Welcome to the Developing .NET Apps on Azure labs.
These are hands-on resources to help you learn .NET on Azure.
- Create an Azure account
- Set up the AZ command line, Git and Docker
- Download your repo
- Open a terminal (PowerShell on Windows; any shell on Linux/macOS)
- Run:
git clone https://github.com/courselabs/dotnetaz.git
- Open the folder:
cd dotnetaz
- Optional
- Install Visual Studio Code (free - Windows, macOS and Linux) to browse the repo and documentation
- ACR Images
- Azure Container Instances
- Kubernetes 101
- Azure Kubernetes Service
- Storage and Configuration
- Ingress and Application Gateway
Created by @EltonStoneman (sixeyed): Freelance Consultant and Trainer. Author of Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches, Learn Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches and many Pluralsight courses.