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PyMTL/HLS Tutorial

This repository illustrates our current PyMTL/HLS framework. To get started, the following tutorial first goes through a simple example of using the framework to experiment with a basic popcount module. Then it explains how to use the framework to experiment with a GCD accelerator which does not interact with memory and a sorting accelerator which does interact with memory. Both the GCD and sorting accelerators use the standard xcelreq/xcelresp interfaces for managing the accelerator. This tutorial assumes you have already completed the "basic" ECE 4750 tutorials on Linux, Git, PyMTL, and Verilog, as well as the new ECE 5745 ASIC tutorial and the ECE 5745 PARCv2 accelerator tutorial.

The first step is to clone this repository from GitHub, define an environment variable to keep track of the top directory for the project, and source a special setup script which will setup the Xilinx HLS tools.

 % source
 % mkdir -p ${HOME}/vc/git-hub/cornell-brg
 % cd ${HOME}/vc/git-hub/cornell-brg
 % git clone [email protected]:cornell-brg/pymtl-tut-hls.git
 % cd pymtl-tut-hls

If you are creating your own setup script, then in addition to setting up the license server and running the Xilinx provided setup script, you must set the XILINX_VIVADO_HLS_INCLUDE_DIR environment variable to the C++ include directory provided within the Vivado HLS installation. This will likely look something like <xilinx_dir>/Vivado_HLS/<ver_num>/include where <xilinx_dir> is the directory where Vivado HLS was installed, and <ver_num> is the Vivado HLS version number.

Overview of PyMTL/HLS Flow

The following diagram illustrates our PyMTL/HLS flow. There are three main steps.

  1. We use a standard C++ compiler to compile and test a C++ functional-level description of the target algorithm. We can use specially designed interface proxies that simplify using the exact same source code for both testing (e.g., using our simple C++ utst unit testing framework) and synthesis (e.g., using Vivado HLS).

  2. We use Xilinx Vivado HLS to synthesize the C++ functional-level description into a Verilog register-transfer-level (RTL) implementation. While Vivado HLS can handle a relatively powerful subset of the C++ language, high-performance RTL implementations require the use of designer-specified pragmas to indicate opportunities for inlining, pipelining, and loop unrolling.

  3. We use the PyMTL framework for composition, verification, and performance evaluation of the synthesized RTL implementations. PyMTL is a Python-based hardware modeling framework for functional-level (FL), cycle-level (CL), and register-transfer-level (RTL) modeling and verification. PyMTL also allows wrapping Verilog RTL models within a PyMTL RTL interface for integration with other PyMTL FL, CL, and/or RTL models so that the entire design can be simulated and tested.

Getting Started: Population Count Example

Let's demonstrate the overall flow using a simple popcount example. The C++ source code is in ex_popcount/

 void PopCount( ap_uint<64> in, int& out )
   out = 0;
   for ( int i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) {
     #pragma HLS UNROLL
     out += in[i];

The PopCount kernel takes as input a 64-bit variable, and counts the number of bits that are set to one. ap_uint<64> is a Vivado HLS built-in data type representing an N-bit unsigned integer. x[i] accesses the ith bit of x.

We first test the kernel using pure-C/C++. The ad-hoc test is defined in the same source file:

 int main()
   int in[3] = { 0x21, 0x14, 0x1133 };

   for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
     int out;
     PopCount( in[i], out );
     printf( "popcount(0x%x) = %d\n", in[i], out );

   return 0;

Use the following commands to compile and run this ad-hoc test:

 % cd $TOPDIR/ex_popcount
 % g++ -I${XILINX_VIVADO_HLS_INCLUDE_DIR} -o popcount
 % ./popcount

We will be using Xilinx Vivado HLS as our high-level synthesis tool. More information on Vivado HLS can be found in the corresponding user guide:

Vivado HLS takes as input the C/C++ files describing the design, as well as a TCL script used to drive the high-level synthesis flow. Here is a snippet of the tcl script for synthesizing the PopCount design.

  open_project PopCount.prj

  set_top PopCount


  open_solution "solution1" -reset

  set_part {xc7z020clg484-1}
  create_clock -period 5

  set_directive_interface -mode ap_ctrl_none PopCount


One thing to notice in the tcl script is the set_directive_interface command. This command specifies the module interface (i.e., the arguments to the PopCount function) to a specific mode. To keep the synthesized design simple, we set the interface to be ap_ctrl_none to disable any higher-level handshake protocol from being synthesized. The following command will use Vivado HLS to synthesize the PopCount function into an RTL module:

 % cd $TOPDIR/ex_popcount
 % vivado_hls -f PopCount.tcl
 % more PopCount.v

The TCL script includes extra code: (1) to concatenate all of the generated Verilog files into a single file and copy this file where Vivado HLS is run, and (2) to insert Verilator directives to avoid linting errors. We will be using Verilator in our PyMTL Verilog import flow. The interface for the generated Verilog RTL should look like this:

 module PopCount (
 input         ap_clk;
 input         ap_rst;
 input  [63:0] in_V;
 output [31:0] out_r;
 output        out_r_ap_vld;

Notice that Vivado HLS has turned the arguments to the PopCount function into module ports. The input argument is an input port, and the output argument is an output port and an output valid signal. The log file and a detailed synthesis report can be found in the project directory:

 % cd $TOPDIR/ex_popcount
 % more PopCount.prj/solution1/solution1.log
 % more PopCount.prj/solution1/syn/report/PopCount_csynth.rpt

The log file will report warnings and errors during high-level synthesis which can be useful when debugging synthesis correctness issues. The synthesis report includes scheduling information which can be useful when debugging synthesis performance issues.

After generating the Verilog RTL for the design, the next step is to wrap the Verilog RTL into a PyMTL model. The following code snippet from shows how to define such a wrapper:

class PopCount( VerilogModel ):

  def __init__( s ):

    s.in_V       = InPort ( 64 )
    s.out        = OutPort( 32 )
    s.out_ap_vld = OutPort( 1  )

      'ap_clk'       : s.clk,
      'ap_rst'       : s.reset,
      'in_V'         : s.in_V,
      'out_r'        : s.out_r,
      'out_r_ap_vld' : s.out_r_ap_vld,

For PyMTL to correctly import a Verilog RTL module into PyMTL, two conditions have to be met: (1) the corresponding Verilog file (PopCount.v) must be in the same directory as the PyMTL wrapper (; and (2) the PyMTL wrapper module must have the same name as the top-level module of the Verilog design. The s.set_ports function specifies the mapping between the ports in the Verilog RTL module and the ports in the PyMTL wrapper. also includes an ad-hoc test similar in spirit to our C++ ad-hoc test:

def main():

  # Input values

  inputs = [ 0x21, 0x14, 0x1133, 0x00 ]
  input_idx = 0

  # Elaborate the model

  model = PopCount()

  # Create and reset the simulator

  sim = SimulationTool( model )

  # Apply input values and display output values

  for i in range(0,10):

    # Write input value to input port

    model.in_V.value = inputs[input_idx]

    # Display input and output ports


    # Tick simulator one cycle


    # If output is valid, then move on to next input value

    if model.out_r_ap_vld:
      input_idx += 1
      if input_idx == len(inputs):

This test will instantiate and elaborate the model, create a simulator, and then apply a series of input values. We can run this ad-hoc test as follows:

 % cd $TOPDIR/ex_popcount
 % python
  2: 0000000000000021|00000000|0
  3: 0000000000000014|00000002|1
  4: 0000000000000014|00000002|0
  5: 0000000000001133|00000002|1
  6: 0000000000001133|00000002|0
  7: 0000000000000000|00000006|1
  8: 0000000000000000|00000006|0

We can see the design correctly producing the desired values at the output port exactly one cycle after the input is set. The output valid bit indicates if the output is valid.

The popcount example is relatively simple. In the remainder of this tutorial, we will explore more complex examples that are constructed to be stand-alone accelerators which can be composed with processors, memories, and other accelerators. These stand-alone accelerators use latency insensitive interfaces with standard accelerator configuration and memory messages. These accelerators also take-advantage of the included C++ build system, C++ unit testing framework, and Python unit testing framework.

Before continuing, let's cleanup from this part of the tutorial:

 % cd $TOPDIR/ex_popcount
 % rm -rf libPopCount* obj_dir_PopCount* popcount
 % rm -rf *.v *_v.* *.prj *.log

GCD Accelerator FL Model

For the popcount example, we worked in the actual source directory, but in general this is bad practice. We will instead do as much as possible in a separate build directory to keep source files separate from generated content.

 % mkdir -p $TOPDIR/build

We can start with a simple GCD unit FL model written in PyMTL. You can run the unit tests for this model like this:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % py.test ../ex_gcd/
 % py.test ../ex_gcd/ -s -k basic0x0

     xcelreq                xcelresp
  3: 7c:wr:01:0000000f:000()
  4: #                    ()7c:wr:        :000
  5: 00:wr:02:00000005:000()
  6: #                    ()00:wr:        :000
  7: 18:rd:00:        :000()
  8: #                    ()18:rd:00000005:000

Note that unlike the ad-hoc Python test used in the popcount example, in this case we are using a sophisticated unit testing framework called py.test which helps make unit testing of general Python programs more productive. The line trace has been edited to make it more compact and include annotations. Unlike the GCD unit used in our PyMTL tutorial, this GCD unit is designed to be an accelerator and thus supports the xcelreq/xcelresp interface with the following accelerator registers:

  • xr0 : go/result
  • xr1 : operand A
  • xr2 : operand B

and the following accelerator protocol:

  1. Write the operand A by writing to xr1
  2. Write the operand B by writing to xr2
  3. Tell the accelerator to compute gcd and wait for result by reading xr0

We can see this accelerator protocol in the line trace. The test source sends two xcelreq messages to write xr1 and xr2 before reading xr0. Since this is an FL model, the accelerator immediately returns the corresponding result.

GCD Accelerator HLS Model

Now let's explore how we can use high-level synthesis (HLS) to automatically transform a high-level C++ specification (similar to the FL model described above) into a register-transfer level (RTL) implementation. Let's take a closer look at the files in the ex_gcd subdirectory:

  • : PyMTL FL model
  • : PyMTL unit tests for FL model
  • : High-level C++ implementation
  • GcdXcelHLS.h : High-level C++ interface
  • : Pure C++ unit tests for C++ implementation
  • GcdXcelHLS.tcl : TCL file to drive HLS tool
  • : Verilog wrapper for RTL synthesized from HLS
  • : PyMTL unit tests for RTL synthesized from HLS
  • : Python package for using GCD accelerator in other projects
  • : autoconf fragment for build system
  • : make fragment for build system

Take a closer look at the make fragment to see the various make variables which need to be set to ensure the build system knows about the C++ header files, C++ inline files, C++ implementation files, and pure-C++ unit-test files. If you create your own subproject you will need to set the make variables accordingly. You will also need to update the autoconf fragment. See the located in this repository for more information on the basic C++ build system. The only difference is that there is an additional ex_gcd_hls_srcs make variable where you can list which top-level C++ implementation files are meant for HLS.

So we start by writing a high-level C++ implementation. Here is what looks like:

 #include "ex_gcd/GcdXcelHLS.h"

 using namespace xcel;

 ap_uint<32> gcd( ap_uint<32> opA, ap_uint<32> opB ) {
   #pragma HLS INLINE

   while ( opA != opB ) {
     #pragma HLS PIPELINE
     if ( opA > opB )
       opA = opA - opB;
       opB = opB - opA;
   return opA;

 void GcdXcelHLS(
   hls::stream<xcel::XcelReqMsg>&  xcelreq,
   hls::stream<xcel::XcelRespMsg>& xcelresp
   XcelWrapper<3> xcelWrapper( xcelreq, xcelresp );

   // configure

   // compute
   ap_uint<32> result = gcd( xcelWrapper.get_xreg(1), xcelWrapper.get_xreg(2) );

   // signal done
   xcelWrapper.done( result );

All of this C++ code will be pushed through the HLS tools. The top-level GcdXcelHLS function corresponds to the top-level RTL module that will be generated by the HLS tools. Notice how hls::stream objects are passed as parameters into this function; this will result in two latency insensitive interfaces on the top-level RTL module: one for xcelreq and one for xcelresp. The top-level function uses a helper XcelWrapper class that elegantly handles the xcelreq/xcelresp messages. The xcelWrapper.configure() method will return when the XcelWrapper object receives a read xcelreq messages. The top-level function then calls the gcd method.

The HLS INLINE pragma ensures that the gcd method is inlined into the top-level function and that only a single RTL module will be synthesized. The gcd function is implemented as regular C++ code. The HLS PIPELINE pragma is a performance hint that tells the HLS tools to pipeline the while loop if possible. The final call to xcelWrapper.done() will result in returning an xcelresp message with the result.

We should always start by testing our C++ code using a pure-C++ unit test. If the code does not work natively, then there is no chance it is going to work after synthesis, and debugging the synthesized RTL can be quite tedious. The ad-hoc test used in the popcount example is not really testing; tests need to be written in a well-structured way that facilitates automated verification. We will use the simple utst unit testing framework which is also included in this repository. See utst/ located in this repository for more information about this unit testing framework.

Here is an example of a simple test case:

void run_test( const std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >& data,
               const std::vector<int>&                 ref   )
  // Create configuration req/resp streams

  hls::stream<XcelReqMsg>  xcelreq;
  hls::stream<XcelRespMsg> xcelresp;

  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); ++ i )  {

    // Insert configuration requests to do compute gcd
    //                         opq type  addr data           id
    xcelreq.write( XcelReqMsg( 0,     1,   1, data[i].first,  0 ) );
    xcelreq.write( XcelReqMsg( 0,     1,   2, data[i].second, 0 ) );
    xcelreq.write( XcelReqMsg( 0,     0,   0, 0,              0 ) );

    // compute
    GcdXcelHLS( xcelreq, xcelresp );

    // Drain the response for writes;;

    // Verify the results
    XcelRespMsg resp =;
    UTST_CHECK_EQ(, ref[i] );

  std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > data;
  std::vector<int>                 ref;

  data.push_back( std::make_pair( 15,  5 ) ); ref.push_back(  5 );
  data.push_back( std::make_pair(  9,  3 ) ); ref.push_back(  3 );

  run_test( data, ref );

The unit test creates a vector of input data and a vector of reference outputs. The run_test() function explicitly create xcelreq messages which correspond to configuring/starting the accelerator and places these messages in the corresponding hls::stream object. We then simply call the top-level function which will dequeue xcelreq messages and enqueue xcelresp messages. Once the top-level function returns, we verify the functionality by draining the response queue and comparing the results to the reference outputs. See the user guide in utst/utst.txt for more on the C++ unit testing framework. Let's run this unit test:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % ../configure
 % make ex_gcd/GcdXcelHLS-utst
 % ./ex_gcd/GcdXcelHLS-utst

All of the unit tests should pass. Now that we are sure that our pure-C++ implementation is working, we can push the C++ through the HLS flow. Note that if you are creating a new subproject, you will need to change the top variable in the equivalent of the GcdXcelHLS.tcl script to ensure it points to the correct design. The build system has a special target for pushing a specific top-level C++ implementation file through the HLS flow:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % make hls-ex_gcd
 % more ../ex_gcd/GcdXcelHLS.v

You will see the HLS tool parsing, analyzing, and optimizing the design before eventually generating the synthesized RTL. Due to some PyMTL issues, the synthesized Verilog is moved back into the source directory so that it is in the same place as the PyMTL wrapper used for Verilog import. Take a closer look at the synthesized RTL. Notice how it has the following interface:

 module GcdXcelHLS (

We can see that the HLS tools has generated two latency insensitive interfaces with control signals named vld and ack. These are used in essentially the same way as our standard val/rdy microprotocol. The next step is to test the synthesized RTL. We can use PyMTL's Verilog import feature to bring the synthesized RTL back into the PyMTL framework, and this enables us to reuse the same tests we developed for the FL model. Here is how to run the FL unit tests on the synthesized RTL:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % py.test ../ex_gcd/
 % py.test ../ex_gcd/ -s -k basic0x0

     xcelreq                    xcelresp
  2: .                     >  > .
  3: 7c:wr:01:0000000f:000 >  > 7c:wr:        :000
  4: 00:wr:02:00000005:000 >  > 00:wr:        :000
  5: 18:rd:00:        :000 >  >
  6: #                     >  >
  7: #                     >  >
  8: #                     >  >
  9: #                     >  > 18:rd:00000005:000

From the line trace we can see that the GCD accelerator now takes multiple cycles per transaction. One of the disadvantages of debugging the synthesized RTL from HLS is that it is a bit of blackbox. You can still use waveform debugging if necessary:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % py.test ../ex_gcd/ -s -k basic0x0 --dump-vcd

Now that we have the synthesized RTL we can push this accelerator through the ASIC flow and/or compose the accelerator with a processor and L1 memory system.

The model shows an incremental design step where the HLS generated GCD xcel is integrated to a mock-up pipeline that mocks a send and a receive stage in an inorder pipelined processor. Note, that the design uses a single-element pipelined queue connected to the response port of the generated xcel as the HLS generated design can aggresively return a response within the same cycle for a few computations and the pipelined queue helps to integrate the xcel to a pipelined processor implementation. As before, you can run the unit tests as shown below. NOTE, in general it is highly recommended to try and implement a mock-up pipeline test before attempting to integrate the xcel to a processor and L1 memory system.

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % py.test ../ex_gcd/ -s -k basic0x0 --dump-vcd

Sort Accelerator FL, CL, RTL Model

Let's look at a more complicated sorting accelerator that interacts with the memory system. We have included an FL, CL, and RTL implementation of a simple bubble sort accelerator. The accelerator registers for the sorting accelerator are defined as follows:

  • xr0 : go/done
  • xr1 : base address of array
  • xr2 : number of elements in array

with the following accelerator protocol:

  1. Write the base address of array via xr1
  2. Write the number of elements in array via xr2
  3. Tell accelerator to go by writing xr0
  4. Wait for accelerator to finish by reading xr0, result will be 1

You can run the corresponding PyMTL unit tests like this:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % py.test ../ex_sort/
 % py.test ../ex_sort/
 % py.test ../ex_sort/
 % py.test ../ex_sort/ -s -k [mini]

     xcelreq                  ST    xmemreq                  xmemresp          xcelresp
  2:                       > (X ) |                        ()                > .
  3: 00:wr:01:00001000:000 > (X ) |                        ()                >
  4: 00:wr:02:00000004:000 > (X ) |                        ()                > 00:wr::000
  5: 00:wr:00:00000000:000 > (X ) |                        ()                > 00:wr::000
  6: 00:rd:00:        :000 > (X ) |                        ()                > 00:wr::000
  7: .                     > (F0) | rd:00:00001000:        ()                >
  8: .                     > (F1) |                        ()rd:00:00000021  >
  9: .                     > (F1) | rd:00:00001004:        ()                >
 10: .                     > (B0) |                        ()rd:00:00000014  >
 11: .                     > (B0) | wr:00:00001000:00000014()                >
 12: .                     > (B1) |                        ()wr:00:          >
 13: .                     > (B1) | rd:00:00001008:        ()                >
 14: .                     > (B0) |                        ()rd:00:00000042  >
 15: .                     > (B0) | wr:00:00001004:00000021()                >
 16: .                     > (B1) |                        ()wr:00:          >

The line trace has been edited to make it more compact and include annotations. You can see the three xcelreq messages to configure the base address, number of elements, and to start the accelerator. You can also see the accelerator moving through its various states (ST), sending out two memory read requests, and sending out a memory write request.

We can use a simulator to evaluate the cycle-level performance of our accelerator on a larger dataset:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % ../ex_sort/sort-xcel-sim --impl rtl --stats
 % num_cycles = 4108

Sort Accelerator HLS Model

Now let's use HLS to synthesize an RTL implementation of the same sorting accelerator. The high-level C++ implementation in is as follows:

 template < typename Array >
 void sort( Array array )
   #pragma HLS INLINE
   int n = array.size();
   for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
     int prev = array[0];
     for ( int j = 1; j < n; ++j ) {
       #pragma HLS PIPELINE
       int curr = array[j];
       array[j-1] = std::min( prev, curr );
       prev       = std::max( prev, curr );
     array[n-1] = prev;

 void SortXcelHLS
   hls::stream<xcel::XcelReqMsg>&   xcelreq,
   hls::stream<xcel::XcelRespMsg>&  xcelresp,
   MemReqStream&                    memreq,
   MemRespStream&                   memresp
   XcelWrapper<3> xcelWrapper( xcelreq, xcelresp );

   // configure

   sort( ArrayMemPortAdapter<MemReqStream,MemRespStream> (
         ) );

   // signal done
   xcelWrapper.done( 1 );

There are a couple of important differences from the GCD accelerator. The top-level function now includes the xcelreq/xcelresp interfaces, but also includes the memreq/memresp interfaces that will enable the sorting accelerator to interact with the memory system. We use an ArrayMemPortAdapter to give the illusion of a standard C++ array to the sort() function, but in reality reading and writing from this array will turn into memory read/write requests. Using this adapter means our high-level C++ implementation can be written like a standard C++ bubble-sort implementation. The HLS INLINE and HLS PIPELINE pragmas are important to ensure the HLS tools can synthesize high-performance RTL.

As always, we need a pure-C++ unit test for this C++ implementation. Implementing a pure-C++ class to functionally model a test memory is feasible because we assume that the top-level C++ function and the test memory do not really need to run concurrently. So when the top-level C++ function enqueues a memory request on the memreq stream, the test memory will immediately process this request and place the corresponding response in the memresp stream. The unit test for the sorting accelerator is in and is shown below:

 void run_test( const std::vector<int>& data )
   // Create configuration req/resp streams

   hls::stream<XcelReqMsg>  xcelreq;
   hls::stream<XcelRespMsg> xcelresp;

   // Test memory

   TestMem SortXcelHLS_mem;

   // Initialize array

   int size = static_cast<int>(data.size());
   for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
     SortXcelHLS_mem.mem_write( 0x1000+(4*i), data[i] );

   // Insert configuration requests to do a sort

   //                         opq type  addr data    id
   xcelreq.write( XcelReqMsg( 0,     1,   1, 0x1000,  0 ) );
   xcelreq.write( XcelReqMsg( 0,     1,   2,   size,  0 ) );
   xcelreq.write( XcelReqMsg( 0,     0,   0,      0,  0 ) );

   // Do the sort

   SortXcelHLS( xcelreq, xcelresp, SortXcelHLS_mem, SortXcelHLS_mem );

   // Drain the responses for configuration requests;;;

   // Create sorted vector for reference

   std::vector<int> data_ref = data;
   std::sort( data_ref.begin(), data_ref.end() );

   // Verify the results

   for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
     UTST_CHECK_EQ( SortXcelHLS_mem.mem_read( 0x1000+(4*i) ), data_ref[i] );

   std::vector<int> data;
   data.push_back( 0x21 );
   data.push_back( 0x14 );
   data.push_back( 0x42 );
   data.push_back( 0x03 );
   run_test( data );

As with the GCD accelerator we need to explicitly create xcelreq messages which correspond to configuring/starting the accelerator and then place these messages in the corresponding hls::stream object. Notice how we also need to initialize some data in the test memory, and after the sorting accelerator is done we also need to read data from the test memory for the final verification step (i.e., to check if the destination array really is sorted). Let's run this pure-C++ unit test.

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % make ex_sort/SortXcelHLS-utst
 % ./ex_sort/SortXcelHLS-utst

Now we can run the HLS tools to synthesize RTL for this design:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % make hls-ex_sort
 % more ../ex_sort/SortXcelHLS.v

The synthesized interface is shown below.

 module SortXcelHLS (

We can see that the HLS tool has synthesized four different latency insensitive interfaces corresponding to the xcelreq/xcelresp and memreq/memresp interfaces in the top-level C++ function. As with the GCD accelerator, we can use the exact same unit tests we used to test the PyMTL FL, CL, and RTL models to now test the synthesized RTL:

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % py.test ../ex_sort/
 % py.test ../ex_sort/ -s -k [mini]

     xcelreq                    xmemreq                  xmemresp          xcelresp
  2: .                     >  |                        ().               > .
  3: 00:wr:01:00001000:000 >  |                        ().               > 00:wr::000
  4: 00:wr:02:00000004:000 >  |                        ().               > 00:wr::000
  5: 00:wr:00:00000000:000 >  |                        ().               > 00:wr::000
  6: 00:rd:00:        :000 >  |                        ().               >
  7: .                     >  |                        ().               >
  8: .                     >  | rd:00:00001000:        ().               >
  9: .                     >  |                        ()rd:00:00000021  >
 10: .                     >  | rd:00:00001004:        ().               >
 11: .                     >  | wr:00:00001000:00000014()rd:00:00000014  >
 12: .                     >  | rd:00:00001008:        ()wr:00:          >
 13: .                     >  | wr:00:00001004:00000021()rd:00:00000042  >
 14: .                     >  | rd:00:0000100c:        ()wr:00:          >
 15: .                     >  | wr:00:00001008:00000003()rd:00:00000003  >
 16: .                     >  |                        ()wr:00:          >
 17: .                     >  | wr:00:0000100c:00000042().               >
 18: .                     >  |                        ()wr:00:          >

The line trace has been edited to make it more compact and includes annotations. You can see the three xcelreq messages to configure the base address, number of elements, and to start the accelerator. You can also see the accelerator sending out memory requests. Notice how the synthesized RTL is able to overlap sending our memory requests compared to the manual RTL design discussed earlier in the tutorial.

 % cd $TOPDIR/build
 % ../ex_sort/sort-xcel-sim --impl hls --stats
 % num_cycles = 2156

So our synthesized RTL is almost 2x faster and required a fraction of the time to implement. We could of course go back and optimize our manual RTL implementation, but the key point here is that HLS can enable much more rapid design-space exploration compared to manual RTL design.