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224 lines (209 loc) · 22.3 KB

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224 lines (209 loc) · 22.3 KB

Report for h2oai/h2o-danube2-1.8b-base

Model info

  • Model Info:
    • Tied embeddings: False
    • LM head uses bias: False
    • Embeddings shape: [32000, 2560]
  • Tokenizer Info:
    • Vocab Size: 32000
    • Tokenizer Class: LlamaTokenizer
    • Tokenizer Type: BPE
    • Bytes handling: Byte Fallback
    • Token for verification prompt building: includegraphics
    • Token id for verification prompt building: 7621
  • Indicator summary:
    • Indicator for under-trained tokens: E_{in} L2 Norm
    • Overall distribution: 0.659 +/- 0.083
  • Detected Token Counts:
    • Number of tested under-trained tokens: 637, 617 non-special, 62 below p = 0.01 threshold, 23 below soft indicator threshold
    • Number of single byte tokens: 380, of which 140 below indicator threshold
    • Number of special tokens: 0, of which 0 below indicator threshold

Under-trained token indicators plot

Indicators scatter plots

Verification plot

Verification plot

Under-trained token verification results

23 entries below threshold of 0.109

token_id token indicator max_prob in_other_tokens
26382 \+\_\ 0.0101104 0.00044
31738 \uefc0 0.0107981 0.00034
25900 iNdEx 0.0151775 0.00051
22803 .^{[ 0.0281363 1.5e-05
15739 ▁beginnetje 0.0300512 0.00014
30929 0.0380323 0.00057
26831 ▁febbra 0.0421692 2.4e-05 ▁febbraio
25975 ▁Населення 0.0422046 6.7e-05
19248 NdEx 0.0435411 8.3e-05 iNdEx
18927 ederbörd 0.0471718 4.5e-06 ▁nederbörd
27916 ▁Marcatori 0.0585935 0.00028
22350 ▁насеље 0.0671451 0.00016
26718 eltemperaturen 0.0700269 3.2e-05
27265 ▁SDValue 0.0727615 0.0058
12872 ▁underarter 0.0770717 7e-05
28593 pgfscope 0.0791623 0.022
28373 ▁nederbörd 0.0799257 0.00058
15641 ▁uitgen 0.0806028 7e-06 ▁uitgenodigd
18699 ▁становника 0.0899587 0.0011
21160 ▁Становништво 0.0922849 0.00016
3 additional entries below threshold
token_id token indicator max_prob in_other_tokens
14052 ▁Jahrhund 0.0959119 0.00079 ▁Jahrhundert, ▁Jahrhunderts
12645 ▁släktet 0.10091 6.5e-05
15500 itempty 0.108821 0.0026 omitempty

Byte tokens

140 entries below threshold of 0.182

token_id token indicator ord hex byte_type reencoded
93 <0x5A> 3.48395e-08 90 0x5A ascii 28828: Z
32 <0x1D> 3.48718e-08 29 0x1D ascii 31236: \x1d
112 <0x6D> 3.50091e-08 109 0x6D ascii 28719: m
17 <0x0E> 3.5068e-08 14 0x0E ascii 30517: \x0e
19 <0x10> 3.5076e-08 16 0x10 ascii 30388: \x10
73 <0x46> 3.51179e-08 70 0x46 ascii 28765: F
27 <0x18> 3.51436e-08 24 0x18 ascii 30555: \x18
48 <0x2D> 3.51733e-08 45 0x2D ascii 28733: -
6 <0x03> 3.52463e-08 3 0x03 ascii 30662: \x03
71 <0x44> 3.52539e-08 68 0x44 ascii 28757: D
102 <0x63> 3.52799e-08 99 0x63 ascii 28717: c
104 <0x65> 3.53477e-08 101 0x65 ascii 28706: e
42 <0x27> 3.53498e-08 39 0x27 ascii 28742: '
4 <0x01> 3.53514e-08 1 0x01 ascii 29534: \x01
118 <0x73> 3.53524e-08 115 0x73 ascii 28713: s
92 <0x59> 3.53692e-08 89 0x59 ascii 28802: Y
127 <0x7C> 3.54028e-08 124 0x7C ascii 28766: |
72 <0x45> 3.54074e-08 69 0x45 ascii 28749: E
10 <0x07> 3.54211e-08 7 0x07 ascii 30963: \x07
256 <0xFD> 3.54266e-08 253 0xFD unused_utf8
120 additional entries below threshold
token_id token indicator ord hex byte_type reencoded
41 <0x26> 3.54453e-08 38 0x26 ascii 28800: &
115 <0x70> 3.54526e-08 112 0x70 ascii 28720: p
47 <0x2C> 3.55137e-08 44 0x2C ascii 28725: ,
257 <0xFE> 3.55179e-08 254 0xFE unused_utf8
109 <0x6A> 3.55382e-08 106 0x6A ascii 28768: j
58 <0x37> 3.5545e-08 55 0x37 ascii 28787: 7
57 <0x36> 3.55506e-08 54 0x36 ascii 28784: 6
119 <0x74> 3.55867e-08 116 0x74 ascii 28707: t
75 <0x48> 3.55958e-08 72 0x48 ascii 28769: H
251 <0xF8> 3.56107e-08 248 0xF8 unused_utf8
46 <0x2B> 3.5626e-08 43 0x2B ascii 28806: +
7 <0x04> 3.56293e-08 4 0x04 ascii 30724: \x04
55 <0x34> 3.56711e-08 52 0x34 ascii 28781: 4
76 <0x49> 3.56851e-08 73 0x49 ascii 28737: I
111 <0x6C> 3.56981e-08 108 0x6C ascii 28714: l
113 <0x6E> 3.5743e-08 110 0x6E ascii 28711: n
107 <0x68> 3.57451e-08 104 0x68 ascii 28716: h
255 <0xFC> 3.57592e-08 252 0xFC unused_utf8
123 <0x78> 3.57783e-08 120 0x78 ascii 28744: x
116 <0x71> 3.5781e-08 113 0x71 ascii 28775: q
8 <0x05> 3.57865e-08 5 0x05 ascii 30550: \x05
94 <0x5B> 3.57902e-08 91 0x5B ascii 28792: [
20 <0x11> 3.57971e-08 17 0x11 ascii 30557: \x11
66 <0x3F> 3.58069e-08 63 0x3F ascii 28804: ?
5 <0x02> 3.58153e-08 2 0x02 ascii 30551: \x02
254 <0xFB> 3.58166e-08 251 0xFB unused_utf8
122 <0x77> 3.58311e-08 119 0x77 ascii 28727: w
24 <0x15> 3.58557e-08 21 0x15 ascii 30675: \x15
250 <0xF7> 3.58678e-08 247 0xF7 unused_utf8
126 <0x7B> 3.58801e-08 123 0x7B ascii 28751: {
195 <0xC0> 3.58839e-08 192 0xC0 unused_utf8
38 <0x23> 3.58914e-08 35 0x23 ascii 28771: #
69 <0x42> 3.58949e-08 66 0x42 ascii 28760: B
248 <0xF5> 3.58961e-08 245 0xF5 unused_utf8
33 <0x1E> 3.59043e-08 30 0x1E ascii 31150: \x1e
9 <0x06> 3.59044e-08 6 0x06 ascii 30314: \x06
31 <0x1C> 3.59153e-08 28 0x1C ascii 31134: \x1c
30 <0x1B> 3.59261e-08 27 0x1B ascii 30246: \x1b
84 <0x51> 3.59478e-08 81 0x51 ascii 28824: Q
128 <0x7D> 3.59607e-08 125 0x7D ascii 28752: }
77 <0x4A> 3.59646e-08 74 0x4A ascii 28798: J
95 <0x5C> 3.5978e-08 92 0x5C ascii 28756: \
39 <0x24> 3.59826e-08 36 0x24 ascii 28776: $
65 <0x3E> 3.59866e-08 62 0x3E ascii 28767: >
80 <0x4D> 3.59903e-08 77 0x4D ascii 28755: M
83 <0x50> 3.60037e-08 80 0x50 ascii 28753: P
125 <0x7A> 3.60055e-08 122 0x7A ascii 28764: z
121 <0x76> 3.60173e-08 118 0x76 ascii 28728: v
63 <0x3C> 3.6018e-08 60 0x3C ascii 28789: <
61 <0x3A> 3.60263e-08 58 0x3A ascii 28747: :
78 <0x4B> 3.60284e-08 75 0x4B ascii 28796: K
56 <0x35> 3.60342e-08 53 0x35 ascii 28782: 5
114 <0x6F> 3.60457e-08 111 0x6F ascii 28709: o
21 <0x12> 3.60554e-08 18 0x12 ascii 30298: \x12
49 <0x2E> 3.60665e-08 46 0x2E ascii 28723: .
258 <0xFF> 3.60827e-08 255 0xFF unused_utf8
70 <0x43> 3.60944e-08 67 0x43 ascii 28743: C
29 <0x1A> 3.61049e-08 26 0x1A ascii 30759: \x1a
124 <0x79> 3.61051e-08 121 0x79 ascii 28724: y
87 <0x54> 3.61168e-08 84 0x54 ascii 28738: T
103 <0x64> 3.61285e-08 100 0x64 ascii 28715: d
26 <0x17> 3.61327e-08 23 0x17 ascii 30841: \x17
86 <0x53> 3.61473e-08 83 0x53 ascii 28735: S
198 <0xC3> 3.61504e-08 195 0xC3 utf8
101 <0x62> 3.61512e-08 98 0x62 ascii 28726: b
23 <0x14> 3.6152e-08 20 0x14 ascii 30721: \x14
62 <0x3B> 3.61538e-08 59 0x3B ascii 28745: ;
16 <0x0D> 3.6177e-08 13 0x0D ascii 28801: \r
253 <0xFA> 3.61815e-08 250 0xFA unused_utf8
97 <0x5E> 3.61834e-08 94 0x5E ascii 28815: ^
252 <0xF9> 3.62119e-08 249 0xF9 unused_utf8
89 <0x56> 3.62145e-08 86 0x56 ascii 28790: V
68 <0x41> 3.62149e-08 65 0x41 ascii 28741: A
196 <0xC1> 3.62408e-08 193 0xC1 unused_utf8
53 <0x32> 3.62499e-08 50 0x32 ascii 28750: 2
117 <0x72> 3.62567e-08 114 0x72 ascii 28712: r
40 <0x25> 3.62725e-08 37 0x25 ascii 28823: %
99 <0x60> 3.62907e-08 96 0x60 ascii 28832: `
120 <0x75> 3.63033e-08 117 0x75 ascii 28718: u
25 <0x16> 3.63129e-08 22 0x16 ascii 30935: \x16
67 <0x40> 3.63172e-08 64 0x40 ascii 28818: @
45 <0x2A> 3.63192e-08 42 0x2A ascii 28736: *
43 <0x28> 3.63264e-08 40 0x28 ascii 28732: (
100 <0x61> 3.63328e-08 97 0x61 ascii 28708: a
14 <0x0B> 3.63343e-08 11 0x0B ascii 30638: \x0b
52 <0x31> 3.6353e-08 49 0x31 ascii 28740: 1
90 <0x57> 3.63732e-08 87 0x57 ascii 28780: W
79 <0x4C> 3.63958e-08 76 0x4C ascii 28758: L
249 <0xF6> 3.6409e-08 246 0xF6 unused_utf8
108 <0x69> 3.64194e-08 105 0x69 ascii 28710: i
105 <0x66> 3.64334e-08 102 0x66 ascii 28722: f
37 <0x22> 3.64461e-08 34 0x22 ascii 28739: "
110 <0x6B> 3.64492e-08 107 0x6B ascii 28729: k
59 <0x38> 3.64785e-08 56 0x38 ascii 28783: 8
44 <0x29> 3.64788e-08 41 0x29 ascii 28731: )
18 <0x0F> 3.64868e-08 15 0x0F ascii 30698: \x0f
35 <0x20> 3.65155e-08 32 0x20 ascii 28705:
130 <0x7F> 3.6529e-08 127 0x7F ascii 30982: \x7f
60 <0x39> 3.65306e-08 57 0x39 ascii 28774: 9
64 <0x3D> 3.65521e-08 61 0x3D ascii 28746: =
88 <0x55> 3.65631e-08 85 0x55 ascii 28779: U
91 <0x58> 3.66015e-08 88 0x58 ascii 28814: X
98 <0x5F> 3.6638e-08 95 0x5F ascii 28730: _
51 <0x30> 3.66819e-08 48 0x30 ascii 28734: 0
85 <0x52> 3.66943e-08 82 0x52 ascii 28754: R
11 <0x08> 3.67145e-08 8 0x08 ascii 31129: \x08
34 <0x1F> 3.67174e-08 31 0x1F ascii 31217: \x1f
82 <0x4F> 3.67361e-08 79 0x4F ascii 28762: O
36 <0x21> 3.67627e-08 33 0x21 ascii 28808: !
74 <0x47> 3.68409e-08 71 0x47 ascii 28777: G
81 <0x4E> 3.68774e-08 78 0x4E ascii 28759: N
106 <0x67> 3.68857e-08 103 0x67 ascii 28721: g
50 <0x2F> 3.68978e-08 47 0x2F ascii 28748: /
28 <0x19> 3.70187e-08 25 0x19 ascii 30969: \x19
96 <0x5D> 3.70761e-08 93 0x5D ascii 28793: ]
54 <0x33> 3.71352e-08 51 0x33 ascii 28770: 3
22 <0x13> 3.72037e-08 19 0x13 ascii 30453: \x13
129 <0x7E> 3.72633e-08 126 0x7E ascii 28845: ~
15 <0x0C> 0.000123783 12 0x0C ascii 29683: \x0c
197 <0xC2> 0.000208018 194 0xC2 utf8

Special tokens

2 entries below threshold of 0.182

token_id token indicator max_prob
1 <s> 3.60892e-08 0.00031
0 <unk> 3.64456e-08 0.00031