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File metadata and controls

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The operator's behaviour can be controlled with various types of configuration. They are listed in sections below.


The operator iself accepts command line arguments to override some of the default behaviours. They are as follows.

Command line argument Type Description Default Value
--cluster-resource-namespace string The default namespace for cluster scoped resources cloudflare-operator-system
--overwrite-unmanaged-dns boolean Overwrite existing DNS records that do not have a corresponding managed TXT record false
--leader-elect boolean Enable leader election for controller manager, this is optional for operator running with a single replica true

Custom Resource Definition

The Tunnel and the ClusterTunnel have the exact same configuration options. The best way to get the latest documentation on them is to run the below command after installing the CRDs.

kubectl explain tunnel.spec

Here is an overview of the same as YAML.

kind: ClusterTunnel     # or Tunnel
  name: tunnel-cr-name
  # Cloudflare details
    ## AccountName and AccountId cannot be both empty. If both are provided, Account ID is used if valid, else falls back to Account Name
    accountId: account-id
    accountName: Account Name
    domain:                                                         # Domain where the tunnel runs
    email: [email protected]                                                    # Email ID used to login to Cloudflare
    # Cloudflare credentials secret, and its key overrides. All the overrides are optional and default to the shown values.
    secret: cloudflare-secrets
    ## Key in the secret to use for Cloudflare API token. See getting started for information on scopes
    ## Key in the secret to use for Cloudflare API Key. Needs Email also to be provided. For delete operations on new tunnels only, or as an alternate to API Token
    ## Key in the secret to use as credentials.json for an existing tunnel
    ## Key in the secret to use as tunnel secret for an existing tunnel

  # Either existingTunnel or newTunnel can be specified, not both
    name: new-tunnel
    ## Existing Tunnel id/name to run on. Tunnel Name and Tunnel ID cannot be both empty. If both are provided, id is used if valid, else falls back to name
    id: <tunnel-id>
    name: existing-tunnel

  # cloudflared configuration
  fallbackTarget: http_status:404           # The default service to point cloudflared to. Defaults to http_status:404
  image: cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.3.1    # Image to run. Used for running an up-to-date image. Can be swapped out to an arm based image if needed
  noTlsVerify: false                        # Disables the TLS verification to backend services globally
  originCaPool: homelab-ca                  # Secret containing CA certificates to trust. Must contain tls.crt to be trusted globally and optionally other certificates (see the caPool service annotation for usage)
  size: 1                                   # Replica count for the tunnel deployment

Service Annotations

Making a tunnel proxy a service is done through annotations. Here are the available annotations. Only the first one is mandatory. Rest of them have defaults as needed.

  • or This annotation is needed for the Service controller to pick this service. Specify the name of the Tunnel/ClusterTunnel CRD which should serve this service
  • DNS name to access this service from. Defaults to the + tunnel.spec.domain. If specifying this, make sure to use the same domain that the tunnel belongs to. This is not validated and used as provided
  • Specify the protocol for the service. Should be one of http, https, tcp, udp, ssh or rdp. Defaults to http, with the exceptions of https for 443, smb for 139 and 445, rdp for 3389 and ssh for 22 if the service has a TCP port. The only available option for a UDP port is udp, which is default
  • Where the tunnel should proxy to. Defaults to the form of <protocol>://<>.<service.metadata.namespace>.svc:<port>
  • Specify the name of the key in the secret specified in tunnel.spec.originCaPool and that CA certificate will be trusted. tls.crt is trusted globally and does not need to be specified. Only useful if the protocol is HTTPS
  • Disable TLS verification for this service. Only useful if the protocol is HTTPS