.0939685 | 0.0044 | |
73628 | ▁amatør |
0.0941033 | 0.088 | |
51345 | )paren |
0.0941918 | 0.033 | |
99649 | .TestCheck |
0.0942391 | 0.92 | |
77402 | .btnClose |
0.0947142 | 0.98 | |
58068 | .dequeueReusableCell |
0.0948855 | 0.17 | |
86542 | ->___ |
0.095046 | 0.52 | |
71003 | '];?>\n |
0.0953019 | 0.26 | |
18946 | .createParallelGroup |
0.0955276 | 0.03 | |
24926 | matchCondition |
0.0955617 | 0.94 | |
44148 | .dgv |
0.09557 | 0.75 | |
99245 | ▁ValueEventListener |
0.0955788 | 0.75 | |
77357 | HasColumnType |
0.095604 | 0.75 | |
71008 | iParam |
0.0957371 | 0.99 | |
61038 | _UnityEngine |
0.095758 | 0.93 | |
38150 | ▁víde |
0.0959169 | 0.039 | ▁vídeos , ▁vídeo |
42881 | OptionsItemSelected |
0.0961279 | 0.79 | .onOptionsItemSelected , ▁onOptionsItemSelected |
98150 | _atual |
0.0962822 | 0.92 | |
56710 | ▁UIAlertAction |
0.0964136 | 0.96 | |
98448 | (ExpectedConditions |
0.0964248 | 0.37 | |
85965 | ▁datingsider |
0.0965644 | 0.52 | |
94627 | .onViewCreated |
0.0966002 | 0.57 | |
83883 | stantiateViewController |
0.0968129 | 0.019 | |
21029 | .dataGridView |
0.0969391 | 0.91 | .dataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
43696 | _InitStruct |
0.0975638 | 0.36 | _InitStructure |
87378 | ▁sexkontakte |
0.0976582 | 0.65 | |
60370 | .usuario |
0.0979005 | 1 | |
91165 | ▁sqlSession |
0.0979427 | 0.98 | |
82287 | ▁otherButtonTitles |
0.0979831 | 0.57 | |
99311 | withErrors |
0.0980359 | 0.9 | |
42369 | setCellValue |
0.0980494 | 1 | .setCellValue |
72296 | CallCheck |
0.0981765 | 0.78 | classCallCheck |
53309 | arsimp |
0.0984559 | 0.81 | clarsimp |
94129 | ')->__(' |
0.0986723 | 0.059 | |
90645 | ,SLOT |
0.0987667 | 0.67 | |
86221 | itledBorder |
0.0989515 | 0.16 | |
25707 | .toolStrip |
0.0989547 | 0.38 | .toolStripSeparator , .toolStripButton , .toolStripMenuItem |
55508 | .MiddleCenter |
0.0990427 | 0.42 | |
90379 | redirectToRoute |
0.0990527 | 0.89 | |
39801 | .splitContainer |
0.0993293 | 0.79 | |
77879 | _IMETHOD |
0.099366 | 0.5 | |
60245 | ▁QCOMPARE |
0.0995538 | 0.99 | |
93730 | ▁useNewUrlParser |
0.0995649 | 0.6 | |
9644 | ITableView |
0.0996 | 0.87 | ▁UITableViewDelegate , UITableViewCell , ▁UITableView , :UITableView , ▁UITableViewDataSource , ... |
77000 | ▁NavParams |
0.0997012 | 0.99 | |
36397 | \r\r\n\r\r\n |
0.0997224 | 0.81 | |
54396 | .mybatisplus |
0.0997495 | 0.48 | |
99840 | \tUFUNCTION |
0.099973 | 0.22 | |
43729 | .menuStrip |
0.100065 | 0.66 | |
86395 | .FindGameObjectWithTag |
0.100189 | 0.056 | |
12451 | .GraphicsUnit |
0.10031 | 0.61 | |
79826 | ▁BCHP |
0.100419 | 0.97 | |
59849 | extAlignment |
0.100439 | 0.051 | .TextAlignment , ▁NSTextAlignment |
96268 | ▁navCtrl |
0.100555 | 0.92 | |
94053 | YLeaf |
0.100668 | 0.45 | |
89503 | .='< |
0.100766 | 0.018 | |
67032 | .NumericUpDown |
0.100808 | 0.97 | |
96904 | :)]) |
0.100808 | 0.0096 | |
99756 | ▁forIndexPath |
0.101039 | 0.77 | |
13765 | TRGL |
0.101306 | 1 | |
75434 | .MiddleRight |
0.101311 | 0.77 | |
95117 | ▁AssemblyCopyright |
0.101365 | 0.68 | |
42784 | HasColumnName |
0.101682 | 0.88 | |
91662 | ▁PdfPCell |
0.10172 | 0.93 | |
76363 | ▁DataGridViewCellStyle |
0.102107 | 0.91 | |
83755 | ▁cellForRowAt |
0.102185 | 0.85 | |
72795 | @FindBy |
0.102314 | 0.58 | |
43637 | .GridColumn |
0.102523 | 0.92 | |
84161 | _documento |
0.102534 | 0.91 | |
65293 | ▁dataSnapshot |
0.102625 | 1 | |
53715 | .MiddleLeft |
0.102697 | 0.64 | |
61199 | _InitStructure |
0.102826 | 0.65 | |
84000 | .DropDownStyle |
0.103305 | 0.85 | |
85972 | CallableWrapper |
0.103326 | 0.87 | _ComCallableWrapper |
90728 | .="< |
0.103379 | 0.039 | |
84057 | ▁RoundedRectangleBorder |
0.103465 | 0.95 | |
91097 | EmptyEntries |
0.103563 | 0.98 | .RemoveEmptyEntries |
70829 | akeFromNib |
0.103568 | 0.00047 | ▁awakeFromNib |
92491 | ▁AssemblyDescription |
0.103691 | 0.75 | |
97778 | \t▁▁▁▁\t\t\t |
0.103824 | 0.54 | |
81302 | ▁HttpStatusCodeResult |
0.103984 | 0.87 | |
83600 | .navCtrl |
0.104018 | 0.79 | |
94540 | .DisplayStyle |
0.104161 | 0.93 | |
84944 | (HaveOccurred |
0.104491 | 0.74 | |
47598 | NdEx |
0.104508 | 0.077 | \tiNdEx , ▁iNdEx |
85325 | .AddModelError |
0.104783 | 0.058 | |
41492 | THOOK |
0.104822 | 0.96 | \tRTHOOK |
94823 | textTheme |
0.104926 | 0.89 | |
83043 | ▁bakeka |
0.104958 | 0.11 | |
95420 | @RequestParam |
0.105155 | 0.97 | |
98000 | .Cdecl |
0.105177 | 0.099 | |
59715 | .TableLayoutPanel |
0.105229 | 0.98 | |
44792 | dropIfExists |
0.105309 | 0.29 | |
80562 | ▁XCTAssertTrue |
0.10541 | 0.99 | |
100008 | ▁onDataChange |
0.105436 | 1 | |
75985 | getClientOriginal |
0.10567 | 0.93 | |
77912 | .EditValue |
0.105748 | 0.99 | |
62768 | \tUPROPERTY |
0.105789 | 0.13 | |
79707 | ButtonTitles |
0.1058 | 0.87 | ▁otherButtonTitles |
59823 | .DateTimePicker |
0.105842 | 0.92 | |
84196 | .cgColor |
0.10593 | 0.85 | |
53559 | ichTextBox |
0.105948 | 0.0089 | ▁richTextBox , .richTextBox , .RichTextBox |
50210 | .updateDynamic |
0.106039 | 0.62 | |
35237 | .LayoutStyle |
0.106086 | 0.72 | |
38718 | .configureTestingModule |
0.106101 | 0.013 | |
73977 | ']>;\n |
0.106685 | 0.23 | |
33533 | ▁ragaz |
0.10681 | 0.89 | ▁ragazza , ▁ragazzi , ▁ragazze , ▁ragazzo |
82996 | .WebServlet |
0.107091 | 0.0069 | |
72607 | DECREF |
0.107176 | 0.99 | _XDECREF |
21000 | BeginInit |
0.107248 | 0.99 | |
98218 | ▁fontWithName |
0.107417 | 0.54 | |
55740 | radouro |
0.107646 | 0.036 | logradouro |
63480 | .btnSave |
0.107693 | 0.96 | |
93306 | ▁AssetImage |
0.107824 | 1 | |
66668 | .BackgroundImageLayout |
0.107897 | 0.96 | |
90746 | ▁?>><? |
0.107903 | 0.39 | |
65279 | AnimationsModule |
0.107925 | 0.23 | ▁BrowserAnimationsModule |
21145 | ▁#+# |
0.107995 | 0.63 | |
90334 | ▁pornofilm |
0.107995 | 0.67 | |
66609 | _hresult |
0.108205 | 0.96 | |
92246 | endereco |
0.108465 | 1 | |
70224 | ▁århus |
0.108466 | 0.47 | |
64852 | arParams |
0.10854 | 0.93 | |
87781 | getStringExtra |
0.108609 | 0.93 | |
91405 | :SetPoint |
0.108729 | 0.97 | |
93535 | ▁AssemblyProduct |
0.108733 | 0.59 | |
56259 | CloseOperation |
0.108836 | 0.97 | ▁setDefaultCloseOperation , DefaultCloseOperation |
44242 | .TabPage |
0.109111 | 0.96 | |
65785 | URLException |
0.109111 | 0.92 | formedURLException |
70336 | ▁spep |
0.109115 | 0.91 | |
72104 | ▁dejtings |
0.109167 | 0.36 | ▁dejtingsaj |
90738 | HomeAsUp |
0.10918 | 0.73 | HomeAsUpEnabled |
69355 | .codigo |
0.10935 | 0.93 | |
55558 | ▁defaultstate |
0.109451 | 0.39 | |
23957 | ▁[-]: |
0.109488 | 0.97 | |
89512 | ▁pickerView |
0.109657 | 1 | |
45098 | compileComponents |
0.109987 | 0.19 | |
72529 | .gridx |
0.109991 | 0.9 | |
60260 | .FixedSingle |
0.110114 | 0.065 | |
95442 | requete |
0.110177 | 1 | |
98977 | ▁conexao |
0.110214 | 1 | |
12971 | upportInitialize |
0.110238 | 0.024 | .ISupportInitialize |
28450 | .SizeF |
0.110239 | 0.39 | |
86662 | DefaultCellStyle |
0.110263 | 0.32 | .DefaultCellStyle |
88606 | <translation |
0.110342 | 0.99 | |
88451 | .toastr |
0.110384 | 0.99 | |
24816 | webElement |
0.110502 | 0.98 | webElementXpaths , webElementX , webElementProperties |
77487 | .NVarChar |
0.110621 | 0.25 | |
92656 | ▁lesbisk |
0.110851 | 0.53 | |
75413 | HasForeignKey |
0.110853 | 0.79 | |
74805 | Empleado |
0.110994 | 1 | |
94887 | HTTPRequestOperation |
0.111155 | 0.98 | |
99867 | NavigationItemSelectedListener |
0.111215 | 0.95 | |
55814 | ▁ZeroConstructor |
0.1113 | 0.73 | |
49245 | ']?></ |
0.111625 | 0.13 | |
96145 | JEXEC |
0.111764 | 0.95 | |
23618 | .PerformLayout |
0.11182 | 0.13 | |
69567 | .onOptionsItemSelected |
0.112035 | 0.13 | |
90753 | .JMenuItem |
0.11216 | 0.17 | |
76692 | LTRB |
0.112171 | 0.91 | .fromLTRB |
49752 | .TRAILING |
0.112549 | 0.73 | |
68953 | ▁nakne |
0.112595 | 0.38 | |
84725 | <AudioSource |
0.112699 | 0.93 | |
80793 | ▁grantResults |
0.112769 | 0.92 | |
75031 | .Usuario |
0.1129 | 0.93 | |
98371 | pushViewController |
0.11316 | 0.99 | |
97004 | oralType |
0.113208 | 0.094 | |
62673 | ImplOptions |
0.113402 | 0.79 | (MethodImplOptions |
65634 | imizeBox |
0.1135 | 0.1 | .MaximizeBox |
68537 | _Msp |
0.113622 | 0.42 | |
84752 | CHEMY |
0.113788 | 0.91 | ALCHEMY |
73034 | flashdata |
0.113848 | 0.99 | |
34043 | vangst |
0.113868 | 0.092 | ▁thuisontvangst , ▁ontvangst , ontvangst |
92571 | ▁destinationViewController |
0.113879 | 1 | |
72668 | '])){\r\n |
0.113957 | 0.0018 | |
44720 | .FlatAppearance |
0.114075 | 0.65 | |
92078 | ▁jylland |
0.114152 | 0.81 | |
91511 | }}">{{$ |
0.114203 | 0.15 | |
58792 | exampleInput |
0.114333 | 0.97 | exampleInputEmail |
60673 | ystatechange |
0.11454 | 0.078 | readystatechange , .onreadystatechange |
52455 | ▁MetroFramework |
0.114652 | 0.55 | |
93313 | ."\'";\n |
0.11492 | 0.11 | |
98182 | ']}}</ |
0.114922 | 0.002 | |
82202 | myModalLabel |
0.114942 | 0.74 | |
46455 | CppType |
0.115039 | 0.96 | CppTypeDefinitionSizes , CppTypeDefinition |
10412 | ictureBox |
0.115039 | 0.0076 | ▁PictureBox , PictureBox , .pictureBox , ▁pictureBox , pictureBox , ... |
75193 | TableWidgetItem |
0.115109 | 0.9 | ▁QTableWidgetItem |
77730 | .globalData |
0.115144 | 0.99 | |
50832 | getActiveSheet |
0.115248 | 0.98 | |
76463 | ForSegue |
0.115282 | 0.04 | )prepareForSegue |
40785 | ♀♀ |
0.115291 | 0.97 | ♀♀♀♀ |
64718 | groupBox |
0.115379 | 1 | |
94882 | .LookAndFeel |
0.115708 | 0.86 | |
90074 | IntervalSince |
0.116012 | 0.39 | |
84762 | endphp |
0.116042 | 0.57 | |
67134 | ▁QVERIFY |
0.116105 | 0.94 | |
48928 | KindOfClass |
0.116536 | 0.79 | ▁isKindOfClass |
91388 | .GetCurrentMethod |
0.117065 | 0.33 | |
98068 | .setPositiveButton |
0.117104 | 0.9 | |
48386 | Autoresizing |
0.117129 | 0.95 | AutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints , latesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints , .translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints , AutoresizingMask |
13526 | ▁+#+ |
0.117248 | 0.42 | ▁+#+#+#+ , ▁+#+#+#+#+#+ |
71601 | \']?>" |
0.117397 | 0.055 | |
31836 | >\r\r\n |
0.117482 | 0.42 | ">\r\r\n |
78238 | ▁setTitleColor |
0.117496 | 0.98 | |
84449 | .CompareTag |
0.11763 | 0.069 | |
85991 | =findViewById |
0.11777 | 0.4 | |
66348 | managedType |
0.117792 | 0.92 | (UnmanagedType |
98963 | .MouseEventHandler |
0.117885 | 0.23 | |
95867 | (datos |
0.117904 | 0.98 | |
98449 | .postValue |
0.117944 | 0.75 | |
84877 | "]=$ |
0.117948 | 0.12 | |
56367 | ▁MaterialPageRoute |
0.118003 | 0.99 | |
94792 | ▁MatButtonModule |
0.118018 | 0.87 | |
96993 | HeaderInSection |
0.11805 | 0.91 | |
73946 | .KeyChar |
0.118118 | 0.84 | |
99287 | ▁?>;\n |
0.11816 | 0.24 | |
87274 | .ImageAlign |
0.118163 | 0.77 | |
77987 | SplitOptions |
0.118213 | 0.99 | ▁StringSplitOptions |
97906 | (withId |
0.118358 | 0.98 | |
22937 | .tableLayoutPanel |
0.118407 | 0.48 | |
56378 | .btnCancel |
0.118622 | 0.79 | |
67199 | :UITableView |
0.118624 | 0.55 | |
97935 | ▁sextreffen |
0.119012 | 0.78 | |
89287 | .DropDownItems |
0.119248 | 0.87 | |
94039 | .Tipo |
0.119284 | 0.99 | |
28446 | BagConstraints |
0.119429 | 0.24 | ▁gridBagConstraints , ▁GridBagConstraints |
60001 | \']."\' |
0.119515 | 0.061 | |
50547 | .tabControl |
0.119629 | 0.51 | |
23667 | .PictureBox |
0.119675 | 0.96 | .PictureBoxSizeMode |
66527 | AxisSize |
0.119751 | 0.88 | |
95123 | (pDX |
0.119791 | 0.1 | |
76494 | \Seeder |
0.11981 | 0.24 | |
82781 | BTTag |
0.119994 | 0.19 | BTTagCompound |
64986 | .setCellValue |
0.119998 | 0.99 | |
56253 | FunctionFlags |
0.120058 | 0.84 | |
47174 | ▁bryster |
0.120137 | 0.52 | |
89779 | RowAnimation |
0.120174 | 0.94 | |
43436 | '].'</ |
0.120284 | 0.087 | |
99405 | .contentMode |
0.120318 | 0.32 | |
58932 | weakSelf |
0.120398 | 0.98 | ▁weakSelf |
78521 | _AspNet |
0.120604 | 0.99 | |
99978 | \t\t▁▁▁▁\t\t |
0.120642 | 0.62 | |
25049 | MemoryWarning |
0.120678 | 0.96 | )didReceiveMemoryWarning , .didReceiveMemoryWarning , ▁didReceiveMemoryWarning , ReceiveMemoryWarning |
87579 | importDefault |
0.120684 | 0.61 | |
67895 | .JpaRepository |
0.120743 | 0.012 | |
100121 | cmpeq |
0.120808 | 0.94 | |
31664 | DispatchToProps |
0.120854 | 0.61 | ▁mapDispatchToProps |
81598 | ValueHandling |
0.120861 | 0.92 | |
94991 | ▁AssemblyCompany |
0.121085 | 0.94 | |
72782 | .gridy |
0.121214 | 0.89 | |
25054 | ReceiveMemoryWarning |
0.121469 | 0.37 | )didReceiveMemoryWarning , .didReceiveMemoryWarning , ▁didReceiveMemoryWarning |
90048 | _EDEFAULT |
0.121765 | 0.67 | |
75334 | ▁NSTextAlignment |
0.121895 | 0.99 | |
90384 | \tLCD |
0.121926 | 0.93 | |
21003 | EndInit |
0.121962 | 0.74 | |
49901 | ▁forControlEvents |
0.121974 | 0.3 | |
24484 | ++){\r\n |
0.122233 | 0.019 | |
86378 | .TabControl |
0.122355 | 0.92 | |
97191 | .getWritableDatabase |
0.122362 | 0.2 | |
66639 | toolStrip |
0.122377 | 0.99 | .toolStripButton , .toolStripMenuItem |
73781 | ▁alertController |
0.12243 | 0.99 | |
99006 | ▁authDomain |
0.122447 | 1 | |
91927 | \');?>" |
0.122523 | 0.041 | |
81775 | ▁modelAndView |
0.122638 | 0.98 | |
22986 | .LEADING |
0.122655 | 0.98 | |
94268 | ▁IonicPage |
0.122905 | 0.72 | |
93368 | .MapFrom |
0.123007 | 0.98 | |
61042 | Apellido |
0.123011 | 0.99 | |
51519 | AntiForgeryToken |
0.123071 | 0.84 | ValidateAntiForgeryToken |
59372 | ▁localObject |
0.123071 | 0.99 | |
83961 | togroup |
0.123099 | 0.96 | addtogroup |
60181 | arResult |
0.123261 | 0.82 | |
55429 | fillType |
0.123279 | 0.99 | |
57089 | ▁standardUserDefaults |
0.123281 | 0.92 | |
66514 | _inicio |
0.123298 | 0.94 | |
54142 | .GetKeyDown |
0.123386 | 0.26 | |
22116 | .GroupBox |
0.123428 | 0.99 | |
76421 | angepicker |
0.123592 | 0.62 | aterangepicker |
92793 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t\t\t |
0.123618 | 0.7 | |
88443 | _QMARK |
0.123707 | 0.76 | |
72072 | \tmysqli |
0.123822 | 0.79 | |
91382 | :NSMakeRange |
0.123855 | 0.12 | |
100139 | toBeInTheDocument |
0.123893 | 0.71 | |
76822 | navbarSupportedContent |
0.123923 | 0.1 | |
88584 | BindingUtil |
0.123956 | 0.16 | |
80909 | Xã |
0.124062 | 0.54 | |
95272 | .clipsToBounds |
0.124224 | 0.88 | |
63164 | _estado |
0.124253 | 0.98 | |
69615 | .centerY |
0.12438 | 0.99 | |
98186 | (mappedBy |
0.124413 | 0.014 | |
98819 | .getColumnModel |
0.124481 | 0.28 | |
70108 | .forChild |
0.124686 | 0.054 | |
83447 | ▁referencedColumnName |
0.124697 | 0.98 | |
78002 | ▁cancelButtonTitle |
0.124775 | 0.99 | |
69219 | .ModelAdmin |
0.124893 | 0.24 | |
96105 | SectionsIn |
0.124906 | 0.88 | |
49250 | ▁FStar |
0.124932 | 1 | |
83484 | _icall |
0.125056 | 0.94 | |
60695 | ]initWithFrame |
0.125072 | 0.019 | |
70714 | \tafx |
0.125243 | 0.036 | |
10908 | .Xtra |
0.125264 | 0.78 | .XtraReports , .XtraLayout , .XtraBars , .XtraGrid , .XtraPrinting , ... |
93079 | \ttemplateUrl |
0.125348 | 0.22 | |
36485 | fulWidget |
0.125522 | 0.15 | ▁StatefulWidget |
70605 | .listBox |
0.125607 | 1 | |
70931 | ▁JsonRequestBehavior |
0.125654 | 0.93 | |
79927 | MFLOAT |
0.12574 | 0.92 | |
62121 | ]));\r\n |
0.125848 | 0.024 | |
64927 | .authService |
0.12608 | 0.97 | |
60361 | ▁stringByAppending |
0.126241 | 0.95 | ▁stringByAppendingString |
86609 | \tglfw |
0.126297 | 0.99 | |
94475 | BTTagCompound |
0.126303 | 0.15 | |
79602 | .maxcdn |
0.126318 | 0.36 | |
98116 | .lista |
0.126353 | 1 | |
89608 | ▁JADX |
0.126405 | 0.14 | |
67025 | .btnAdd |
0.126415 | 0.97 | |
93226 | ▁TBranch |
0.126441 | 0.96 | |
72681 | @endforeach |
0.126463 | 0.75 | |
45761 | _cliente |
0.126486 | 0.99 | |
82346 | )NSString |
0.126536 | 0.033 | |
87686 | ckså |
0.12656 | 0.0035 | ▁också |
59726 | .DropTable |
0.126586 | 0.9 | |
41024 | ▁prostituer |
0.126634 | 0.71 | ▁prostituerte , ▁prostituerade |
45862 | FontOfSize |
0.126641 | 0.38 | ▁systemFontOfSize |
78035 | ornecedor |
0.126657 | 0.11 | |
13712 | .ToolStrip |
0.126774 | 0.51 | .ToolStripSeparator , .ToolStripItem , .ToolStripMenuItem , .ToolStripButton |
80283 | .JComboBox |
0.126807 | 0.079 | |
88910 | ▁tabPage |
0.126906 | 0.99 | |
15467 | TextBoxColumn |
0.126963 | 0.88 | .dataGridViewTextBoxColumn , DataGridViewTextBoxColumn , .DataGridViewTextBoxColumn , ▁dataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
78955 | SelfPermission |
0.127047 | 0.71 | .checkSelfPermission |
51809 | ▁MEDIATEK |
0.127067 | 0.98 | |
84845 | PostalCodes |
0.127169 | 1 | PostalCodesNL , $PostalCodesNL |
95510 | .lineEdit |
0.127205 | 0.92 | |
54052 | ']?> |
0.127236 | 0.35 | \']?>" |
95424 | .numberOfLines |
0.127239 | 0.98 | |
87525 | BinContent |
0.127337 | 0.93 | |
97828 | _numero |
0.127385 | 0.99 | |
94453 | .Nome |
0.127417 | 0.98 | |
88948 | .pushButton |
0.127454 | 0.79 | |
87497 | .DecimalField |
0.127487 | 0.66 | |
46154 | BootTest |
0.127705 | 0.93 | .SpringBootTest , @SpringBootTest |
68439 | \'];?>" |
0.127789 | 0.036 | |
93600 | ▁kInstruction |
0.1278 | 0.99 | |
46585 | \']."</ |
0.12789 | 0.0081 | |
88553 | toBeFalsy |
0.12789 | 0.95 | |
82748 | SpaceItem |
0.127995 | 1 | |
82518 | ▁contentValues |
0.128025 | 0.98 | |
81705 | ▁dejtingsaj |
0.128065 | 0.94 | |
65922 | \')}}"> |
0.128247 | 0.01 | |
50055 | vtColor |
0.128301 | 0.78 | .cvtColor |
73501 | ▁BorderSide |
0.12832 | 0.99 | |
24859 | ▁!!}\n |
0.128344 | 0.32 | |
91696 | \tlcd |
0.128457 | 0.96 | |
44777 | '];?></ |
0.128471 | 0.023 | |
96928 | \tstartActivity |
0.128511 | 0.9 | |
64870 | ▁jspb |
0.128575 | 0.92 | |
41893 | andExpect |
0.128718 | 0.57 | |
25058 | .SystemColors |
0.128736 | 0.4 | |
20679 | >";\r\n |
0.128742 | 0.0047 | |
93572 | RecognitionException |
0.128873 | 0.99 | |
56800 | ▁GenerationType |
0.128966 | 0.92 | |
74859 | ▁weakSelf |
0.129007 | 0.99 | |
72304 | .SpringBootTest |
0.129023 | 0.012 | |
56192 | TouchUpInside |
0.129032 | 0.99 | :UIControlEventTouchUpInside |
40002 | .radioButton |
0.129084 | 0.94 | |
87474 | 無しさん |
0.129153 | 0.02 | |
94047 | jspb |
0.129438 | 0.95 | |
96347 | ListItemIcon |
0.129611 | 0.99 | |
45411 | (withIdentifier |
0.12969 | 0.65 | |
75654 | mpjes |
0.129735 | 0.066 | ▁filmpjes |
88460 | ListItemText |
0.130061 | 0.99 | |
59040 | oreferrer |
0.130127 | 0.54 | ▁noreferrer |
84853 | _SCANCODE |
0.130256 | 1 | |
54326 | <Rigidbody |
0.13034 | 0.77 | |
44264 | EditingController |
0.130425 | 0.95 | ▁TextEditingController |
51926 | ValidateAntiForgeryToken |
0.130425 | 1 | |
94884 | .findByIdAndUpdate |
0.13044 | 0.84 | |
55886 | \')}}">\n |
0.130504 | 0.089 | |
49882 | ▁?>">< |
0.130506 | 0.53 | ▁?>"></ |
16518 | .pictureBox |
0.130615 | 0.81 | |
46127 | '}}>\n |
0.130636 | 0.012 | |
86160 | .SwingConstants |
0.130639 | 0.059 | |
68277 | \tJLabel |
0.130653 | 0.48 | |
33493 | .bootstrapcdn |
0.130669 | 0.078 | |
94288 | """),\n |
0.130705 | 0.38 | |
92100 | ▁getMenuInflater |
0.130816 | 0.95 | |
66753 | ▁erotiske |
0.130881 | 0.62 | |
64113 | InitStruct |
0.130921 | 0.99 | _OscInitStruct |
78593 | ISyntaxException |
0.131084 | 0.013 | |
95367 | convertView |
0.13124 | 0.98 | |
89917 | ▁porrf |
0.131241 | 0.29 | |
94070 | .ScrollBars |
0.1313 | 0.67 | |
94231 | _valor |
0.131336 | 0.99 | |
75575 | _putstr |
0.131412 | 0.93 | |
78189 | .SelectedIndexChanged |
0.131499 | 0.75 | |
23704 | >';\r\n |
0.131562 | 0.03 | ">\';\r\n |
67090 | \'].\'" |
0.131576 | 0.065 | |
89557 | =<?=$ |
0.131695 | 0.21 | |
28553 | asterxml |
0.131751 | 0.066 | .fasterxml |
15842 | uspendLayout |
0.131785 | 0.0084 | .SuspendLayout |
55230 | ▁?>>\n |
0.131788 | 0.56 | |
73433 | \'";\r\n |
0.131822 | 0.00048 | |
87389 | \tUObject |
0.131953 | 0.47 | |
36846 | _OCCURRED |
0.13209 | 0.94 | |
71811 | .estado |
0.132513 | 0.95 | |
33594 | [indexPath |
0.132791 | 0.5 | |
51408 | ForgeryToken |
0.1328 | 0.03 | ValidateAntiForgeryToken , AntiForgeryToken |
85153 | ▁unitOfWork |
0.132945 | 1 | |
74566 | ":@" |
0.132947 | 0.13 | |
70454 | ▁BoxFit |
0.133016 | 1 | |
99947 | .setCancelable |
0.133075 | 0.59 | |
59480 | .AllowUser |
0.133103 | 0.18 | |
55716 | ▁?>\r\n\r\n |
0.133212 | 0.0061 | |
90407 | .MaximizeBox |
0.133218 | 0.19 | |
83002 | CheckedChangeListener |
0.133258 | 0.96 | |
97459 | @PostMapping |
0.13334 | 0.95 | |
56283 | .textAlignment |
0.133356 | 0.43 | |
90690 | ▁AssemblyTitle |
0.133383 | 0.91 | |
96366 | ▁setBackgroundImage |
0.133383 | 0.94 | |
87704 | .modelo |
0.133441 | 1 | |
87024 | @FXML |
0.133467 | 0.27 | |
80157 | ▁SubLObject |
0.133527 | 0.71 | |
40969 | $MESS |
0.133646 | 0.96 | |
96006 | ableViewController |
0.133695 | 0.56 | ▁UITableViewController |
83820 | castHit |
0.133816 | 0.11 | ▁RaycastHit |
81039 | "}}>\n |
0.133844 | 0.0057 | |
37742 | -------------</ |
0.13387 | 0.67 | :-------------</ |
84655 | ▁***!\n |
0.133994 | 0.61 | |
44791 | >");\r\n |
0.134065 | 0.028 | |
96240 | }");\r\n |
0.134106 | 0.066 | |
60899 | .LoadScene |
0.134109 | 0.98 | |
63023 | .SpringBootApplication |
0.134155 | 0.0011 | |
74705 | MakeRange |
0.1342 | 0.97 | :NSMakeRange |
65507 | apgolly |
0.134285 | 0.25 | ▁typingsJapgolly , Japgolly |
88474 | .dtp |
0.134289 | 1 | |
44622 | .FormattingEnabled |
0.134342 | 0.59 | |
17385 | ▁migrationBuilder |
0.13435 | 1 | |
56776 | .Cursors |
0.13445 | 1 | |
40752 | \tglVertex |
0.134521 | 0.98 | |
67847 | ]<<" |
0.134644 | 0.11 | |
39789 | ]initWith |
0.134683 | 0.14 | ]initWithFrame |
43171 | ?>">\n |
0.134797 | 0.16 | |
55714 | apGestureRecognizer |
0.134997 | 0.02 | ▁UITapGestureRecognizer |
99678 | |RF |
0.135264 | 1 | |
100095 | ▁productService |
0.135366 | 1 | |
73749 | .ModelSerializer |
0.135389 | 0.35 | |
82282 | ▁IonicModule |
0.135564 | 0.75 | |
84999 | WritableDatabase |
0.135648 | 0.93 | .getWritableDatabase |
32203 | .comboBox |
0.1358 | 0.99 | |
86357 | \tglUniform |
0.135898 | 0.83 | |
93649 | ▁jTable |
0.135919 | 1 | |
66124 | NoArgsConstructor |
0.135991 | 0.9 | .NoArgsConstructor , @NoArgsConstructor |
66428 | .SizeMode |
0.135993 | 0.89 | |
26727 | ']);\r\n |
0.136005 | 0.0093 | |
90004 | ▁?>:</ |
0.136063 | 0.13 | |
79142 | ">\';\r\n |
0.136154 | 0.025 | |
94159 | IsUnicode |
0.136255 | 0.98 | |
95446 | URLOPT |
0.136272 | 0.57 | |
91278 | (numero |
0.136319 | 1 | |
76621 | .CurrentRow |
0.136399 | 0.97 | |
56591 | .tipo |
0.136429 | 1 | |
87190 | ▁defStyleAttr |
0.136496 | 0.93 | |
82032 | imeInterval |
0.136573 | 0.12 | ▁TimeInterval |
89332 | .XPATH |
0.136671 | 0.71 | |
73218 | .CheckedChanged |
0.136692 | 0.96 | |
65622 | AllArgsConstructor |
0.136862 | 0.58 | .AllArgsConstructor , @AllArgsConstructor |
82556 | ▁animateWithDuration |
0.136888 | 0.79 | |
94664 | .ContextCompat |
0.136911 | 0.028 | |
78508 | <SpriteRenderer |
0.136915 | 0.89 | |
52440 | ▁jTextField |
0.136954 | 1 | |
73913 | \tglEnable |
0.137136 | 0.93 | |
100221 | ▁navigationOptions |
0.137152 | 0.99 | |
77755 | ▁!!} |
0.137317 | 0.93 | |
85618 | \tJButton |
0.137437 | 0.13 | |
99537 | ScrollIndicator |
0.13744 | 1 | |
63928 | .JScrollPane |
0.137524 | 0.83 | |
68812 | @ResponseBody |
0.13753 | 0.97 | |
95049 | .SetToolTip |
0.137552 | 0.91 | |
64715 | \tglut |
0.138035 | 0.95 | |
23554 | ICollectionView |
0.138048 | 1 | ▁UICollectionView , ▁UICollectionViewCell , UICollectionView |
52317 | INavigationController |
0.138246 | 0.023 | ▁UINavigationController |
50485 | -Javadoc |
0.138321 | 0.13 | |
28294 | atedRoute |
0.138375 | 0.13 | ▁ActivatedRoute |
12180 | .DataGridView |
0.138498 | 0.98 | .DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode , .DataGridViewTriState , .DataGridViewCellStyle , .DataGridViewContentAlignment , .DataGridViewTextBoxColumn , ... |
88203 | .contentOffset |
0.138596 | 0.98 | |
86788 | .userdetails |
0.138679 | 0.9 | |
77519 | .createCell |
0.138728 | 0.99 | |
76459 | \tGtk |
0.138797 | 0.95 | |
58141 | \t▁▁▁▁\t\t |
0.138876 | 0.88 | \t▁▁▁▁\t\t\t , \t\t▁▁▁▁\t\t |
66808 | .collectionView |
0.138954 | 0.98 | |
23230 | paredStatement |
0.139036 | 0.065 | ▁PreparedStatement , \tPreparedStatement , PreparedStatement , .PreparedStatement , ▁preparedStatement |
64335 | OptionsResolver |
0.139155 | 0.93 | \OptionsResolver |
72573 | (EFFECT |
0.139361 | 0.96 | |
96750 | .fromRGBO |
0.139366 | 0.039 | |
97887 | ▁YYS |
0.139385 | 0.99 | ▁YYSTYPE |
56462 | .reloadData |
0.139521 | 0.93 | |
33677 | .nombre |
0.139602 | 0.99 | |
26057 | ArgsConstructor |
0.139626 | 0.64 | AllArgsConstructor , .AllArgsConstructor , .NoArgsConstructor , NoArgsConstructor , @NoArgsConstructor , ... |
79358 | .habbo |
0.139631 | 0.98 | |
96432 | .navigateByUrl |
0.139694 | 0.53 | |
77645 | GenerationStrategy |
0.13977 | 0.9 | ValueGenerationStrategy |
95632 | ▁fragmentManager |
0.139797 | 1 | |
43556 | UpInside |
0.139967 | 0.35 | :UIControlEventTouchUpInside , TouchUpInside |
10941 | .groupBox |
0.139982 | 0.9 | |
52615 | .VarChar |
0.140013 | 0.94 | |
13274 | .PREFERRED |
0.140035 | 1 | |
93483 | .IsDBNull |
0.140047 | 0.34 | |
66118 | _^( |
0.14005 | 0.97 | |
63570 | .translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints |
0.140055 | 0.31 | |
60535 | \tImGui |
0.140145 | 0.2 | |
89037 | probante |
0.140194 | 0.95 | |
94489 | )))));\r\n |
0.14025 | 0.054 | |
53836 | ;?>" |
0.140328 | 0.076 | \');?>" , \'];?>" |
98011 | (Schedulers |
0.140372 | 0.92 | |
20513 | itempty |
0.14047 | 0.24 | ,omitempty , omitempty |
81905 | SuccessListener |
0.140602 | 0.94 | |
98282 | .getExternalStorage |
0.140641 | 0.88 | |
86818 | ')?></ |
0.140693 | 0.071 | |
87432 | ','=',$ |
0.140864 | 0.082 | |
36123 | NIEnv |
0.140993 | 0.0073 | JNIEnv , (JNIEnv , ▁JNIEnv |
14179 | ▁jLabel |
0.14103 | 1 | |
86504 | PointXYZ |
0.141059 | 0.99 | |
67150 | ▁aDecoder |
0.141077 | 0.87 | |
87636 | _nama |
0.14108 | 0.97 | |
99920 | ▁createStackNavigator |
0.141126 | 0.94 | |
99377 | ▁numberWithInt |
0.141233 | 0.44 | |
99532 | .getSharedPreferences |
0.141322 | 0.24 | |
33650 | ▁XCTAssertEqual |
0.141377 | 0.99 | |
36510 | ::_(' |
0.141447 | 0.069 | |
65304 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t\t |
0.141534 | 0.95 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t\t\t |
79211 | ▁TextFormField |
0.14156 | 1 | |
71385 | |{\n |
0.141694 | 0.9 | |
88492 | .JTable |
0.141743 | 0.93 | |
75811 | .usermodel |
0.141775 | 0.39 | |
96198 | :SetText |
0.141799 | 0.8 | |
52885 | '];?> |
0.141866 | 0.4 | '];?>\n , \'];?>" |
99838 | \t\t\t▁▁▁▁\t |
0.141929 | 0.53 | |
0.141998 | 0.68 | |
93442 | .SubElement |
0.142123 | 0.98 | |
64839 | .GetMapping |
0.142171 | 0.84 | |
45931 | .ColumnHeader |
0.142182 | 0.99 | .ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode |
50818 | .BASELINE |
0.14219 | 0.73 | |
52704 | \tglBind |
0.142236 | 0.99 | |
92568 | _pushButton |
0.14228 | 0.95 | |
75635 | requestCode |
0.142284 | 0.99 | |
33768 | .showMessageDialog |
0.142357 | 0.92 | |
51260 | ▁?>"></ |
0.142358 | 0.19 | |
83267 | .BindingSource |
0.14239 | 0.95 | |
97574 | .RichTextBox |
0.142411 | 0.94 | |
81303 | ▁hieronta |
0.142479 | 0.69 | |
91341 | (ChatColor |
0.14278 | 0.99 | |
98703 | ▁MessageBoxButton |
0.142855 | 0.98 | |
56889 | .textLabel |
0.143101 | 0.98 | |
37270 | (hObject |
0.14312 | 0.64 | |
52630 | ','= |
0.143185 | 0.67 | ','=',$ , ','=', , ','=',' |
43393 | :indexPath |
0.14325 | 0.89 | |
42346 | umericUpDown |
0.143397 | 0.058 | .numericUpDown , .NumericUpDown |
80253 | .moveToFirst |
0.143443 | 0.63 | |
72108 | .MockMvc |
0.143502 | 0.48 | |
88678 | ▁RTVF |
0.14358 | 0.76 | |
59490 | exampleModal |
0.1436 | 0.41 | exampleModalLabel |
20887 | ▁XCTAssert |
0.143606 | 0.99 | ▁XCTAssertEqual , ▁XCTAssertTrue |
84900 | .AutoSizeMode |
0.14363 | 0.95 | |
96484 | .setOnAction |
0.14366 | 0.97 | |
94807 | ▁RTBU |
0.143757 | 0.89 | |
70897 | ださい |
0.143799 | 0.48 | ください |
35362 | .addSubview |
0.143811 | 0.98 | |
81569 | isContained |
0.143812 | 0.55 | |
93656 | IconModule |
0.14392 | 0.97 | |
63789 | direccion |
0.143956 | 0.99 | ▁direccion |
85467 | .getJSONArray |
0.143982 | 0.81 | |
85264 | (OpCodes |
0.144202 | 0.99 | |
31441 | .JTextField |
0.144283 | 0.14 | |
82110 | ▁ModelRenderer |
0.144327 | 0.98 | |
84865 | .spaceBetween |
0.144351 | 0.66 | |
90884 | .ToBoolean |
0.144359 | 0.97 | |
70749 | .OrdinalIgnoreCase |
0.144422 | 0.91 | |
12161 | yclerView |
0.144498 | 0.024 | RecyclerView , ▁recyclerView , .RecyclerView , ▁mRecyclerView , ▁RecyclerView |
85547 | ▁MatTable |
0.144554 | 0.95 | |
55578 | ▁InputDecoration |
0.144558 | 0.94 | |
80016 | >');\r\n |
0.144563 | 0.0075 | |
61862 | PositiveButton |
0.144688 | 0.96 | .setPositiveButton |
75920 | _regeneration |
0.144715 | 1 | |
74216 | unitOfWork |
0.144738 | 0.99 | ▁unitOfWork |
83507 | .TextEdit |
0.144866 | 0.91 | |
100199 | ▁GNUNET |
0.144889 | 0.99 | |
65871 | formedURLException |
0.14497 | 0.11 | |
82000 | .scalablytyped |
0.144988 | 0.011 | |
72150 | camatan |
0.145032 | 0.19 | |
92448 | .GetOrdinal |
0.145121 | 0.88 | |
86861 | @testable |
0.145323 | 0.31 | |
96077 | .setImageBitmap |
0.14541 | 0.73 | |
75479 | $LANG |
0.145439 | 0.96 | |
91325 | \tJPanel |
0.145442 | 0.32 | |
81053 | .navigationBar |
0.145508 | 0.99 | |
98289 | '],$_ |
0.145662 | 0.031 | |
97568 | \tORDER |
0.145666 | 0.93 | |
65754 | .userService |
0.145677 | 0.97 | |
99785 | (^)( |
0.145689 | 0.69 | |
59437 | ")));\r\n |
0.145708 | 0.011 | |
85524 | *=*= |
0.145711 | 0.9 | |
97080 | ▁dbHelper |
0.145963 | 0.99 | |
95276 | ▁DropIndex |
0.145997 | 1 | |
86802 | ▁RouteServiceProvider |
0.146009 | 0.89 | |
19609 | ▁jPanel |
0.14602 | 1 | |
15139 | AxisAlignment |
0.146111 | 0.86 | ▁CrossAxisAlignment , ▁MainAxisAlignment , ▁crossAxisAlignment , ▁mainAxisAlignment |
77135 | ▁datingside |
0.146256 | 0.94 | ▁datingsider |
13410 | ▁+:+ |
0.146281 | 0.8 | |
44121 | \tbtn |
0.146304 | 0.97 | |
98881 | PermissionsResult |
0.146391 | 0.98 | |
33414 | "];\r\n |
0.146472 | 0.87 | |
94061 | .ImageField |
0.146549 | 0.98 | |
65975 | ▁defStyle |
0.146561 | 0.81 | ▁defStyleAttr |
96856 | .rawQuery |
0.146821 | 0.47 | |
51821 | <>();\r\n |
0.146855 | 0.0022 | |
81591 | WillDisappear |
0.146861 | 0.82 | |
43834 | ▁groupBox |
0.146985 | 1 | |
62952 | .ImageIcon |
0.146999 | 0.49 | |
98706 | (QIcon |
0.147004 | 0.98 | |
76221 | :NSUTF |
0.147044 | 0.049 | |
78384 | .nama |
0.147077 | 0.99 | |
52205 | BOOLE |
0.147149 | 0.91 | ▁XBOOLE , BOOLEAN , ▁BOOLEAN |
76168 | NegativeButton |
0.147162 | 0.99 | |
7262 | .GroupLayout |
0.147171 | 0.34 | |
46833 | .localScale |
0.14725 | 0.9 | |
83361 | printStats |
0.147384 | 0.99 | |
75271 | .getCmp |
0.147702 | 0.14 | |
17234 | arLayout |
0.147855 | 0.89 | .LinearLayout , LinearLayout , ▁LinearLayout , .LinearLayoutManager , ▁LinearLayoutManager |
85461 | WithEmailAndPassword |
0.147898 | 0.35 | |
63910 | ▁XCTestCase |
0.147908 | 0.98 | |
64840 | (AdapterView |
0.147913 | 0.28 | |
46213 | ApiModelProperty |
0.147951 | 0.88 | |
63617 | umptech |
0.14798 | 0.78 | .bumptech |
61646 | SupportFragmentManager |
0.147989 | 0.87 | ▁getSupportFragmentManager |
91631 | .userInteractionEnabled |
0.147996 | 0.84 | |
77216 | `='$ |
0.148101 | 0.057 | |
82827 | .setStyleSheet |
0.14814 | 0.69 | |
43619 | ()){\r\n |
0.148176 | 0.054 | |
81393 | UrlParser |
0.148209 | 1 | ▁useNewUrlParser , NewUrlParser |
87499 | .setLayoutParams |
0.148257 | 0.42 | |
55821 | :@"%@ |
0.148383 | 0.0078 | :@"%@", |
74897 | .valor |
0.148392 | 1 | |
53771 | ▁ReactiveFormsModule |
0.148398 | 1 | |
35136 | ▁MessageBoxIcon |
0.148496 | 0.99 | |
96685 | ]=] |
0.148506 | 1 | |
59568 | ▁canActivate |
0.148521 | 1 | |
55073 | (itemView |
0.148538 | 1 | |
91720 | ProducesResponseType |
0.14854 | 0.5 | |
69851 | (UnmanagedType |
0.148571 | 0.3 | |
82766 | .mousePosition |
0.148598 | 1 | |
89056 | .numero |
0.148711 | 1 | |
77593 | yntaxException |
0.148722 | 0.17 | ISyntaxException |
79852 | ▁JSImport |
0.148727 | 0.24 | |
19986 | .AutoScaleMode |
0.148728 | 0.35 | |
14421 | '];\r\n |
0.148807 | 0.21 | '];\r\n\r\n |
40338 | descripcion |
0.148892 | 0.99 | ▁descripcion , .descripcion |
55627 | .AutoField |
0.148934 | 0.22 | |
43148 | ▁iParam |
0.149049 | 0.99 | |
77486 | _lista |
0.149053 | 0.98 | |
69247 | \tLOGGER |
0.149112 | 0.72 | |
72536 | ▁BrowserAnimationsModule |
0.149151 | 0.94 | |
29481 | GLIGENCE |
0.149227 | 0.00062 | ▁NEGLIGENCE |
66151 | .execSQL |
0.14924 | 0.71 | |
90892 | .WebElement |
0.14929 | 0.9 | |
89012 | ▁mAuth |
0.149454 | 0.99 | |
80927 | .OnItemClickListener |
0.149471 | 0.62 | |
50148 | ;">\r\n |
0.149486 | 0.64 | |
85868 | .ModelForm |
0.149502 | 0.71 | |
41850 | ▁paramInt |
0.14954 | 1 | |
79900 | .SubItems |
0.149571 | 0.95 | |
83991 | <pcl |
0.149599 | 0.88 | |
65557 | (resultSet |
0.149608 | 0.99 | |
78506 | '=>$_ |
0.149619 | 0.31 | |
12275 | ]);\r\n |
0.14967 | 0.82 | ]);\r\n\r\n , ']);\r\n , "]);\r\n |
80485 | <WebElement |
0.149734 | 0.81 | |
48002 | ▁toolStrip |
0.149754 | 1 | |
31283 | igDecimal |
0.149808 | 0.07 | .BigDecimal , (BigDecimal , BigDecimal |
54697 | SupportedException |
0.149958 | 0.16 | NotSupportedException , ▁NotSupportedException |
70427 | .IsFalse |
0.149992 | 0.9 | |
77616 | ▁PdfP |
0.150017 | 0.95 | ▁PdfPCell |
47526 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n |
0.150077 | 0.63 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n |
50037 | (DialogInterface |
0.150112 | 0.78 | |
4965 | ));\r\n |
0.150254 | 0.23 | ")));\r\n , ());\r\n\r\n , "));\r\n , )))));\r\n , ());\r\n , ... |
78322 | .clientY |
0.150263 | 0.79 | |
87817 | AsStringAsync |
0.15033 | 0.81 | .ReadAsStringAsync |
84928 | xoops |
0.150571 | 1 | |
72921 | _XDECREF |
0.150573 | 0.62 | |
97663 | ▁erotisch |
0.150666 | 0.85 | |
60437 | \tPreparedStatement |
0.150718 | 0.3 | |
89047 | toHaveLength |
0.150721 | 0.95 | |
90133 | DXVECTOR |
0.150782 | 0.38 | |
67928 | \t▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t |
0.150788 | 0.88 | |
61181 | ToSelector |
0.150817 | 0.33 | ▁respondsToSelector |
45783 | AndFeel |
0.150887 | 0.14 | .LookAndFeel , LookAndFeel |
93544 | ▁ActivityCompat |
0.150896 | 0.99 | |
89540 | \tRTE |
0.150928 | 0.61 | |
44307 | ▁AppRoutingModule |
0.150967 | 0.99 | |
61968 | ▁onChangeText |
0.150981 | 1 | |
95716 | \tassertFalse |
0.15115 | 0.45 | |
99726 | .MustCompile |
0.151227 | 0.66 | |
83989 | .moveToNext |
0.151258 | 0.88 | |
68017 | \'>".$ |
0.15131 | 0.15 | |
99055 | _mD |
0.15133 | 0.98 | |
63397 | 命周期 |
0.151342 | 0.019 | ▁生命周期函数 , ▁生命周期 |
99389 | .closePath |
0.1514 | 0.9 | |
65707 | ▁?>"\n |
0.151429 | 0.16 | |
68733 | .setLayoutManager |
0.151437 | 0.43 | |
80420 | ▁ChatColor |
0.151441 | 1 | |
25663 | ▁jButton |
0.151464 | 1 | |
93245 | _vlog |
0.151499 | 1 | |
29884 | ATFORM |
0.151536 | 0.032 | ▁PLATFORM , PLATFORM , _PLATFORM |
23036 | unifu |
0.151601 | 0.19 | .bunifuFlatButton , ▁Bunifu , .Bunifu , .bunifu |
61033 | pictureBox |
0.151605 | 0.99 | |
79139 | (ListNode |
0.151728 | 1 | |
88432 | \tREQUIRE |
0.151745 | 0.92 | |
87072 | ▁viewPager |
0.151856 | 1 | |
59072 | ItemSelectedListener |
0.15192 | 0.98 | NavigationItemSelectedListener |
49600 | \tglm |
0.151985 | 0.96 | |
30346 | _usuario |
0.152031 | 0.96 | |
67806 | ▁?>& |
0.152067 | 0.82 | |
95845 | (indexPath |
0.15211 | 0.96 | |
64762 | descricao |
0.152119 | 0.99 | ▁descricao |
92099 | 删除成功 |
0.152194 | 0.86 | |
57391 | }`}>\n |
0.152199 | 0.03 | |
31507 | \')}}" |
0.152257 | 0.079 | \')}}"> , \')}}">\n , \')}}"></ |
74717 | .fastjson |
0.15227 | 0.77 | |
54131 | \tQString |
0.152314 | 0.57 | |
89677 | StorageSync |
0.152365 | 0.98 | |
94492 | ModelCreating |
0.152371 | 0.84 | |
94593 | formulario |
0.152374 | 1 | |
87118 | ▁pathMatch |
0.152554 | 1 | |
41112 | ;?></ |
0.152613 | 0.19 | ');?></ , '];?></ |
85517 | \tglColor |
0.152617 | 0.99 | |
93358 | Descricao |
0.152678 | 0.99 | |
58475 | \tassertThat |
0.152767 | 0.91 | |
87541 | .QLabel |
0.152794 | 0.85 | |
44759 | _tipo |
0.152799 | 0.93 | |
90136 | :)];\n |
0.152854 | 0.092 | |
79364 | --)\r\n |
0.152942 | 0.051 | |
99609 | ▁MatSnackBar |
0.152972 | 1 | |
44151 | \tgtk |
0.152987 | 0.72 | |
99579 | ▁CircularProgressIndicator |
0.153078 | 0.83 | |
30852 | :@"% |
0.153099 | 0.13 | :@"%@", , :@"%@ |
45472 | ▁输 |
0.153102 | 0.99 | ▁输入 , ▁输出 |
78815 | ▁RoundedRectangle |
0.153107 | 0.99 | ▁RoundedRectangleBorder |
96758 | RequiredMixin |
0.15313 | 0.62 | |
79643 | .ManyToManyField |
0.153149 | 0.5 | |
92256 | '^$', |
0.153175 | 0.17 | |
60126 | ');?></ |
0.153205 | 0.045 | |
90253 | ▁endereco |
0.15323 | 1 | |
26601 | specialchars |
0.153384 | 0.99 | htmlspecialchars , ▁htmlspecialchars |
95740 | =<?= |
0.153399 | 0.94 | |
87495 | >Nama |
0.153405 | 0.37 | |
96599 | ▁호출 |
0.153499 | 0.93 | |
95327 | (reordered |
0.153556 | 0.81 | |
52193 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t▁ |
0.153589 | 0.81 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t▁▁ , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t▁▁ , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t▁ , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t▁ |
77499 | \FrameworkBundle |
0.153624 | 0.36 | |
66718 | ▁JpaRepository |
0.153753 | 0.99 | |
55591 | "]);\r\n |
0.153756 | 0.037 | |
56746 | ▁defaultCenter |
0.153781 | 0.97 | |
79546 | .AddScoped |
0.153794 | 0.4 | |
31119 | ControlItem |
0.153882 | 0.96 | .layoutControlItem , .LayoutControlItem |
39241 | ▁didReceiveMemoryWarning |
0.15404 | 1 | |
34706 | toHaveBeenCalled |
0.154053 | 0.87 | toHaveBeenCalledTimes , toHaveBeenCalledWith |
91126 | \tVk |
0.154076 | 0.79 | |
60679 | ▁URLWithString |
0.154118 | 0.74 | |
56381 | ▁MutableLiveData |
0.154167 | 0.98 | |
73186 | %;\r\n |
0.154179 | 0.3 | |
40630 | utedString |
0.154211 | 0.035 | ▁NSAttributedString , NSAttributedString , AttributedString |
51298 | _nombre |
0.154247 | 0.98 | |
61418 | ▁sharedApplication |
0.154278 | 0.96 | |
83101 | exampleInputEmail |
0.154297 | 0.56 | |
98435 | _mC |
0.154353 | 0.91 | |
94835 | ▁JSGlobal |
0.154377 | 0.12 | |
68985 | ▁layui |
0.154408 | 0.99 | |
87268 | .fromFunction |
0.154449 | 0.81 | |
69574 | ▁FirebaseDatabase |
0.154497 | 0.99 | |
80877 | ▁dialogRef |
0.154529 | 1 | |
12767 | .textBox |
0.15453 | 0.99 | |
95131 | assertCount |
0.154565 | 0.87 | |
58449 | AutoresizingMask |
0.15468 | 0.78 | AutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints , latesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints , .translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints |
78414 | ▁));\r\n |
0.154773 | 0.17 | |
88334 | .destroyAllWindows |
0.154867 | 0.025 | |
92666 | ▁?>' |
0.15488 | 0.44 | |
75798 | .FloatField |
0.154911 | 0.94 | |
66534 | '];\r\n\r\n |
0.154918 | 0.011 | |
80318 | ']]);\n |
0.154946 | 0.045 | |
89640 | .PostMapping |
0.154979 | 0.011 | |
99460 | ▁toItem |
0.154991 | 0.99 | |
79162 | .RequestParam |
0.155029 | 0.28 | |
86425 | keterangan |
0.155029 | 1 | |
72295 | ▁sexle |
0.155084 | 0.91 | |
88527 | EditingStyle |
0.155194 | 0.96 | |
77540 | )");\r\n |
0.15522 | 0.097 | |
46381 | ▁whiteColor |
0.155254 | 0.99 | |
43072 | paRepository |
0.155265 | 0.075 | ▁JpaRepository , .JpaRepository |
69988 | (nombre |
0.155344 | 0.98 | |
99385 | .ReactNode |
0.15537 | 0.17 | |
65140 | @GetMapping |
0.155495 | 0.93 | |
89236 | .ReadAsStringAsync |
0.155498 | 0.38 | |
31811 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |
0.155511 | 0.92 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |
74668 | ▁HttpNotFound |
0.155582 | 0.93 | |
79108 | 设计器 |
0.155585 | 0.99 | |
59071 | entialAction |
0.155636 | 0.15 | ▁ReferentialAction |
85218 | detalle |
0.155645 | 0.99 | ▁detalles , _detalle |
52464 | ()?> |
0.155772 | 0.7 | |
59068 | (serializers |
0.155818 | 0.99 | |
94262 | ;\"> |
0.155834 | 0.13 | |
82670 | EPHIR |
0.155835 | 0.094 | \tZEPHIR |
30439 | $_[' |
0.155901 | 0.93 | |
77588 | dataGridView |
0.15594 | 1 | ▁dataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
79061 | ▁userDao |
0.155966 | 1 | |
98470 | .getLongitude |
0.155991 | 0.99 | |
62280 | ▁colorWithRed |
0.156084 | 0.21 | |
92273 | \tintent |
0.156122 | 0.97 | |
91397 | ▁[=[ |
0.156147 | 0.96 | |
87085 | .BorderFactory |
0.156194 | 0.021 | |
99815 | .HtmlControls |
0.156206 | 0.32 | |
44691 | BackingField |
0.156213 | 1 | |
99286 | .ButterKnife |
0.156325 | 0.8 | |
93603 | AndHashCode |
0.156342 | 0.23 | |
89654 | ▁SingleChildScrollView |
0.156357 | 0.95 | |
72414 | .sendKeys |
0.15637 | 1 | |
98195 | \']");\n |
0.156439 | 0.18 | |
97040 | .minLength |
0.156467 | 0.98 | |
82708 | }")\r\n |
0.156486 | 0.15 | |
72486 | AlgorithmException |
0.156505 | 1 | |
96845 | .setTextSize |
0.156508 | 0.94 | |
100020 | ▁defaultManager |
0.156514 | 0.91 | |
91559 | SSFWorkbook |
0.156563 | 0.64 | |
46330 | SupportActionBar |
0.156685 | 0.92 | ▁getSupportActionBar , ▁setSupportActionBar |
87571 | StepThrough |
0.156713 | 0.33 | |
97900 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t |
0.156715 | 0.89 | |
77841 | ()}>\n |
0.156792 | 0.79 | |
71416 | "][$ |
0.157052 | 0.45 | |
78280 | ▁removeFromSuperview |
0.157144 | 0.95 | |
94844 | ▁?>"/>\n |
0.157201 | 0.2 | |
16300 | >();\r\n |
0.157248 | 0.65 | <>();\r\n , >();\r\n\r\n |
99103 | .AddTransient |
0.157266 | 0.63 | |
86417 | StackNavigator |
0.157269 | 0.99 | ▁createStackNavigator |
43472 | (bodyParser |
0.157322 | 0.84 | |
62162 | RuntimeObject |
0.15736 | 1 | \tRuntimeObject , (RuntimeObject |
70597 | .StatusBadRequest |
0.157474 | 0.82 | |
91339 | ▁FXMLLoader |
0.157526 | 0.99 | |
96724 | ▁columnHeader |
0.157555 | 1 | |
39376 | .componentInstance |
0.157567 | 0.96 | |
57660 | .GetAxis |
0.157689 | 0.99 | |
90696 | .setToolTipText |
0.157735 | 0.89 | |
64728 | setOnClickListener |
0.157746 | 1 | |
34916 | bindParam |
0.15776 | 0.99 | |
73905 | ▁dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier |
0.157763 | 0.078 | |
86065 | .setEmail |
0.157773 | 0.95 | |
33628 | .Undef |
0.157799 | 0.91 | .UndefOr |
84478 | |wx |
0.157817 | 0.95 | |
53231 | ▁strSql |
0.15784 | 0.88 | |
51985 | ReuseIdentifier |
0.157876 | 0.75 | ▁forCellReuseIdentifier |
94195 | :NSLocalizedString |
0.157985 | 0.47 | |
91630 | MeshPro |
0.158061 | 0.7 | |
80416 | ▁RecognitionException |
0.158081 | 0.99 | |
67820 | ▁descricao |
0.158105 | 0.99 | |
88648 | _datos |
0.15814 | 0.95 | |
59301 | ])){\n |
0.158189 | 0.017 | "])){\n |
70657 | ivityManager |
0.158204 | 0.34 | |
90469 | :CGPoint |
0.15822 | 0.61 | |
47223 | .useState |
0.158222 | 0.62 | |
69809 | ▁JsonRequest |
0.15824 | 0.99 | ▁JsonRequestBehavior |
46526 | "},\r\n |
0.15832 | 0.63 | |
81371 | ▁modne |
0.158406 | 0.42 | |
69876 | (tableView |
0.158434 | 0.99 | |
45110 | ▁providedIn |
0.158655 | 0.88 | |
67278 | weetalert |
0.15872 | 0.091 | /sweetalert |
97019 | \tINNER |
0.158966 | 0.62 | |
92052 | CppClass |
0.158967 | 1 | |
93340 | ▁FirebaseFirestore |
0.158984 | 0.99 | |
81320 | (userInfo |
0.158993 | 0.98 | |
60473 | \tJSONObject |
0.159101 | 0.73 | |
56337 | (dto |
0.159184 | 1 | |
6333 | ());\r\n |
0.159204 | 0.91 | ());\r\n\r\n |
60640 | /dataTables |
0.159318 | 0.84 | |
95850 | .DeepEqual |
0.159402 | 0.53 | |
75382 | ').'</ |
0.159519 | 0.51 | |
77672 | AreaView |
0.159546 | 0.99 | |
80211 | .ConnectionStrings |
0.159572 | 0.97 | |
6552 | ');\r\n |
0.159597 | 0.77 | >');\r\n , ');\r\n\r\n , .');\r\n , ▁');\r\n |
45922 | \tlua |
0.159651 | 0.99 | |
85697 | .setOnItemClickListener |
0.15973 | 0.3 | |
68860 | unprocessable |
0.159756 | 0.68 | |
49371 | '){\r\n |
0.159761 | 0.022 | |
73030 | (jsonObject |
0.159826 | 0.86 | |
19246 | ▁addCriterion |
0.159844 | 0.85 | |
38282 | UIAlert |
0.159874 | 0.99 | ▁UIAlertView , (UIAlertAction , :UIAlert , UIAlertAction , UIAlertView , ... |
42049 | \t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n |
0.159892 | 0.44 | |
30923 | ernetes |
0.15992 | 0.87 | /kubernetes , ▁Kubernetes , ubernetes |
58297 | .SetBool |
0.159923 | 0.99 | |
89659 | \tholder |
0.159968 | 1 | |
59483 | bairro |
0.160014 | 1 | |
80054 | .ArrayAdapter |
0.160112 | 0.2 | |
93757 | UIApplicationDelegate |
0.160118 | 0.99 | |
98737 | ','=', |
0.160127 | 0.93 | |
71059 | .setHorizontalAlignment |
0.160129 | 0.63 | |
93588 | .onActivityResult |
0.160218 | 0.52 | |
85713 | (inflater |
0.160233 | 0.96 | |
51049 | \tplt |
0.160326 | 0.93 | |
28166 | TouchableOpacity |
0.160381 | 0.99 | ▁TouchableOpacity |
41404 | ▁--}}\n |
0.160394 | 0.4 | |
90924 | _firestore |
0.160407 | 1 | |
87303 | OffsetTable |
0.160432 | 1 | _FieldOffsetTable |
82799 | ▁errorThrown |
0.160467 | 1 | |
92281 | .ReadUInt |
0.160482 | 0.63 | |
24698 | .AddWithValue |
0.160542 | 0.43 | |
42953 | --;\r\n |
0.160543 | 0.24 | |
90862 | 래스 |
0.160592 | 0.86 | ▁클래스 |
28319 | --}}\n |
0.160609 | 0.34 | ▁--}}\n , >--}}\n , ">--}}\n |
28909 | .FlatStyle |
0.160741 | 0.98 | |
78982 | '}}> |
0.160759 | 0.011 | |
84336 | .TypeString |
0.160784 | 0.9 | |
97207 | OperationContract |
0.160806 | 0.99 | |
45134 | RouterModule |
0.160836 | 0.99 | |
98409 | ▁');\r\n |
0.160846 | 0.019 | |
56489 | .handleSubmit |
0.16089 | 0.93 | |
99214 | \tdfs |
0.160915 | 0.98 | |
41838 | PostMapping |
0.160931 | 0.98 | .PostMapping , @PostMapping |
68393 | ']))\r\n |
0.160945 | 0.0016 | |
97061 | .getLatitude |
0.160947 | 1 | |
76679 | .DropDownList |
0.160948 | 1 | |
97467 | .assertIsNot |
0.160992 | 0.92 | |
73472 | .GenerationType |
0.161 | 0.44 | |
98815 | complexContent |
0.16101 | 0.97 | |
97817 | _mE |
0.161067 | 0.89 | |
99643 | 】,【 |
0.161103 | 0.14 | |
96592 | "]\');\n |
0.161108 | 0.26 | |
61902 | .getMinutes |
0.161154 | 0.99 | |
68191 | \tcuda |
0.161155 | 0.95 | |
39267 | ▁eskorte |
0.161163 | 0.63 | |
36796 | '));\r\n |
0.161206 | 0.26 | |
77962 | <Animator |
0.161214 | 1 | |
56403 | apellido |
0.161219 | 1 | ▁apellido |
63547 | _);\r\n |
0.161259 | 0.29 | |
88665 | ]}>\n |
0.161413 | 0.093 | |
53922 | ▁EditorGUILayout |
0.161414 | 0.97 | |
72928 | \tcamera |
0.16142 | 0.97 | |
68961 | .MixedReality |
0.161453 | 0.78 | |
95979 | ▁반환 |
0.161461 | 0.81 | |
81146 | ▁DatabaseReference |
0.161506 | 0.97 | |
42611 | ▁colorWith |
0.161507 | 0.84 | ▁colorWithRed |
70662 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t |
0.161559 | 0.95 | |
21954 | StateToProps |
0.161619 | 0.48 | ▁mapStateToProps , (mapStateToProps |
42347 | \tassertTrue |
0.161625 | 0.75 | |
86189 | ▁Teuchos |
0.161626 | 0.98 | |
74423 | ObjectOfType |
0.161638 | 0.95 | ▁FindObjectOfType |
83020 | estureRecognizer |
0.161646 | 0.076 | |
70269 | (jsonPath |
0.161647 | 0.65 | |
43623 | aseña |
0.161666 | 0.04 | ▁contraseña |
38020 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t |
0.161744 | 0.86 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t , ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t\t , ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t\t\t |
80135 | ButtonModule |
0.161746 | 0.86 | ▁MatButtonModule |
59407 | ▁MySqlCommand |
0.161748 | 1 | |
71460 | .visitMethod |
0.161772 | 0.88 | .visitMethodInsn |
14096 | .UseVisualStyleBackColor |
0.161798 | 0.77 | |
84002 | .Collapsed |
0.161863 | 0.99 | |
91066 | =_(' |
0.161916 | 0.74 | |
72576 | )];\r\n |
0.16192 | 0.69 | |
28773 | ricao |
0.161942 | 0.59 | ▁descricao , descricao , Descricao |
85030 | .assertIsInstance |
0.161961 | 0.34 | |
68152 | .TextChanged |
0.161983 | 0.93 | |
29609 | :CGRectMake |
0.162054 | 0.29 | |
91288 | ▁initWithStyle |
0.162081 | 0.38 | |
95564 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n |
0.162087 | 0.066 | |
99964 | \tdto |
0.162132 | 0.99 | |
60854 | ▁LoginComponent |
0.16224 | 0.97 | |
83644 | toHaveBeenCalledTimes |
0.162257 | 0.68 | |
40641 | BootApplication |
0.162264 | 0.98 | .SpringBootApplication , @SpringBootApplication |
46636 | _TextChanged |
0.162282 | 0.99 | |
65521 | .SceneManagement |
0.162333 | 0.093 | |
55468 | JSONException |
0.16244 | 0.99 | ▁JSONException , .JSONException |
98913 | .mContext |
0.162494 | 0.97 | |
79484 | ▁})),\n |
0.16252 | 0.22 | |
99017 | edTextBox |
0.162586 | 0.14 | |
59059 | .getStringExtra |
0.162589 | 0.8 | |
84518 | .onPause |
0.162628 | 0.99 | |
80006 | _HandleTypeDef |
0.1627 | 0.91 | |
66061 | VertexAttribArray |
0.162778 | 0.78 | |
92524 | getMockBuilder |
0.16283 | 0.95 | |
46535 | FromNib |
0.16288 | 0.75 | ▁awakeFromNib , akeFromNib |
70741 | XMLLoader |
0.162928 | 0.96 | ▁FXMLLoader |
85469 | /tinyos |
0.162948 | 0.28 | |
64520 | otionEvent |
0.16297 | 0.042 | |
56482 | DefaultCloseOperation |
0.163015 | 0.55 | ▁setDefaultCloseOperation |
89200 | ############################ |
0.163022 | 0.98 | ▁######################################################################## , ################################################################################\n , ######################################################## , ############################################################ |
79232 | .addMouseListener |
0.16306 | 0.9 | |
100013 | _ValueChanged |
0.163062 | 0.93 | |
75546 | "]));\n |
0.163072 | 0.0064 | |
87709 | alertView |
0.163163 | 1 | |
71276 | .getRequestDispatcher |
0.16318 | 0.91 | |
74082 | .scrollView |
0.163248 | 0.92 | |
95469 | .VideoCapture |
0.163319 | 0.95 | |
29194 | )){\r\n |
0.163321 | 0.1 | ()){\r\n , ")){\r\n , '])){\r\n |
99653 | donnees |
0.163374 | 0.81 | |
76332 | ▁객체 |
0.163417 | 0.91 | |
52580 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n |
0.163507 | 0.72 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n |
81903 | ););\n |
0.163512 | 0.39 | |
95781 | tolua |
0.163555 | 1 | |
93725 | ▁@{@" |
0.163603 | 0.61 | |
66546 | PostExecute |
0.163622 | 1 | ▁onPostExecute |
98155 | .FragmentManager |
0.163701 | 0.17 | |
93506 | \tlp |
0.163775 | 0.88 | |
15364 | ])\r\n |
0.163835 | 0.69 | "])\r\n , '])\r\n , [])\r\n , ])\r\n\r\n |
67270 | adastrar |
0.16389 | 0.49 | |
93290 | [])\r\n |
0.163915 | 0.54 | |
79055 | "])){\n |
0.163937 | 0.0021 | |
6088 | ];\r\n |
0.163976 | 0.89 | )];\r\n , ▁];\r\n , '];\r\n , ▁[];\r\n , "];\r\n , ... |
71559 | .AdapterView |
0.164009 | 0.043 | |
57646 | \t\t▁▁▁▁\t |
0.164024 | 0.43 | \t\t\t▁▁▁▁\t , \t\t▁▁▁▁\t\t |
76199 | ▁keyboardType |
0.164081 | 1 | |
76654 | ▁blackColor |
0.164118 | 0.97 | |
66247 | andWhere |
0.164147 | 0.97 | |
53011 | _CheckedChanged |
0.164153 | 0.94 | |
63657 | ▁alertDialog |
0.164281 | 1 | |
89210 | toThrow |
0.164314 | 1 | |
77568 | \tHRESULT |
0.164334 | 0.64 | |
41057 | ▁bakeca |
0.164348 | 0.027 | |
87688 | \tlbl |
0.164426 | 0.99 | |
84174 | stashop |
0.164429 | 0.0011 | prestashop |
84711 | @Setter |
0.164441 | 0.32 | |
63159 | ▁pushViewController |
0.164508 | 0.99 | |
32507 | ▁MessageBoxButtons |
0.164537 | 0.99 | |
66564 | ▁IconData |
0.164716 | 1 | |
86891 | ▁sidl |
0.164732 | 1 | |
67860 | .StatusInternalServerError |
0.164754 | 0.68 | |
32030 | \t▁▁▁▁\t |
0.16479 | 0.88 | \t\t\t▁▁▁▁\t , \t▁▁▁▁\t\t\t , \t\t▁▁▁▁\t\t , \t\t▁▁▁▁\t , \t▁▁▁▁\t\t |
82855 | \tMPI |
0.16487 | 0.99 | |
73230 | MethodManager |
0.16487 | 0.52 | |
34399 | \tToken |
0.164926 | 0.47 | \tTokenNameIdentifier , \tTokenName |
73830 | ▁initWithTitle |
0.164927 | 0.92 | |
73928 | ▁getSupportActionBar |
0.164976 | 0.99 | |
74507 | (valor |
0.165018 | 1 | |
97758 | .RelativeLayout |
0.165027 | 0.81 | |
98432 | __));\n |
0.165071 | 0.0037 | |
59118 | ":[{\n |
0.165076 | 0.0077 | |
76248 | .Raycast |
0.165177 | 0.55 | |
13932 | VisualStyle |
0.165189 | 1 | VisualStyleBackColor , .UseVisualStyleBackColor |
79354 | .');\r\n |
0.165209 | 0.49 | |
89834 | .PLL |
0.165228 | 0.98 | |
36391 | <IActionResult |
0.165231 | 0.87 | |
3155 | );\r\n\r\n |
0.165265 | 0.028 | ());\r\n\r\n , ▁);\r\n\r\n , });\r\n\r\n , ]);\r\n\r\n , ');\r\n\r\n , ... |
66978 | ▁thaimassage |
0.165375 | 0.76 | |
64350 | HBoxLayout |
0.165384 | 0.99 | ▁QHBoxLayout |
84313 | ▁"\"> |
0.165428 | 0.35 | |
99243 | ▁AssemblyFileVersion |
0.165585 | 1 | |
68938 | \">";\n |
0.165594 | 0.13 | |
87896 | ,SIGNAL |
0.165616 | 0.49 | |
87535 | (pdev |
0.165737 | 0.99 | |
15759 | "));\r\n |
0.165738 | 0.25 | "));\r\n\r\n |
80139 | ▁▁▁▁\t\t\t\t\t |
0.165752 | 0.86 | |
86252 | <ApplicationUser |
0.1658 | 0.78 | |
76746 | .PathVariable |
0.165802 | 0.21 | |
98463 | ▁CLLocationCoordinate |
0.165899 | 0.99 | |
90779 | \tfreopen |
0.165904 | 0.77 | |
87787 | \tJson |
0.165916 | 0.66 | |
89882 | koneksi |
0.165943 | 0.84 | |
47098 | ▁TextEditingController |
0.165964 | 0.99 | |
33996 | ▁IndexPath |
0.165986 | 1 | |
94620 | .deleteById |
0.166033 | 0.94 | |
97490 | ]){\r\n |
0.16616 | 0.0016 | |
87510 | .EventSystems |
0.166237 | 0.31 | |
57247 | toHaveBeenCalledWith |
0.166294 | 0.84 | |
77427 | '},\r\n |
0.166309 | 0.39 | |
88738 | .DisplayMember |
0.166317 | 0.99 | |
68682 | \tgpio |
0.166337 | 0.94 | |
60442 | arDown |
0.166369 | 0.05 | tearDown |
84609 | \trenderer |
0.166371 | 0.94 | |
93436 | earchBar |
0.166372 | 0.015 | |
68530 | corlib |
0.166381 | 0.81 | mscorlib |
85399 | ######################## |
0.16654 | 0.99 | ▁######################################################################## , ▁############################################################################ , ################################################################################\n , ############################ , ######################################################## , ... |
60436 | (requestCode |
0.166569 | 0.88 | |
75127 | iationException |
0.166699 | 0.33 | InstantiationException |
62470 | \tretval |
0.166734 | 0.79 | |
57731 | \tResultSet |
0.166798 | 0.97 | |
39933 | \tSDL |
0.166836 | 0.97 | |
57710 | .ToDecimal |
0.166841 | 0.97 | |
48187 | .titleLabel |
0.166848 | 0.87 | |
87461 | ▁NSStringFromClass |
0.166901 | 0.98 | |
46516 | FormsModule |
0.166911 | 0.99 | ▁ReactiveFormsModule |
93257 | +='< |
0.166991 | 0.43 | |
91438 | .addCell |
0.167006 | 0.99 | |
90559 | (dateTime |
0.167031 | 1 | |
33999 | interopRequire |
0.167043 | 0.41 | interopRequireDefault |
46750 | ▁"\',\'" |
0.167054 | 0.51 | |
47408 | ▁DialogInterface |
0.167055 | 0.99 | |
36464 | interopRequireDefault |
0.167097 | 0.27 | |
71092 | .endDate |
0.167143 | 1 | |
99047 | .HOUR |
0.167181 | 0.98 | |
99000 | .MouseAdapter |
0.167232 | 0.026 | |
100122 | .WriteAllText |
0.167235 | 0.39 | |
15137 | .AutoScale |
0.16726 | 0.88 | .AutoScaleDimensions , .AutoScaleMode |
42741 | DataSetChanged |
0.167359 | 0.93 | .notifyDataSetChanged , ▁notifyDataSetChanged |
73507 | .styleable |
0.167366 | 0.73 | |
77145 | \tmesh |
0.167367 | 0.94 | |
84344 | ).'</ |
0.167442 | 0.031 | |
67843 | prevState |
0.167465 | 0.99 | ▁prevState |
97630 | ]):\r\n |
0.16748 | 0.031 | |
76376 | '}>\n |
0.167498 | 0.83 | |
51250 | ▁numberOfRowsInSection |
0.167529 | 0.99 | |
51653 | .DeserializeObject |
0.167548 | 0.86 | |
96983 | ▁SelectListItem |
0.167551 | 1 | |
59031 | ▁{{--< |
0.167579 | 0.031 | |
93216 | ▁PropertyChangedEventArgs |
0.167591 | 0.98 | |
46214 | .FormBorderStyle |
0.167611 | 0.95 | |
66045 | setChecked |
0.167711 | 0.99 | |
63400 | .GeneratedValue |
0.167739 | 0.083 | |
69064 | .FindElement |
0.16781 | 0.85 | |
63177 | \tidx |
0.167842 | 0.28 | |
78598 | richText |
0.167853 | 1 | ▁richTextBox , richTextPanel |
96421 | TreeWidgetItem |
0.168032 | 0.98 | |
29162 | ']=$ |
0.16807 | 0.2 | |
81926 | \tGLuint |
0.168182 | 0.93 | |
50721 | .StoredProcedure |
0.168184 | 1 | |
80808 | ']}</ |
0.168184 | 0.0049 | |
49280 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |
0.168216 | 0.97 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |
95988 | ]});\n |
0.168249 | 0.036 | |
51118 | getDoctrine |
0.168286 | 0.99 | |
78581 | JSGlobal |
0.168302 | 0.95 | ▁JSGlobal , JSGlobalScope |
88814 | expectException |
0.168325 | 0.95 | |
53797 | .urlencoded |
0.168331 | 0.84 | |
76316 | _MetaData |
0.16834 | 1 | |
47529 | ▁GUILayout |
0.168354 | 0.99 | |
72901 | ▁searchBar |
0.168415 | 1 | |
64154 | sendKeys |
0.168433 | 0.99 | .sendKeys |
92338 | .LAZY |
0.168449 | 0.95 | |
94282 | ▁클래스 |
0.16848 | 0.58 | |
2885 | ");\r\n |
0.168619 | 0.87 | }");\r\n , >");\r\n , ▁");\r\n , :");\r\n , )");\r\n , ... |
97871 | (currentUser |
0.168636 | 1 | |
97897 | .AddSingleton |
0.16864 | 0.69 | |
74716 | .setToolTip |
0.168645 | 0.99 | .setToolTipText |
97442 | ▁mockMvc |
0.16866 | 0.99 | |
85881 | @GeneratedValue |
0.168989 | 0.78 | |
61228 | .LinearLayoutManager |
0.169014 | 0.0004 | |
97895 | \tTArray |
0.169025 | 0.73 | |
87574 | ')}>\n |
0.169069 | 0.038 | |
56341 | ={`/ |
0.169116 | 0.068 | |
54113 | .navigationItem |
0.169139 | 0.79 | |
55303 | .";\r\n |
0.169287 | 0.62 | |
95177 | CardBody |
0.169343 | 0.99 | |
98529 | ▁richTextBox |
0.169348 | 0.99 | |
33645 | \t\t\t\t\t\r\n |
0.16946 | 0.65 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n , \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n |
39878 | ▁RuntimeMethod |
0.169496 | 0.99 | |
64891 | \tCString |
0.169513 | 0.91 | |
97949 | ImageSharp |
0.169565 | 1 | |
34982 | .checkBox |
0.169576 | 0.99 | |
76904 | toContain |
0.169611 | 0.93 | |
67027 | ▁ParameterDirection |
0.169648 | 0.99 | |
86718 | \tgui |
0.169658 | 0.93 | |
88258 | HideInInspector |
0.169675 | 0.95 | |
98206 | Proveedor |
0.169682 | 1 | |
90560 | ()});\n |
0.169708 | 0.56 | |
88700 | .assertAlmostEqual |
0.169714 | 0.51 | |
92474 | \tonClick |
0.169722 | 0.95 | |
32473 | .AutoScaleDimensions |
0.169731 | 0.00022 | |
42886 | WillAppear |
0.16979 | 0.8 | ▁viewWillAppear |
45516 | !");\n |
0.169824 | 0.97 | |
97808 | ▁initWithNibName |
0.169838 | 0.99 | |
63474 | TexParameteri |
0.169858 | 0.76 | |
51277 | ')}}</ |
0.169872 | 0.045 | |
78439 | \tIntent |
0.169877 | 0.94 | |
99875 | \tvo |
0.169885 | 1 | |
97610 | ▁stringByAppendingString |
0.169925 | 0.99 | |
56066 | \tcurr |
0.169933 | 0.77 | |
49050 | igInteger |
0.169938 | 0.24 | BigInteger , .BigInteger , (BigInteger |
97545 | \tULONG |
0.169966 | 0.89 | |
46316 | @endif |
0.169991 | 0.84 | |
94799 | ▁gridColumn |
0.170047 | 1 | |
45108 | ▁eventdata |
0.170074 | 1 | |
66762 | ▁userManager |
0.170093 | 1 | |
35613 | \t▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ |
0.170137 | 0.93 | \t\t▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ , \t\t▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ , \t▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ , \t▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ |
89221 | \tassertNotNull |
0.170146 | 0.5 | |
89281 | ▁\'".$_ |
0.170188 | 0.49 | |
18892 | SerializeField |
0.170199 | 0.99 | [SerializeField |
97366 | ']}' |
0.170255 | 0.07 | |
84234 | ▁!*** |
0.170278 | 0.8 | |
84407 | \ttexture |
0.170286 | 0.97 | |
94982 | .NotNil |
0.170328 | 0.69 | |
71677 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t▁▁ |
0.170332 | 0.63 | \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t▁▁ |
81298 | classCallCheck |
0.170507 | 0.93 | |
66319 | \tfp |
0.17052 | 0.89 | |
78282 | ▁FetchType |
0.170523 | 0.99 | |
57631 | .INVISIBLE |
0.17055 | 0.94 | |
37661 | .detectChanges |
0.170569 | 0.96 | |
91020 | .LogInformation |
0.170579 | 0.43 | |
27111 | IMARY |
0.170583 | 1 | _PRIMARY , ▁PRIMARY , PRIMARY |
39066 | .ArgumentParser |
0.170606 | 0.88 | |
40184 | .setForeground |
0.170625 | 0.82 | |
96081 | ▁dejting |
0.170628 | 0.91 | |
59264 | ▁onCreateViewHolder |
0.170655 | 0.96 | |
94105 | categorias |
0.17066 | 1 | |
65694 | .textView |
0.170674 | 0.95 | |
78036 | \tBufferedReader |
0.170674 | 0.021 | |
84760 | routeProvider |
0.170739 | 0.96 | |
98471 | ▁openFileDialog |
0.170744 | 1 | |
57961 | .notifyDataSetChanged |
0.170756 | 0.1 | |
93548 | .optString |
0.170795 | 0.88 | |
74931 | [maxn |
0.170809 | 0.95 | |
90020 | rparr |
0.170834 | 0.78 | |
73308 | ")){\r\n |
0.170852 | 0.046 | |
82968 | ])));\n |
0.170853 | 0.021 | |
89826 | (itr |
0.170859 | 0.97 | |
82918 | AccessorType |
0.17087 | 0.92 | |
89109 | \tvertices |
0.170884 | 0.98 | |
48140 | _SelectedIndexChanged |
0.170898 | 0.97 | |
58538 | ▁progressDialog |
0.170916 | 1 | |
92305 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\r\n |
0.170959 | 0.89 | |
31488 | EMPLARY |
0.170961 | 9e-05 | ▁EXEMPLARY |
85658 | ++;\r\n\r\n |
0.170988 | 0.028 | |
7466 | ();\r\n\r\n |
0.171028 | 0.16 | ();\r\n\r\n\r\n , >();\r\n\r\n |
39987 | _DECREF |
0.17104 | 0.58 | |
32782 | "=>$ |
0.171085 | 0.29 | |
99326 | ▁Prostitutas |
0.171117 | 0.12 | |
95820 | .ToTable |
0.17117 | 0.36 | |
62330 | InteractionEnabled |
0.171215 | 0.31 | .userInteractionEnabled |
66719 | Conexion |
0.171317 | 0.99 | ▁Conexion |
7849 | ')\r\n |
0.171321 | 0.92 | ▁')\r\n , ')\r\n\r\n |
13029 | .IsNullOr |
0.171345 | 0.59 | .IsNullOrEmpty , .IsNullOrWhiteSpace |
65983 | .Getenv |
0.171409 | 0.94 | |
65796 | ▁authService |
0.171461 | 1 | |
96015 | ▁queryInterface |
0.171471 | 0.98 | |
89953 | ▁}]);\n |
0.171526 | 0.5 | |
61420 | FontAwesomeIcon |
0.17155 | 0.96 | |
81075 | ×</ |
0.171563 | 0.97 | ">×</ |
100251 | (newUser |
0.171572 | 1 | |
54749 | ▁HttpClientModule |
0.171626 | 0.99 | |
15078 | CompatActivity |
0.171646 | 0.49 | .AppCompatActivity , ▁AppCompatActivity |
92768 | .putText |
0.171667 | 0.38 | |
77191 | .SerializedName |
0.171812 | 0.07 | |
97761 | \tHANDLE |
0.171817 | 0.98 | |
1679 | ();\r\n |
0.171863 | 0.91 | <>();\r\n , >();\r\n , ▁();\r\n , ();\r\n\r\n\r\n , >();\r\n\r\n , ... |
65700 | (MethodImplOptions |
0.171918 | 0.0043 | |
35466 | .HeaderText |
0.171952 | 0.99 | |
81623 | .eulerAngles |
0.171954 | 0.96 | |
65648 | .initState |
0.171993 | 0.97 | |
81030 | RectTransform |
0.171998 | 1 | ▁RectTransform |
90117 | ▁setDefaultCloseOperation |
0.172035 | 0.98 | |
6188 | ")\r\n |
0.172116 | 0.84 | }")\r\n , ▁")\r\n , ")\r\n\r\n , ▁"")\r\n , !")\r\n , ... |
35222 | \Blueprint |
0.172126 | 0.97 | |
24171 | .VISIBLE |
0.172138 | 0.97 | |
96650 | ▁ThemeData |
0.172174 | 1 | |
42540 | ▁allowNull |
0.172189 | 0.99 | |
39912 | \t\t▁\n |
0.172227 | 0.73 | \t\t\t▁\n |
70745 | ▁roleId |
0.17223 | 1 | |
33838 | atLng |
0.172239 | 0.11 | LatLng , ▁LatLng , .LatLng |
82697 | _cmos |
0.172262 | 0.99 | |
89188 | .HasKey |
0.172273 | 0.95 | |
94768 | ▁값을 |
0.172281 | 0.89 | |
78358 | ▁mainBundle |
0.172333 | 1 | |
88791 | .SuppressLint |
0.172364 | 0.00024 | |
55390 | findOrFail |
0.172395 | 0.98 | |
61653 | \tcnt |
0.172404 | 0.78 | |
71563 | (viewModel |
0.172414 | 0.99 | |
12679 | ▁});\r\n |
0.172416 | 0.71 | ▁});\r\n\r\n |
80582 | NewProp |
0.17245 | 1 | |
71887 | )}}" |
0.172479 | 0.0081 | |
89185 | createQueryBuilder |
0.172505 | 1 | |
91543 | ▁iNdEx |
0.172561 | 0.12 | |
53151 | \tdst |
0.172567 | 0.81 | |
73811 | \tLEFT |
0.172615 | 0.95 | |
84573 | \tTexture |
0.172625 | 0.89 | |
99062 | (productId |
0.172668 | 1 | |
16240 | ▁?>\r\n |
0.172801 | 0.27 | ▁?>\r\n\r\n |
97198 | .withOpacity |
0.172808 | 0.65 | |
69062 | .setBackgroundResource |
0.17289 | 0.81 | |
92373 | MBProgressHUD |
0.173056 | 1 | |
71115 | ▁paddingRight |
0.173057 | 1 | |
51638 | ▁▁▁▁\t\t\t\t |
0.173079 | 0.93 | ▁▁▁▁\t\t\t\t\t , ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\t\t\t\t |
85708 | ▁rootReducer |
0.173144 | 1 | |
95611 | ('//*[@ |
0.173176 | 0.73 | |
81025 | "nil |
0.173228 | 0.8 | |
93823 | ▁"]");\n |
0.173311 | 0.47 | |
96693 | _Lean |
0.173313 | 1 | |
90683 | .itemView |
0.173345 | 0.95 | |
73493 | .NoArgsConstructor |
0.173427 | 0.11 | |
84686 | ▁wxDefault |
0.173454 | 0.87 | |
87253 | .FindAsync |
0.173457 | 0.93 | |
77205 | ','=',' |
0.17352 | 0.77 | |
58987 | ()]);\n |
0.173527 | 0.058 | |
80387 | \tToast |
0.17353 | 0.99 | |
43107 | .cornerRadius |
0.173544 | 1 | |
53340 | ']){\n |
0.173569 | 0.015 | |
78841 | :@"%@", |
0.173601 | 0.023 | |
49998 | ]))\r\n |
0.173624 | 0.016 | ']))\r\n |
66660 | handleSubmit |
0.173666 | 1 | |
83292 | \tonChange |
0.17368 | 0.86 | |
86600 | (JFrame |
0.173752 | 1 | |
87106 | responseObject |
0.173757 | 1 | |
85198 | ▁paddingHorizontal |
0.173797 | 0.99 | |
64288 | BrowserRouter |
0.173852 | 1 | |
58920 | VBoxLayout |
0.173863 | 0.86 | ▁QVBoxLayout |
77225 | "}>\n |
0.173945 | 0.59 | |
70219 | \tcanvas |
0.174012 | 0.96 | |
54936 | .showToast |
0.174039 | 0.96 | |
82142 | //--------------------------------------------------------------\n |
0.174047 | 0.13 | |
30172 | outedEventArgs |
0.174056 | 0.07 | ▁RoutedEventArgs |
70883 | .setPreferredSize |
0.174068 | 0.78 | |
56656 | ▁}?>\n |
0.174078 | 0.3 | |
83700 | .tintColor |
0.174151 | 0.72 | |
78022 | _AURA |
0.174161 | 0.97 | |
77244 | _nome |
0.174168 | 0.99 | |
88350 | .StringVar |
0.174241 | 0.98 | |
71824 | PopMatrix |
0.174274 | 0.83 | |
25315 | .GONE |
0.174283 | 0.98 | |
66524 | _peng |
0.174302 | 0.99 | |
33072 | DMETHOD |
82109 | .endTime |
0.174307 | 1 | |
45646 | \tbuilder |
0.174343 | 0.9 | |
63404 | .onResume |
0.174383 | 0.99 | |
69372 | \ttxt |
0.174384 | 0.89 | |
63801 | delivr |
0.174395 | 0.71 | .jsdelivr |
51386 | \tcfg |
0.174461 | 0.23 | |
62663 | >`;\n |
0.174461 | 0.67 | |
99023 | ()=' |
0.174464 | 0.9 | |
83130 | \tbt |
0.174602 | 0.95 | |
83434 | nodiscard |
0.174619 | 0.98 | |
83548 | ▁presentViewController |
0.174659 | 0.99 | |
96743 | HomeAsUpEnabled |
0.1747 | 0.011 | |
93957 | .untracked |
0.174733 | 0.98 | |
73193 | .progressBar |
0.174754 | 1 | |
60354 | \tdataType |
0.174838 | 0.35 | |
64128 | ":[- |
0.174881 | 0.54 | |
31923 | BeenCalled |
0.174906 | 0.74 | toHaveBeenCalledTimes , toHaveBeenCalledWith , toHaveBeenCalled |
75071 | (nome |
0.174931 | 1 | |
65842 | =forms |
0.174947 | 0.99 | |
79787 | ▁CGSizeMake |
0.174987 | 0.96 | |
34312 | .HttpServletRequest |
0.174994 | 0.9 | |
53897 | (lista |
0.175096 | 0.99 | |
81344 | "])\r\n |
0.175097 | 0.12 | |
76766 | \tscene |
0.175102 | 0.98 | |
22476 | \tassertEquals |
0.175128 | 0.87 | |
95508 | ▁EditorGUI |
0.175135 | 0.99 | |
95457 | .HasPrefix |
0.175202 | 0.75 | |
95744 | ▁layoutParams |
0.175218 | 1 | |
37911 | GUILayout |
0.175249 | 0.96 | ▁EditorGUILayout , ▁GUILayout |
49192 | .setObjectName |
0.175257 | 0.99 | |
96388 | (WebDriver |
0.175335 | 1 | |
90343 | ▁wireType |
0.175344 | 0.97 | |
54089 | .StatusOK |
0.175375 | 0.83 | |
57136 | .SerializeObject |
0.175462 | 0.97 | |
87233 | ælland |
0.175475 | 0.43 | |
45076 | \tEXPECT |
0.175547 | 0.91 | |
92377 | ▁.'</ |
0.175574 | 0.54 | |
51017 | '>\r\n |
0.175592 | 0.54 | |
62040 | ▁JNICALL |
0.175606 | 0.06 | |
52038 | "){\r\n |
0.175606 | 0.14 | |
60834 | .StartPosition |
0.175614 | 0.82 | |
90260 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\r\n |
0.175627 | 0.95 | ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁\r\n |
56922 | \tstmt |
0.175628 | 0.97 | |
98954 | ▁lesbische |
0.175666 | 0.96 | |
33366 | pleado |
0.175712 | 0.32 | Empleado , ▁empleado |
69879 | \telem |
0.175732 | 0.44 | |
64376 | 。",\n |
0.175769 | 0.47 | |
80299 | \tsprite |
0.175777 | 0.97 | |
94212 | ▁HeaderComponent |
0.1758 | 1 | |
96686 | (wallet |
0.17581 | 1 | |
44753 | conexion |
0.175862 | 0.98 | ▁conexion |
92852 | )initWithFrame |
0.175903 | 0.024 | |
55979 | \tvm |
0.175916 | 0.86 | |
86190 | \tEntity |
0.175953 | 0.86 | |
16638 | });\r\n |
0.175957 | 0.85 | });\r\n\r\n , ▁});\r\n\r\n |
88535 | ▁getSupportFragmentManager |
0.176163 | 0.97 | |
95759 | ▁VStack |
0.176197 | 1 | |
92454 | (formData |
0.176228 | 0.97 | |
72500 | \t\t▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ |
0.176243 | 0.95 | \t\t▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ |
66483 | ▁];\r\n |
0.176321 | 0.37 | |
68005 | ']];\n |
0.176417 | 0.43 | |
96159 | observeOn |
0.176451 | 0.98 | |
77900 | \tvertex |
0.1765 | 0.91 | |
98164 | ']},\n |
0.176519 | 0.17 | |
2488 | ################ |
0.176547 | 0.94 | ▁################ , ▁######################################################################## , ▁################################ , ▁############################################################################ , ######################################################################## , ... |
93389 | .setStroke |
0.176557 | 0.99 | |
74241 | .DoesNotExist |
0.17656 | 1 | |
58897 | ▁posY |
0.176575 | 1 | |
62350 | ▁|--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n |
0.176587 | 0.59 | |
84459 | :";\r\n |
0.176607 | 0.2 | |
89941 | mensagem |
0.176629 | 1 | |
44843 | .BooleanField |
0.17665 | 0.95 | |
71230 | (errorMessage |
0.176678 | 1 | |
89841 | _tD |
0.176747 | 0.96 | |
33031 | ()));\r\n |
0.176749 | 0.51 | |
68422 | ▁nextProps |
0.176774 | 1 | |
54087 | \tentity |
0.176799 | 0.86 | |
79558 | (toolbar |
0.176809 | 1 | |
76356 | .getPrice |
0.176834 | 0.99 | |
85617 | (startDate |
0.176839 | 1 | |
35964 | ']]],\n |
0.176846 | 0.037 | ,'']]],\n |
17700 | adioButton |
0.176882 | 0.021 | .RadioButton , .radioButton , ▁RadioButton , ▁radioButton , RadioButton |
52799 | veedor |
0.17699 | 0.68 | Proveedor |
67295 | produto |
0.176998 | 1 | |
79947 | \thr |
0.177006 | 0.99 | |
7291 | ▁);\r\n |
0.177058 | 0.54 | ▁);\r\n\r\n |
75447 | _INCREF |
0.177197 | 0.5 | |
50898 | ▁numberWith |
0.177222 | 1 | ▁numberWithInt |
76115 | ▁}}">< |
0.177234 | 0.5 | |
63489 | setFlash |
0.177275 | 0.99 | |
63576 | /fwlink |
0.177299 | 0.014 | |
96707 | ▁didSelectRowAtIndexPath |
0.177395 | 0.95 | |
47998 | \tGPIO |
0.177412 | 1 | |
45978 | ▁WaitForSeconds |
0.17743 | 1 | |
50314 | scrollView |
0.177446 | 1 | .scrollView |
93477 | ActivityCreated |
0.17746 | 0.96 | |
98743 | _refptr |
0.177471 | 0.84 | |
46954 | ▁swingerclub |
0.17749 | 0.99 | |
75308 | \tJOptionPane |
0.177535 | 0.1 | |
68874 | ()=>{\n |
0.177555 | 0.68 | ▁()=>{\n |
74523 | \ttp |
0.177617 | 0.95 | |
72263 | (skb |
0.177627 | 1 | |
96754 | [];\r\n |
0.177631 | 0.49 | |
48284 | ("");\r\n |
0.177642 | 0.24 | |
55922 | ▁padx |
0.177697 | 0.97 | |
40262 | \timg |
0.177716 | 0.96 | |
81330 | ▁centerY |
0.177724 | 1 | |
64910 | \tcb |
0.177728 | 0.96 | |
54441 | omidou |
0.177741 | 0.25 | .baomidou |
69832 | ▁locationManager |
0.177804 | 1 | |
96074 | ▁withString |
0.177816 | 0.99 | |
56465 | ▁jScrollPane |
0.177822 | 1 | |
74316 | @SpringBootTest |
0.17783 | 0.75 | |
55337 | Winvalid |
0.177838 | 0.52 | |
32383 | ▁neuken |
0.17784 | 1 | |
91583 | ▁QTableWidgetItem |
0.177861 | 0.97 | |
64291 | ▁/>);\n |
0.177865 | 0.15 | |
68314 | @NoArgsConstructor |
0.177894 | 0.15 | |
51903 | (Collider |
0.177926 | 0.98 | |
84374 | @WebServlet |
0.177949 | 0.96 | |
75178 | \tElement |
0.177959 | 0.57 | |
89598 | getDrawable |
0.17796 | 1 | |
80759 | \tstats |
0.177983 | 0.81 |
3 entries below threshold of 0.010
token_id | token | indicator | in_other_tokens |
36225 | <0xB7><0xBB>加 |
-2.38419e-07 | 添加 , ▁添加 |
28587 | <0x8E><0xB7>取 |
-1.19209e-07 | ▁获取 , 获取 |
52188 | <0x9D>始化 |
1.78814e-07 | 初始化 , ▁初始化 |
642 additional entries above threshold
token_id | token | indicator | in_other_tokens |
85663 | 無し<0xE3><0x81> |
0.0390521 | 無しさん |
85667 | <0x95>ん |
0.124006 | さん , 無しさん |
74247 | <0x9D>체 |
0.142628 | ▁객체 |
25010 | <0xA0>除 |
0.143557 | 删除成功 , ▁删除 , 删除 |
93287 | <0xAB>자 |
0.144887 | |
69272 | <0x90>藏 |
0.149174 | 隐藏 |
45934 | <0x8F>述 |
0.15401 | 描述 |
58233 | <0x9C>력 |
0.165803 | ▁출력 |
67735 | <0x8B>试 |
0.185339 | 测试 |
76232 | <0xA0>택 |
0.18705 | ▁선택 |
47971 | <0xBE>示 |
0.188889 | 显示 |
66619 | <0x82><0xAD>제 |
0.190278 | ▁삭제 |
36820 | <0xB1>от |
0.190333 | ▁работ , ▁работы , работ |
51462 | <0x8D><0xB0>이터 |
0.192898 | ▁데이터 |
80979 | <0x84>재 |
0.201229 | |
38609 | <0x98>认 |
0.201942 | ▁默认 , 默认 , ,默认 |
40466 | <0x8A><0xB6>态 |
0.212755 | 状态 |
70041 | <0x90><0x9C>索 |
0.216399 | 搜索 |
44820 | <0xA2>单 |
0.219472 | 订单 |
78147 | <0xBD><0x94>드 |
0.221248 | ▁코드 |
31041 | <0xBD>数 |
0.224714 | 函数 , ▁生命周期函数 |
51202 | 选<0xE6><0x8B> |
0.226933 | 选择 , 请选择 |
62717 | <0x93>名 |
0.232045 | 姓名 |
67361 | <0x95>인 |
0.23595 | ▁확인 |
62085 | ▁실<0xED> |
0.237207 | ▁실행 |
49558 | <0xA9>니다 |
0.241376 | 합니다 |
80527 | <0x8E><0x98>이지 |
0.244141 | ▁페이지 |
44816 | <0x9D>始 |
0.247498 | 初始化 , <0x9D>始化 , ▁初始化 |
83042 | <0x88>权 |
0.249057 | |
32438 | <0x9B>建 |
0.250235 | 创建 , ▁创建 |
90463 | <0x88>습니다 |
0.252559 | |
94537 | <0x84>件 |
0.252787 | |
59622 | <0xA7>行 |
0.255531 | 执行 |
55570 | <0x80>장 |
0.255846 | ▁저장 |
80426 | <0xA4>断 |
0.259516 | |
25870 | <0xE1><0x80> |
0.260611 | |
90195 | ▁<0xEC><0xBB> |
0.263548 | |
28359 | <0x82>数 |
0.266394 | ▁参数 , 参数 |
60239 | <0x9E>性 |
0.267368 | 属性 |
92150 | <0xB7>新 |
0.270686 | |
37648 | <0x93><0x8D>作 |
0.272815 | 操作 |
95591 | ▁<0xE0><0xAA> |
0.274541 | |
46413 | ▁<0xED><0x81> |
0.276864 | ▁클 , ▁클래스 |
63516 | <0xE0><0xBD> |
0.278877 | |
70787 | <0xE3><0x85> |
0.278991 | |
49208 | ▁<0xEB><0xA9> |
0.279768 | ▁메 |
70292 | ▁<0xEC><0x88> |
0.281153 | ▁수정 |
75461 | ▁<0xED><0x83> |
0.281201 | |
34839 | <0xE0><0xB4> |
0.281533 | ്<0xE0><0xB4> |
70482 | <0xEC><0x83> |
0.28162 | 생 , 색 |
92988 | <0xE0><0xBC> |
0.28294 | |
64319 | <0xA0><0x80> |
0.283559 | ⠀⠀ , ⠀ |
28313 | <0xEB><0xA9> |
0.2848 | 면 , ▁<0xEB><0xA9> , 메 , ▁메 , 으면 |
65993 | <0xED><0x81> |
0.284967 | ▁클래스 , 크 |
77597 | ▁<0xEB><0x94> |
0.285002 | |
36278 | ▁<0xE0><0xA6> |
0.285122 | |
41814 | <0xE0><0xAA> |
0.285374 | ▁<0xE0><0xAA> |
15478 | <0xEB><0x8A> |
0.285748 | 하는 , ▁가능 , 능 , 는 , ▁있는 |
33943 | <0xEB><0x90> |
0.286011 | ▁되 , 되 , ▁<0xEB><0x90> , 된 |
26062 | <0x94>回 |
0.286307 | 返回 , ▁返回 |
70133 | ▁<0xE0><0xA8> |
0.286588 | |
26787 | <0xED><0x8A> |
0.286592 | 트 , ▁리스트 , 스트 , 튼 |
66653 | ▁<0xEB><0x84> |
0.28687 | |
67598 | <0xEB><0x94> |
0.287407 | 디 , ▁<0xEB><0x94> |
66799 | ▁<0xEC><0xA2> |
0.287617 | ▁종 |
31055 | <0xED><0x84> |
0.287626 | 턴 , <0x8D><0xB0>이터 , 터 , ▁데이터 |
35729 | <0xE2><0x9F> |
0.287743 | ⟩ , ▁⟨ |
46204 | ▁<0xED><0x8C> |
0.288355 | ▁파일 , ▁파 |
15272 | ▁<0xE0><0xA4> |
0.289696 | ▁प , ▁ह , ▁स , ▁क , ▁म |
57352 | <0xF0><0x9D> |
0.290613 | ▁<0xF0><0x9D> |
80690 | <0xEC><0x82> |
0.292598 | 산 |
44852 | <0xEB><0xB6> |
0.293773 | 분 , ▁<0xEB><0xB6> , 부 , ▁부 |
48555 | ▁<0xED><0x98> |
0.29384 | ▁호 , ▁호출 |
24839 | ▁<0xEA><0xB2> |
0.293903 | ▁경 , ▁결 , ▁경우 , ▁게 , ▁것 , ... |
75984 | ▁<0xEC><0x99> |
0.294414 | |
73444 | ▁<0xEB><0x90> |
0.294628 | ▁되 |
55742 | <0xE0><0xB6> |
0.2952 | |
21549 | <0xE1><0x9E> |
0.295677 | ា , ា<0xE1><0x9E> , <0x92><0xE1><0x9E> , ្<0xE1><0x9E> |
80402 | ▁<0xEC><0x96> |
0.29626 | |
70483 | <0x8E><0x98>이 |
0.296399 | ▁페이지 , <0x8E><0x98>이지 |
40417 | <0xE0><0xA8> |
0.296431 | ▁<0xE0><0xA8> |
24814 | ▁<0xEC><0x95> |
0.296757 | ▁안 , ▁않 , ▁아 |
48479 | <0x9A><0x8C> |
0.297061 | ▁회 , ▁조회 , 회 |
51211 | <0xE0><0xB5> |
0.297171 | ് , ്<0xE0><0xB4> |
71279 | <0xEC><0x85> |
0.297375 | 션 |
73596 | <0x92><0xE1><0x9E> |
0.29792 | ្<0xE1><0x9E> |
34656 | <0xE0><0xB2> |
0.298062 | ▁<0xE0><0xB2> |
38164 | ▁<0xEC><0x9C> |
0.298595 | ▁위치 , ▁위 |
78086 | <0xEF><0x82> |
0.298618 | |
49849 | <0xE0><0xB7> |
0.298713 | |
50273 | <0xEB><0xAF> |
0.299309 | 미 , ▁이미 |
47318 | <0x8D><0xB0>이 |
0.299592 | <0x8D><0xB0>이터 , ▁데이터 |
69697 | <0xEB><0x8D> |
0.300505 | |
28867 | ▁<0xEC><0x84> |
0.300743 | ▁설정 , ▁선택 , ▁서 , ▁설 |
66822 | ▁<0xEC><0x9A> |
0.300762 | ▁요 |
98115 | <0xE2><0x9E> |
0.300773 | |
98038 | <0xEB><0xB8> |
0.301006 | |
66950 | <0xE0><0xBA> |
0.301796 | |
16633 | ▁<0xEC><0x9E> |
0.301946 | ▁있다 , ▁있 , ▁입력 , ▁입 , ▁있는 , ... |
39623 | ▁<0xEC><0x98> |
0.302445 | ▁오 , ▁예 |
48765 | ▁<0xEB><0xB2> |
0.302734 | ▁버 , ▁번 |
61727 | <0xED><0x83> |
0.303025 | 태 , ▁선택 , ▁<0xED><0x83> , <0xA0>택 |
80307 | ▁<0xEC><0x8A> |
0.303353 | |
97908 | <0x9F>能 |
0.303606 | 功能 |
49011 | ▁<0xEC><0xA7> |
0.303763 | ▁지 |
47932 | ▁<0xED><0x99> |
0.303853 | ▁확인 |
20541 | <0x88>다 |
0.304049 | ▁있다 , <0xA9>니다 , 습니다 , 니다 , 입니다 , ... |
34693 | <0xED><0x99> |
0.30416 | ▁확인 , ▁반환 , ▁<0xED><0x99> , 화 , 환 |
76242 | <0xEB><0x84> |
0.304398 | |
30027 | ▁<0xEC><0x8B> |
0.304692 | ▁시작 , ▁시 , ▁실<0xED> , ▁실행 |
17196 | ▁<0xEA><0xB0> |
0.305087 | ▁객체 , ▁가능 , ▁가 , ▁개 , ▁가져 , ... |
3396 | ▁<0xEC> |
0.30522 | ▁있다 , ▁<0xEC><0x86> , ▁안 , ▁수정 , ▁설정 , ... |
33281 | ▁<0xE8><0xBF> |
0.305268 | ▁返回 |
19097 | ▁<0xEC><0xA0> |
0.305421 | ▁전 , ▁정보 , ▁정 , ▁저장 , ▁제 |
49464 | ▁<0xEC><0xB2> |
0.305436 | ▁처리 , ▁처 |
73319 | <0xE0><0xAB> |
0.305477 | |
17169 | ▁<0xEC><0x9D> |
0.30552 | ▁일 , ▁이 , ▁이름 , ▁인 , ▁이미 |
59399 | <0xEC><0x99> |
0.305606 | ▁<0xEC><0x99> , 와 |
71685 | ▁<0xEB><0xA1> |
0.305619 | ▁로 |
50228 | া<0xE0><0xA6> |
0.306257 | |
22817 | ▁<0xEB><0xB0> |
0.306348 | ▁반환 , ▁배열 , ▁반 , ▁배 , ▁방 , ... |
25493 | ▁<0xEC><0x97> |
0.30648 | ▁없 , ▁여 , ▁연 , ▁에 |
6026 | <0xEC><0x9D> |
0.3071 | ▁확인 , <0x8E><0x98>이 , 을 , 이 , ▁파일 , ... |
36246 | <0xA3><0xBC> |
0.307148 | ▁주 , 주세요 , 주 |
94278 | ▁<0xE9><0x94> |
0.307259 | |
94355 | ▁<0xE0><0xB0> |
0.307363 | |
34085 | ▁<0xEB><0xA7> |
0.30747 | ▁마 , ▁만 |
38295 | ▁<0xEB><0x82> |
0.30769 | ▁나 , ▁내 |
65905 | ▁<0xEB><0x8F> |
0.307994 | |
41871 | ▁<0xEA><0xB8> |
0.308128 | ▁기 |
63840 | ▁<0xEB><0xB6> |
0.308516 | ▁부 |
71697 | ▁<0xE0><0xAE> |
0.308534 | |
10997 | ▁<0xED> |
0.308812 | ▁확인 , ▁<0xED><0x8F> , ▁필 , ▁호 , ▁클 , ... |
41847 | <0xEB><0xAA> |
0.308846 | ▁모 , 명 , 목 |
13467 | <0xEC><0x9E> |
0.309014 | ▁있다 , 입 , ▁있 , 작 , <0x84>재 , ... |
70541 | ▁<0xED><0x8F> |
0.30977 | ▁포 |
98629 | ា<0xE1><0x9E> |
0.309872 | |
55089 | ▁<0xEC><0xA4> |
0.310033 | ▁중 |
22605 | <0xE2><0x95> |
0.310307 | ║ , ╝ , ══ , ╗ , ▁<0xE2><0x95> , ... |
98272 | ▁<0xEA><0xB1> |
0.310413 | |
32405 | <0xE0><0xB0> |
0.310784 | ▁<0xE0><0xB0> |
29099 | <0xEB><0xB3> |
0.311018 | ▁변수 , 복 , ▁<0xEB><0xB3> , ▁정보 , ▁변경 , ... |
27433 | <0xEC><0x9C> |
0.311097 | ▁위치 , 위 , 으로 , 으 , ▁<0xEC><0x9C> , ... |
40275 | <0xEB><0x82> |
0.311236 | ▁나 , ▁내 , 내 , 나 |
18550 | <0xEC><0x8A> |
0.311363 | ▁<0xEC><0x8A> , 래스 , 습니다 , ▁클래스 , ▁리스트 , ... |
17732 | ▁<0xD7> |
0.311443 | ▁ל , ▁א , ▁ש , ▁מ , ▁ה , ... |
45806 | <0xB5><0xAC> |
0.311902 | 구 , ▁구 |
34026 | <0xB7><0xB8> |
0.312266 | 로그 , 그 , ▁그 |
56159 | ▁<0xE6><0x8F> |
0.312307 | ▁提 |
20740 | ▁<0xED><0x95> |
0.312951 | ▁필 , ▁하 , ▁함수 , ▁해당 , ▁해 , ... |
63718 | <0x98>이 |
0.313217 | <0x8E><0x98>이 , ▁페이지 , <0x8E><0x98>이지 |
78696 | ▁<0xEC><0x86> |
0.31324 | |
38078 | ▁<0xEB><0xAA> |
0.313248 | ▁모 |
15269 | <0xEC><0x9A> |
0.313489 | 세요 , ▁<0xEC><0x9A> , 요 , ▁경우 , 주세요 , ... |
63199 | ▁<0xEC><0xB0> |
0.314147 | |
49940 | ▁<0xE7><0xAC> |
0.314771 | ▁第 |
47702 | ▁<0xE6><0x8E> |
0.31518 | ▁控 |
32511 | ा<0xE0><0xA4> |
0.316238 | |
4268 | е<0xD0> |
0.316301 | ▁значение , ение , ект , ываем , ведите , ... |
91811 | ▁<0xEC><0xB9> |
0.316442 | |
76460 | <0xF0><0x9F><0x98> |
0.317015 | ▁😀 , ▁😉\n\n |
56055 | ▁<0xE8><0xA7> |
0.317098 | ▁解 |
37777 | <0xAA><0x8C> |
0.317741 | 验 , 验证码 , 验证 |
49900 | <0xA1><0xB0> |
0.317822 | 조 , ▁조 , ▁조회 |
78052 | ▁<0xE7><0xA4> |
0.318048 | ▁示 , ▁示例 |
81278 | ি<0xE0><0xA6> |
0.318331 | |
20627 | <0xE0><0xAE> |
0.318391 | ி , ி<0xE0><0xAE> , ்<0xE0><0xAE> , ▁<0xE0><0xAE> |
35859 | <0xED><0x98> |
0.318437 | ▁호 , ▁<0xED><0x98> , ▁호출 , 번호 , 호 |
56990 | <0xE0><0xB3> |
0.318443 | |
34524 | ▁<0xE8><0xAE> |
0.318696 | ▁设置 , ▁设 |
50534 | ▁<0xE6><0x88> |
0.319157 | ▁成 , ▁或 |
36092 | <0xEC><0x98> |
0.319263 | 오 , ▁오 , ▁예 , ▁<0xEC><0x98> |
53987 | <0xEB><0xA3> |
0.319348 | 료 |
31620 | ▁<0xEB><0xB3> |
0.319417 | ▁변수 , ▁변경 , ▁보 , ▁변 |
54596 | <0xEC><0xB6> |
0.319855 | ▁출력 , ▁추가 , ▁추 , ▁호출 , 출 |
37430 | ▁<0xEC><0xB6> |
0.319896 | ▁출력 , ▁추가 , ▁추 |
80071 | ▁<0xE5><0x95> |
0.320325 | ▁商品 , ▁商 |
47382 | <0xB9><0x84> |
0.321073 | ไม , 비 , ▁비 , ไ |
33308 | <0xEB><0x8F> |
0.32122 | 동 , 도 , ▁<0xEB><0x8F> |
35510 | ▁<0xE2><0x9F> |
0.321277 | ▁⟨ |
31495 | <0xEC><0x95> |
0.321704 | ▁안 , 아 , ▁않 , ▁아 , 야 |
35243 | ▁<0xEB><0x8B> |
0.321743 | ▁다 |
64861 | <0xEA><0xB1> |
0.322604 | 거 , ▁<0xEA><0xB1> |
69398 | ▁<0xEF><0x82> |
0.322646 | |
5251 | ▁<0xEB> |
0.322685 | ▁<0xEB><0xA1> , ▁변수 , ▁마 , ▁때 , ▁반환 , ... |
57923 | <0xA6><0xAC> |
0.32323 | ▁처리 , ▁리스트 , ▁리 |
49072 | <0xEC><0xB9> |
0.323355 | ▁위치 , 치 , ▁<0xEC><0xB9> |
11372 | <0xE0><0xA6> |
0.323798 | ▁<0xE0><0xA6> , ি<0xE0><0xA6> , া , া<0xE0><0xA6> , ন , ... |
45154 | ▁<0xE7><0xBB> |
0.324006 | ▁结 |
35677 | <0xEC><0x86> |
0.324316 | ▁<0xEC><0x86> , 소 |
69533 | ▁<0xE7><0xB1> |
0.324714 | ▁类 |
90534 | ▁<0xE0><0xB2> |
0.324885 | |
14705 | <0xEA><0xB0> |
0.324958 | 가 , ▁객체 , ▁<0xEA><0xB0> , ▁추가 , ▁가능 , ... |
66977 | <0xE0><0xA9> |
0.324985 | |
47850 | ▁<0xE6><0x89> |
0.325071 | |
46230 | ▁<0xEA><0xB3> |
0.325132 | ▁계 |
36393 | <0xE1><0x83> |
0.325704 | |
56938 | ▁<0xEB><0x93> |
0.325741 | ▁등 |
28740 | <0xEA><0xB2> |
0.325866 | 결 , ▁경 , ▁변경 , ▁결 , ▁경우 , ... |
100112 | ி<0xE0><0xAE> |
0.326033 | |
67218 | <0xED><0x8C> |
0.326109 | ▁파일 |
86513 | ▁<0xEC><0x9B> |
0.326845 | |
93273 | <0xF0><0x9F><0x92> |
0.327118 | |
52561 | ▁<0xE6><0xA0> |
0.327274 | |
59308 | ▁<0xE2><0x95> |
0.327595 | |
45358 | <0xE1><0x9F> |
0.327798 | ្<0xE1><0x9E> |
73673 | ្<0xE1><0x9E> |
0.327913 | |
21819 | <0xEB><0x93> |
0.328311 | 들 , ▁코드 , ▁<0xEB><0x93> , 드 , ▁등 , ... |
28617 | <0xEB><0xB2> |
0.328314 | ▁버 , 번 , 번호 , ▁번 , 버 , ... |
43411 | ि<0xE0><0xA4> |
0.328659 | |
85805 | ്<0xE0><0xB4> |
0.328994 | |
13879 | <0xEC><0x97> |
0.329653 | 에 , ▁<0xEC><0x97> , ▁배열 , 열 , 여 , ... |
82350 | ▁<0xF0><0x9D> |
0.329655 | |
59269 | <0xEC><0xA4> |
0.330119 | ▁중 |
27350 | <0x92><0x8C> |
0.330591 | 和 , ▁和 |
22254 | <0xEC><0x8B> |
0.330662 | ▁시작 , ▁시 , ▁<0xEC><0x8B> , 시 , ▁실<0xED> , ... |
16306 | <0xEB><0xA5> |
0.331098 | 른 , 류 , 를 |
34643 | <0xAC><0xB8> |
0.331169 | ▁문 , 문 , ▁문자 |
20701 | <0xEB><0xA6> |
0.331189 | 리 , ▁처리 , ▁리스트 , ▁리 , ▁이름 , ... |
95020 | ▁<0xE6><0x9E> |
0.33135 | |
28498 | <0xEC><0x96> |
0.331445 | 어 , ▁<0xEC><0x96> |
84291 | <0xEA><0xB9> |
0.331734 | |
29082 | ▁<0xE0> |
0.331789 | ▁<0xE0><0xA6> , ▁प , ▁ह , ▁स , ▁क , ... |
11882 | <0xE2><0x94> |
0.331818 | ──── , ━ , ─ , ▁├── , ▁│ , ... |
2275 | о<0xD0> |
0.332166 | она , озвращает , ▁пров , ▁провер , ▁программ , ... |
17164 | <0xEC><0xA7> |
0.332301 | 진 , 지 , ▁페이지 , ▁지 , <0x8E><0x98>이지 , ... |
72581 | <0xB5><0x9C> |
0.332774 | ▁최 |
36155 | <0xEC><0xB2> |
0.33287 | ▁<0xEC><0xB2> , ▁객체 , 체 , ▁처리 , <0x9D>체 , ... |
49412 | <0xE2><0x91> |
0.333499 | |
15755 | <0xEF><0xBD> |
0.33377 | ・ , ~\n\n , ・・ , ~ |
8321 | <0xE0><0xB9> |
0.334005 | ์ , ้า , ไม , ใ , ็ , ... |
39277 | <0xEB><0xB0> |
0.334048 | ▁반환 , ▁배열 , ▁반 , ▁배 , ▁방 , ... |
89059 | <0xEA><0xB5> |
0.334131 | 구 |
38389 | <0xEC><0x9B> |
0.334249 | ▁<0xEC><0x9B> , 원 |
90040 | ▁<0xE5><0xBF> |
0.334726 | |
89641 | <0xEC><0xB0> |
0.334846 | |
66827 | ▁<0xE5><0x87> |
0.334991 | |
24715 | <0x9E><0x8B> |
0.335137 | 类型 , 型 |
78507 | ▁<0xE8><0xA1> |
0.335358 | |
21370 | ▁<0xE3><0x83> |
0.335418 | ▁・ |
90161 | <0xEA><0xB7> |
0.335881 | |
95405 | ▁<0xE5><0x8C> |
0.33698 | |
32601 | <0xE0><0xAF> |
0.337063 | ்<0xE0><0xAE> , ு , ் |
24339 | <0x97><0x8F> |
0.337115 | 隐藏 , ● , ▁● , 族 , 藏 , ... |
8790 | ▁<0xEA> |
0.337306 | ▁<0xEA><0xB3> , ▁객체 , ▁<0xEA><0xB0> , ▁경 , ▁가능 , ... |
96841 | フ<0xE3><0x82> |
0.337755 | |
97255 | ▁<0xE6><0x8A> |
0.337986 | |
99413 | ▁<0xE6><0xB5> |
0.338094 | |
47900 | <0xEB><0x9F> |
0.338546 | 러 |
4996 | ▁<0xE5> |
0.338793 | ▁如 , ▁<0xE5><0x8C> , ▁<0xE5><0xB0> , ▁<0xE5><0x88> , ▁<0xE5><0x9B> , ... |
54597 | ▁<0xE5><0xAD> |
0.338876 | ▁字 |
54125 | ▁<0xE2><0x8A> |
0.338877 | |
28308 | <0xE5><0x95> |
0.339248 | 商 , 商品 , 問 , ▁<0xE5><0x95> , ▁商品 , ... |
91576 | ▁<0xE6><0x80> |
0.339667 | |
80721 | ▁<0xE5><0xB1> |
0.339721 | |
18202 | <0xEA><0xB8> |
0.339751 | 기 , 하기 , 글 , ▁<0xEA><0xB8> , ▁기 , ... |
91657 | <0xA1><0xB4> |
0.339756 | |
14806 | <0xEC><0xA0> |
0.339768 | ▁수정 , ▁설정 , ▁전 , <0x82><0xAD>제 , ▁정보 , ... |
16275 | <0xE2><0x82> |
0.340347 | ₂ , €“ , ▁₹ , €™ , ₀ , ... |
53606 | ▁<0xE5><0xBC> |
0.340678 | ▁开 |
43949 | ▁<0xE8><0xBE> |
0.340682 | ▁输 , ▁输入 , ▁输出 |
40011 | <0xEB><0xA7> |
0.340831 | ▁마 , ▁만 , 만 |
59564 | ▁<0xE8><0x87> |
0.340947 | ▁自 , ▁自动生成 |
96622 | ▁<0xE5><0xBA> |
0.341145 | |
22289 | <0xEB><0xA0> |
0.341812 | ▁출력 , 력 , <0x9C>력 , ▁입력 |
66556 | ▁<0xE6><0x9B> |
0.341884 | ▁更新 , ▁更 |
45780 | <0xA4><0xED> |
0.341946 | ▁리스트 , 스트 , ▁실<0xED> , ▁실행 |
73136 | ▁<0xE9><0xBB> |
0.341985 | ▁默认 |
55699 | ▁<0xE5><0x8A> |
0.34202 | ▁加 |
48478 | <0x95><0x8C> |
0.342419 | ▁때 , 界 |
39519 | <0xEB><0x9E> |
0.342501 | 래스 , ▁클래스 , 래 |
7459 | <0xED><0x95> |
0.342519 | 해 , 하는 , ▁필 , 하기 , 할 , ... |
95925 | ▁(<0xE2><0x88> |
0.342523 | |
96064 | <0xEC><0xA6> |
0.342797 | |
59330 | ▁<0xE5><0xB0> |
0.342841 | |
5619 | <0xE0><0xA4> |
0.342902 | म , प , ्र , ▁प , ि<0xE0><0xA4> , ... |
69839 | ▁<0xE5><0x86> |
0.343436 | |
81190 | ▁<0xE6><0x94> |
0.343476 | |
31928 | <0x99><0xA8> |
0.343663 | 设计器 , 器 , 服务器 |
6704 | ▁<0xE6> |
0.344051 | ▁成 , ▁注 , ▁数据 , ▁控 , ▁是否 , ... |
87743 | <0xE8><0xA2> |
0.344649 | |
15291 | <0xEB><0xA1> |
0.344867 | ▁<0xEB><0xA1> , 로 , 로그 , 으로 , ▁로 , ... |
41766 | ▁<0xE5><0xA4> |
0.345138 | |
98359 | ▁<0xE6><0xB8> |
0.345295 | |
18049 | ▁<0xE3><0x82> |
0.345477 | ▁コ , ▁ア , ▁を , ▁ス |
32386 | ▁<0xE6><0x96> |
0.345824 | ▁方 , ▁方法 , ▁文件 , ▁新 , ▁文 |
20033 | ▁<0xE5><0x88> |
0.34588 | ▁创建 , ▁删除 , ▁分 , ▁初始化 |
32582 | <0xE7><0xA1> |
0.346182 | 确认 , 确 , 正确 , 确定 |
41832 | <0xE2><0x97> |
0.346308 | ▁<0xE2><0x97> , ● , ▁● |
39533 | ▁<0xE5><0x90> |
0.346683 | ▁名 |
44714 | ▁<0xE6><0x95> |
0.347011 | ▁数据 , ▁数 |
49633 | <0xE2><0x9D> |
0.34703 | ▁❤ , ▁<0xE2><0x9D> |
66297 | ▁<0xE5><0xBD> |
0.347112 | ▁当 |
9085 | ▁<0xE8> |
0.347195 | ▁<0xE8><0xA1> , ▁输 , ▁<0xE8><0x87> , ▁输入 , ▁解 , ... |
75265 | <0xEB><0x85> |
0.347327 | |
28025 | <0xE0><0xA7> |
0.347374 | ্ , ে , ্<0xE0><0xA6> |
85241 | ▁<0xE5><0xBE> |
0.347409 | |
38798 | <0xE2><0x9C> |
0.348058 | ▁✔ , ✔ , ▁✓ |
21784 | ▁<0xE2><0x89> |
0.348274 | ▁≥ , ▁≤ , ▁≠ |
14901 | <0xEC><0x84> |
0.348416 | ▁설정 , 세요 , 성 , ▁선택 , ▁서 , ... |
9015 | ▁<0xD1> |
0.348435 | ▁і , ▁файла , ▁размер , ▁ш , ▁чтобы , ... |
64146 | <0xB4><0x88> |
0.348502 | ▁초 , ▁초기 |
22783 | <0xEA><0xB3> |
0.348595 | 공 , ▁<0xEA><0xB3> , 과 , 고 , ▁계 , ... |
10447 | ▁<0xE7> |
0.348834 | ▁示 , ▁<0xE7><0xBB> , ▁用户 , ▁生命周期函数 , ▁<0xE7><0xA4> , ... |
60094 | <0xE2><0x89> |
0.349092 | ▁≥ , ▁≠ |
71397 | <0xB4><0x80> |
0.349124 | ▁관 |
53906 | ্<0xE0><0xA6> |
0.349485 | |
76771 | ▁<0xE7><0xA7> |
0.349645 | |
65488 | ▁<0xE7><0x89> |
0.349744 | |
53898 | <0xE0><0xB1> |
0.349919 | |
69505 | <0xEF><0xBE> |
0.350038 | |
37209 | <0x83><0x81> |
0.350284 | ▁상 , チ , 상 |
37769 | ו<0xD7> |
0.350874 | |
27623 | ▁<0xF0><0x9F><0x98> |
0.350973 | ▁😀 , ▁😉 , ▁😉\n\n |
55799 | обра<0xD0> |
0.351484 | ображ |
75677 | ▁<0xE5><0xB9> |
0.351646 | |
54699 | ▁<0xE5><0x9C> |
0.351708 | ▁在 |
23436 | ▁<0xE2><0x94> |
0.351817 | ▁├── , ▁│ , ▁├ |
35469 | ▁<0xE5><0x85> |
0.352079 | ▁关 |
64500 | ்<0xE0><0xAE> |
0.352371 | |
63923 | ▁<0xEF><0xBC> |
0.352392 | |
43336 | י<0xD7> |
0.35255 | |
23964 | <0xE7><0xAE> |
0.35258 | 管理员 , 箱 , 管 , 算 , 简 , ... |
27951 | ▁<0xE5><0x8F> |
0.353285 | ▁发 , ▁参数 |
65620 | <0x82><0xAD> |
0.353388 | <0x82><0xAD>제 , ▁삭제 |
45204 | <0x85><0x8D> |
0.354021 | 配 , 配置 |
31584 | ्<0xE0><0xA4> |
0.354154 | ्र |
75966 | ▁<0xE7><0x9B> |
0.354302 | |
26856 | ư<0xE1><0xBB> |
0.354991 | ướ , ượng , ược , ườ , ười , ... |
93220 | <0x82><0xA4> |
0.355134 | |
64139 | ▁<0xF0><0x9F><0x92> |
0.355136 | |
18107 | <0xE2><0x98> |
0.355453 | ☆ , ★★ , ▁<0xE2><0x98> , ▁★ , ☴ , ... |
10634 | <0xE2><0x96> |
0.355834 | ██ , ░ , ▁█████ , █ , ▁<0xE2><0x96> , ... |
44659 | <0xE9><0x93> |
0.355928 | 链 , 链接 |
55884 | े<0xE0><0xA4> |
0.356091 | |
3732 | а<0xD0> |
0.356337 | ▁как , озвращает , ▁адрес , азвание , ▁файла , ... |
1301 | ▁<0xD0> |
0.356425 | ▁значение , ▁массив , ▁С , ▁посл , ▁как , ... |
21007 | <0xE9><0x94> |
0.356445 | 错误 , 错 , 键 , ▁<0xE9><0x94> , 销 |
21105 | し<0xE3><0x81> |
0.35646 | そして , 無しさん , しかし , 無し<0xE3><0x81> , しか , ... |
50702 | ▁<0xE5><0x9B> |
0.356663 | ▁图 |
84102 | ▁<0xE5><0xB7> |
0.356769 | |
9468 | <0xF0><0x9F> |
0.356871 | ▁<0xF0><0x9F> , ▁<0xF0><0x9F><0x94> , ▁<0xF0><0x9F><0x92> , ▁😀 , ▁😉 , ... |
1569 | <0xEF><0xBC> |
0.357267 | ,请 , 。, , - , :"+ , !! , ... |
73028 | ▁<0xE6><0xAD> |
0.357357 | |
42579 | ▁<0xE5><0xAE> |
0.358184 | ▁实 |
9019 | <0xEB><0x8B> |
0.358461 | ▁있다 , <0xA9>니다 , <0x88>다 , 습니다 , ▁<0xEB><0x8B> , ... |
56829 | ▁<0xE2><0x97> |
0.358579 | |
38572 | <0xE9><0x92> |
0.359136 | 分钟 , 钟 , 钮 , 按钮 |
58260 | <0xA0><0xED> |
0.359571 | ▁선택 , <0xA0>택 |
40003 | ▁<0xE6><0x98> |
0.360105 | ▁是否 , ▁是 |
18630 | ▁<0xE9> |
0.360259 | ▁默认 , ▁页面 , ▁<0xE9><0xBB> , ▁<0xE9><0x94> |
27017 | <0xE2><0x86> |
0.360338 | ▁↔ , ▁← , ↑ , → , ▁→\n\n , ... |
17839 | ▁<0xCF> |
0.360986 | ▁τ , ▁π , ▁φ , ▁σ |
60153 | ▁<0xE6><0xB3> |
0.361082 | ▁注 , ▁注意 |
35911 | <0xB7><0xBB> |
0.361138 | 添加 , <0xB7><0xBB>加 , ▁添加 |
25906 | <0xE7><0xBC> |
0.361257 | 编号 , 编辑 , ▁<0xE7><0xBC> , 编 |
84326 | ▁<0xE8><0x8B> |
0.361808 | ▁若要 , ▁若 |
69394 | ▁<0xE7><0x99> |
0.362232 | ▁登 |
85338 | ▁<0xE7><0xBC> |
0.363127 | |
49854 | ▁<0xE5><0xAF> |
0.363165 | ▁对 |
45501 | <0xA8><0xA1> |
0.363195 | 模 |
83806 | ▁<0xE2><0x9E> |
0.364978 | |
16050 | <0xA0><0x81> |
0.365537 | 代码 , 验证码 , 码 , 적 , 密码 |
36596 | <0xE8><0xB7> |
0.36566 | 路径 , 路 |
13841 | <0xE6><0x94> |
0.365932 | 放 , 政 , 支 , 收 , ▁<0xE6><0x94> , ... |
37197 | <0xB3><0xBB> |
0.366025 | 系 , 系统 , 联系 |
84743 | <0xBA><0xAB> |
0.367205 | 身 , 分享 |
96169 | ▁<0xF0><0x9F><0x94> |
0.367299 | |
90183 | <0xB6><0x9A> |
0.368388 | |
80010 | <0x91><0x90> |
0.368492 | |
3098 | <0xE0><0xB8> |
0.368962 | ำ , ้า , ว , ส , ไม , ... |
99834 | <0xAD><0x90> |
0.369294 | |
26530 | <0x8E><0xB7> |
0.369357 | <0x8E><0xB7>取 , ▁获取 , 获取 |
5681 | <0xEF><0xBF> |
0.369508 | ▁� , �t , ¥ , �s , .� , ... |
25451 | <0xA6><0x82> |
0.369754 | ▁如 , 例如 , 如果 , ▁如果 , 如 |
61857 | <0x82><0xA8> |
0.370117 | エ , 您 |
55592 | <0x90><0x9C> |
0.370172 | 搜索 , <0x90><0x9C>索 |
67621 | ▁<0xE5><0x8D> |
0.370265 | |
8008 | ▁<0xCE> |
0.370587 | ▁β , ▁λ , ▁Δ , ▁Γ , ▁κ , ... |
10414 | <0xE8><0xAE> |
0.370826 | 确认 , 设计器 , 评论 , 设 , ▁<0xE8><0xAE> , ... |
3299 | <0xBB><0xBF> |
0.370865 | \ufeff/*\n , \ufeff\n\n , \ufeffusing , ▁\ufeff , \ufeff , ... |
85300 | <0xE6><0xB9> |
0.372519 | |
91834 | <0xAC><0xB4> |
0.373057 | |
73609 | <0x85><0x8C> |
0.373279 | |
47118 | ▁<0xE2><0x87> |
0.373512 | ▁⇒ |
26182 | ▁<0xE2><0x98> |
0.374198 | ▁★ , ▁☆ |
25190 | ▁ра<0xD0> |
0.374273 | ▁размер , ▁работ , ▁работы , ▁раз |
32016 | <0xE7><0x84> |
0.374384 | 無 , 無しさん , 無料 , 無し<0xE3><0x81> , 然 |
84012 | <0xE9><0xBE> |
0.374386 | |
19658 | <0xE8><0xA7> |
0.374405 | ▁解 , 见 , 视 , 解 , 视频 , ... |
59198 | <0xA5><0xBF> |
0.374644 | 西 |
12774 | <0xE7><0xBB> |
0.375022 | 网络 , ▁<0xE7><0xBB> , 结果 , ▁结 , 给 , ... |
87189 | ▁<0xE1> |
0.375162 | |
49691 | <0xE5><0x81> |
0.375306 | 停 |
15568 | <0xE8><0xBD> |
0.375413 | 载 , 转 , 软 , 微软雅黑 , 下载 , ... |
6744 | <0xE8><0xAF> |
0.375553 | ,请 , 错误 , 测试 , 说 , 评论 , ... |
5080 | <0xE1><0xBB> |
0.37587 | ủa , ỗi , ố , ướ , ển , ... |
23419 | <0x83><0xBD> |
0.376992 | 能 , 可能 , 功能 , 不能 , 都 , ... |
99742 | <0x8C><0xA8> |
0.377003 | |
53233 | <0xE2><0x81> |
0.377423 | ▁<0xE2><0x81> |
31374 | <0xE6><0x84> |
0.377612 | 意 , 感 , ▁注意 , 注意 |
90279 | <0x86><0xB5> |
0.377836 | |
63644 | <0x94><0x84> |
0.378135 | ▁프 |
17245 | <0xE2><0x99> |
0.378367 | ♀♀ , ♪ , ♥ , ▁♥ , ♀♀♀♀ , ... |
28857 | <0xB6><0x88> |
0.378402 | 消 , 取消 , 消息 |
85315 | <0xE6><0xB7> |
0.378533 | |
8979 | ▁<0xD8> |
0.378635 | ▁الم , ▁أ , ▁ت , ▁ال , ▁ع , ... |
52514 | ▁<0xE2><0x9D> |
0.379109 | ▁❤ |
46981 | <0x9D><0xBC> |
0.37911 | 라 , ▁파일 , ▁일 |
21555 | <0xE6><0x81> |
0.379204 | 息 , 消息 , 信息 |
17925 | <0xE7><0xAC> |
0.379644 | 笑 , 符 , 字符 , ▁第 , (笑 , ... |
2845 | <0xE3><0x83> |
0.379757 | リ , ン , ダ , ント , イト , ... |
27280 | <0xE7><0x9C> |
0.379811 | 省 , 看 , 県 , 真 |
11001 | ра<0xD0> |
0.379922 | ▁размер , ▁программ , рав , хран , арам , ... |
10890 | <0xE5><0xAD> |
0.380182 | 文字 , ▁<0xE5><0xAD> , 保存 , 字符 , 不存在 , ... |
24153 | <0x82><0xB9> |
0.380301 | 点 , ▁₹ , ース , ▁ス , スト , ... |
17920 | <0xE7><0xA4> |
0.380593 | 社 , ▁示 , ▁<0xE7><0xA4> , <0xBE>示 , 提示 , ... |
29753 | ▁<0xE2><0x84> |
0.380628 | ▁ℕ , ▁№ , ▁ℝ |
62904 | ▁<0xF0><0x9F><0x91> |
0.381027 | |
15284 | <0xE2><0x84> |
0.38153 | ▁ℕ , €™ , ▁№ , ▁ℝ , ™ , ... |
12906 | <0xE0><0xA5> |
0.381867 | े , ्र , ो , ्<0xE0><0xA4> , ी , ... |
61696 | ▁<0xE6><0x9D> |
0.381975 | |
33565 | <0xE6><0x83> |
0.382354 | 详情 , 情 |
26602 | ▁<0xE2><0x9C> |
0.382624 | ▁✔ , ▁✓ |
41519 | <0xAB><0x98> |
0.38264 | 高 |
59815 | <0x9F><0xB3> |
0.383388 | 音 |
15017 | <0xE6><0x8D> |
0.383648 | 数据 , ▁数据 , 换 , 数据库 , 据 |
21441 | <0xE6><0x8F> |
0.383762 | 提示 , 描述 , 提交 , ▁<0xE6><0x8F> , 提 , ... |
38540 | <0x8A><0xB6> |
0.383959 | <0x8A><0xB6>态 , 状态 |
91994 | <0xE8><0x8C> |
0.384412 | |
34452 | <0xE8><0x89> |
0.384938 | 色 |
7644 | <0x82><0xAC> |
0.385046 | € , ▁사 , ▁€ , €“ , €™ , ... |
9212 | ▁<0xE2><0x86> |
0.385157 | ▁↔ , ▁← , ▁→\n\n , ▁↓ , ▁→ , ... |
30775 | <0xE6><0x8C> |
0.385276 | 按 , 持 , 按钮 , 指 |
19630 | <0xE7><0xB1> |
0.385318 | 类 , 类型 , ▁类 , ▁<0xE7><0xB1> , 分类 , ... |
72543 | <0x91><0x9C> |
0.385386 | |
28425 | <0xE8><0xB5> |
0.3854 | 资源 , 起 , 资 |
30868 | <0xE9><0xBB> |
0.385863 | 黑 , 微软雅黑 , ▁默认 , 默认 , ,默认 , ... |
14860 | ▁<0xE2><0x96> |
0.385894 | ▁█████ , ▁██ , ▁█ , ▁■ , ▁► , ... |
77180 | <0xE9><0xA9> |
0.385905 | |
20321 | <0xE7><0x90> |
0.385937 | 管理员 , 处理 , 球 , 理 , 管理 |
58843 | <0xE6><0x92> |
0.385966 | 播 |
55228 | <0xE7><0xA5> |
0.385994 | 票 |
43576 | \x80<0xC2> |
0.386079 | \x80\x99 |
2243 | <0xE3><0x81> |
0.386135 | そして , こ , さん , あり , え , ... |
16906 | <0xE5><0x8E> |
0.386267 | 原 , 县 , 去 , 历 |
91739 | <0xE7><0xAA> |
0.386575 | |
13773 | <0xE5><0x8C> |
0.38669 | ▁<0xE5><0x8C> , 区 , 化 , 北京 , 包 , ... |
66391 | <0xBD><0x94> |
0.387224 | ▁코드 , <0xBD><0x94>드 |
19012 | <0xE6><0x8E> |
0.387609 | ▁控 , 推 , 排序 , 排 , 接 , ... |
12264 | ▁<0xE2><0x88> |
0.387988 | ▁∈ , ▁∀ , ▁∧ , ▁− |
44559 | <0xE6><0xA1> |
0.388001 | 案 |
17486 | <0xE6><0x80> |
0.388056 | <0x8A><0xB6>态 , <0x9E>性 , 属性 , 总 , 态 , ... |
17599 | <0xE5><0xBE> |
0.38813 | 後 , 径 , 微软雅黑 , 路径 , ▁<0xE5><0xBE> , ... |
22914 | <0x9F><0xA5> |
0.38846 | 查询 , 知 , ▁查 , 查 , ▁查询 |
88399 | <0xE6><0x9A> |
0.388609 | |
45951 | <0xE8><0x8A> |
0.388763 | 节 , 节点 |
21688 | <0xE9><0x9D> |
0.388794 | 面 , 非 , 页面 , 监听页面 , ▁页面 |
33443 | <0xE9><0x98> |
0.38916 | 阳 , 队 |
45114 | <0xE6><0x99> |
0.389177 | 景 , 時間 |
84150 | <0xE5><0x94> |
0.389228 | |
45932 | <0xE9><0x82> |
0.389632 | 邮 , 邮箱 |
23043 | <0xE7><0xBA> |
0.389844 | 约 , 在线 , 线 , 级 |
75309 | <0x9B><0x84> |
0.389929 | ▁후 |
52375 | <0x96><0x89> |
0.389949 | ▁실행 |
68995 | <0x93><0x98> |
0.390332 | ▁ⓘ |
36458 | ▁<0xE2><0x99> |
0.39069 | ▁♥ |
35529 | <0x93><0x8D> |
0.390734 | 操作 , <0x93><0x8D>作 |
58699 | <0xE5><0xB2> |
0.390821 | 岁 |
72406 | <0xE9><0xA3> |
0.391037 | |
12554 | <0xE5><0x9C> |
0.391366 | 地 , ,在 , 地址 , 在线 , 不存在 , ... |
1300 | <0xE3><0x80> |
0.391375 | \u3000 , 。\n\n\n\n\n\n , 。',\n , 。, , 」\n\n , ... |
29207 | <0xE7><0x8E> |
0.391443 | 率 , 环 , 现 |
59657 | <0xE5><0xA1> |
0.391516 | 填 |
11410 | ▁<0xF0><0x9F> |
0.391674 | ▁<0xF0><0x9F><0x94> , ▁<0xF0><0x9F><0x92> , ▁😀 , ▁😉 , ▁😉\n\n , ... |
99046 | <0xE6><0x91> |
0.391912 | |
91939 | <0xE8><0x83> |
0.392015 | 功能 , <0x9F>能 |
39622 | <0xE9><0x95> |
0.392035 | 长 , 长度 |
90397 | <0xE7><0xB2> |
0.392194 | |
36149 | <0xE6><0xAE> |
0.392449 | 段 , 字段 |
9444 | <0xE7><0x9A> |
0.392507 | ▁的 , ”的 , 我的 , 的 |
17857 | <0xE5><0x91> |
0.392525 | 管理员 , 周期 , ▁生命周期函数 , 周 , 员 , ... |
15308 | <0xE6><0xA0> |
0.392541 | 格 , 核 , ▁<0xE6><0xA0> , 格式 , 标 , ... |
30489 | <0x83><0x9D> |
0.392653 | ▁선택 , <0xA0>택 , ポ , ▁생 , 생 , ... |
11589 | <0xE9><0x80> |
0.392708 | 退出 , 送料 , 送 , 退 , 选<0xE6><0x8B> , ... |
66285 | <0xE7><0x81> |
0.392759 | 火 |
20551 | <0xE8><0x80> |
0.393254 | 者 , 作者 , 考 , 老 , 而 |
76207 | <0xE7><0x88> |
0.393291 | |
96311 | <0xE6><0xB6> |
0.393449 | |
22447 | <0xE2><0x88> |
0.393698 | ▁∈ , ▁∀ , ▁(<0xE2><0x88> , ▁∧ , − , ... |
27699 | <0xE6><0xB5> |
0.393801 | 测试 , 流 , ▁<0xE6><0xB5> , 海 |
24615 | <0xE7><0xA8> |
0.393996 | 稍 , 程 , 程序 , 稿 , 税 |
20119 | <0xE6><0x9E> |
0.394007 | 结果 , 构 , ▁<0xE6><0x9E> , 如果 , 析 , ... |
43002 | <0x8D><0xB0> |
0.394094 | <0x8D><0xB0>이 , <0x8D><0xB0>이터 , ▁데이터 |
51043 | <0xE8><0x8B> |
0.394494 | ▁<0xE8><0x8B> , 英 , ▁若要 , ▁若 |
26203 | <0xE5><0xBF> |
0.394613 | 必 , 心 , ▁<0xE5><0xBF> , 志 |
91779 | <0xE9><0x8C> |
0.39464 | |
7305 | <0xE5><0x90> |
0.394726 | 含 , 名称 , ▁是否 , 向 , 姓名 , ... |
13870 | <0xE5><0xBC> |
0.395004 | 张 , 开 , 引 , ▁开 , 方式 , ... |
59999 | <0xE5><0x83> |
0.395078 | 像 |
25766 | <0xE5><0xBB> |
0.395225 | 创建 , ▁创建 , 建 , <0x9B>建 |
13647 | <0xE8><0xB4> |
0.395263 | 费 , 账 , 失败 , 责 , 败 , ... |
30337 | <0xEF><0xB8> |
0.395278 | ️ |
14191 | <0xE7><0xA7> |
0.395292 | 称 , 名称 , 移 , 种 , 秒 , ... |
12870 | <0xE5><0x87> |
0.395527 | 退出 , 函数 , 击 , ▁生命周期函数 , 出 , ... |
40934 | <0x8C><0x80> |
0.39586 | 대 , ▁대 |
73597 | <0xE6><0xBB> |
0.395923 | |
76475 | <0xE6><0x9F> |
0.39594 | ▁查询 |
35722 | <0xE5><0x9F> |
0.39604 | 基 , 城 |
50520 | <0xE8><0xA9> |
0.396231 | 話 |
44510 | <0xE8><0xB1> |
0.39661 | 对象 , 象 |
43244 | <0xE5><0xA2> |
0.396622 | 增 , 新增 |
31075 | <0xE6><0xAF> |
0.396991 | 比 , 每 |
19044 | <0x99><0x82> |
0.397035 | ▁🙂 , 時 , ▁🙂\n\n , 時間 |
86894 | <0xE8><0x8F> |
0.397131 | |
24326 | <0xE6><0x8A> |
0.397398 | 报道 , 报 , 技 , ▁<0xE6><0x8A> , 投 |
73033 | <0xB7><0xA8> |
0.39751 | |
25340 | <0xE6><0xAC> |
0.397605 | 次 , 款 |
29245 | <0xE8><0xA8> |
0.398293 | 言 , 記 , 計 , 記事 |
58254 | <0xE7><0xB5> |
0.39843 | |
29857 | <0xE7><0xAD> |
0.398456 | 等 , 签 |
78237 | ▁<0xE2><0x81> |
0.398576 | |
10287 | <0xE8><0xBF> |
0.398626 | 连 , 返回 , ▁返回 , 进行 , 这 , ... |
28638 | <0xE5><0x9D> |
0.398691 | 址 , 地址 |
8687 | <0xE4><0xBD> |
0.39881 | 体 , 余 , 作 , 作者 , 操作 , ... |
19817 | <0xE9><0xA2> |
0.399074 | 金额 , 额 , 视频 , 问题 , 频 , ... |
11881 | <0xE6><0x98> |
0.399209 | 星 , ▁是否 , 明 , 说明 , ▁<0xE6><0x98> , ... |
45144 | <0xE5><0xA0> |
0.399235 | 報 , 場 |
46065 | <0xE9><0xA6> |
0.399716 | 首页 , 首 |
16281 | <0x88><0x98> |
0.399781 | ▁변수 , ▁수정 , 수 , ▁수 , ▁함수 |
6079 | <0xE6><0x97> |
0.400106 | 日期 , 时间 , 同时 , ▁日 , 族 , ... |
54656 | <0xE7><0xA6> |
0.400353 | |
34273 | <0xE9><0x96> |
0.400412 | 開 , 関 , 間 , 時間 |
81802 | <0xE7><0xA2> |
0.400474 | |
13393 | <0xE9><0x87> |
0.40069 | 金额 , 里 , 释 , 重 , 量 , ... |
31938 | <0xE9><0x83> |
0.400749 | 全部 , 都 , 部 |
21589 | <0xE5><0xA7> |
0.40086 | <0x9D>始 , 姓名 , 初始化 , 开始 , <0x9D>始化 , ... |
23706 | <0xE7><0x99> |
0.40112 | 登 , 登录 , ▁登 , ▁<0xE7><0x99> |
15722 | <0xE6><0xAD> |
0.401191 | 歳 , ▁<0xE6><0xAD> , 正 , 正确 , 正在 , ... |
71831 | <0xAC><0x81> |
0.401268 | |
20135 | <0xE4><0xBE> |
0.401556 | 例如 , 価 , 例 , 供 , ▁示例 |
39013 | <0xE8><0xB0> |
0.401619 | 调 |
31106 | <0xE6><0xB2> |
0.401684 | 没有 , 自治 , 治 , 没 |
2928 | ▁<0xE2> |
0.401798 | ▁<0xE2><0x9E> , ▁⇒ , ▁\u200b , ▁✔ , ▁↔ , ... |
17044 | <0xE7><0x89> |
0.401936 | 版本 , 物 , 图片 , 版 , 片 , ... |
52597 | <0xE9><0x9C> |
0.401971 | 需要 , 需 |
38248 | ー<0xE3><0x82> |
0.402412 | ース , ージ |
47600 | ▁t<0xE1><0xBB> |
0.402588 | ▁từ |
13357 | <0xE9><0x97> |
0.403222 | 间 , 门 , 闭 , 问 , 时间 , ... |
92871 | <0x85><0xA7> |
0.403448 | |
23602 | <0xE5><0xB1> |
0.403479 | 属性 , 山 , 展 , 局 , ▁<0xE5><0xB1> |
13828 | <0xE5><0x86> |
0.403834 | 内容 , 再 , 内 , 円 , 册 , ... |
25781 | <0xE7><0xAB> |
0.404239 | 章 , 端 , 立 , 站 , 文章 |
57942 | <0xE8><0x82> |
0.404448 | |
5877 | <0xE5><0x8F> |
0.404755 | 公司 , 变 , 司 , 可能 , ▁发 , ... |
20648 | <0xE5><0x93> |
0.404902 | 哈 , 商品 , 产品 , ▁商品 , 品 |
11743 | <0xE4><0xBF> |
0.404914 | 信 , 保存 , 修 , 保 , 信息 , ... |
26955 | <0xE6><0x8B> |
0.404947 | 选<0xE6><0x8B> , 选择 , 拉 , 请选择 |
36117 | <0xE6><0xBA> |
0.405002 | 源 , 资源 , 来源 |
77062 | <0xE6><0xA3> |
0.405231 | 检 |
25005 | ー<0xE3><0x83> |
0.40537 | ード , ール , ート |
84264 | <0xE8><0x99> |
0.4055 | |
84949 | <0xE7><0x9D> |
0.405787 | |
6271 | <0xE4><0xBB> |
0.406402 | 任务 , 件 , 介 , 从 , 条件 , ... |
78256 | <0xE6><0xBC> |
0.406637 | |
81180 | <0xE8><0x90> |
0.406719 | |
25038 | <0xE8><0xA6> |
0.406978 | 需要 , 要 , 見 , ▁若要 |
71567 | <0xE2><0x85> |
0.407175 | |
76698 | <0xE8><0x8D> |
0.407382 | |
80242 | <0xE7><0x8F> |
0.408077 | |
14888 | <0xE6><0xB3> |
0.408156 | ▁注 , 方法 , 注 , ▁<0xE6><0xB3> , 注册 , ... |
28194 | <0xE5><0xA5> |
0.408276 | 好 , 女 |
70892 | <0xE8><0xA3> |
0.408329 | 装 |
83812 | <0xE8><0xB3> |
0.408356 | |
15355 | <0xE6><0x89> |
0.408367 | 执行 , 手 , 所有 , 找 , 所 , ... |
69350 | ا<0xD8> |
0.408408 | ▁است , اس , اب , اء |
36735 | <0xE8><0x81> |
0.408979 | 联 , 联系 |
9921 | <0xE5><0x9B> |
0.409082 | ▁<0xE5><0x9B> , 中国 , 返回 , 图片 , ▁返回 , ... |
47453 | <0xE7><0xBE> |
0.409504 | 美 |
14608 | <0xE5><0xBD> |
0.409522 | 形 , 记录 , ▁当 , 登录 , 当前 , ... |
45918 | <0xE8><0xAA> |
0.40963 | 読 |
61964 | <0xE6><0xA5> |
0.409952 | |
14276 | <0xE6><0x9D> |
0.410237 | 束 , 条件 , 权 , <0x88>权 , 权限 , ... |
80631 | <0xE8><0xB2> |
0.410274 | |
15581 | <0xE7><0xBD> |
0.410482 | 网络 , ▁设置 , 位置 , 网 , 置 , ... |
50266 | <0xE8><0xB6> |
0.410651 | 超 |
44647 | <0xE6><0xB4> |
0.410895 | 活 |
35086 | <0xE6><0xB8> |
0.411158 | 清 , 游 , ▁<0xE6><0xB8> |
83601 | <0xE5><0x96> |
0.411359 | |
21980 | <0xE6><0xB1> |
0.411403 | 江 , ▁请求 , 请求 , 求 , 汽 |
13821 | <0xE5><0xB8> |
0.411631 | 常 , 异常 , 布 , 发布 , 市 |
83898 | <0xE7><0xAF> |
0.412 | |
14309 | <0xE9><0x99> |
0.41206 | 删除成功 , 限 , 除 , 院 , ▁删除 , ... |
40198 | <0xE7><0x95> |
0.412239 | 番 , 界 |
10044 | ▁<0xC4> |
0.41232 | ▁će , ▁đ , ▁đi , ▁đã , ▁č , ... |
6655 | <0xE1><0xBA> |
0.412762 | ận , ạ , ại , ật , ▁nhập , ... |
7688 | <0xE6><0x88> |
0.412768 | ▁成 , 删除成功 , 完成 , ▁用户 , ▁或 , ... |
7518 | <0xE7><0x94> |
0.41289 | 生 , ▁用户 , ▁生命周期函数 , 男 , 生成 , ... |
3484 | <0xE3><0x82> |
0.413246 | カ , ん , さん , あり , コ , ... |
6701 | <0xE5><0x88> |
0.413433 | 删除成功 , ▁<0xE5><0x88> , 别 , 创建 , ▁创建 , ... |
7741 | <0xE6><0x96> |
0.413588 | 方法 , <0xA4>断 , 方 , 文字 , 新 , ... |
63105 | <0xE8><0x88> |
0.413903 | |
33354 | <0xE7><0xA9> |
0.414196 | 为空 , 空 , 不能为空 |
8676 | <0xE5><0xAE> |
0.41429 | 内容 , 定义 , 完成 , 完 , 容 , ... |
80988 | <0xE9><0xA0> |
0.414389 | |
17597 | <0xE5><0xB7> |
0.414409 | 左 , 工 , ▁<0xE5><0xB7> , 州 , 已 |
92148 | <0xE8><0xAD> |
0.414598 | |
18259 | <0xE4><0xB9> |
0.414839 | 书 , 定义 , 么 , 也 , 之 , ... |
8192 | <0xE5><0xA4> |
0.41506 | 失 , 处理 , 大 , ▁<0xE5><0xA4> , 头 , ... |
25132 | <0xE9><0x9B> |
0.41518 | 微软雅黑 , 雷 , 雅 , 雅黑 , 集 , ... |
21403 | <0xE5><0x89> |
0.415932 | 当前 , 前 |
8067 | <0xE6><0x95> |
0.41603 | 数据 , ▁数据 , 函数 , 效 , ▁数 , ... |
53508 | <0xE5><0x8B> |
0.416229 | 動 |
8239 | <0xE5><0x8A> |
0.416735 | 添加 , 任务 , 删除成功 , 服务 , ▁加 , ... |
20022 | <0xE5><0x80> |
0.417325 | 倍 , 值 |
30320 | <0xE6><0xB0> |
0.417873 | 気 , 水 , 民 |
26274 | <0xE8><0x87> |
0.418358 | ▁<0xE8><0x87> , ▁自 , ▁自动生成 , 自治 , 至 , ... |
16175 | <0xE5><0xB0> |
0.418418 | ▁<0xE5><0xB0> , 大小 , 尔 , 就 , 小 , ... |
6708 | <0xE5><0x85> |
0.418877 | 亿元 , 公司 , ▁输入 , 万元 , 关 , ... |
37795 | <0xE9><0x9A> |
0.418983 | 隐藏 |
3574 | <0xE4><0xB8> |
0.419811 | ▁不 , ▁下午 , 万元 , ▁中 , 业 , ... |
4916 | <0xE6><0x9C> |
0.420019 | 没有 , 服 , 木 , 服务 , 版本 , ... |
30250 | <0xE9><0x81> |
0.420202 | 报道 , 道 |
14167 | <0xE9><0xA1> |
0.420586 | 项 , 页面 , 一页 , 监听页面 , ▁页面 , ... |
13079 | <0xE8><0xA1> |
0.420596 | ▁<0xE8><0xA1> , 执行 , 表 , 进行 , 表示 , ... |
16205 | <0xE8><0xBE> |
0.420912 | ▁输 , ▁输入 , ▁<0xE8><0xBE> , 输出 , 请输入 , ... |
6823 | <0xE4><0xBA> |
0.421061 | 事 , 亿元 , 于 , 亿 , 京 , ... |
16555 | <0xE7><0x9B> |
0.422044 | 监 , 直 , 相关 , 监听页面 , 监听 , ... |
17885 | <0xE4><0xBC> |
0.422086 | 企 , 会 , 传 , 上传 , 优 |
27552 | <0xE6><0x9B> |
0.422209 | ▁更新 , 更 , ▁<0xE6><0x9B> , 更新 , ▁更 |
27869 | <0xE7><0xB4> |
0.422912 | 搜索 , 素 , <0x90><0x9C>索 , 索 |
7190 | <0xE5><0xB9> |
0.423677 | ,并 , 广 , ▁<0xE5><0xB9> , 今年 , 并 , ... |
15973 | <0xE5><0xAF> |
0.423999 | 对 , 对象 , 密 , 导 , ▁对 , ... |
2188 | ▁<0xC2> |
0.426792 | ▁§ , ▁\xa0 , ▁\xa0▁\xa0 , ▁§§ , ▁± , ... |
11795 | <0xE5><0xBA> |
0.428271 | 店 , 排序 , ▁<0xE5><0xBA> , 序 , 数据库 , ... |
11239 | <0xE5><0x8D> |
0.431666 | ▁下午 , 十 , <0xA2>单 , 南 , ▁<0xE5><0x8D> , ... |
27006 | ▁<0xC5> |
0.432013 | ▁što , ▁œ , ▁Ş , ▁życ , ▁şi , ... |
45826 | <0xE5><0xA3> |
0.435881 | 声 , 声明 |
639 | ▁<0xE2><0x80> |
0.444355 | ▁\u200b , ▁― , ▁— , ▁” , ▁※ , ... |
1717 | ▁<0xC3> |
0.463869 | ▁ê , ▁çalış , ▁þ , ▁áll , ▁í , ... |
33595 | ▁<0xEF> |
0.477418 | ▁<0xEF><0x82> , ▁���� , ▁\ufeff , ▁, , ▁<0xEF><0xBC> , ... |
378 | <0xE2><0x80> |
0.494479 | ’t , —one , …”\n\n , ”) , ▁<0xE2><0x80> , ... |
13 entries below threshold of 0.017
token_id | token | indicator | ord | hex | byte_type |
181 | <0xF9> |
-2.38419e-07 | 249 | 0xF9 | unused_utf8 |
125 | <0xC1> |
0 | 193 | 0xC1 | unused_utf8 |
183 | <0xFB> |
0 | 251 | 0xFB | unused_utf8 |
180 | <0xF8> |
0 | 248 | 0xF8 | unused_utf8 |
124 | <0xC0> |
1.19209e-07 | 192 | 0xC0 | unused_utf8 |
187 | <0xFF> |
1.19209e-07 | 255 | 0xFF | unused_utf8 |
186 | <0xFE> |
1.19209e-07 | 254 | 0xFE | unused_utf8 |
179 | <0xF7> |
1.19209e-07 | 247 | 0xF7 | unused_utf8 |
177 | <0xF5> |
1.19209e-07 | 245 | 0xF5 | unused_utf8 |
178 | <0xF6> |
1.19209e-07 | 246 | 0xF6 | unused_utf8 |
182 | <0xFA> |
1.78814e-07 | 250 | 0xFA | unused_utf8 |
184 | <0xFC> |
1.78814e-07 | 252 | 0xFC | unused_utf8 |
185 | <0xFD> |
2.98023e-07 | 253 | 0xFD | unused_utf8 |
243 additional entries above threshold
token_id | token | indicator | hex | byte_type | ord |
188 | \x00 |
0.142364 | 0x00 | ascii | |
174 | <0xF2> |
0.238174 | 0xF2 | utf8 | 242 |
154 | <0xDE> |
0.245175 | 0xDE | utf8 | 222 |
173 | <0xF1> |
0.249065 | 0xF1 | utf8 | 241 |
155 | <0xDF> |
0.255807 | 0xDF | utf8 | 223 |
153 | <0xDD> |
0.256947 | 0xDD | utf8 | 221 |
152 | <0xDC> |
0.267451 | 0xDC | utf8 | 220 |
193 | \x05 |
0.268637 | 0x05 | ascii | 5 |
176 | <0xF4> |
0.269318 | 0xF4 | utf8 | 244 |
192 | \x04 |
0.271647 | 0x04 | ascii | 4 |
205 | \x11 |
0.278175 | 0x11 | ascii | 17 |
211 | \x17 |
0.292241 | 0x17 | ascii | 23 |
194 | \x06 |
0.294229 | 0x06 | ascii | 6 |
202 | \x0e |
0.297797 | 0x0E | ascii | 14 |
209 | \x15 |
0.300981 | 0x15 | ascii | 21 |
210 | \x16 |
0.302473 | 0x16 | ascii | 22 |
156 | <0xE0> |
0.305581 | 0xE0 | utf8 | 224 |
199 | \x0b |
0.306518 | 0x0B | ascii | 11 |
172 | <0xF0> |
0.308466 | 0xF0 | utf8 | 240 |
175 | <0xF3> |
0.313042 | 0xF3 | utf8 | 243 |
160 | <0xE4> |
0.313539 | 0xE4 | utf8 | 228 |
206 | \x12 |
0.314476 | 0x12 | ascii | 18 |
208 | \x14 |
0.322337 | 0x14 | ascii | 20 |
213 | \x19 |
0.322639 | 0x19 | ascii | 25 |
215 | \x1b |
0.323721 | 0x1B | ascii | 27 |
197 | \t |
0.324597 | 0x09 | ascii | 9 |
207 | \x13 |
0.32503 | 0x13 | ascii | 19 |
217 | \x1d |
0.327933 | 0x1D | ascii | 29 |
212 | \x18 |
0.330029 | 0x18 | ascii | 24 |
144 | <0xD4> |
0.33193 | 0xD4 | utf8 | 212 |
216 | \x1c |
0.332419 | 0x1C | ascii | 28 |
189 | \x01 |
0.335439 | 0x01 | ascii | 1 |
159 | <0xE3> |
0.336103 | 0xE3 | utf8 | 227 |
203 | \x0f |
0.336776 | 0x0F | ascii | 15 |
200 | \x0c |
0.336801 | 0x0C | ascii | 12 |
92 | } |
0.339809 | 0x7D | ascii | 125 |
190 | \x02 |
0.339851 | 0x02 | ascii | 2 |
169 | <0xED> |
0.343431 | 0xED | utf8 | 237 |
168 | <0xEC> |
0.344263 | 0xEC | utf8 | 236 |
218 | \x1e |
0.34735 | 0x1E | ascii | 30 |
167 | <0xEB> |
0.347679 | 0xEB | utf8 | 235 |
204 | \x10 |
0.349014 | 0x10 | ascii | 16 |
142 | <0xD2> |
0.351156 | 0xD2 | utf8 | 210 |
147 | <0xD7> |
0.351284 | 0xD7 | utf8 | 215 |
60 | ] |
0.352807 | 0x5D | ascii | 93 |
145 | <0xD5> |
0.353073 | 0xD5 | utf8 | 213 |
146 | <0xD6> |
0.356092 | 0xD6 | utf8 | 214 |
201 | \r |
0.356298 | 0x0D | ascii | 13 |
196 | \x08 |
0.356559 | 0x08 | ascii | 8 |
140 | <0xD0> |
0.358283 | 0xD0 | utf8 | 208 |
143 | <0xD3> |
0.359018 | 0xD3 | utf8 | 211 |
219 | \x1f |
0.359939 | 0x1F | ascii | 31 |
191 | \x03 |
0.360353 | 0x03 | ascii | 3 |
195 | \x07 |
0.362832 | 0x07 | ascii | 7 |
4 | % |
0.36621 | 0x25 | ascii | 37 |
141 | <0xD1> |
0.36822 | 0xD1 | utf8 | 209 |
138 | <0xCE> |
0.368575 | 0xCE | utf8 | 206 |
221 | \x7f |
0.370729 | 0x7F | ascii | 127 |
166 | <0xEA> |
0.371449 | 0xEA | utf8 | 234 |
214 | \x1a |
0.372953 | 0x1A | ascii | 26 |
170 | <0xEE> |
0.378618 | 0xEE | utf8 | 238 |
158 | <0xE2> |
0.379394 | 0xE2 | utf8 | 226 |
139 | <0xCF> |
0.38204 | 0xCF | utf8 | 207 |
132 | <0xC8> |
0.382461 | 0xC8 | utf8 | 200 |
22 | 7 |
0.38376 | 0x37 | ascii | 55 |
24 | 9 |
0.384828 | 0x39 | ascii | 57 |
21 | 6 |
0.387692 | 0x36 | ascii | 54 |
29 | > |
0.388958 | 0x3E | ascii | 62 |
133 | <0xC9> |
0.389565 | 0xC9 | utf8 | 201 |
23 | 8 |
0.38995 | 0x38 | ascii | 56 |
130 | <0xC6> |
0.391072 | 0xC6 | utf8 | 198 |
28 | = |
0.393129 | 0x3D | ascii | 61 |
151 | <0xDB> |
0.393175 | 0xDB | utf8 | 219 |
3 | $ |
0.395648 | 0x24 | ascii | 36 |
40 | I |
0.396994 | 0x49 | ascii | 73 |
61 | ^ |
0.398482 | 0x5E | ascii | 94 |
137 | <0xCD> |
0.398729 | 0xCD | utf8 | 205 |
20 | 5 |
0.399085 | 0x35 | ascii | 53 |
238 | <0x90> |
0.400409 | 0x90 | utf8 | 144 |
8 | ) |
0.403614 | 0x29 | ascii | 41 |
243 | <0x95> |
0.403678 | 0x95 | utf8 | 149 |
157 | <0xE1> |
0.405382 | 0xE1 | utf8 | 225 |
57 | Z |
0.406 | 0x5A | ascii | 90 |
91 | | |
0.40717 | 0x7C | ascii | 124 |
108 | <0xB0> |
0.408134 | 0xB0 | utf8 | 176 |
150 | <0xDA> |
0.408379 | 0xDA | utf8 | 218 |
163 | <0xE7> |
0.409557 | 0xE7 | utf8 | 231 |
162 | <0xE6> |
0.409671 | 0xE6 | utf8 | 230 |
135 | <0xCB> |
0.410088 | 0xCB | utf8 | 203 |
90 | { |
0.411097 | 0x7B | ascii | 123 |
2 | # |
0.412307 | 0x23 | ascii | 35 |
149 | <0xD9> |
0.412667 | 0xD9 | utf8 | 217 |
42 | K |
0.413157 | 0x4B | ascii | 75 |
59 | \ |
0.413283 | 0x5C | ascii | 92 |
134 | <0xCA> |
0.413727 | 0xCA | utf8 | 202 |
48 | Q |
0.414541 | 0x51 | ascii | 81 |
63 | ` |
0.414551 | 0x60 | ascii | 96 |
161 | <0xE5> |
0.415461 | 0xE5 | utf8 | 229 |
131 | <0xC7> |
0.415865 | 0xC7 | utf8 | 199 |
113 | <0xB5> |
0.416097 | 0xB5 | utf8 | 181 |
164 | <0xE8> |
0.416184 | 0xE8 | utf8 | 232 |
27 | < |
0.416604 | 0x3C | ascii | 60 |
41 | J |
0.416822 | 0x4A | ascii | 74 |
116 | <0xB8> |
0.417148 | 0xB8 | utf8 | 184 |
101 | <0xA8> |
0.417814 | 0xA8 | utf8 | 168 |
165 | <0xE9> |
0.418914 | 0xE9 | utf8 | 233 |
31 | @ |
0.418945 | 0x40 | ascii | 64 |
223 | <0x81> |
0.419408 | 0x81 | utf8 | 129 |
254 | <0xA0> |
0.419893 | 0xA0 | utf8 | 160 |
56 | Y |
0.42063 | 0x59 | ascii | 89 |
54 | W |
0.420762 | 0x57 | ascii | 87 |
222 | <0x80> |
0.420844 | 0x80 | utf8 | 128 |
106 | <0xAE> |
0.420896 | 0xAE | utf8 | 174 |
46 | O |
0.421076 | 0x4F | ascii | 79 |
97 | <0xA4> |
0.421267 | 0xA4 | utf8 | 164 |
107 | <0xAF> |
0.421354 | 0xAF | utf8 | 175 |
19 | 4 |
0.422022 | 0x34 | ascii | 52 |
53 | V |
0.422609 | 0x56 | ascii | 86 |
239 | <0x91> |
0.422891 | 0x91 | utf8 | 145 |
126 | <0xC2> |
0.423036 | 0xC2 | utf8 | 194 |
248 | <0x9A> |
0.424104 | 0x9A | utf8 | 154 |
37 | F |
0.424905 | 0x46 | ascii | 70 |
250 | <0x9C> |
0.425548 | 0x9C | utf8 | 156 |
245 | <0x97> |
0.4262 | 0x97 | utf8 | 151 |
38 | G |
0.426716 | 0x47 | ascii | 71 |
45 | N |
0.426907 | 0x4E | ascii | 78 |
120 | <0xBC> |
0.427189 | 0xBC | utf8 | 188 |
103 | <0xAA> |
0.427556 | 0xAA | utf8 | 170 |
233 | <0x8B> |
0.427571 | 0x8B | utf8 | 139 |
230 | <0x88> |
0.428055 | 0x88 | utf8 | 136 |
225 | <0x83> |
0.428102 | 0x83 | utf8 | 131 |
32 | A |
0.428121 | 0x41 | ascii | 65 |
44 | M |
0.428383 | 0x4D | ascii | 77 |
33 | B |
0.428871 | 0x42 | ascii | 66 |
43 | L |
0.429379 | 0x4C | ascii | 76 |
39 | H |
0.429533 | 0x48 | ascii | 72 |
18 | 3 |
0.429706 | 0x33 | ascii | 51 |
235 | <0x8D> |
0.42971 | 0x8D | utf8 | 141 |
123 | <0xBF> |
0.42979 | 0xBF | utf8 | 191 |
228 | <0x86> |
0.42982 | 0x86 | utf8 | 134 |
232 | <0x8A> |
0.43037 | 0x8A | utf8 | 138 |
114 | <0xB6> |
0.430688 | 0xB6 | utf8 | 182 |
229 | <0x87> |
0.431213 | 0x87 | utf8 | 135 |
127 | <0xC3> |
0.432013 | 0xC3 | utf8 | 195 |
98 | <0xA5> |
0.432399 | 0xA5 | utf8 | 165 |
241 | <0x93> |
0.432709 | 0x93 | utf8 | 147 |
49 | R |
0.433115 | 0x52 | ascii | 82 |
0 | ! |
0.433253 | 0x21 | ascii | 33 |
96 | <0xA3> |
0.433387 | 0xA3 | utf8 | 163 |
52 | U |
0.433456 | 0x55 | ascii | 85 |
47 | P |
0.434421 | 0x50 | ascii | 80 |
171 | <0xEF> |
0.435007 | 0xEF | utf8 | 239 |
255 | <0xAD> |
0.435016 | 0xAD | utf8 | 173 |
226 | <0x84> |
0.435134 | 0x84 | utf8 | 132 |
10 | + |
0.435166 | 0x2B | ascii | 43 |
110 | <0xB2> |
0.435204 | 0xB2 | utf8 | 178 |
105 | <0xAC> |
0.435256 | 0xAC | utf8 | 172 |
242 | <0x94> |
0.435284 | 0x94 | utf8 | 148 |
224 | <0x82> |
0.435308 | 0x82 | utf8 | 130 |
35 | D |
0.435664 | 0x44 | ascii | 68 |
34 | C |
0.435821 | 0x43 | ascii | 67 |
119 | <0xBB> |
0.435848 | 0xBB | utf8 | 187 |
247 | <0x99> |
0.436275 | 0x99 | utf8 | 153 |
148 | <0xD8> |
0.436369 | 0xD8 | utf8 | 216 |
237 | <0x8F> |
0.436451 | 0x8F | utf8 | 143 |
236 | <0x8E> |
0.437126 | 0x8E | utf8 | 142 |
234 | <0x8C> |
0.437257 | 0x8C | utf8 | 140 |
227 | <0x85> |
0.437289 | 0x85 | utf8 | 133 |
122 | <0xBE> |
0.437501 | 0xBE | utf8 | 190 |
249 | <0x9B> |
0.438258 | 0x9B | utf8 | 155 |
99 | <0xA6> |
0.438279 | 0xA6 | utf8 | 166 |
252 | <0x9E> |
0.438723 | 0x9E | utf8 | 158 |
128 | <0xC4> |
0.439031 | 0xC4 | utf8 | 196 |
121 | <0xBD> |
0.439598 | 0xBD | utf8 | 189 |
102 | <0xA9> |
0.440681 | 0xA9 | utf8 | 169 |
104 | <0xAB> |
0.441125 | 0xAB | utf8 | 171 |
112 | <0xB4> |
0.4416 | 0xB4 | utf8 | 180 |
240 | <0x92> |
0.441739 | 0x92 | utf8 | 146 |
36 | E |
0.441768 | 0x45 | ascii | 69 |
246 | <0x98> |
0.441889 | 0x98 | utf8 | 152 |
115 | <0xB7> |
0.442176 | 0xB7 | utf8 | 183 |
95 | <0xA2> |
0.44311 | 0xA2 | utf8 | 162 |
118 | <0xBA> |
0.443129 | 0xBA | utf8 | 186 |
55 | X |
0.445199 | 0x58 | ascii | 88 |
231 | <0x89> |
0.445216 | 0x89 | utf8 | 137 |
129 | <0xC5> |
0.4455 | 0xC5 | utf8 | 197 |
94 | <0xA1> |
0.446354 | 0xA1 | utf8 | 161 |
244 | <0x96> |
0.446391 | 0x96 | utf8 | 150 |
251 | <0x9D> |
0.448106 | 0x9D | utf8 | 157 |
15 | 0 |
0.448168 | 0x30 | ascii | 48 |
117 | <0xB9> |
0.448209 | 0xB9 | utf8 | 185 |
109 | <0xB1> |
0.448635 | 0xB1 | utf8 | 177 |
111 | <0xB3> |
0.448654 | 0xB3 | utf8 | 179 |
253 | <0x9F> |
0.448819 | 0x9F | utf8 | 159 |
136 | <0xCC> |
0.448844 | 0xCC | utf8 | 204 |
30 | ? |
0.450946 | 0x3F | ascii | 63 |
9 | * |
0.451389 | 0x2A | ascii | 42 |
100 | <0xA7> |
0.451975 | 0xA7 | utf8 | 167 |
93 | ~ |
0.454688 | 0x7E | ascii | 126 |
17 | 2 |
0.455353 | 0x32 | ascii | 50 |
80 | q |
0.455419 | 0x71 | ascii | 113 |
5 | & |
0.456597 | 0x26 | ascii | 38 |
62 | _ |
0.456799 | 0x5F | ascii | 95 |
51 | T |
0.457542 | 0x54 | ascii | 84 |
1 | " |
0.458338 | 0x22 | ascii | 34 |
26 | ; |
0.458487 | 0x3B | ascii | 59 |
50 | S |
0.46656 | 0x53 | ascii | 83 |
7 | ( |
0.472736 | 0x28 | ascii | 40 |
87 | x |
0.480166 | 0x78 | ascii | 120 |
16 | 1 |
0.482399 | 0x31 | ascii | 49 |
73 | j |
0.485316 | 0x6A | ascii | 106 |
74 | k |
0.494118 | 0x6B | ascii | 107 |
70 | g |
0.497545 | 0x67 | ascii | 103 |
84 | u |
0.501517 | 0x75 | ascii | 117 |
76 | m |
0.502235 | 0x6D | ascii | 109 |
58 | [ |
0.504827 | 0x5B | ascii | 91 |
6 | ' |
0.505851 | 0x27 | ascii | 39 |
67 | d |
0.50604 | 0x64 | ascii | 100 |
14 | / |
0.506808 | 0x2F | ascii | 47 |
89 | z |
0.509046 | 0x7A | ascii | 122 |
81 | r |
0.509824 | 0x72 | ascii | 114 |
79 | p |
0.510028 | 0x70 | ascii | 112 |
65 | b |
0.510981 | 0x62 | ascii | 98 |
69 | f |
0.512844 | 0x66 | ascii | 102 |
85 | v |
0.515735 | 0x76 | ascii | 118 |
86 | w |
0.516099 | 0x77 | ascii | 119 |
66 | c |
0.517243 | 0x63 | ascii | 99 |
71 | h |
0.524398 | 0x68 | ascii | 104 |
77 | n |
0.524719 | 0x6E | ascii | 110 |
25 | : |
0.526936 | 0x3A | ascii | 58 |
64 | a |
0.527461 | 0x61 | ascii | 97 |
75 | l |
0.531272 | 0x6C | ascii | 108 |
13 | . |
0.533061 | 0x2E | ascii | 46 |
72 | i |
0.533843 | 0x69 | ascii | 105 |
83 | t |
0.540201 | 0x74 | ascii | 116 |
68 | e |
0.541656 | 0x65 | ascii | 101 |
88 | y |
0.544019 | 0x79 | ascii | 121 |
78 | o |
0.549678 | 0x6F | ascii | 111 |
198 | \n |
0.551601 | 0x0A | ascii | 10 |
12 | - |
0.555733 | 0x2D | ascii | 45 |
82 | s |
0.567614 | 0x73 | ascii | 115 |
11 | , |
0.635343 | 0x2C | ascii | 44 |
220 | ▁ |
0.677248 | 0x20 | ascii | 32 |
18 entries below threshold of 0.017
token_id | token | indicator | max_prob |
100272 | <|extra_id_7|> |
-1.19209e-07 | 7.8e-11 |
100260 | <|fim_suffix|> |
-1.19209e-07 | 9.8e-11 |
100275 | <|extra_id_10|> |
-1.19209e-07 | 2.9e-11 |
100271 | <|extra_id_6|> |
0 | 1.3e-09 |
100267 | <|extra_id_2|> |
0 | 1.7e-10 |
100266 | <|extra_id_1|> |
0 | 3e-11 |
100277 | <|pad|> |
0 | 2.9e-11 |
100256 | <|extra_id_0|> |
1.19209e-07 | 8.4e-11 |
100276 | <|endofprompt|> |
1.19209e-07 | 4.7e-11 |
100273 | <|extra_id_8|> |
1.19209e-07 | 5.3e-11 |
100274 | <|extra_id_9|> |
1.19209e-07 | 3e-11 |
100258 | <|fim_prefix|> |
1.19209e-07 | 1e-10 |
100259 | <|fim_middle|> |
1.19209e-07 | 7.8e-11 |
100265 | <|im_end|> |
1.19209e-07 | 1.1e-10 |
100268 | <|extra_id_3|> |
1.19209e-07 | 2.3e-09 |
100269 | <|extra_id_4|> |
1.19209e-07 | 2.1e-11 |
100270 | <|extra_id_5|> |
1.19209e-07 | 8e-11 |
100264 | <|im_start|> |
1.78814e-07 | 7.4e-10 |
1 additional entries above threshold
token_id | token | indicator | max_prob |
100257 | <|endoftext|> |
0.524592 | 0.068 |