Initializing working space:
chr init
- Initialize Coherence repository -
--path <PathBuf>
- path to initialize repository in
chr clone <URL>
- Clone remote repository -
- path to clone repository into
Managing tracking tree:
chr add paths=<PathBuf..>
- Set paths to be tracked by Coherence -
chr tree
- Print tree of currently tracked paths -
--branch name=<String>
- the branch to show tree for
chr move
- Move paths eliminating possible ambiguity -
chr remove
- Remove paths eliminating possible ambiguity
Managing working tree:
chr reset commit=<ID> files=<PathBuf..>
- Reset paths to their commit state
Working with commits:
chr apply ref=<URL|PathBuf> id=<ID>
- Apply foreign commit to current proto -
chr commit
- Compare working tree with proto and record output changes as a commit -
-m <String>
- commit message (description)
--allow-empty <bool>
- allow creating empty commits
--allow-empty-message <bool>
- allow creating commits with empty messages
chr revert commit=<ID>
- Create a commit that does everything the specified commit did in reverse. Note that this is recursive, meaning that all dependencies between HEAD and the specified commit will be undone too. -
- do not create commit after performing actions. Currently only usable with--working
--working <bool>
- perform actions on working tree rather than on proto. Implies--no-commit
chr history
- View commit history
Working with branches:
chr branch
- Shortcut forchr branch list
chr branch list
- Lists all local branches -
chr branch create name=<String>
--from base=<String>
chr branch rename old=<String> new=<String>
chr branch delete name=<String>
chr archive
- Create an archive from current tracking tree -
-o | --output path=<PathBuf>
--command cmd=<String>
chr diff file1=<[branch=<String>:]PathBuf> file2=<[branch=<String>:]PathBuf>
chr branch
chr branch list
chr branch create name=<String>
--from base=<String>
chr branch rename old=<String> new=<String>
chr branch delete name=<String>
chr push