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Releases: creativeprojects/resticprofile


23 Jun 16:34
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Bug fix release

This release changes the way the restic binary is searched:

  • restic binary path in global configuration can now contain the ~ character like ~restic/bin/restic
  • if you specified a path in the global configuration and it cannot find the file, a warning will be displayed and resticprofile will keep trying to find a suitable binary


4686dd2 use shell to resolve special paths with ~
823304a warning when the restic-binary was not found

Docker images

  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:0.14.1


11 May 20:41
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Release 0.14.0

  • New locking/unlocking features. Thanks jkellerer for the PR


331b710 Added resticprofile flags --no-lock & --lock-wait (#33)
7fc5b3a Summary from plain output when not run in terminal (#48)
b7edeb5 Updated contrib script systemd/ (#49)
fa42cf2 add macOS arm64 target to script
a87f76d add token as an environment variable

Docker images

  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:latest
  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:0.14.0


20 Apr 21:06
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This version fixes a defect where extended status wasn't returning the extended information on Windows.


cab8909 add Homebrew Tap (#45)
794f404 add github token in config
5e06dbd fix test too slow on build agent
2f79a46 fix windows bogus prefix (#47)

Docker images

  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:latest
  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:0.13.2


26 Mar 16:43
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Bug fix:

  • regression from v0.13.0: a message was sent to stderr when initialize parameter was set and the repository already exists


02e6414 Increase test coverage (#40)
d64dc4f fix #41: a message was sent to stderr when parameter initialize=true and repo exists

Docker images

  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:latest
  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:0.13.1


24 Mar 15:42
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This version adds two new features:

  • parameter no-error-on-warning to consider a backup successful when restic produced a new snapshot but some files were missing (
  • resticprofile now catches the error output (stderr) to be written in the status file, also makes the environment variable RESTIC_STDERR available to the targets run-after-fail.


8968e33 add RESTIC_STDERR env variable to run-after-fail
6b7dea4 quick implementation of ignore warning
833d24d quick mock to do some testing with a fake restic
3c54cc6 returns stderr output in the status file

Docker images

  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:latest
  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:0.13.0


18 Mar 16:20
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This release mainly brings 2 new features and a few enhancements:

  • add support for --all in status, schedule, unschedule commands
  • add backup statistics to the status file (via a new extended-status flag)


237a87f Add backup statistics in status file (#36)
6622a39 Added fail env variable ERROR_COMMANDLINE (#32)
0887354 Added support for --all to status & (un)schedule (#31)
16e6c19 Enhanced "unschedule" to remove all possible jobs (#28)
47489a2 add profile name when running status --all
01ae05a fix an issue where status --all was stopping at the first profile with no schedule
f50131b update goreleaser config to v0.154
c700d60 upgrade packages
4569f0d upgrade self-update library
7eb663d use go 1.16

Docker images

  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:latest
  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:0.12.0


20 Jan 10:29
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  • detect systemd using systemctl: #25
  • add experimental support for scheduling tasks with crond
  • add support for background tasks on Mac OS via a new schedule-priority parameter
  • add support for scheduling forget and prune commands


Scheduling in the retention section is now deprecated, please use the forget section instead (#23)


be72758 Add background types and low priorityIO to launchd plist (#19)
d0de636 Add support for scheduling forget (#26)
ec02310 Added prune as supported, schedulable command (#24)
8f48acf Move CI build from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
2e1564a Refactoring schedule package (#30)
8fd7a2e Schedule priority (#29)
b8c3e6a add crond support to unix targets (except macOS)
3e93f45 add deprecation notice for schedule on retention
4b815f2 add docker build to goreleaser
5830a34 add pre-release parameter to self-update
a8939ed add schedule-priority parameter
641dc91 add working directory to crontab line
08141a3 allow verbose flag after the command
2a6b0c0 display systemd timer status in a nicer way also display log >= "warning" instead of "err"
a19f124 move other-flags before the sub-sections
967c4a8 refactor show command to remove empty lines
6544052 search for systemctl instead of systemd
c406e80 upgrade clog package

Docker images

  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:latest
  • docker pull creativeprojects/resticprofile:0.11.0


17 Nov 12:23
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This update changes the way systemd units are generated:
These used to be of type oneshot but it means they can be started more than once.
They have been changed to notify which is like simple but resticprofile is notifying systemd that the schedule has started and stopped.

To change the type on your existing schedules, you'll need to run the commands unschedule and schedule again.


ba711f2 change systemd unit to "notify"
9f2edb8 update packages verify self-update binary using checksums.txt file
cff661b update restic to 0.11.0 in docker image


12 Nov 15:07
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New resticprofile version with bug fixes and a big new feature:

  • fix --exclude and --iexclude parameters in unix environment not properly escaping ? and * characters
  • don't escape (space) if already escaped
  • self-update now works on ARM CPUs (like raspberry pi)
  • configuration files can embed Go templates for modularity

I think it is now feature complete for a version 1.0 😄


e2047e0 Escape exclude globs passed to /sh
be97fae add proper character escaping: - count the number of \ in front - do not escape it again if it was already escaped
b30cbe5 change self-updater library to work with ARM cpus
8d95c1e detect arm version from runtime internal register
c9b0c34 new version of the updater
604da32 put armv7 target back
836cbae squash merge of branch config-single-template: add templating and variable expansion
f177173 upgrade clog package
48cf85e upgrade selfupdate package


02 Nov 22:14
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A few minor features and bug fixes:

  • add version command
  • add force-inactive-lock flag in profiles


ca6ff07 Add "option" in example configurations in README and azure.conf fixes #13
06f98e9 Add version command
f3aa7b9 add tests on set and get PID from lock file
cd10c9d remove openbsd from goreleaser library cannot be compiled for openbsd
8c07f35 squash merge of branch pid: should fix #14
618be92 use go 1.15 for ci builds
94f0ef1 write down child PIDs in lock file