Regolith Linux Keybindings Action Key Binding Launch Terminal ⊞ Win-Enter Launch Browser ⊞ Win-Shift-Enter App Launcher ⊞ Win-Space Command Launcher ⊞ Win-Shift-Space Window Navigate ⊞ Win-Ctrl-Space Move between Windows ⊞ Win-Arrow Keys or vim keys Move Windows ⊞ Win-Shift-Arrow Keys or vim keys Toggle Vertical and Horizontal Layout Mode ⊞ Win-Backspace Focused Window Fullscreen Toggle ⊞ Win-f Focused Window Float Toggle ⊞ Win-Shift-F Increase or Decrease Window Gaps ⊞ Win-+ and - Toggle Keybinding Helper ⊞ Win-Shift-? Focused Window Floating Toggle ⊞ Win-Shift-F Move to Workspace 1 - 10 ⊞ Win-1 - 0 Move to Workspace 10 - 19 ⊞ Win-Ctrl-1 - 9 Take to Workspace 1 - 10 ⊞ Win-Alt-1 - 0 Take to Workspace 10 - 19 ⊞ Win-Ctrl-Alt-1 - 9 Move to Next Workspace ⊞ Win-Tab Move to Previous Workspace ⊞ Win-Shift-Tab Layout Toggle (tabbed, horizontal, vertical) ⊞ Win-t Reload i3 Config ⊞ Win-Shift-C Control Panel ⊞ Win-c Configure Bluetooth ⊞ Win-b Configure Displays ⊞ Win-d Configure Network ⊞ Win-n Configure Power ⊞ Win-p Configure Sound ⊞ Win-s Configure Wifi ⊞ Win-w Enter Window Resize Mode ⊞ Win-r Change Window Size in Resize Mode ⊞ Win-arrow keys Exit Resize Mode Escape or Enter Close Terminal Ctrl-d Close (Some) Windows Ctrl-w Exit (Some) Apps Ctrl-q Exit Session ⊞ Win-Shift-E Suspend Computer ⊞ Win-Shift-S Reboot Computer ⊞ Win-Shift-B Power Off Computer ⊞ Win-Shift-P
Restart i3 inplace Win-Shift-R
Kill Focused Window ⊞ Win-q bindsym $mod+a focus parent bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move workspace to output left bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move workspace to output right
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