- "use strict";
- * Contentstack DataSync Filesystem SDK.
- * Enables querying on contents saved via @contentstack/datasync-content-store-filesystem
- * Copyright (c) Contentstack LLC
- * MIT Licensed
- */
-var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
- return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
- function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
- function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
- function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
- step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
- });
-var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
- return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-const json_mask_1 = __importDefault(require("json-mask"));
-const lodash_1 = require("lodash");
-const sift_1 = __importDefault(require("sift"));
-const fs_1 = require("./fs");
-const utils_1 = require("./utils");
-const extend = {
- compare(type) {
- return function (key, value) {
- if (typeof key === 'string' && typeof value !== 'undefined') {
- this.q.query = this.q.query || {};
- this.q.query[key] = this.q.query[key] || {};
- this.q.query[key][type] = value;
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error(`Kindly provide valid parameters for ${type}`);
- };
- },
- contained(bool) {
- const type = (bool) ? '$in' : '$nin';
- return function (key, value) {
- if (typeof key === 'string' && typeof value === 'object' && Array.isArray(value)) {
- this.q.query = this.q.query || {};
- this.q.query[key] = this.q.query[key] || {};
- this.q.query[key][type] = this.q.query[key][type] || [];
- this.q.query[key][type] = this.q.query[key][type].concat(value);
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error(`Kindly provide valid parameters for ${bool}`);
- };
- },
- exists(bool) {
- return function (key) {
- if (key && typeof key === 'string') {
- this.q.query = this.q.query || {};
- this.q.query[key] = this.q.query[key] || {};
- this.q.query[key].$exists = bool;
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error(`Kindly provide valid parameters for ${bool}`);
- };
- },
- // TODO
- logical(type) {
- return function (query) {
- this.q.query = this.q.query || {};
- this.q.query[type] = query;
- return this;
- };
- },
- sort(type) {
- return function (key) {
- if (key && typeof key === 'string') {
- this.q[type] = key;
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error(`Kindly provide valid parameters for sort-${type}`);
- };
- },
- pagination(type) {
- return function (value) {
- if (typeof value === 'number') {
- this.q[type] = value;
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error('Argument should be a number.');
- };
- },
- * @summary
- * Expose SDK query methods on Stack
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
-class Stack {
- constructor(config) {
- // app config
- this.config = config;
- this.contentStore = config.contentStore;
- this.projections = Object.keys(this.contentStore.projections);
- this.types = config.contentStore.internal.types;
- this.q = this.q || {};
- this.q.query = this.q.query || {};
- /**
- * @public
- * @method lessThan
- * @description Retrieves entries in which the value of a field is lesser than the provided value
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {*} value - Value used to match or compare
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.lessThan('created_at','2015-06-22').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // result content the data who's 'created_at date'
- * // is less than '2015-06-22'
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.lessThan = extend.compare('$lt');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method lessThanOrEqualTo
- * @description Retrieves entries in which the value of a field is lesser than or equal to the provided value.
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {*} value - Value used to match or compare
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.lessThanOrEqualTo('created_at','2015-06-22').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // result contain the data of entries where the
- * //'created_at' date will be less than or equalto '2015-06-22'.
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.lessThanOrEqualTo = extend.compare('$lte');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method greaterThan
- * @description Retrieves entries in which the value for a field is greater than the provided value.
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {*} value - value used to match or compare
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.greaterThan('created_at','2015-03-12').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // result contains the data of entries where the
- * //'created_at' date will be greaterthan '2015-06-22'
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.greaterThan = extend.compare('$gt');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method greaterThanOrEqualTo
- * @description Retrieves entries in which the value for a field is greater than or equal to the provided value.
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {*} value - Value used to match or compare
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.greaterThanOrEqualTo('created_at','2015-03-12').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // result contains the data of entries where the
- * //'created_at' date will be greaterThan or equalto '2015-06-22'
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.greaterThanOrEqualTo = extend.compare('$gte');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method notEqualTo
- * @description Retrieves entries in which the value for a field does not match the provided value.
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {*} value - Value used to match or compare
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.notEqualTo('title','Demo').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains the list of entries where value
- * // of the ‘title’ field will not be 'Demo'.
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.notEqualTo = extend.compare('$ne');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method containedIn
- * @description Retrieve entries in which the value of a field matches with any of the provided array of values
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {*} value - Array of values that are to be used to match or compare
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries().query();
- * let data = blogQuery.containedIn('title', ['Demo', 'Welcome']).find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains the list of entries where value of the
- * // ‘title’ field will contain either 'Demo' or ‘Welcome’.
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.containedIn = extend.contained(true);
- /**
- * @public
- * @method notContainedIn
- * @description Retrieve entries in which the value of a field does not match
- * with any of the provided array of values.
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {Array} value - Array of values that are to be used to match or compare
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.notContainedIn('title', ['Demo', 'Welcome']).find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // 'result' contains the list of entries where value of the
- * //title field should not be either "Demo" or ‘Welcome’
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.notContainedIn = extend.contained(false);
- /**
- * @public
- * @method exists
- * @description Retrieve entries if value of the field, mentioned in the condition, exists.
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.exists('featured').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains the list of entries in which "featured" exists.
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.exists = extend.exists(true);
- /**
- * @public
- * @method notExists
- * @description Retrieve entries if value of the field, mentioned in the condition, does not exists.
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.notExists('featured').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // result is the list of non-existing’featured’" data.
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.notExists = extend.exists(false);
- /**
- * @public
- * @method ascending
- * @description Sort fetched entries in the ascending order with respect to a specific field.
- * @param {String} key - field uid based on which the ordering will be done
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.ascending('created_at').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains the list of entries which is sorted in
- * //ascending order on the basis of ‘created_at’.
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.ascending = extend.sort('asc');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method descending
- * @description Sort fetched entries in the descending order with respect to a specific field
- * @param {String} key - field uid based on which the ordering will be done.
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.descending('created_at').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains the list of entries which is sorted in
- * //descending order on the basis of ‘created_at’.
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.descending = extend.sort('desc');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method skip
- * @description Skips at specific number of entries.
- * @param {Number} skip - number of entries to be skipped
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.skip(5).find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * //result
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.skip = extend.pagination('skip');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method limit
- * @description Returns a specific number of entries based on the set limit
- * @param {Number} limit - maximum number of entries to be returned
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.limit(10).find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // result contains the limited number of entries
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.limit = extend.pagination('limit');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method or
- * @description Retrieves entries that satisfy at least one of the given conditions
- * @param {object} queries - array of Query objects or raw queries
- * @example
- * let Query1 = Stack.contentType('example').entries().equalTo('title', 'Demo').find()
- * let Query2 = Stack.contentType('example').entries().lessThan('comments', 10).find()
- * blogQuery.or(Query1, Query2).find()
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.or = extend.logical('$or');
- this.nor = extend.logical('$nor');
- this.not = extend.logical('$not');
- /**
- * @public
- * @method and
- * @description Retrieve entries that satisfy all the provided conditions.
- * @param {object} queries - array of query objects or raw queries.
- * @example
- * let Query1 = Stack.contentType('example').entries().equalTo('title', 'Demo')
- * let Query2 = Stack.contentType('example').entries().lessThan('comments', 10)
- * blogQuery.and(Query1, Query2).find()
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- this.and = extend.logical('$and');
- }
- /**
- * TODO
- * @public
- * @method connect
- * @summary
- * Establish connection to filesytem
- * @param {Object} overrides - Config overrides/flesystem specific config
- * @example
- * Stack.connect({overrides})
- * .then((result) => {
- * // db instance
- * })
- * .catch((error) => {
- * // handle query errors
- * })
- *
- * @returns {string} baseDir
- */
- connect(overrides = {}) {
- this.config = lodash_1.merge(this.config, overrides);
- return Promise.resolve(this.config);
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method contentType
- * @summary
- * Content type to query on
- * @param {String} uid - Content type uid
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example').entries().find()
- * .then((result) => {
- * // returns entries filtered based on 'example' content type
- * })
- * .catch((error) => {
- * // handle query errors
- * })
- *
- * @returns {Stack} instance
- */
- contentType(uid) {
- if (typeof uid !== 'string' || uid.length === 0) {
- throw new Error('Kindly provide a uid for .contentType()');
- }
- const stack = new Stack(this.config);
- stack.q.content_type_uid = uid;
- return stack;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method entries
- * @summary
- * To get entries from contentType
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example')
- * .entries()
- * .find()
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- entries() {
- if (typeof this.q.content_type_uid === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Please call .contentType() before calling .entries()!');
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method entry
- * @summary
- * To get entry from contentType
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example').entry('bltabcd12345').find()
- * //or
- * Stack.contentType('example').entry().find()
- * @param {string} uid- Optional. uid of entry
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- entry(uid) {
- this.q.isSingle = true;
- if (typeof this.q.content_type_uid === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Please call .contentType() before calling .entries()!');
- }
- if (uid && typeof uid === 'string') {
- this.q.query[uid] = uid;
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method asset
- * @summary
- * To get single asset
- * @example
- * Stack.asset('bltabced12435').find()
- * //or
- * Stack.asset().find()
- * @param {string} uid- Optional. uid of asset
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- asset(uid) {
- const stack = new Stack(this.config);
- stack.q.isSingle = true;
- stack.q.content_type_uid = stack.types.assets;
- if (uid && typeof uid === 'string') {
- stack.q.query[uid] = uid;
- }
- return stack;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method assets
- * @summary Get assets details
- * @example
- * Stack.assets().find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- assets() {
- const stack = new Stack(this.config);
- stack.q.content_type_uid = stack.types.assets;
- return stack;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method schemas
- * @summary Get content type schemas
- * @example
- * Stack.schemas().find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- schemas() {
- const stack = new Stack(this.config);
- stack.q.content_type_uid = stack.types.content_types;
- return stack;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method contentTypes
- * @summary Get content type schemas
- * @example
- * Stack.contentTypes().find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- contentTypes() {
- const stack = new Stack(this.config);
- stack.q.content_type_uid = stack.types.content_types;
- return stack;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method schema
- * @summary Get a single content type's schema
- * @param {String} uid - Optional 'uid' of the content type, who's schema is to be fetched
- * @example
- * Stack.schema(uid?: string).find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- schema(uid) {
- const stack = new Stack(this.config);
- stack.q.isSingle = true;
- stack.q.content_type_uid = stack.types.content_types;
- if (uid && typeof uid === 'string') {
- stack.q.query[uid] = uid;
- }
- return stack;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method equalTo
- * @description Retrieve entries in which a specific field satisfies the value provided
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {Any} value - value used to match or compare
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * let data = blogQuery.equalTo('title','Demo').find()
- * data.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains the list of entries where value of
- * //‘title’ is equal to ‘Demo’.
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- equalTo(key, value) {
- if (!key || typeof key !== 'string' && typeof value === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Kindly provide valid parameters for .equalTo()!');
- }
- this.q.query[key] = value;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method where
- * @summary Pass JS expression or a full function to the query system
- * @description Evaluate js expressions
- * @param field
- * @param value
- *
- * @example
- * const query = Stack.contentType('example').entries().where("this.title === 'Amazon_Echo_Black'").find()
- * query.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains the list of entries where value of
- * //‘title’ is equal to ‘Demo’.
- * }).catch(error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- where(expr) {
- if (!expr) {
- throw new Error('Kindly provide a valid field and expr/fn value for \'.where()\'');
- }
- this.q.query.$where = expr;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method count
- * @description Returns the total number of entries
- * @example
- * const query = Stack.contentType('example').entries().count().find()
- * query.then((result) => {
- * // returns 'example' content type's entries
- * }).catch(error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- count() {
- this.q.countOnly = 'count';
- return this.find();
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method query
- * @description Retrieve entries based on raw queries
- * @param {object} userQuery - RAW (JSON) queries
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example').entries().query({"authors.name": "John Doe"}).find()
- * .then((result) => {
- * // returns entries, who's reference author's name equals "John Doe"
- * })
- * .catch((error) => {
- * // handle query errors
- * })
- */
- query(userQuery) {
- if (!userQuery || typeof userQuery !== 'object') {
- throw new Error('Kindly provide valid parameters for \'.query()\'');
- }
- this.q.query = lodash_1.merge(this.q.query, userQuery);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method tags
- * @description Retrieves entries based on the provided tags
- * @param {Array} values - Entries/Assets that have the specified tags
- * @example
- * const query = Stack.contentType('example').entries().tags(['technology', 'business']).find()
- * query.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains list of entries which have tags "’technology’" and ‘"business’".
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- tags(values) {
- if (values && typeof values === 'object' && values instanceof Array) {
- this.q.query.tags = {
- $in: values,
- };
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error('Kindly provide valid parameters for \'.tags()\'');
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method includeCount
- * @description Includes the total number of entries returned in the response.
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example')
- * .entries()
- * .includeCount()
- * .find()
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- includeCount() {
- this.q.includeCount = true;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method language
- * @description to retrive the result bsed on the specific locale.
- * @param {String} languageCode - Language to query on
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example')
- * .entries()
- * .language('fr-fr')
- * .find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- language(languageCode) {
- if (!languageCode || typeof languageCode !== 'string') {
- throw new Error(`${languageCode} should be of type string and non-empty!`);
- }
- this.q.locale = languageCode;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method include
- * @summary
- * Includes references of provided fields of the entries being scanned
- * @param {*} key - uid/uid's of the field
- *
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example')
- * .entries()
- * .include(['authors','categories'])
- * .find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- include(fields) {
- if (fields && typeof fields === 'object' && fields instanceof Array && fields.length) {
- this.q.includeSpecificReferences = fields;
- }
- else if (fields && typeof fields === 'string') {
- this.q.includeSpecificReferences = [fields];
- }
- else {
- throw new Error('Kindly pass \'string\' OR \'array\' fields for .include()!');
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method includeReferences
- * @summary
- * Includes all references of the entries being scanned
- * @param {number} depth - Optional parameter. Use this to override the default reference depth/level i.e. 4
- *
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example')
- * .entries()
- * .includeReferences()
- * .find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- includeReferences(depth) {
- console.warn('.includeReferences() is a relatively slow query..!');
- this.q.includeAllReferences = true;
- if (typeof depth === 'number') {
- this.q.referenceDepth = depth;
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method excludeReferences
- * @summary
- * Excludes all references of the entries being scanned
- *
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example')
- * .entries()
- * .excludeReferences()
- * .find()
- * .then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ entries without references
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- excludeReferences() {
- this.q.excludeAllReferences = true;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method includeContentType
- * @description Includes the total number of entries returned in the response.
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example')
- * .entries()
- * .includeContentType()
- * .find()
- * .then((result) => {
- * // Expected result
- * {
- * entries: [
- * {
- * ...,
- * },
- * ],
- * content_type_uid: 'example',
- * locale: 'en-us',
- * content_type: {
- * ..., // Content type example's schema
- * }
- * }
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- includeContentType() {
- this.q.include_content_type = true;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method getQuery
- * @description Returns the raw (JSON) query based on the filters applied on Query object.
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('example')
- * .eqaulTo('title','Demo')
- * .getQuery()
- * .find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- getQuery() {
- return this.q.query;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method regex
- * @description Retrieve entries that match the provided regular expressions
- * @param {String} key - uid of the field
- * @param {*} value - value used to match or compare
- * @param {String} [options] - match or compare value in entry
- * @example
- * let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').entries()
- * blogQuery.regex('title','^Demo').find() //regex without options
- * //or
- * blogQuery.regex('title','^Demo', 'i').find() //regex without options
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- regex(key, value, options = 'g') {
- if (key && value && typeof key === 'string' && typeof value === 'string') {
- this.q.query[key] = {
- $options: options,
- $regex: value,
- };
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error('Kindly provide valid parameters for .regex()!');
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method only
- * @description
- * Similar to MongoDB projections. Accepts an array.
- * Only fields mentioned in the array would be returned in the result.
- * @param {Array} result - Array of field properties
- * @example
- * const query = Stack.contentType('example').entries().only(['title','uid']).find()
- * query.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains a list of entries with field title and uid only
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- only(fields) {
- if (fields && typeof fields === 'object' && fields instanceof Array && fields.length) {
- this.q.only = fields;
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error('Kindly provide valid parameters for .only()!');
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method except
- * @description
- * Similar to MongoDB projections. Accepts an array.
- * Only fields mentioned in the array would be removed from the result.
- * @param {Array} result - Array of field properties
- * @example
- * const query = Stack.contentType('example').entries().except(['title','uid']).find()
- * query.then((result) => {
- * // ‘result’ contains a list of entries with field title and uid only
- * }).catch((error) => {
- * // error trace
- * })
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- except(fields) {
- if (fields && typeof fields === 'object' && fields instanceof Array && fields.length) {
- this.q.except = [];
- const keys = Object.keys(this.contentStore.projections);
- this.q.except = keys.concat(fields);
- return this;
- }
- throw new Error('Kindly provide valid parameters for .except()!');
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method queryReferences
- * @summary
- * Wrapper, that allows querying on the entry's references.
- * @note
- * This is a slow method, since it scans all documents and fires the `reference` query on them
- * Use `.query()` filters to reduce the total no of documents being scanned
- * @param {Any} query - Query filter, to be applied on referenced result
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('blog')
- * .entries()
- * .includeRferences() // This would include all references of the content type
- * .queryReferences({"authors.name": "John Doe"})
- * .find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns `stack's` instance
- */
- queryReferences(query) {
- if (!query || typeof query !== 'object') {
- throw new Error('Kindly valid parameters for \'.queryReferences()\'!');
- }
- this.q.queryOnReferences = query;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method referenceDepth
- * @deprecated
- * @summary
- * Use it along with .includeReferences()
- * Overrides the default reference depths defined for references - 2
- * i.e. If A -> B -> C -> D, so calling .includeReferences() on content type A,
- * would result in all references being resolved until its nested child reference D
- * @param {number} depth - Level of nested references to be fetched
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('blog')
- * .entries()
- * .includeReferences()
- * .referenceDepth(4)
- * .find()
- *
- * @returns {this} - Returns the `stack's` instance
- */
- referenceDepth(depth) {
- if (typeof depth !== 'number') {
- throw new Error('Kindly valid parameters for \'.referenceDepth()\'!');
- }
- this.q.referenceDepth = depth;
- if (depth > this.contentStore.referenceDepth) {
- console.warn(`Increasing reference depth above ${this.contentStore.referenceDepth} may degrade performance!`);
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method find
- * @description
- * Queries the db using the query built/passed
- * Does all the processing, filtering, referencing after querying the DB
- * @param {object} query Optional query object, that overrides all the
- * previously build queries
- * @public
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('blog').entries().find()
- * .then((result) => {
- * // returns blog content type's entries
- * })
- * .catch((error) => {
- * // handle query errors
- * })
- * @returns {object} - Returns a objects, that have been processed, filtered and referenced
- */
- find() {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- try {
- const { filePath, key, locale, } = this.preProcess();
- let data = yield fs_1.readFile(filePath);
- const count = data.length;
- data = data.filter(sift_1.default(this.q.query));
- if (data.length === 0 || this.q.content_type_uid === this.types.content_types || this.q.content_type_uid ===
- this.types.assets || this.q.countOnly || this.q.excludeAllReferences) {
- // do nothing
- }
- else if (this.q.includeSpecificReferences) {
- yield this
- .includeSpecificReferences(data, this.q.content_type_uid, locale, this.q
- .includeSpecificReferences);
- }
- else if (this.q.includeAllReferences) {
- // need re-writes
- yield this.bindReferences(data, this.q.content_type_uid, locale);
- }
- else {
- yield this.includeAssetsOnly(data, locale, this.q.content_type_uid);
- }
- if (this.q.queryOnReferences) {
- data = data.filter(sift_1.default(this.q.queryOnReferences));
- }
- const { output } = yield this.postProcess(data, key, locale, count);
- return resolve(output);
- }
- catch (error) {
- return reject(error);
- }
- }));
- }
- /**
- * @public
- * @method findOne
- * @description
- * Queries the db using the query built/passed. Returns a single entry/asset/content type object
- * Does all the processing, filtering, referencing after querying the DB
- * @param {object} query Optional query object, that overrides all the previously build queries
- *
- * @example
- * Stack.contentType('blog')
- * .entries()
- * .findOne()
- *
- * @returns {object} - Returns an object, that has been processed, filtered and referenced
- */
- findOne() {
- this.q.isSingle = true;
- return this.find();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @method preProcess
- * @description
- * Runs before .find()
- * Formats the queries/sets defaults and returns the locale, key & filepath of the data
- * @returns {object} - Returns the query's key, locale & filepath of the data
- */
- preProcess() {
- const locale = (typeof this.q.locale === 'string') ? this.q.locale : this.contentStore.locale;
- let key;
- let filePath;
- switch (this.q.content_type_uid) {
- case this.types.assets:
- filePath = utils_1.getAssetsPath(locale) + '.json';
- key = (this.q.isSingle) ? 'asset' : 'assets';
- break;
- case this.types.content_types:
- filePath = utils_1.getContentTypesPath(locale) + '.json';
- key = (this.q.isSingle) ? 'content_type' : 'content_types';
- break;
- default:
- filePath = utils_1.getEntriesPath(locale, this.q.content_type_uid) + '.json';
- key = (this.q.isSingle) ? 'entry' : 'entries';
- break;
- }
- if (!fs_1.existsSync(filePath)) {
- throw new Error(`Queried content type ${this.q.content_type_uid} was not found at ${filePath}!`);
- }
- if (!this.q.hasOwnProperty('asc') && !this.q.hasOwnProperty('desc')) {
- this.q.desc = this.contentStore.defaultSortingField;
- }
- if (!this.q.hasOwnProperty('except') && !this.q.hasOwnProperty('only')) {
- const keys = Object.keys(this.contentStore.projections);
- this.q.except = keys;
- }
- this.q.referenceDepth = (typeof this.q.referenceDepth === 'number') ? this.q.referenceDepth : this.contentStore
- .referenceDepth;
- return {
- filePath,
- key,
- locale,
- };
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @method postProcess
- * @description
- * Runs after .find()
- * Formats the data as per query
- * @param {object} data - The result data
- * @param {string} key - The key to whom the data is to be assigned
- * @param {string} locale - The query's locale
- * @returns {object} - Returns the formatted input
- */
- postProcess(data, key, locale, count) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- // tslint:disable-next-line: variable-name
- const content_type_uid = (this.q.content_type_uid === this.types.assets) ? 'assets' : (this.q.content_type_uid ===
- this.types.content_types ? 'content_types' : this.q.content_type_uid);
- const output = {
- content_type_uid,
- locale,
- };
- if (this.q.countOnly) {
- output.count = data.length;
- return { output };
- }
- if (this.q.include_content_type) {
- // ideally, if the content type doesn't exist, an error will be thrown before it reaches this line
- const contentTypes = yield fs_1.readFile(utils_1.getContentTypesPath(locale) + '.json');
- for (let i = 0, j = contentTypes.length; i < j; i++) {
- if (contentTypes[i].uid === this.q.content_type_uid) {
- output.content_type = contentTypes[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (this.q.includeCount) {
- output.count = count;
- }
- if (this.q.isSingle) {
- data = (data.length) ? data[0] : null;
- if (this.q.only) {
- const only = this.q.only.toString().replace(/\./g, '/');
- data = json_mask_1.default(data, only);
- }
- else if (this.q.except) {
- const bukcet = this.q.except.toString().replace(/\./g, '/');
- const except = json_mask_1.default(data, bukcet);
- data = utils_1.difference(data, except);
- }
- output[key] = /* (data.length) ? data[0] : null */ data;
- return { output };
- }
- // TODO: sorting logic
- // Experimental!
- if (this.q.hasOwnProperty('asc')) {
- data = lodash_1.sortBy(data, this.q.asc);
- }
- else if (this.q.hasOwnProperty('desc')) {
- const temp = lodash_1.sortBy(data, this.q.desc);
- data = lodash_1.reverse(temp);
- }
- if (this.q.skip) {
- data.splice(0, this.q.skip);
- }
- if (this.q.limit) {
- data = data.splice(0, this.q.limit);
- }
- if (this.q.only) {
- const only = this.q.only.toString().replace(/\./g, '/');
- data = json_mask_1.default(data, only);
- }
- else if (this.q.except) {
- const bukcet = this.q.except.toString().replace(/\./g, '/');
- const except = json_mask_1.default(data, bukcet);
- data = utils_1.difference(data, except);
- }
- output[key] = data;
- return { output };
- });
- }
- includeSpecificReferences(entries, contentTypeUid, locale, include) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const ctQuery = {
- _content_type_uid: this.types.content_types,
- uid: contentTypeUid,
- };
- const { paths, // ref. fields in the current content types
- pendingPath, // left over of *paths*
- schemaList, } = yield this.getReferencePath(ctQuery, locale, include);
- const queries = {
- $or: [],
- }; // reference field paths
- const shelf = []; // a mapper object, that holds pointer to the original element
- // iterate over each path in the entries and fetch the references
- // while fetching, keep track of their location
- for (let i = 0, j = paths.length; i < j; i++) {
- // populates shelf and queries
- this.fetchPathDetails(entries, locale, paths[i].split('.'), queries, shelf, true, entries, 0);
- }
- // even after traversing, if no references were found, simply return the entries found thusfar
- if (shelf.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- // else, self-recursively iterate and fetch references
- // Note: Shelf is the one holding `pointers` to the actual entry
- // Once the pointer has been used, for GC, point the object to null
- yield this.includeReferenceIteration(queries, schemaList, locale, pendingPath, shelf);
- return;
- });
- }
- includeReferenceIteration(eQuery, ctQuery, locale, include, oldShelf) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- if (oldShelf.length === 0 || ctQuery.$or.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- const { paths, pendingPath, schemaList, } = yield this.getReferencePath(ctQuery, locale, include);
- const queries = {
- $or: [],
- };
- let result = {
- docs: [],
- };
- const shelf = [];
- yield this.subIncludeReferenceIteration(eQuery, locale, paths, include, queries, result, shelf);
- // GC to avoid mem leaks!
- eQuery = null;
- for (let i = 0, j = oldShelf.length; i < j; i++) {
- const element = oldShelf[i];
- let flag = true;
- for (let k = 0, l = result.docs.length; k < l; k++) {
- if (result.docs[k].uid === element.uid) {
- element.path[element.position] = result.docs[k];
- flag = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (flag) {
- for (let e = 0, f = oldShelf[i].path.length; e < f; e++) {
- // tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
- if (oldShelf[i].path[e].hasOwnProperty('_content_type_uid') && Object.keys(oldShelf[i].path[e]).length === 2) {
- oldShelf[i].path.splice(e, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // GC to avoid mem leaks!
- oldShelf = null;
- result = null;
- // Iterative loops, that traverses paths and binds them onto entries
- yield this.includeReferenceIteration(queries, schemaList, locale, pendingPath, shelf);
- return;
- });
- }
- subIncludeReferenceIteration(eQuieries, locale, paths, include, queries, result, shelf) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const { contentTypes, aggQueries, } = utils_1.segregateQueries(eQuieries.$or);
- const promises = [];
- contentTypes.forEach((contentType) => {
- promises.push(this.fetchDocuments(aggQueries[contentType], locale, contentType, paths, include, queries, result, shelf));
- });
- // wait for all promises to be resolved
- yield Promise.all(promises);
- return {
- queries,
- result,
- shelf,
- };
- });
- }
- getReferencePath(query, locale, currentInclude) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const data = yield fs_1.readFile(utils_1.getContentTypesPath(locale) + '.json');
- const schemas = data.filter(sift_1.default(query));
- const pendingPath = [];
- const schemasReferred = [];
- const paths = [];
- const schemaList = {
- $or: [],
- };
- if (schemas.length === 0) {
- return {
- paths,
- pendingPath,
- schemaList,
- };
- }
- let entryReferences = {};
- schemas.forEach((schema) => {
- // Entry references
- entryReferences = lodash_1.merge(entryReferences, schema[this.types.references]);
- // tslint:disable-next-line: forin
- for (const path in schema[this.types.assets]) {
- paths.push(path);
- }
- });
- for (let i = 0, j = currentInclude.length; i < j; i++) {
- const includePath = currentInclude[i];
- // tslint:disable-next-line: forin
- for (const path in entryReferences) {
- const subStr = includePath.slice(0, path.length);
- if (subStr === path) {
- let subPath;
- // Its the complete path!! Hurrah!
- if (path.length !== includePath.length) {
- subPath = subStr;
- pendingPath.push(includePath.slice(path.length + 1));
- }
- else {
- subPath = includePath;
- }
- if (typeof entryReferences[path] === 'string') {
- schemasReferred.push({
- _content_type_uid: this.types.content_types,
- uid: entryReferences[path],
- });
- }
- else if (entryReferences[path].length) {
- entryReferences[path].forEach((contentTypeUid) => {
- schemasReferred.push({
- _content_type_uid: this.types.content_types,
- uid: contentTypeUid,
- });
- });
- }
- paths.push(subPath);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- schemaList.$or = schemasReferred;
- return {
- // path, that's possible in the current schema
- paths,
- // paths, that's yet to be traversed
- pendingPath,
- // schemas, to be loaded!
- schemaList,
- };
- });
- }
- // tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
- fetchPathDetails(data, locale, pathArr, queryBucket, shelf, assetsOnly = false, parent, pos, counter = 0) {
- if (counter === (pathArr.length)) {
- if (data && typeof data === 'object') {
- if (data instanceof Array && data.length) {
- data.forEach((elem, idx) => {
- if (typeof elem === 'string') {
- queryBucket.$or.push({
- _content_type_uid: this.types.assets,
- _version: { $exists: true },
- locale,
- uid: elem,
- });
- shelf.push({
- path: data,
- position: idx,
- uid: elem,
- });
- }
- else if (elem && typeof elem === 'object' && elem.hasOwnProperty('_content_type_uid')) {
- queryBucket.$or.push({
- _content_type_uid: elem._content_type_uid,
- locale,
- uid: elem.uid,
- });
- shelf.push({
- path: data,
- position: idx,
- uid: elem.uid,
- });
- }
- });
- }
- else if (typeof data === 'object') {
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('_content_type_uid')) {
- queryBucket.$or.push({
- _content_type_uid: data._content_type_uid,
- locale,
- uid: data.uid,
- });
- shelf.push({
- path: parent,
- position: pos,
- uid: data.uid,
- });
- }
- }
- }
- else if (typeof data === 'string') {
- queryBucket.$or.push({
- _content_type_uid: this.types.assets,
- _version: { $exists: true },
- locale,
- uid: data,
- });
- shelf.push({
- path: parent,
- position: pos,
- uid: data,
- });
- }
- }
- else {
- const currentField = pathArr[counter];
- counter++;
- if (data instanceof Array) {
- // tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-for-of
- for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- if (data[i][currentField]) {
- this.fetchPathDetails(data[i][currentField], locale, pathArr, queryBucket, shelf, assetsOnly, data[i], currentField, counter);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (data[currentField]) {
- this.fetchPathDetails(data[currentField], locale, pathArr, queryBucket, shelf, assetsOnly, data, currentField, counter);
- }
- }
- }
- // since we've reached last of the paths, return!
- return;
- }
- // tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
- fetchDocuments(query, locale, contentTypeUid, paths, include, queries, result, bookRack, includeAll = false) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- let contents;
- if (contentTypeUid === this.types.assets) {
- contents = yield fs_1.readFile(utils_1.getAssetsPath(locale) + '.json');
- }
- else {
- contents = yield fs_1.readFile(utils_1.getEntriesPath(locale, contentTypeUid) + '.json');
- }
- result.docs = result.docs.concat(contents.filter(sift_1.default(query)));
- result.docs.forEach((doc) => {
- this.projections.forEach((key) => {
- if (doc.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- delete doc[key];
- }
- });
- });
- if (result.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (include.length || includeAll) {
- paths.forEach((path) => {
- this.fetchPathDetails(result.docs, locale, path.split('.'), queries, bookRack, false, result, 0);
- });
- }
- else {
- // if there are no includes, only fetch assets
- paths.forEach((path) => {
- this.fetchPathDetails(result.docs, locale, path.split('.'), queries, bookRack, true, result, 0);
- });
- }
- return;
- });
- }
- includeAssetsOnly(entries, locale, contentTypeUid) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const schemas = yield fs_1.readFile(utils_1.getContentTypesPath(locale) + '.json');
- let schema;
- for (let i = 0, j = schemas.length; i < j; i++) {
- if (schemas[i].uid === contentTypeUid) {
- schema = schemas[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- // should not enter this section
- // if the schema doesn't exist, error should have occurred before
- if (typeof schema === 'undefined' || typeof schema[this.types.assets] !== 'object') {
- return;
- }
- const paths = Object.keys(schema[this.types.assets]);
- const shelf = [];
- const queryBucket = {
- $or: [],
- };
- for (let i = 0, j = paths.length; i < j; i++) {
- this.fetchPathDetails(entries, locale, paths[i].split('.'), queryBucket, shelf, true, entries, 0);
- }
- if (shelf.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- const assets = yield fs_1.readFile(utils_1.getAssetsPath(locale) + '.json');
- // might not be required
- const filteredAssets = assets.filter(sift_1.default(queryBucket));
- for (let l = 0, m = shelf.length; l < m; l++) {
- for (let n = 0, o = filteredAssets.length; n < o; n++) {
- if (shelf[l].uid === filteredAssets[n].uid) {
- shelf[l].path[shelf[l].position] = filteredAssets[n];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- });
- }
- bindReferences(entries, contentTypeUid, locale) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const ctQuery = {
- $or: [{
- _content_type_uid: this.types.content_types,
- uid: contentTypeUid,
- }],
- };
- const { paths, // ref. fields in the current content types
- ctQueries, } = yield this.getAllReferencePaths(ctQuery, locale);
- const queries = {
- $or: [],
- }; // reference field paths
- const objectPointerList = []; // a mapper object, that holds pointer to the original element
- // iterate over each path in the entries and fetch the references
- // while fetching, keep track of their location
- for (let i = 0, j = paths.length; i < j; i++) {
- this.fetchPathDetails(entries, locale, paths[i].split('.'), queries, objectPointerList, true, entries, 0);
- }
- // even after traversing, if no references were found, simply return the entries found thusfar
- if (objectPointerList.length === 0) {
- return entries;
- }
- // else, self-recursively iterate and fetch references
- // Note: Shelf is the one holding `pointers` to the actual entry
- // Once the pointer has been used, for GC, point the object to null
- return this.includeAllReferencesIteration(queries, ctQueries, locale, objectPointerList);
- });
- }
- // tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
- includeAllReferencesIteration(oldEntryQueries, oldCtQueries, locale, oldObjectPointerList, depth = 0) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- if (depth > this.q.referenceDepth || oldObjectPointerList.length === 0 || oldCtQueries.$or.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- const { ctQueries, paths, } = yield this.getAllReferencePaths(oldCtQueries, locale);
- // GC to aviod mem leaks
- oldCtQueries = null;
- const queries = {
- $or: [],
- };
- let result = {
- docs: [],
- };
- const shelf = [];
- yield this.subIncludeAllReferencesIteration(oldEntryQueries, locale, paths, queries, result, shelf);
- // GC to avoid mem leaks!
- oldEntryQueries = null;
- for (let i = 0, j = oldObjectPointerList.length; i < j; i++) {
- const element = oldObjectPointerList[i];
- let flag = true;
- for (let k = 0, l = result.docs.length; k < l; k++) {
- if (result.docs[k].uid === element.uid) {
- element.path[element.position] = result.docs[k];
- flag = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (flag) {
- for (let e = 0, f = oldObjectPointerList[i].path.length; e < f; e++) {
- // tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
- if (oldObjectPointerList[i].path[e].hasOwnProperty('_content_type_uid') && Object.keys(oldObjectPointerList[i].path[e]).length === 2) {
- oldObjectPointerList[i].path.splice(e, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // GC to avoid mem leaks!
- oldObjectPointerList = null;
- result = null;
- ++depth;
- // Iterative loops, that traverses paths and binds them onto entries
- yield this.includeAllReferencesIteration(queries, ctQueries, locale, shelf, depth);
- return;
- });
- }
- subIncludeAllReferencesIteration(eQuieries, locale, paths, queries, result, shelf) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const { contentTypes, aggQueries, } = utils_1.segregateQueries(eQuieries.$or);
- const promises = [];
- contentTypes.forEach((contentType) => {
- promises.push(this.fetchDocuments(aggQueries[contentType], locale, contentType, paths, [], queries, result, shelf, true));
- });
- // wait for all promises to be resolved
- yield Promise.all(promises);
- return {
- queries,
- result,
- shelf,
- };
- });
- }
- getAllReferencePaths(contentTypeQueries, locale) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const contents = yield fs_1.readFile(utils_1.getContentTypesPath(locale) + '.json');
- const filteredContents = contents.filter(sift_1.default(contentTypeQueries));
- const ctQueries = {
- $or: [],
- };
- let paths = [];
- for (let i = 0, j = filteredContents.length; i < j; i++) {
- let assetFieldPaths;
- let entryReferencePaths;
- if (filteredContents[i].hasOwnProperty(this.types.assets)) {
- assetFieldPaths = Object.keys(filteredContents[i][this.types.assets]);
- paths = paths.concat(assetFieldPaths);
- }
- if (filteredContents[i].hasOwnProperty('_references')) {
- entryReferencePaths = Object.keys(filteredContents[i][this.types.references]);
- paths = paths.concat(entryReferencePaths);
- for (let k = 0, l = entryReferencePaths.length; k < l; k++) {
- if (typeof filteredContents[i][this.types.references][entryReferencePaths[k]] === 'string') {
- ctQueries.$or.push({
- _content_type_uid: this.types.content_types,
- // this would probably make it slow in FS, avoid this?
- // locale,
- uid: filteredContents[i][this.types.references][entryReferencePaths[k]],
- });
- }
- else if (filteredContents[i][this.types.references][entryReferencePaths[k]].length) {
- filteredContents[i][this.types.references][entryReferencePaths[k]].forEach((uid) => {
- ctQueries.$or.push({
- _content_type_uid: this.types.content_types,
- // Question: Adding extra key in query, slows querying down? Probably yes.
- // locale,
- uid,
- });
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- ctQueries,
- paths,
- };
- });
- }
-exports.Stack = Stack;