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Releases: confluentinc/confluent-kafka-python


12 Jul 15:58
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confluent-kafka-python v2.2.0

v2.2.0 is a feature release with the following features, fixes and enhancements:

  • KIP-339
    IncrementalAlterConfigs API (#1517).
  • KIP-554:
    User SASL/SCRAM credentials alteration and description (#1575).
  • Added documentation with an example of FIPS compliant communication with Kafka cluster.
  • Fixed wrong error code parameter name in KafkaError.

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v2.2.0, see the
librdkafka release notes
for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.


04 May 18:21
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confluent-kafka-python v2.1.1

v2.1.1 is a maintenance release with the following fixes and enhancements:


  • Added a new ConsumerGroupState UNKNOWN. The typo state UNKOWN is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.
  • Fix some Admin API documentation stating -1 for infinite timeout incorrectly.
    Request timeout can't be infinite.

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v2.1.1, see the
librdkafka release notes
for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.


06 Apr 10:08
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confluent-kafka-python v2.1.0

v2.1.0 is a feature release with the following features, fixes and enhancements:

  • Added set_sasl_credentials. This new method (on the Producer, Consumer, and AdminClient) allows modifying the stored SASL PLAIN/SCRAM credentials that will be used for subsequent (new) connections to a broker (#1511).
  • Wheels for Linux / arm64 (#1496).
  • Added support for Default num_partitions in CreateTopics Admin API.
  • Added support for password protected private key in CachedSchemaRegistryClient.
  • Add reference support in Schema Registry client. (@RickTalken, #1304)
  • Migrated travis jobs to Semaphore CI (#1503)
  • Added support for schema references. (#1514 and @slominskir #1088)
  • KIP-320: add offset leader epoch methods to the TopicPartition and Message classes (#1540).

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v2.1.0, see the librdkafka release notes for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.


24 Jan 13:00
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confluent-kafka-python v2.0.2

v2.0.2 is a feature release with the following features, fixes and enhancements:

  • Added Python 3.11 wheels.
  • KIP-222 Add Consumer Group operations to Admin API.
  • KIP-518 Allow listing consumer groups per state.
  • KIP-396 Partially implemented: support for AlterConsumerGroupOffsets.
  • As result of the above KIPs, added (#1449)
    • list_consumer_groups Admin operation. Supports listing by state.
    • describe_consumer_groups Admin operation. Supports multiple groups.
    • delete_consumer_groups Admin operation. Supports multiple groups.
    • list_consumer_group_offsets Admin operation. Currently, only supports 1 group with multiple partitions. Supports require_stable option.
    • alter_consumer_group_offsets Admin operation. Currently, only supports 1 group with multiple offsets.
  • Added normalize.schemas configuration property to Schema Registry client (@rayokota, #1406)
  • Added metadata to TopicPartition type and commit() (#1410).
  • Added consumer.memberid() for getting member id assigned to
    the consumer in a consumer group (#1154).
  • Implemented nb_bool method for the Producer, so that the default (which uses len)
    will not be used. This avoids situations where producers with no enqueued items would
    evaluate to False (@vladz-sternum, #1445).
  • Deprecated AvroProducer and AvroConsumer. Use AvroSerializer and AvroDeserializer instead.
  • Deprecated list_groups. Use list_consumer_groups and describe_consumer_groups instead.
  • Improved Consumer Example to show atleast once semantics.
  • Improved Serialization and Deserialization Examples.
  • Documentation Improvements.

Upgrade considerations

OpenSSL 3.0.x upgrade in librdkafka requires a major version bump, as some
legacy ciphers need to be explicitly configured to continue working,
but it is highly recommended NOT to use them. The rest of the API remains
backward compatible.

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v2.0.2, see the
librdkafka v2.0.0 release notes
and later ones for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.

Note: There were no v2.0.0 and v2.0.1 releases.


03 Aug 18:52
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confluent-kafka-python v1.9.2

v1.9.2 is a maintenance release with the following fixes and enhancements:

  • Support for setting principal and SASL extensions in oauth_cb
    and handle failures (@Manicben, #1402)
  • Wheel for macOS M1/arm64
  • KIP-140 Admin API ACL fix:
    When requesting multiple create_acls or delete_acls operations,
    if the provided ACL bindings or ACL binding filters are not
    unique, an exception will be thrown immediately rather than later
    when the responses are read. (#1370).
  • KIP-140 Admin API ACL fix:
    Better documentation of the describe and delete ACLs behavior
    when using the MATCH resource patter type in a filter. (#1373).
  • Avro serialization examples:
    added a parameter for using a generic or specific Avro schema. (#1381).

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v1.9.2, see the
librdkafka release notes
for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.


16 Jun 22:21
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confluent-kafka-python v1.9.0

v1.9.0 is a feature release:

  • KIP-140 Admin API ACL support


  • The warnings for use.deprecated.format (introduced in v1.8.2) had its logic reversed, which result in warning logs to be emitted when the property was correctly configured, and the log message itself also contained text that had it backwards. The warning is now only emitted when use.deprecated.format is set to the old legacy encoding (True). #1265
  • Use str(Schema) rather than Schema.to_json to prevent fastavro from raising exception TypeError: unhashable type: 'mappingproxy'. (@ffissore, #1156, #1197)
  • Fix the argument order in the constructor signature for AvroDeserializer/Serializer: the argument order in the constructor signature for AvroDeserializer/Serializer was altered in v1.6.1, but the example is not changed yet. (@DLT1412, #1263)
  • Fix the json deserialization errors from _schema_loads for valid primitive declarations. (@dylrich, #989)

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v1.9.0, see the librdkafka release notes for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.


07 Jan 11:14
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confluent-kafka-python v1.8.2

v1.8.2 is a maintenance release with the following fixes and enhancements:

  • IMPORTANT: Added mandatory use.deprecated.format to ProtobufSerializer and ProtobufDeserializer.
    See Upgrade considerations below for more information.
  • Python 2.7 binary wheels are no longer provided.
    Users still on Python 2.7 will need to build confluent-kafka from source and install librdkafka separately, see for build instructions.
  • Added use.latest.version and skip.known.types (Protobuf) to the Serializer classes. (Robert Yokota, #1133).
  • list_topics() and list_groups() added to AdminClient.
  • Added support for headers in the SerializationContext (Laurent Domenech-Cabaud)
  • Fix crash in header parsing (Armin Ronacher, #1165)
  • Added long package description in setuptools (Bowrna, #1172).
  • Documentation fixes by Aviram Hassan and Ryan Slominski.
  • Don't raise AttributeError exception when CachedSchemaRegistryClient constructor raises a valid exception.

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v1.8.2, see the librdkafka release notes for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.

Note: There were no v1.8.0 and v1.8.1 releases.

Upgrade considerations

Protobuf serialization format changes

Prior to this version the confluent-kafka-python client had a bug where nested protobuf schemas indexes were incorrectly serialized, causing incompatibility with other Schema-Registry protobuf consumers and producers.

This has now been fixed, but since the old defect serialization and the new correct serialization are mutually incompatible the user of confluent-kafka-python will need to make an explicit choice which serialization format to use during a transitory phase while old producers and consumers are upgraded.

The ProtobufSerializer and ProtobufDeserializer constructors now both take a (for the time being) configuration dictionary that requires
the use.deprecated.format configuration property to be explicitly set.

Producers should be upgraded first and as long as there are old (<=v1.7.0) Python consumers reading from topics being produced to, the new (>=v1.8.2) Python producer must be configured with use.deprecated.format set to True.

When all existing messages in the topic have been consumed by older consumers the consumers should be upgraded and both new producers and the new consumers must set use.deprecated.format to False.

The requirement to explicitly set use.deprecated.format will be removed in a future version and the setting will then default to False (new format).


12 May 18:03
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v1.7.0 is a maintenance release with the following fixes and enhancements:

  • Add error_cb to example (#1096).
  • Clarify that doc output varies based on method (@slominskir, #1098).
  • Docs say Schema when they mean SchemaReference (@slominskir, #1092).
  • Add documentation for NewTopic and NewPartitions (#1101).

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v1.7.0, see the librdkafka release notes for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.


25 Mar 15:46
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v1.6.1 is a feature release:

  • KIP-429 - Incremental consumer rebalancing support.
  • OAUTHBEARER support.


  • Add return_record_name=True to AvroDeserializer (@slominskir, #1028)
  • Fix deprecated schema.Parse call (@casperlehmann, #1006).
  • Make reader schema optional in AvroDeserializer (@97nitt, #1000).
  • Add **kwargs to legacy AvroProducer and AvroConsumer constructors to
    support all Consumer and Producer base class constructor arguments, such
    as logger (@venthur, #699).
  • Add bool for permanent schema delete (@slominskir, #1029).
  • The avro package is no longer required for Schema-Registry support (@jaysonsantos, #950).
  • Only write to schema cache once, improving performance (@fimmtiu, #724).
  • Improve Schema-Registry error reporting (@jacopofar, #673).
  • producer.flush() could return a non-zero value without hitting the specified timeout.

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v1.6.1, see the librdkafka release notes for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.


05 Feb 08:35
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v1.6.0 is a feature release with the following features, fixes and enhancements:

  • Bundles librdkafka v1.6.0 which adds support for Incremental rebalancing,
    Sticky producer partitioning, Transactional producer scalabilty improvements,
    and much much more. See link to release notes below.
  • Rename example to avoid circular import (#945)
  • The Linux wheels are now built with manylinux2010 (rather than manylinux1)
    since OpenSSL v1.1.1 no longer builds on CentOS 5. Older Linux distros may
    thus no longer be supported, such as CentOS 5.
  • The in-wheel OpenSSL version has been updated to 1.1.1i.
  • Added Message.latency() to retrieve the per-message produce latency.
  • Added trove classifiers.
  • Consumer destructor will no longer trigger consumer_close(),
    consumer.close() must now be explicitly called if the application
    wants to leave the consumer group properly and commit final offsets.
  • Fix PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN warning
  • Move confluent_kafka/ to src/ to avoid pytest/tox picking up the local dir
  • Added producer.purge() to purge messages in-queue/flight (@peteryin21, #548)
  • Added AdminClient.list_groups() API (@messense, #948)
  • Rename example to avoid circular import (#945)

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v1.6.0, see the librdkafka release notes
for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.