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Test Impact Analysis in Teamscale


Regression testing is typically done in a retest-all strategy, even if most of the tests are irrelevant when only considering a given small change. By collecting data of which test executes which part of the system we can find out which tests are actually impacted by a given change. More concrete this means we have to gather coverage information per test case.

Teamscale with its Test Impact Analysis augments this data with source code change information and calculates the impacted tests for one or more changes. It's then the responsibility of the test framework to execute only those.

High level view on the API

1. Upload Test Details and query impacted tests

Impacted tests can be queried via the Test Impact REST-API, which returns a list of tests that should be executed to test recent changes. The API can be called as GET or PUT method. The GET method uses only tests that are already known to Teamscale from previous test runs. The PUT method allows to send a list of currently available tests to Teamscale and therefore to pick up new tests on the go.

For both methods a branch and timestamp must be given, which specifies the code version that the tests are about to be executed for.

2. Upload TESTWISE_COVERAGE report

During the test execution the coverage produced by each test case has to be saved separately. After the execution the collected testwise coverage needs to be converted to the following format. If possible the covered lines can already be compressed to method level, but this step is optional and only needed in order to reduce the file size of the final report.

  "tests": [
      "uniformPath": "com/example/project/JUnit4Test/systemTest",
      "sourcePath": "com/example/project/JUnit4Test",
      "duration": 0.025,
      "result": "PASSED",
      "paths": [
          "path": "com/example/project",
          "files": [
              "fileName": "",
              "coveredLines": "20-24,26,27,29"
              "fileName": "",
              "coveredLines": "26-28"
      "uniformPath": "com/example/project/JUnit4Test/notExecutedTest",
      "sourcePath": "com/example/project/JUnit4Test"
      "uniformPath": "com/example/project/JUnit5Test/failedTest()",
      "sourcePath": "com/example/project/JUnit5Test",
      "duration": 0.045,
      "result": "ERROR",
      "message": "Some error"
      "uniformPath": "com/example/project/JUnit5Test/skippedTest()",
      "result": "SKIPPED"

The report can be uploaded to Teamscale via the Report Upload REST-API by specifying TESTWISE_COVERAGE as report format.

Rest API

To authorize the request Teamscale requires you to use Basic Authentication. This means that the request should contain an Authentication header with the content Basic followed by a Base64 encoded version of userName:userAccessToken.

The partition parameters in the requests refers to a set of tests and there coverage respectively. In most cases this refers to the type of test e.g. "Unit Test" or "UI Test". It's important to note that reports uploaded to the same partition will overwrite existing data in this partition.

Test Impact

Returns the tests, which should be executed for the given set of changes. The set of changes is described by two commits: The baseline commit and the end commit. All code changes after the baseline (exclusive) and before end (inclusive) are considered. Also tests which have been changed in between are considered for execution.

The Accept and Content-Type headers should be set to application/json for this request.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Parameters

    projectName Project identifier within Teamscale

  • Query Parameters

    baseline=[timestamp] (optional) The baseline timestamp. A long value of the timestamp in milliseconds. Only changes to the code after the baseline will be considered for execution. If not specified all not yet covered changes will be considered.

    end=[branch]:[timestamp] Identifies the commit that has been used to build the system that we are about to test.

    partitions=[string] (optional) The partition to get impacted tests for. Multiple partitions could be specified as a comma separated list (Not recommended). If no partition is given all existing partitions are used.

    prioritizationStrategy=[string] (optional) The strategy used to order the impacted tests. Can be one of: NONE, FULLY_RANDOM, RANDOM_BUT_IMPACTED_FIRST, ADDITIONAL_COVERAGE_PER_TIME (default)

    includeNonImpacted=true|false (optional) Whether non impacted tests should be included in the result. (Default is false)


  • URL Parameters

    projectName Project identifier within Teamscale

  • Body

    "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit5Test/myFirstTest"
    "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit4Test/testAdd"
    "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit4Test/systemTest"
  • uniformPath Is a file system like path, which is used to uniquely identify a test within Teamscale and should be chosen accordingly. It is furthermore used to make the set of tests hierarchically navigable within Teamscale.
  • sourcePath (optional) Path to the source of the method if the test is specified in a programming language and is known to Teamscale. Will be equal to uniformPath in most cases, but e.g. in JUnit @Test annotated methods in a base class will have the sourcePath pointing to the base class, which contains the actual implementation, whereas uniformPath will contain the class name of the most specific subclass from where it was actually executed.
  • content (optional) Identifies the content of the test specification. This can be used to indicate that the specification of a test has changed and therefore should be re-executed. The value can be an arbitrary string value e.g. a hash of the test specification or a revision number of the test.
  • Query Parameters

    baseline=[timestamp] (optional) The baseline timestamp. A long value of the timestamp in milliseconds. Only changes to the code after the baseline will be considered for execution. If not specified all not yet covered changes will be considered.

    end=[branch]:[timestamp] Identifies the commit that has been used to build the system that we are about to test.

    partitions=[string] (optional) The partition to get impacted tests for. Multiple partitions could be specified as a comma separated list (Not recommended). If no partition is given all existing partitions are used.

    prioritizationStrategy=[string] (optional) The strategy used to order the impacted tests. Can be one of: NONE, FULLY_RANDOM, RANDOM_BUT_IMPACTED_FIRST, ADDITIONAL_COVERAGE_PER_TIME (default)

    includeNonImpacted=true|false (optional) Whether non impacted tests should be included in the result. (Default is false)

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
      Content: Returns a list of tests.
          "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit5Test/myFirstTest",
          "testSelectionReason": "COVERS_CHANGES",
          "partition": "Unit Tests",
          "durationInMs": 5
          "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit4Test/testAdd",
          "testSelectionReason": "PREVIOUSLY_FAILED_OR_SKIPPED",
          "partition": "Unit Tests",
          "durationInMs": 3
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
      Content: failure

Report Upload

Allows to upload external reports to Teamscale.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Params

    projectName Project identifier within Teamscale

  • Query Params

    format=[TESTWISE_COVERAGE, JUNIT, JACOCO, GCOV, ...] The format of the uploaded report

    t=[branch]:[timestamp] Identifies the commit which is associated with the upload (e.g. the commit for which coverage has been collected)

    adjusttimestamp=[true or false] (optional) Increases the timestamp in case a commit at the same time already exists.

    movetolastcommit=[true or false] (optional) Moves the timestamp right after the last commit.

    partition=[string] The partition to upload the report to. This typically identifies a set of tests e.g. "Unit Tests".

    message=[string] The commit message to show for this artificial report commit.

  • Data Params (Multipart form data)

    report The UTF-8 encoded content of the report file.

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
      Content: success
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 404 NOT FOUND
      Content: failure


    • Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
      Content: failure

Getting a testwise coverage report

For Gradle based builds using JUnit 5 as test framework, there is a plugin that handles most of the complexity to get testwise coverage (see teamscale-gradle-plugin/ for more details).

For other JVM-based systems the Teamscale JaCoCo Agent can be used to generate coverage per test case. The generated exec file can be augmented with test execution information to build a full testwise coverage report.

Three artifacts are needed:

  • a list of all tests as json list. The filename must start with test-list and have a .json file extension.

        "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit5Test/myFirstTest"
        "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit4Test/testAdd"
        "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit4Test/systemTest"
    • uniformPath Is a file system like path, which is used to uniquely identify a test within Teamscale and should be chosen accordingly. It is furthermore used to make the set of tests hierarchically navigable within Teamscale.
    • sourcePath (optional) Path to the source of the method if the test is specified in a programming language and is known to Teamscale. Will be equal to uniformPath in most cases, but e.g. in JUnit @Test annotated methods in a base class will have the sourcePath pointing to the base class, which contains the actual implementation, whereas uniformPath will contain the class name of the most specific subclass from where it was actually executed.
    • content (optional) Identifies the content of the test specification. This can be used to indicate that the specification of a test has changed and therefore should be re-executed. The value can be an arbitrary string value e.g. a hash of the test specification or a revision number of the test.
  • a list of test execution results. The filename must start with test-execution and have a .json file extension.

         "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit5Test/myFirstTest",
         "duration": 0.001,
         "result": "ERROR",
         "message": "<stacktrace>"
         "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit4Test/testAdd",
         "duration": 0.015,
         "result": "PASSED"
         "uniformPath": "com/example/JUnit4Test/systemTest",
         "result": "IGNORED",
         "message": "Flickers"
    • result can be one of:
      • PASSED Test execution was successful.
      • IGNORED The test is currently marked as "do not execute" (e.g. JUnit @Ignore or @Disabled).
      • SKIPPED Caused by a failing assumption.
      • FAILURE Caused by a failing assertion.
      • ERROR Caused by an error during test execution (e.g. exception thrown).
    • duration must be given in seconds
  • one or more coverage files with coverage per test (See agent/README -> Testwise coverage mode). The files must have an .exec file extension.

The above mentioned information can be converted into a single report with the Teamscale JaCoCo agent's convert tool (with option --testwise-coverage enabled). See it's help command for detailed argument information. The input files can be one or more directories that contain the files with the specified file name conventions.