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Methods for people to support each other in small groups (less than 8) |
These methods are primarily designed for people outside of a formal organisational context, e.g. freelancers and activists. However many of them may migrate smoothly into organisations. The important factor is that people support each other in peer-to-peer relationships of mutual aid.
- Feelz Circle: 3 processes for sharing emotional care between friends/ comrades/ lovers
- Care Pod personal-and-professional development in small groups, a new practice in development at Enspiral, based on Intentional Change Theory
- Stewardship peer support system for Partnerships
- The Elephants long term personal development for Crews
- If you have more to add to this list, please contribute :)
How is Crew formed? We're not sure. Rich's original proposal suggests the best way to meet your Crewmates is in a Congregation: a larger gathering of people with some shared values and medium-high trust.
🔈In this podcast with Daniel Thorson, Ria Baeck suggests the best place to start is at home, with a few guests gathered around a compelling question.
If you have experiences to share, please do!