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-# Simple Website Using Github Pages
-Make a simple HTML website and publish it using Github Pages.
-View example: https://cplmakerlab.github.io/simple-website-template/
-## Setup
-- Create a Github account (if you don't have one yet)
-- Fork this repository to copy it to your account, i.e. github.com/username/simple-website-template (you can rename it as well)
-- Make sure you see the gh-pages branch (it should be the default)
-- Edit website files on the gh-pages branch, then wait a minute or two for Github Pages to update and deploy your site.
-- View your site: https://username.github.io/simple-website-template
-## How does this work?
-This website template uses CSS & JS to hide and show different parts of index.html and uses Github Pages to render the website from the gh-pages branch.
-## Things to try
-- Edit index.html and change the title of the page (both ```
``` in the header and `````` in the body)
-- Upload your own logo.jpg and background.jpg images to overwrite the default images.
-- Edit index.html and change the content displayed in home, about, and contact.
-- Edit index.html and change the content in the footer region.
-- Edit style.css and change the link color and font style.
-- Update the metadata in the header portion of index.html (this is used by search engines and browsers).
-## Common tags
-Element | Tag | Example usage
---- | --- | ---
-Header | h1 | ```Title of page
-Link | a | ```Check out this link```
-Image | img | ```
-Paragraph | p | ```
This is a new paragraph.
-Line break | br | ```This is the first line of a poem.
This second line will appear below the first. ```
-## Further reading
-### Where can I learn more about HTML, CSS, JS, and webdevelopment in general?
-Check out Mozilla Developers Network (https://developer.mozilla.org). They have lots of good resources, tips, and tutorials to further your knowledge.
-### Can I configure a custom domain for my site, i.e. johnnymakerportfolio.com?
-Yes! Github Pages supports [custom domain configuration](https://help.github.com/en/github/working-with-github-pages/configuring-a-custom-domain-for-your-github-pages-site). However, you will need to buy a domain name from a registrar such as [NameCheap](https://www.namecheap.com/) or [Gandi](https://www.gandi.net/) -- the cost is usually around $10 - $15 a year.
-### Can I add tracking?
-Yes! You can embed Google Analytics to see who is visiting your site.
-### Can I add a blog, etc?
-Not really. This template works best for simple sites. For a simple blog check out [Jekyll, which is a static site generator that also works on Github pages](https://help.github.com/en/github/working-with-github-pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-site-with-jekyll). For more functionality, you will probably need a content management system (CMS) such as [Wordpress](https://wordpress.com), [Drupal](http://drupal.org), or [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com). A CMS will require additional setup and a website host, such as [Dreamhost](https://www.dreamhost.com/).
-### Can I sell products or add a store?
-Not easily, but if you are determined you can add Paypal buttons or something like [SnipCart](https://snipcart.com/). If you are interested in selling many products online or need a full store, check out Woocommerce, BigCartel, Shopify, or Etsy.
-### Can I make separate HTML files for each page?
-Yes, you can use Javascript AJAX calls to pull in external content into your index.html page. See script.js for more details.
-### I heard I need to be using XYZ framework (Bootstrap, React, etc).
-Web technology changes rapidly, and it easy to get lost in the hype. Learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JS is a good place to start. From there, you can explore different frameworks and libraries to see what interests you.
-### I don't want to write code or deal with website hosting. Are there any website builders you recommend?
-- Google Sites (free)
-- Squarespace
-- Wix
-- Strikingly (free tier includes single product store)
-- Big Cartel, Shopify, Etsy (e-commerce)
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