Install libsodium
for faster signing operations optionally. Install npm dependencies afterwards.
brew install libsodium
npm ci
Install Stellar CLI
cargo install --locked stellar-cli --features opt
Add Soroban network in the config
stellar network add \
--global testnet \
--rpc-url \
--network-passphrase "Test SDF Network ; September 2015"
Create a new Stellar keypair
stellar keys generate wallet --network testnet
# Address
stellar keys address wallet
# Get private key
stellar keys show wallet
in .env
to the above value.
Testnet funds can be obtained via this link or using the faucet.js
node stellar/faucet.js --recipient <address>
- Checkout the axelar-cgp-stellar repo.
- Compile the Stellar wasm contracts
cargo build
stellar contract build
- Optimize the contracts
Deploy the gateway contract
node stellar/deploy-contract.js deploy axelar_gateway --version v1.0.0
Provide --estimate-cost
to show the gas costs for the initialize transaction instead of executing it.
node stellar/deploy-contract.js deploy axelar_operators --version v1.0.0
node stellar/deploy-contract.js deploy axelar_gas_service --version v1.0.0
Deploy Interchain Token and Token Manager wasm first.
node stellar/deploy-contract.js deploy interchain_token --version v1.0.0
node stellar/deploy-contract.js deploy token_manager --version v1.0.0
node stellar/deploy-contract.js deploy interchain_token_service --version v1.0.0
Note that example contract should use --wasm-path
option to deploy contract
node stellar/deploy-contract.js deploy example --wasm-path ../axelar-cgp-stellar/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/stellar_example.optimized.wasm
To facilitate contract upgrades, the upgrader
contract needs to be deployed first.
node stellar/deploy-contract.js deploy upgrader --version v1.0.0
After the upgrader
is deployed, any other instantiated contract can be upgraded by calling the upgrade
node stellar/deploy-contract.js upgrade <CONTRACT_NAME> --wasm-path ../axelar-cgp-stellar/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/<CONTRACT_NAME>.optimized.wasm --new-version <NEW_VERSION> --migration-data <MIGRATION_DATA>
is the name of the contract to be upgraded and --wasm-path
points to the upgraded bytecode. As a sanity check, <NEW_VERSION>
must match the version number defined by the provided bytecode, so upgrading to the wrong version can be prevented. <MIGRATION_DATA>
is the json encoded data that will be passed to the contract's migrate
function. If the flag is not provided, the default value ()
will be used, meaning that the migration data is of type void
. The easiest way to generate the json data for complex types is to instantiate the rust type the contract expects and then use serde_json::to_string
to convert it to json.
Generate TypeScript bindings for the contract
node stellar/generate-bindings.js --wasm-path /path/to/optimized.wasm --contract-id [contract-address] --output-dir ./stellar/bindings/[contract-name]
Soroban contracts can be interacted directly via the CLI as well. See the help text for individual contract cmds as follows.
stellar contract invoke --network testnet --id [contract-address] --source-account wallet -- --help
To get help on the gateway commands, run:
node stellar/gateway.js --help
node stellar/gateway.js call-contract [destination-chain] [dstination-address] [payload]
# Example
node stellar/gateway.js call-contract avalanche 0x4F4495243837681061C4743b74B3eEdf548D56A5 0x1234
Submit a proof constructed on Amplifier to the Stellar gateway contract.
node stellar/gateway.js submit-proof [multisig-session-id]
A message approval can be submitted to the gateway contract for a test deployment where the wallet is the signer on the gateway. Setting [destination-address]
to wallet
will use the wallet address as the destination.
node stellar/gateway.js approve [source-chain] [message-id] [source-address] [destination-address] [payload]
An approved message can be validated by the gateway contract for a test deployment as follows:
node stellar/gateway.js validate-message [source-chain] [message-id] [source-address] [payload]
A signer rotation can be submitted to the gateway contract. Use --current-nonce
to override the default current nonce set for subsequent rotations. Skip --signers
to rotate to the Amplifier verifier set registered in the prover contract.
node stellar/gateway.js rotate --new-nonce test --signers wallet
node stellar/gateway.js rotate --new-nonce test2 --current-nonce test --signers wallet
node stellar/gateway.js execute [source-chain] [message-id] [source-address] [destination-address] [payload]
Note: Stellar ITS runs only in Hub mode. P2P connections are not supported. Therefore, rather than setting trusted ITS addresses, we set trusted chains (chains which are also registered with ITS Hub). The ITS Hub chain (axelar) itself is not a valid source/destination for direct ITS messages and so shouldn't be set as a trusted chain. All ITS messages must be sent to and received from the ITS Hub.
node stellar/its.js set-trusted-chain [chain-name]
node stellar/its.js remove-trusted-chain [chain-name]
node stellar/its.js deploy-interchain-token [name] [symbol] [decimal] [salt] [initial-supply]
node stellar/its.js deploy-remote-interchain-token [salt] [destination-chain] --gas-token-address [address] --gas-fee-amount [amount]
node stellar/its.js register-canonical-token [token-address]
node stellar/its.js deploy-remote-canonical-token [token-address] [destination-chain] --gas-token-address [address] --gas-fee-amount [amount]
node stellar/its.js interchain-transfer [token-id] [destination-chain] [destination-address] [amount] --data [data] --gas-token-address [address] --gas-fee-amount [amount]
node stellar/its.js execute [source-chain] [message-id] [source-address] [payload]
All Soroban storage entries, including contract instances, have a 'time to live' (ttl
) after which entries will be archived and no longer accessible until restored. The following commands can be used to extend ttl
or restore archived contract instances.
Get the ttl of a contract instance:
node stellar/contract.js get-ttl [contract-name]
Extend the ttl of a contract instance:
node stellar/contract.js extend-instance [contract-name]
# Defaults to maximum extension amount. To specify the number of ledgers to extend:
node stellar/contract.js extend-instance [contract-name] --extend-by [ledgers]
Restore an archived contract instance
node stellar/contract.js restore-instance [contract-name]
node stellar/gmp.js send [destination-chain] [destination-address] [payload] --gas-token-address [address] --gas-fee-amount [amount]
# Example
node stellar/gmp.js send avalanche 0xba76c6980428A0b10CFC5d8ccb61949677A61233 0x1234 CDLZFC3SYJYDZT7K67VZ75HPJVIEUVNIXF47ZG2FB2RMQQVU2HHGCYSC 1
Note that approving the incoming message from the gateway needs to be done to execute it.
node stellar/gmp.js [source-chain] [message-id] [source-address] [payload]
# Example
node stellar/gmp.js execute avalanche '0x0bcbbfc9b006db6958f3fce75f11fdc306b45e8e43396211f414f40d2d6db7c5-0' 0xba76c6980428A0b10CFC5d8ccb61949677A61233 0x1234