Athough I've seen some Emerson templates, none of them worked with my UPS GXT3-XXXXX. So I created this template with lld for the UPS outputs and some itens that I usually need (like % Load).
It's basic but can help someone in need some day.
Battery Charge Status, Battery Charge Remaining %, Battery Voltage, System Info (Contact, Uptime, Serial, Firmware and etc), Output Load and Input Voltage
ps: There's a macro for SNMP community, so you might want to change it.
Tested in Zabbix 3.4.3
Embora eu já tenha visto alguns templates de No-Breaks Emerson na internet, nenhum deles funcionou com meu equipamento (modelo GXT3-XXXX). Então eu criei este template com lld para descobrir as saidas e criar as % de carga de cada saída.
É um template básico mas pode ajudar alguém algum dia.
Carga de Bateria, Status da Bateris, Carga Restante (em %), Carga Restante (em min), Voltagem da Bateria, Informações do Equipamento (Nome, Tempo sem desligar, número de série, versão do firmware e etc), Carga de Saida e Tensão de Entrada.
Obs: Há uma macro criada para a community do SNMP, então talvez você queira alterar.
Luiz Fernando Gondin Santos
Luiz Fernando Gondin
Name | Description | Default | Type |
public |
Text macro |
There are no template links in this template.
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
UPS Load Output | Output Load Discovery |
SNMP agent |
upsOutputPercentLoad Update: 30s |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
System Location | - |
SNMP agent |
sysLocation Update: 1m |
System Firmware Version | - |
SNMP agent |
lgpAgentIdenFirmwareVersion Update: 1m |
System Serial Number | - |
SNMP agent |
lgpAgentIdenSerialNumber Update: 1m |
System Description | - |
SNMP agent |
sysDescr Update: 1m |
Battery Charge Remaining | - |
SNMP agent |
upsEstimatedChargeRemaining Update: 1m |
Ups Output Voltage | - |
SNMP agent |
upsConfigOutputVoltage Update: 30s |
System Manufacturer | - |
SNMP agent |
lgpAgentIdenManufacturer Update: 1m |
System Network Card Model | - |
SNMP agent |
lgpAgentIdenModel Update: 1m |
Battery Voltage | - |
SNMP agent |
upsBatteryVoltage Update: 30s |
System Uptime | - |
SNMP agent |
sysUpTime Update: 1m |
Battery Status | - |
SNMP agent |
upsBatteryStatus Update: 30s |
System Name | - |
SNMP agent |
sysName Update: 1m |
System Contact | - |
SNMP agent |
sysContact Update: 1m |
Ups Input Voltage | - |
SNMP agent |
upsConfigInputVoltage Update: 30s |
Output Source | - |
SNMP agent |
upsOutputSource Update: 30s |
Ups Auto Restart | - |
SNMP agent |
upsAutoRestart Update: 30s |
System Model | - |
SNMP agent |
upsIdenModel Update: 1m |
Battery Time Remaining | - |
SNMP agent |
upsEstimatedMinutesRemaining Update: 1m |
Output Load at Line {#SNMPINDEX} | Discovered Output Load Percentual |
SNMP agent |
ups.Output.Percentload.[{#SNMPINDEX}] Update: 30s LLD |
There are no triggers in this template.