This is the Math::Rect class.
Represents a rectangle.
$rect = Rect($x: Num, $y: Num, $width: Num, $height: Num)
Creates a rectangle, given its origin (bottom-left vertex) and dimensions.
x: Num - X-coordinate of the rectangle's origin.
y: Num - Y-coordinate of the rectangle's origin.
width: Num - Width of the rectangle.
height: Num - Height of the rectangle.
Computed property. A list of the four vertices of the rectangle.
Computed property. Bottom left vertex of the rectangle.
Computed property. Bottom right vertex of the rectangle.
Computed property. Top left vertex of the rectangle.
Computed property. Top right vertex of the rectangle.
Computed property. Line segment formed by the bottom vertices of the rectangle.
Computed property. Line segment formed by the top vertices of the rectangle.
Computed property. Center point of the rectangle.
End of the Math::Rect class.
This file was generated automatically by the Ferret compiler from Rect.frt.