This module manages Identity and Access Management (IAM) Identity Domains, Identity Domain Groups, Identity Domain Dynamic Groups, and SAML Identity Providers in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) based on maps of objects. Identity Domains are a fundamental construct in OCI IAM, they represent a user a group population and its associated configurations and security settings (such as Federation, MFA).
Check module specification for a full description of module requirements, supported variables, managed resources and outputs.
Check the examples folder for actual module usage.
This module requires the following OCI IAM permission:
Allow group <group> to manage domains in tenancy
This module relies on Terraform Optional Object Type Attributes feature, which is experimental from Terraform 0.14.x to 1.2.x. It shortens the amount of input values in complex object types, by having Terraform automatically inserting a default value for any missing optional attributes. The feature has been promoted and it is no longer experimental in Terraform 1.3.x.
As is, this module can only be used with Terraform versions up to 1.2.x, because it can be consumed by other modules via OCI Resource Manager service, that still does not support Terraform 1.3.x.
Upon running terraform plan with Terraform versions prior to 1.3.x, Terraform displays the following warning:
Warning: Experimental feature "module_variable_optional_attrs" is active
Note the warning is harmless. The code has been tested with Terraform 1.3.x and the implementation is fully compatible.
If you really want to use Terraform 1.3.x, in
- Change the terraform version requirement to:
required_version = ">= 1.3.0"
- Remove the line:
experiments = [module_variable_optional_attrs]
Terraform modules can be invoked locally or remotely.
For invoking the module locally, just set the module source attribute to the module file path (relative path works). The following example assumes the module is two folders up in the file system.
module "identity_domains" {
source = "../../"
tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid
identity_domains_configuration = var.identity_domains_configuration
identity_domain_groups_configuration = var.identity_domain_groups_configuration
identity_domain_dynamic_groups_configuration = var.identity_domain_dynamic_groups_configuration
identity_domain_identity_providers_configuration = var.identity_domain_identity_providers_configuration
For invoking the module remotely, set the module source attribute to the groups module folder in this repository, as shown:
module "identity_domains" {
source = ""
tenancy_id = var.tenancy_id
identity_domains_configuration = var.identity_domains_configuration
identity_domain_groups_configuration = var.identity_domain_groups_configuration
identity_domain_dynamic_groups_configuration = var.identity_domain_dynamic_groups_configuration
identity_domain_identity_providers_configuration = var.identity_domain_identity_providers_configuration
For referring to a specific module version, append ref=<version> to the source attribute value, as in:
source = ""
The module defines four top-level input variables named identity_domains_configuration, identity_domain_groups_configuration, identity_domain_dynamic_groups_configuration, and identity_domain_identity_providers_configuration for identity domains related attributes. A fourth top-level input variable, compartments_dependency, is used for bringing in externally managed compartments into identity domains configuration. See External Dependencies section.
Use identity_domains_configuration attribute. It supports the following attributes:
- default_compartment_id: (Optional) defines the compartment for all identity domains, unless overriden by compartment_id attribute within each identity domain. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either a compartment OCID or a reference (a key) to the compartment OCID. tenancy_ocid is used if undefined. See External Dependencies section.
- default_defined_tags: (Optional) defined tags to apply to all resources, unless overriden by defined_tags attribute within each resource.
- default_freeform_tags: (Optional) freeform tags to apply to all resources, unless overriden by freeform_tags attribute within each resource.
- identity_domains: (Optional) the map of objects that defines the identity domains, where each object corresponds to an identity domain resource.
- compartment_id: (Optional) The compartment for the identity domain. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either a compartment OCID or a reference (a key) to the compartment OCID. default_compartment_id is used if undefined. See External Dependencies.
- display_name: (Required) The mutable display name for the identity domain.
- description: (Required) The description of the identity domain.
- home_region: (Required) The region name of the identity domain. The tenancy home region name is used if undefined. Example: us-ashburn-1
- license_type: (Required) The license type of the identity domain. Examples: free, oracle-apps-premium, premium, external-user.
- admin_email: (Optional) The email address of the identity domain administrator.
- admin_first_name: (Optional) The first name of the identity domain administrator.
- admin_last_name: (Optional) The last name of the identity domain administrator.
- admin_user_name: (Optional) The username for the identity domain administrator.
- is_hidden_on_login: (Optional) Indicates whether the identity domain is hidden on login screen or not. Example: true
- is_notification_bypassed: Indicates if admin user created in the Identity Domain would like to receive notification like welcome email or not. Required field only if admin information is provided, otherwise optional.
- is_primary_email_required: (Optional) Indicates whether users in the domain are required to have a primary email address or not. Example: true
- defined_tags: (Optional) defined tags to apply to the identity domain. default_defined_tags is used if undefined.
- freeform_tags: (Optional) free tags to apply to the identity domain. default_freeform_tags is used if undefined.
Use identity_domain_groups_configuration attribute. It supports the following attributes:
- default_identity_domain_id: (Optional) defines the identity domain for all groups, unless overriden by identity_domain_id attribute within each group. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either an existing identity domain OCID (if provisioning the group in an existing identity domain) or the identity domain reference (key) in identity_domains map.
- default_defined_tags: (Optional) defined tags to apply to all resources, unless overriden by defined_tags attribute within each resource.
- default_freeform_tags: (Optional) freeform tags to apply to all resources, unless overriden by freeform_tags attribute within each resource.
- groups: (Optional) the map of objects that defines groups of users, where each object corresponds to a group resource.
- identity_domain_id: (Optional) The identity domain for the group. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either an existing identity domain OCID (if provisioning the group in an existing identity domain) or the identity domain reference (key) in identity_domains map.
- name: (Required) The display name of the group.
- description: (Optional) The description of the group.
- requestable: (Optional) Flag controlling whether group membership can be requested by users through self service console. Example: true
- members: (Optional) List of existing user names to assign to the group.
- defined_tags: (Optional) defined tags to apply to the group. default_defined_tags is used if undefined.
- freeform_tags: (Optional) free tags to apply to the group. default_freeform_tags is used if undefined.
Use identity_domain_dynamic_groups_configuration attribute. It supports the following attributes:
- default_identity_domain_id: (Optional) defines the identity domain for all dynamic groups, unless overriden by identity_domain_id attribute within each dynamic group. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either an identity domain OCID or a reference (a key) to the identity domain OCID.
- default_defined_tags: (Optional) defined tags to apply to all resources, unless overriden by defined_tags attribute within each resource.
- default_freeform_tags: (Optional) freeform tags to apply to all resources, unless overriden by freeform_tags attribute within each resource.
- dynamic_groups: (Optional) the map of objects that defines dynamic groups, where each object corresponds to a dynamic group resource.
- identity_domain_id: (Optional) The identity domain for the dynamic group. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either an existing identity domain OCID (if provisioning the dynamic group in an existing identity domain) or the identity domain reference (key) in identity_domains map.
- name: (Required) The display name of the dynamic group.
- description: (Optional) The description of the dynamic group.
- matching_rule: (Required) An expression that defines the principals assigned to the dynamic group resource.
- defined_tags: (Optional) defined tags to apply to the group. default_defined_tags is used if undefined.
- freeform_tags: (Optional) free tags to apply to the group. default_freeform_tags is used if undefined.
Use identity_domain_identity_providers_configuration attribute. It supports SAML Identity Providers which can be configured either by importing the IDP SAML Metadata (XML file) or by directly specifying the identity provider parameters. It supports the following attributes:
- default_identity_domain_id: (Optional) defines the identity domain for all identity providers, unless overriden by identity_domain_id attribute within each identity provider. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either an identity domain OCID or a reference (a key) to the identity domain OCID.
- identity_providers: (Optional) the map of objects that defines identity providers, where each object corresponds to an identity provider resource.
- identity_domain_id: (Optional) The identity domain for the identity provider. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either an existing identity domain OCID (if provisioning the identity provider in an existing identity domain) or the identity domain reference (key) in identity_domains map.
- name: (Required) The display name of the identity provider.
- description: (Optional) The description of the identity provider.
- enabled: (Required) Flag controlling whether the identity provider is enabled or disabled.
- name_id_format: (Optional) The requested Name ID format. Possible values: saml-emailaddress, saml-x509, saml-kerberos, saml-persistent, saml-transient, saml-unspecified, saml-windowsnamequalifier. Default is saml-emailaddress.
- user_mapping_method: (Optional) The user identity mapping network for the identity provider. Possible values: NameIDToUserAttribute, AssertionAttributeToUserAttribute, or CorrelationPolicyRule. Default is NameIDToUserAttribute.
- user_mapping_store_attribute: (Optional) The identity domain user mapping attribute. Default is username.
- assertion_attribute: (Optional) The assertion attribute name from the IDP when using user_mapping_method = AssertionAttributeToUserAttribute.
- signature_hash_algorithm: (Optional) The signature has algorithm of the identity provider, either SHA-256 (Default) or SHA-1.
- send_signing_certificate: (Optional) Flag controlling whether to send signing certificate with SAML message. Default is false.
- idp_metadata_file: (Optional) Full path in the local system to the xml file with the Identity Provider SAML metadata. If this parameter is null then the following parameters are used to configure the identity provider entry: idp_issuer_uri, sso_service_url, sso_service_binding, idp_signing_certificate, enable_global_logout, idp_logout_request_url, idp_logout_response_url, idp_logout_binding.
- idp_issuer_uri: The unique identifier of the IdP, also called its Entity ID or Provider ID. This will be the value of the Issuer field in SAML messages sent by this IdP. This parameter is ignored if idp_metadata_file is used.
- sso_service_url: The service endpoint URL at the Identity provider to which identity domain service will send SAML authentication requests. This parameter is ignored if idp_metadata_file is used.
- sso_service_binding: Specify either "Post" or "Redirect" whether the identity domain will send SAML authentication requests to the IdP using the HTTP Redirect or HTTP POST method. This must agree with the methods supported by the IdP for the configured IdP SSO service URL. This parameter is ignored if idp_metadata_file is used.
- idp_signing_certificate: The public key certificate that will be used to verify the signature on SAML messages sent by this IdP. This should be the text containing the base-64-encoded bytes of the certificate, also known as PEM format without the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines. This parameter is ignored if idp_metadata_file is used.
- enable_global_logout: If true (Default value), identity domain will send a SAML logout request to the IdP when the user logs out. If false, no SAML logout request will be sent. This parameter is ignored if idp_metadata_file is used.
- idp_logout_request_url: The service endpoint URL at the Identity provider to which the identity domain will send SAML logout requests when the user logs out. This parameter is ignored if idp_metadata_file is used.
- idp_logout_response_url: The service endpoint URL at the Identity provider to which identity domain will send SAML logout responses, when the IdP initiates SAML logout. This parameter is ignored if idp_metadata_file is used.
- idp_logout_binding: Specify either "Post" or "Redirect" whether the identity domain will send SAML logout requests and responses to the IdP using the HTTP Redirect or HTTP POST method. This must agree with the method supported by the IdP for the configured IdP Logout Request and Response URLs. This parameter is ignored if idp_metadata_file is used.
The SAML configuration requires that the OCI identity domain is also configured in the identity provider side. Generally, like OCI identity domains, identity providers can ingest an XML file containing the partner SAML metadata that sets up the basic configuration. Some identity providers may not support a metadata file, taking in individual metadata values instead. Regardless, OCI identity domain metadata can be easily obtained:
- Identity domain metadata file: https://<identity-domain-instance> If the identity provider is ADFS, use this URL instead: https://<identity-domain-instance>/fed/v1/metadata?adfsmode=true. Note however, that the metadata file is publicly available only if allowed by an administrator in identity domain settings. In OCI Console, navigate to the identity domain of choice -> settings and make sure the "Configure client access" option is enabled, as shown:
- Identity domain metadata values: while the metadata values are all available in the metadata file, they can be visualized and obtained quite easily from the identity domain in OCI Console. Typically, these values are the Provider ID, Assertion Consumer Service URL, Logout Service Endpoint URL, Logout Service Return URL, Signing Certificate and Encryption Certificate. In OCI Console, navigate to the identity domain of choice -> Security -> Identity Providers and click the "Export SAML metadata" button, as shown:
Then, select the "Manual export" tab:
Note that you can also obtain the metadata URL by clicking in the "Metadata" URL tab and making sure the "Access metadata URL or signing certificate" toggle is on. This is technically equivalent as enabling "Configure client access" in the identity domain settings, as shown previously.
Check the examples folder for overall module usage. See vision example to deploy two identity domains including groups and dynamic_groups. See identity-providers example to deploy identity providers.
An optional feature, external dependencies are resources managed elsewhere that resources managed by this module may depend on. The following dependencies are supported:
- compartments_dependency: A map of objects containing the externally managed compartments this module may depend on. All map objects must have the same type and must contain at least an id attribute with the compartment OCID. This mechanism allows for the usage of referring keys (instead of OCIDs) in identity domains default_compartment_id and compartment_id attributes. The module replaces the keys by the OCIDs provided within compartments_dependency map. Contents of *compartments_dependency is typically the output of a Compartments module client.
- Managing Identity Domains
- Identity Domains in Terraform OCI Provider
- Federating with Identity Providers
- SSO Between OCI and Microsoft Azure
- SSO With OCI and Okta
- Terraform will not destroy identity domains. In order do destroy an identity domain, first run
terraform destroy
to destroy contained resources (groups, dynamic groups, identity providers...). The error"Error: 412-PreConditionFailed, Cannot perform DELETE_DOMAIN operation on Domain with Status CREATED"
is returned. Then deactivate and delete the identity domain(s) using the OCI console or OCI CLI, as in:
oci iam domain deactivate --domain-id <identity domain OCID>
oci iam domain delete --domain-id <identity domain OCID>