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Releases: cosmos/gaia


05 Mar 03:43
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v23.0.0-rc2 Pre-release

Gaia v23.0.0-rc2 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

Refer to the upgrading guide when migrating from v22.x to v23.x.

This release bumps the following dependencies:

This release adds the following dependencies:

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v23.0.0-rc2
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


01 Mar 00:12
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v23.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

Gaia v23.0.0-rc1 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

Refer to the upgrading guide when migrating from v22.x to v23.x.

This release bumps the following dependencies:

This release adds the following dependencies:

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v23.0.0-rc1
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


28 Feb 18:37
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v23.0.0-rc0 Pre-release

Gaia v23.0.0-rc0 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

Refer to the upgrading guide when migrating from v22.x to v23.x.

This release bumps the following dependencies:

This release adds the following dependencies:

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v23.0.0-rc0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


27 Feb 22:19
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v22.3.0 Pre-release

Gaia v22.3.0 Release Notes


Refer to the upgrading guide when migrating from v22.2.0 to v22.3.0.

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

This release bumps the following dependencies:

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v22.3.0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


13 Feb 20:41
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Gaia v22.2.0 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

Refer to the upgrading guide when migrating from v21.1.0 to v22.2.0.

🚀 Highlights

  • Bump pfm version from v8.0.2 to v8.1.1
  • Add v22.2.0 upgrade handler


🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v22.2.0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


10 Feb 21:07
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Gaia v22.1.0 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

🚀 Highlights

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v22.1.0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


08 Feb 04:15
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v22.0.2 Pre-release

Gaia v22.0.2 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

🚀 Highlights

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v22.0.2
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


16 Jan 18:51
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Gaia v22.0.0 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

Refer to the upgrading guide when migrating from v21.x to v22.x.

🚀 Highlights

This release bumps Interchain Security (ICS) to v6.4.0 which brings the following improvements to the provider module:

  • Add a priority list to the power shaping parameters. This enables consumer chains to further customize their validator set by setting a list of validators that will have priority regardless of their voting power.
  • Remove the governance proposal whitelisting from consumer chains. See this discussion for details on the motivation for this change.
  • Enable the chain ID of a consumer chain to be updated after creation, but before launch. As a result, it brings more flexibility to consumer chain deployment, especially to chains that are not yet sure about their final chain ID.
  • Enable querying the provider module for the genesis time for a consumer chain. As a result, consumer chains can set an accurate genesis time in the genesis file when bootstrapping their chain. See this issue for more details.
  • Enable consumer chains to have customizable slashing and jailing (as per ADR 020). As a result, consumer chain owners will be able to customize both the jailing period and slashing factor for different types of infractions. Note that the default params will maintain the current behavior, especially the no slashing for downtime.
  • Simplify the changeover from standalone to consumer chains. Basically, this feature enables consumer chains to reused the existing IBC connection to the provider (the one created as standalone chains). This simplifies the process as new clients no longer need to be created, which means the initial height initialization parameter is no longer needed.

This release also bumps the following dependencies:

  • Cosmos SDK to v0.50.11-lsm. This includes the changes introduced by Cosmos SDK v0.50.10 and v0.50.11, as well as fixes for issues identified by OtterSec and Zellic during their audit of LSM. Note that none of the identified issues are critical.
  • CometBFT to v0.38.15.
  • IBC to v8.5.2.
  • wasmd to v0.53.2.

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v22.0.0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


10 Jan 17:23
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v22.0.0-rc0 Pre-release

Gaia v22.0.0 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

Refer to the upgrading guide when migrating from v21.x to v22.x.

🚀 Highlights

This release bumps Interchain Security (ICS) to v6.4.0 which brings the following improvements to the provider module:

  • Add a priority list to the power shaping parameters. This enables consumer chains to further customize their validator set by setting a list of validators that will have priority regardless of their voting power.
  • Remove the governance proposal whitelisting from consumer chains. See this discussion for details on the motivation for this change.
  • Enable the chain ID of a consumer chain to be updated after creation, but before launch. As a result, it brings more flexibility to consumer chain deployment, especially to chains that are not yet sure about their final chain ID.
  • Enable querying the provider module for the genesis time for a consumer chain. As a result, consumer chains can set an accurate genesis time in the genesis file when bootstrapping their chain. See this issue for more details.
  • Enable consumer chains to have customizable slashing and jailing (as per ADR 020). As a result, consumer chain owners will be able to customize both the jailing period and slashing factor for different types of infractions. Note that the default params will maintain the current behavior, especially the no slashing for downtime.
  • Simplify the changeover from standalone to consumer chains. Basically, this feature enables consumer chains to reused the existing IBC connection to the provider (the one created as standalone chains). This simplifies the process as new clients no longer need to be created, which means the initial height initialization parameter is no longer needed.

This release also bumps the following dependencies:

  • Cosmos SDK to v0.50.11-lsm. This includes the changes introduced by Cosmos SDK v0.50.10 and v0.50.11, as well as fixes for issues identified by OtterSec and Zellic during their audit of LSM. Note that none of the identified issues are critical.
  • CometBFT to v0.38.15.
  • IBC to v8.5.2.
  • wasmd to v0.53.2.

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v22.0.0-rc0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.


21 Nov 10:20
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Gaia v21.0.1 Release Notes

📝 Changelog

Check out the changelog for a list of relevant changes or compare all changes from last release.

🚀 Highlights

This is a patch release in the v21.x series that bumps to v1.4.0 in order to address the security vulnerability described in the ASA-2024-010 advisory.

🔨 Build from source

You must use Golang v1.22 if building from source.

git clone
cd gaia && git checkout v21.0.1
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux, darwin, and windows are available below.