Termplate para monitoramento de impressoras Brother.
Testado nos modelos 8912DW e HL5452.
Fernando Lozer
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Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Consumables | - |
SNMP agent |
consumablesID Update: 60 |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Vida Útil restante do Cilindro | - |
SNMP agent |
. Update: 3600 |
HTTP Check | - |
Simple check |
net.tcp.service[http] Update: 30 |
Localização | - |
SNMP agent |
sysLocation.0 Update: 3600 |
Contato | - |
SNMP agent |
sysContact.0 Update: 3600 |
Contador de Páginas | - |
SNMP agent |
. Update: 3600 |
Número de Série | - |
SNMP agent |
. Update: 3600 |
Status do Equipamento | - |
SNMP agent |
. Update: 3600 |
Modelo | - |
SNMP agent |
hrDeviceDescr.1 Update: 3600 |
Print Spooler Check | - |
Simple check |
net.tcp.service[tcp,,515] Update: 30 |
JetDirect Check | - |
Simple check |
net.tcp.service[tcp,,9100] Update: 30 |
$1 Current Capacity | - |
SNMP agent |
ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}] Update: 30 LLD |
$1 Max Capacity | - |
SNMP agent |
ConsumableMaxCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}] Update: 30 LLD |
$1 Calculated Capacity (current/max) | Depending on the consumable (toner vs drum/belt) this calculation will return a particular percentage. Drum Units & Belt Units return integer values that can be used in calculations to determine a percentage of how much of the unit is remaining. Max "status" is stored in the MIB and is used in the calculation. Toner consumables return the follow codes: -3 = Level Okay -2 = Low Warning (equivalent to “max status”) 0 = Critical/empty Toner possibilities for calculations of current / max * 100 -3 / -2 * 100 = 150% -2 / -2 * 100 = 100% 0 / -2 * 100 = 0% The calculations above are used in the triggers to make it very straight forward on determining if a toner is low or not. |
Calculated |
CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}] Update: 30 LLD |
Name | Description | Expression | Priority |
{HOSTNAME} {#SNMPVALUE} - Critical: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} | Checks if at "critical" level for Toners (code = 0) or drum/belt (<10%) |
Expression: last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])<10 or last(/Brother Printers/ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}])=0 Recovery expression: |
high |
{HOSTNAME} {#SNMPVALUE} - Low Warning: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} | Checks if at "warning" level for Toners (code = -2) or drum/belt (>10% & <30%) |
Expression: last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])>10 and last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])<30 or last(/Brother Printers/ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}]) = -2 Recovery expression: |
warning |
{HOSTNAME} {#SNMPVALUE} - Critical: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} (LLD) | Checks if at "critical" level for Toners (code = 0) or drum/belt (<10%) |
Expression: last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])<10 or last(/Brother Printers/ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}])=0 Recovery expression: |
high |
{HOSTNAME} {#SNMPVALUE} - Low Warning: {ITEM.LASTVALUE} (LLD) | Checks if at "warning" level for Toners (code = -2) or drum/belt (>10% & <30%) |
Expression: last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])>10 and last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])<30 or last(/Brother Printers/ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}]) = -2 Recovery expression: |
warning |